learn to read. my sig says derep, not rep.
*points to toronto*
Yes .
You don't know the khv mods
orly ?
If he wasn't a pervert, he wouldnt be as entertaining lol
Neither toshi nor xendran would ever post something like this.
Funny thing is, Xendran is often nice to the people he actually knows/is meeting for the first time. lol. He tends to purposely piss off everybody else out of boredom.
He blocks people that he doesnt care about.
If you by any chance have a backwards compatible ps3, you can play burned ps2 games on it as long as you can swap discs without hitting eject
no lol
If we win
I did hunter on my second. and DEREP NOT REP >.<
The funny thing is, this game is actually extremely fun. Also @ K'nuckles, you can complain about the videos when you can do better than the people that make them. Like GHP and Shade.
If you get demon's souls be prepared to die. ALOT. And im not saying that if you suck you will die, i mean no matter what you WILL die quite a few times. Especially if youre a first time player using a hunter.
you didnt effect my rep, you grayboxed xD
whats your psn
Because you can totally break a penis
So like, did he get the name squishy from problems in bed?
-1,500 rep is what i need xD