Library: Naoto smiled at her senpai's old unfailing confidence. "Of course, Senpai." A thought dawned on her and she turned to Teddie, "That's right...Teddie, if you would do me a favor. While I was researching the school's history, I found something interesting about those Apathy cases. There's a guy that was involved in the cases that was hospitalized. He recently was released but I haven't been able to find him and question him. His name is Shinjiro Aragaki. If my hunch is correct...he's also a Persona-user like us and Ms. Yamagishi."
Reserving: Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!) Shinra Kishitani (Durarara!!) Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basket) Midorima Shintaro (Kuroko no Basket) Kise Ryota (Kuroko no Basket) Hyuga Junpei (Kuroko no Basket) Izuki Shun (Kuroko no Basket) Kagami Taiga (Kuroko no Basket) Aida Riko (Kuroko no Basket)
Hospital: Akihiko stood as soon as Doctor Hu entered. When asked how he found Minako, Akihiko paused. If he told an ordinary human that Mitsuru had located Minako's presence using a Persona...he wouldn't believe him. "I... You wouldn't believe me even if I told you." Brushing strands of brown hair away from Minako's forehead affectionately, Akihiko firmly kept his grip on her hand, "Minako and I went to school together a few years back. I', her boyfriend." His face turned scarlet as he spoke and subconsciously squeezed her hand tighter. "'re hurting my hand." Startled, Akihiko loosened his grip and smiled brightly as Minako woke up. "Minako...! You've no idea how happy I am to hear those words." She smiled before noticing Doctor Hu. "Oh, this is Doctor Hu... They're going to keep you for observations for a while. You really scared us, Minako. Oh, right..." Akihiko returned his attention to Hu, "This white haired man had kidnapped Minako. At least...that's what I was told. I didn't get there soon enough to be of any help. There were other kids in this old building and --" "I'm sure it'll all be in the police report." Turning to the door, Akihiko's gray eyes landed on a sophisticated red-haired young woman wearing a school uniform. "Mitsuru! Why are you here? I thought you said you couldn't leave the company yet." Mitsuru folded her arms under her chest, "I managed to finish thing up quickly when I heard what happened. Minako...I'm glad you're safe. You look well." Minako smiled at her red-haired senpai. "Senpai...Thanks. You told Aki where I was, didn't you." She blushed, hiding behind her red hair, "W-Well...when I heard you were back...and alive but kidnapped right away, I just couldn't sit still. Akihiko's been worried sick about you. Everyone's missed you" "Minato was...hurt. Ah, Doctor is he alright? My brother...he came for me...he's alright, isn't he?" Mitsuru turned around and waved a pair of nurses wheeling a bed into the room, "Minato sustained an you're aware, but his surgery was a success. The doctor in charge of him said he was in no danger now." The bed was set up next to Minako's, but the patient lying in the bed was fast asleep. Mitsuru gently brushed blue hair out of his eyes and sighed, "I should go... Minato won't wake for a while and I still have a lot of things to arrange with the Group. Doctor," Mitsuru turned to face Hu, her attitude completely business, "Please send the bills for both Arisato siblings to the Kirijo Group. Be sure to give them the best attention available." Akihiko shook his head as she turned on her heel and left the room. "Same Mitsuru..." Yashamaru quietly entered the room after Mitsuru left, followed by Jushiro and Kakashi. "Oh...Hu, wow...there's a lot of people in this room. So...let's see if I have everyone's names straight. I know our patient, Minato..." He patted Minako's head, "You must be Minato's two look so much alike." She rolled crimson eyes and Yashamaru scratched his head as he stared at Akihiko, "So you're...a friend of the family?" "Uh...something like that." "I'm Aki's girl." Akihiko blushed and scowled at her, "Don't say it like that!" Smiling gently, Yashamaru quietly admired their bond, "Ah, young love. It's nice." Kakashi set a hand on his shoulder, "'re getting off topic. Miss Arisato, do you remember what happened before you were taken to that building?" Akihiko stood up, already on guard, "You can question her later! She needs her rest." Kakashi ignored the boxing champion and focused on Minako's thoughtful expression, "I...was unpacking in my new dorm. Minato was going to come by later to do the same. I got a funny call before hand... This guy said he understood my pain and that we should disappear together...and then hung up. Then that guy wearing black kidnapped me. He didn't sound the same as the one on the phone so...I don't think he knew who I was." Kakashi rummaged through her clothes before pulling out her red cell phone and flicking through the recent calls. It was the only unnamed call in her history, but it was familiar to him. "Izaya Orihara...that b@stard." CPU's Residence: Kuro dragged Belle forcibly away from Virus and into Histoire's room. Unfortunately, Virus followed them, still smiling happily. "Hello Histoire, it's nice to see you again. I'm actually glad you called....I thought I'd lost you long ago." Belle scowled at him. "Maybe I should leave it to Histoire to memory's a little iffy..." His phone started to buzz and Virus sighed. "I'll be back..." Flipping open the light green phone, Virus began to quietly speak as he left the room. Shibuya: Izaya stared a the cocoon for a while, his hands hovering around it, "This is freaky. These will also be S-Types... Born from a cocoon-egg. I didn't actually question how an S-Type was created...I just figured it was some black magic ritual, but now that I think about it, it does sound a bit far-fetched." He glanced at the crystal in his hand, dangling from the brown string he'd wrapped around it in a makeshift necklace, "I don't suppose you're going to talk anymore, are you? Not that I'd like to stand around chatting with someone as predictable as you." Sliding open his cell, Izaya scrolled through the numbers until he found the one he was looking for and pressed call. The other line picked up almost before the first ring could even begin, "As prompt as ever. I'm impressed." Of course, he was lying. "You're lying, again." Izaya blinked a few times and sighed inwardly. Hiding any sort of lie from this person was difficult...perhaps because he wasn't human. "Heh...color me embarrassed to be caught in such an obvious lie. I need you down here in Shibuya." Silence. "Don't sound so worried. It's not like I've planned anything dangerous. Honestly, all I need you to do is guard something of mine for a while." "Something of yours?" Izaya smiled and in a few short seconds, his pale white guest stood in front of him. Ulquiorra Cifer, dressed in pure white and black, stood before Izaya, one hand in pocket and the other holding a black cell phone at his side. His green eyes landed on the cocoon, "Is that what you were referring to? I didn't think this was how you humans reproduce." Biting back a clearly annoyed retort, Izaya slid his phone back into his jacket pocket,"I have something else to attend to... Oh...this might sound a little out of character for me but...that thing won't be human, so naturally you'd assume it held little interest to me. But it does. These little crystals play a part in eliminating some key players in my war." Disappearing into the crowded streets of Shibuya, Izaya happily hummed the theme from One Piece, leaving Ulquiorra standing quietly beside the cocoon. "For a human...his psychological barriers are strong...but his obsession with these things seems like it would hinder him more than aid him." Shepard's Apartment: Nihlus caught Wrex's stare and returned it, lifting his chin with the old authority and confidence of a Spectre. "Something you need, Krogan?" Tali and Thane fell silent. The Krogan had a long standing hatred of Salarians and Turians but that semi-ended when Shepard cured the Genophage. Mordin, blind of the tension as he focused on his work, wandered between the two and lifted one finger into the air, "Ah-ha! Found common similarity. Should've noticed sooner. Dual-patch type scan. Not found in human or Salarian database. Ran search through broader range. One name found with matching medical procedure. Senjumaru Shutara. Old human...classified as Shinigami. Hmm...can't be right. Shinigami not exist in this plane of existence. Must be flaw in system." Tali leaned against the counter, "Of course that's a flaw. There's no way a Shinigami would save someone. They don't even exist...right?" At that moment, a voice came from the speaker on Shepard's land line, "That's not entirely true." Thane tilted his head, "Doctor T'Soni...a pleasure to hear from you." "As to you, Thane. My network picked up information regarding a Turian Spectre on Earth. Naturally I assumed Shepard would be there. When I dug further for information, I found an info broker relatively close-by that knew quite a lot regarding his condition. Soul Reapers...that's what aided your Turian Spectre. Not exactly the kind of Shinigami you read about in folklore. If you want to find Senjumaru Shutara, you'd have better luck locating another Soul Reaper. I've already uploaded several coordinates to your phones. As for my absence...I'm sorry, Shepard, but there is still a lot for me to do before I meet up with you again. Earth is one of the planets my connections run low on. Establishing connections in Tokyo is proving rather difficult. There is someone named Izaya Orihara who is blocking me. Alien agents are found easily and human agents all seem to fear this man for some reason. Perhaps you'd have better luck helping me out by finding a man named Shizuo Heiwajima and asking him to bring you to Mr. Orihara. If it's you, Shepard...I'm sure you can reason with him into giving me a little space."
Library: Naoto's mind focused intensely on Yu's question. A team... It was possible and highly likely. But...who would they have fought against? Everyone on Yu's team obtained a Persona because they were thrown into the TV world. Did the TV world exist outside of Inaba...? "We're not going to get any clear answers with just speculation. I'm hoping Yamagishi will appear at the memorial. Then I can question her." Naoto spoke like it was a matter of life and death to question Fuuka. Sighing, she turned aside, "I wonder what it means... Summoning Persona's outside of the TV world. Does that mean that there's another thing we need to fight?" Shibuya: Izaya blinked in surprise and caught a glance at the glowing crystal. He knew it was a good idea to keep it on him. This crystal...his trump card...what was it going to show him? Straightening and turning around, Izaya waved over his shoulder to the group, "I had fun meeting you here, Kumo-ko." Happily skipping off, he slipped the crystal off of around his neck as he rounded a corner and into a darkened alley. Dangling the crystal in front of his face, he grinned, "So you finally speak. It's rude to keep someone waiting for so long, y'know," he shrugged, "Was there something you wanted, Mr. Crystal?" Spoiler Shikamaru stared off after Izaya as he skipped away. How could a guy like that be so carefree as to appear and suddenly leave like that? Turning to Fuuka as she sighed in relief. "Sorry about that, Fuuka. Izaya's always been a wild card. I didn't think we'd see him in Shibuya though. He usually sticks to Shinjuku." Shino nodded, "Don't forget, he visits Ikebukuro often also." Neji folded his arms, "That's right... The only thing that often keeps him out of Ikebukuro is Shizuo Heiwajima. But I haven't seen him in a while." Fuuka placed a hand on her heart and tried to calm her frayed nerves. "I'm fine, Shikamaru-san. But that man...his eyes. They were filled with such cold calculations. I've never seen anyone like that before. Who was that?" "Izaya Orihara. He's an information broker that originates in Shinjuku. It's bad news if he's out here. And the memorial is today..." CPU's House: Belle opened her mouth to console her sisters when the loud ring of the doorbell interrupted her. "Now who could that be at this time." Kuro slumped to the ground, unwilling to argue. Belle stood and moved to the door to head downstairs and answer the door when she heard the front door open on its own. Standing in the doorway was a familiar blond head. "Ah...Virus...!" Blue eyes lifted to the top of the stairs and met Belle's surprised gaze, "Hello there. I didn't realize you live here... Seems like Histoire has some interesting house guests." Belle scowled, "I'm sorry...why are you here? Mother never told us she was expecting company." Virus' pale blue eyes widened, "Mother...?" He seemed genuinely surprised. He lifted a hand to his face and held his head, "Of course...that makes sense... You were all so small I hardly remember any of your faces. I thought your names were familiar but Trip..." He continued to mumble to himself and Belle rushed down the stairs. Virus felt the sting of her palm against his cheek and his head snapped to the side, his cheek sporting a red hand print. "I suppose I deserved that." " my father...!? Unbelievable." Hospital: Operating room: Minato Arisato: Yashamaru glanced up at Hu and smiled, "I wasn't expecting you to scrub in....but I suppose I could use all the assistance I can get." He cast a glance at Minato's face, worried, and continued working. Things were progressing well. Yashamaru managed to stem the bleeding with Hu's help and nimbly repaired the damage done when the monitor beeped insistently. Looking up, he noticed Minato's heart rate was fluctuating, drastically slowing down. "What...?" Looking down at his work, there were no cuts...nothing wrong with him, yet his heart was stopping. "Start emergency CPR. Keep that heart beating. Stay with me, Minato." Under Yashamaru's palms as he began CPR, black markings snaked out along Minato's skin and wrapped around his palms. Yashamaru stared at the markings, his eyes following the chains of black to a large, black eye marked in the center of Minato's abdomen, directly below where he'd been stabbed. "A sealing jutsu...? But...what could be..." "Nothing. He is the seal. Ignore it. Finish the surgery." Yashamaru looked behind him at the man in the black suit. He hadn't spoken since he'd arrived but now...he was telling him to ignore the boy's failing vital signs? "If I ignore it, he'll die." "No...he won't. Minato Arisato can't die from a seal he created. I'll explain in more detail when you're finished, doctor. Just finish the surgery as if it's not happening." Frightened, Yashamaru hesitated and stopped CPR. It went against his teaching and everyone's medical knowledge but he'd never seen a seal like that before. Spoiler Minato's Dream: Touching his chest, Minato shut his eyes. "Aigis... I can't believe she'd go so far just to help me and Minako. Thanks...Aigis. I'm...sorry I put you through such pain. But telling you all about what we'd done...what good would it have done? We still had to prevent everyone's combined desires from bringing Nyx to the world. No one should have to die like that. Not knowing why..." Turning away from the pulsating egg-shaped light he knew as Nyx, Minato held his left hand aloft at his side as if he were holding someone else's hand as he faced the darkness. "Sis and I chose this. Because I want to keep everyone safe. Right, Minako?" Almost as if on cue, Minako appeared standing beside him, holding his hand tightly. "Right! Um...when do we get to eat?" Tilting his head, Minato allowed a small smile to curve the corners of his mouth up, "Soon..." Operating Room: The black markings faded away and Minato's vital signs returned to normal. It happened almost as quickly as it had started. Surprise....confusion...suspicion...and relief filled Yashamaru as he finished his work. Closing, there were surprisingly no problems. It wasn't like he'd wanted a problem to arise, but it was strange that after that frightening incident nothing else had happened. Stitching him up, Yashamaru half turned to question the man in the black suit, but he was gone. "This isn't normal... This kid can't be normal..." Young Lord Gaara appeared in Yashamaru's mind as he thought about the seal. Gaara had once had a Tailed Beast sealed inside caused a lot of problems for him, his father and the village. Though he was told Minato didn't have anything sealed inside still seemed like he felt another presence within the boy...or a few of them.
CPU Residence: Spoiler Belle frowned, sitting beside her sister, "My...that sounds horrific. But they seem alright now. Makes me wonder how much of their early childhood is repressed. Oh, those poor children." Kuro stood, her hands balled into fists, "Does that all know who our father is?! Ram and Rom know what he looks like?! Why weren't we told of this?!" Belle lowered her blue gaze, "Kuro-chan..." "Don't give me that! If they knew....if we'd known who he was, we could've found him by now! Painful or not, we should know who he is! That jerk has a lot to own up for." Belle fell silent. How else was she to respond to her sisters' pain. Obviously having a father meant more to Kuro than she wanted to admit. Library: Spoiler Naoto was initially surprised by the appearance of Teddie, especially since he was in his bear suit...but Yu's information about another Persona-User was more surprising. Putting a finger to her chin, Naoto reflected back on the news reports of a specific syndrome. "It's possible... A few years before the murders in Inaba drew me there, the news was filled with reports about something called "Apathy Syndrome". Supposedly, ordinary people disappear and be found a few days later unconscious and unresponsive. These people continued to be on the rise until the full moon passed. But they always started from Port Island. The following year, it stopped altogether so I wrote it off as a government secret. There were even several deaths...all of them written off as accidents or gang murders, but the bodies showed different signs of trauma. One casualty was the CEO of the Kirijo Group, Takeharu Kirijo. The news explained it as illness..." Naoto scowled at the computer screen, "Yamagishi...that name is most commonly found under a list of respected doctors. What's even more disturbing is that you were able to summon your Persona, Senpai. I haven't...though I've tried a number of times. Perhaps...the proximity to the other Persona-User brought about a change in the circumstances needed to summon it." Trailing off into speculation, Naoto lifted the small fox to her shoulder and met Yu's gaze, "It would be useful to find this girl and ask her directly about her Persona abilities. If she's like Rise-chan...and she can summon in the real world...then maybe my deductions about what happened outside of Inaba before the murders wasn't wrong. Adachi may have gotten his information from outside of Inaba. He could've witnessed the summoning of a Persona before he started throwing people into the TV." A chill ran down Naoto's spine at the thought of others having gone through the pain they went through. 'If that's true...we would've only been in middle school...during that time...' Hospital: Spoiler Doctors flooded the unloading area for the ambulances. Pulling Minato and Minako off the truck and wheeling them inside the hospital, they pushed Minato immediately into an emergency room for surgery and Minako into another. Akihiko stood between the two rooms feeling torn. Minako's condition was a mystery...but Minato needed someone to reassure him. He was the one with the wound in his chest. How could he choose between the love of his life and his friend that he'd shared the most painful times of his high school life with? Turning towards Minako's room, he passed by a man wearing a black suit. He patted him on the shoulder and moved in the opposite direction. Shocked, Akihiko turned, his gaze following the man as he headed towards Minato's operation room. "Keep her safe." he said as he entered the room, vanishing from Akihiko's sight. An illusion? Shaking off the thought, Akihiko hurried to Mianko's side. Operating Room: Minato Arisato: Scrubbing, Yashamaru internally worried. What was happening in the world that a high school boy would get stabbed all the way through his body...piercing through bones and anything in the way? The operation would be long and strenuous. For both him and the boy. Finished, he let the nurse slip gloves on him and tied back his mask. Stopping the bleeding came first...then repairing the damage....closing without trouble would be a blessing but it was unlikely. Yashamaru's eyes landed on a silver haired man wearing a black suit underneath the scrubs they'd made him wear. Who was this? The father...or a friend? Judging from his balled up fists, he must be close to the boy. Pushing it to the back of his mind, Yashamaru began the surgery. He glanced once at the boy's sleeping face and silently vowed he'd save him. "Stem the bleeding first. He's lost too much already, we can't allow him to bleed out what's left before we even get to repairing the damage done." Within Minato's Dream: Spoiler Spoiler The black and white tiled floor sped past and the blue door opened, blinding him with light for a moment. When the light wasn't the Velvet Room he arrived at....but the "End". The "heart" of Nyx stood before him, pulsating like it had the day he'd sealed it away. Fear ran cold in his veins, paralyzing his legs until a small, warm hand slipped into his. of her Persona's stood staring blankly at Nyx. Other hands clapped onto his shoulders and back, but he didn't need to turn around to know the Persona's that dwell in the sea of his soul stood behind him. Spoiler "I remember... One borrowed month... To keep my promise. So why am I alive today?" "Because your friends created another barrier. Erebus will never vanish completely...but they made a lot of people in the world realize that the End isn't something to wish for. Even I don't wish for it anymore." Minato's light blue eyes landed on a familiar face he thought he wouldn't see ever again after the battle against Nyx. "You shouldn't let yourself into other people's dreams, Pharos." A pale faced boy with curly black hair and luminous blue eyes wearing black and white striped clothes smiled before him. "How mean, Minato. We're friends, aren't we? But...I didn't think I'd see you again either. Spending all that time inside you...and Minako...I think something changed. After you defeated Nyx, I didn't want to leave you two. I became the person you see before you...Pharos." Skeptical, Minato looked around, "And where's Ryoji?" "I'm not sure..." He looked down at the ground, sadness in his blue eyes. "What do you mean, you don't know." "I only know that I separated a piece of my memories and consciousness from the whole before it vanished. I...don't remember what happened to the part of me called Ryoji. I only know that I'm here...and I have a piece of my overall power." Now Minato really wanted to know if Ryoji was alive as well. "This is just a's not like you're really here anymore." Pharos chuckled, "Just a dream for now. I wanted to see Minako in my real body first. She is...very dear to me now. But I thought I should tell you that your friends are very surprised you two are alive. They had no clue the seal would kill you...they didn't even know you sealed Nyx until..." Pharos briefly re-capped the events after Minato and Minako went to sleep to act as the seal against Nyx. "......" How could he say anything to that...? Aigis shouldn't have bothered... But as long as everyone was alright, it was fine. This one needed to die. "Not going to say anything? Was it really too much to take in? Hmmm...I wonder how anyone else would've handle the situation." "Thanks for the information but dwelling on the past isn't going to change what happened. I signed your contract...and I stand by what path I chose." His words seemed to make Pharos happier. "I'm glad to hear you say that. I was wondering if you still remembered. I wonder if Minako still remembers too..." "She does." "Then...I'll talk to you both when you wake up." He turned around, but hesitated in his step, "I remember....everything until I said goodbye and then it comes back again. Those memories belong to him. The time you spent with my other self remains with him. Remember...the trials of the heart can happen in an instant but have a grand effect on the reality around you." Before Minato could ask what he meant, he vanished into the darkness. Minako's Room: Spoiler Spoiler Several doctors and nurses held down the violently thrashing Minako, tying her legs and wrists to the bed to restrain her. Her eyes were blank when they were open as if she wasn't seeing the world around her but another reality. Akihiko assisted in restraining her. He clutched at one of her hands and held down her shoulders. For the boxing champ it was easy to hold Minako's slight figure down but she had the endurance of even the strongest Shadow. "Minako!" Her focus returned for a moment as she stared up at his face, "Aki..." Hope and joy swelled in his heart and just as quickly were shattered as she flatlined. Looking up at the monitor in disbelief, Akihiko's hands trembled as he held her hand. He was shoved aside as the doctors tore her uniform. A defibrillator was rolled up beside her. Minako's hand slipped from his grip and fell listlessly over the edge of the bed. The rest seemed to move by in a blur. Akihiko's entire world centered around this one girl and that world had been destroyed when she died a year ago along with her brother. He, Mitsuru, Fuuka and several others had wrecked their chance at getting anywhere after that. Instead they'd moved to Tokyo, to escape the memories, and to enroll in a private universal High School. Though their high school student life was just... "She's back! Wh-what the...?!" "What's wrong?" Pushing his way back to Minako, Akihiko's gray eyes found black markings twining their way around her hands, under the sleeves of her uniform and sinking into the very clear black eye on her abdomen. "What is that...? Minako...?" She gasped in a deep breath as if coming up for air from the sea and the marks vanished. Her crimson eyes landed on him and she smiled, "Aki...I'm so sorry I left you. Did we...keep our promise...?" Staring, wide-eyed at her, Akihiko couldn't form the words necessary to say and she fell unconscious. Doctors and nurse filed out of the room, sighing with exhaustion. Shibuya City, Tokyo: Spoiler Fuuka smiled and laughed as Kiba, Choji, Neji and Shino kept up a rather comical argument about Neji's list of items to purchase. Shikamaru, however, seemed to be lost in thought. " something wrong with Shikamaru-san? He's been rather quiet," she whispered to the four boys, halting their laughter. "Hmm... Oi, Shikamaru! Snap out of it!" Neji plugged one ear as Kiba shouted at Shikamaru, ultimately being ignored by the slacker shinobi. "I'm deaf...are you happy?" Fixing Kiba with a death glare, Neji reached out to Shikamaru. He caught his shoulder when Shikamaru suddenly stopped. "Shikamaru..?" Lifting his pale gaze, Neji found the last person he ever wanted to meet standing a few meters in front of them. "Long time no see." That mocking smile, those calculating red eyes and a voice that grated on his nerves. Izaya Orihara...everyone's worst nightmare....stood smiling at them, hands in pockets. " never showed up for our Shoji match yesterday." Kiba's eyes flicked to his friend. Was Shoji the only thing he thought about when around this guy? "Oh...was that yesterday? I had something funner to do." Shino lifted one finger to point out that funner wasn't a word when Shikamaru spoke, cutting him off, "Yeah?'s a drag keeping appointments with someone who doesn't show up." Izaya lifted his hands and shrugged, "Sorry, sorry.. Are you really that mad, Kumo-ko?" Shikamaru's fingers twitched, "I told you not to call me that." Neji, Choji, Kiba and Shino's eyes flicked back and forth between Shikamaru and Izaya as they exchanged heavy, silent threats with light and casual conversation. Leaning a bit to the left, Izaya's red gaze fixed on Fuuka. "And whom are you? I haven't see you around Kumo-ko before..." Pursing her lips, Fuuka wouldn't back away from this man's chilling gaze. "O-Oh... My name is Fuuka Yamagishi. Shikamaru-san is my friend. And you are?" Izaya's smile grew as he bounced in place and bowed dramatically, "Izaya Orihara, at your service. Fu-chan."
Library: Naoto was pulled from her thoughts by the beep of her watch and suddenly all thoughts about the questions that arose from Nintendo High vanished from her mind. She'd handmade her watch and another to tell where a certain someone was. Yu Narukami...her boyfriend...if he still felt the same way about her as when they'd parted at Inaba. He spoke right next to her and a scarlet blush spread across her cheeks. Turning in her chair to face him, all the things he'd ever said to her came rushing back to mind. He liked her voice higher... Lifting her chin, she spoke in a higher voice than normal, "H-Hello, Senpai. It's nice to see you, too. I'm glad you could make it." Remembering why she'd asked him here, Naoto waved to the screen and sighed, "I'm afraid I couldn't get much information. Everyone's even more tight-lipped than in Inaba and Tokyo is a much bigger place." Without noticing, Naoto had slipped into a business-like manner and her voice fell back into the register she was used to, "Those I managed to interview were evasive or claimed they didn't know anything. Though when I specifically mentioned the word "S-Type" their denials became much more feverish. I'll continue looking but..." she adjusted her hat, "Stay safe, Senpai. I don't know what I'd do if you were hurt because I couldn't find enough information fast enough." O-chan rubbed her head against Naoto's arm and stared up at Yu as if to say "reassure her". CPU's House: Belle arrived home after dropping off Watanuki and Doumeki at a street where they said they'd walk to Yuuko's shop. Oddly, Sasori escorted her to the front door. "Do you feel alright, Sasori-kun?" He stared blankly at her, "I'm fine. Listen, when school resumes, you cannot call me that. I'm not your friend, I'm not your buddy...I am your teacher." Belle frowned, "We won't be friends? But you seem like you need a friend." Sasori turned his head away from her and sighed, "I don't need friends. I have puppets... Just do your homework and pay attention in class and I won't be back here again." Walking back to his car, Belle weakly waved after him, "Poor Sasori-kun...he seems so lonely. I wonder what happened to him to make him so isolated." Opening the door, Belle padded up to her twin's room and smiled at the familiar gathering of her sisters, "Hello, ladies." Shepard's Apartment: Thane stared at Nihlus as the "dead" Spectre wandered around Shepard's apartment, examining several things. "Obviously he didn't die. Someone must have come after you and obtained his body. Perhaps Cerberus invested in more than just you, Shepard." Tali folded her arms and looked to Mordin, "Anything?" "Yes, of course. There's always something. Within Commander Shepard, a bar code of sorts. Strictly Cerberus. Clearly states bio-engineering was Cerberus made. Turian tissue much different from human. Amount of time spent without oxygen to brain remains same throughout species. Lack of memories not product of oxygen deprivation. Simply was not there. Couldn't have known." Tali sighed, "I meant anything on why he's still alive." Mordin shook his head and paced over to Nihlus, halting his progress of examining Shepard's things, "Subject doesn't appear to have bio-tech implants. A simple, no, no...not enough to halt excessive bleeding. Hmmm..." Mordin prodded Nihlus until the Spectre pushed his hands away, "I'm fine. I remember Saren. Though my back was turned, I remember encountering him on Eden Prime. Obviously, he shot me, because we discovered him working with the Geth. I was foolish to believe Saren was being mistakenly accused. He was my friend...I trusted him," Clasping his hands behind his back, Nihlus stood at perfect attention, "I've come to understand that Saren was apart of something dangerous and I'm glad the Council saw the potential I saw in you as well, Shepard. But you mentioned Reapers...? I thought the Geth were the problem." Mordin's omni-tool scanned Nihlus as he spoke. He chose to keep quiet when Nihlus asked about the Reapers and came to sit beside Shepard, bringing up a small screen showing a detailed picture of Nihlus' chest. There was clear indication he was shot but also marks from surgery. "Dual patch applied after surgery. Cauterization evident on blood vessels. Tissue organically grown... Very impressive. Ah, female..." Mordin stopped talking and his eyes traced the lines of scars that were inside Nihlus. With the pause, everyone became irritated, "What about a female?" "What? Oh.. Style of sutures clearly performed by female. Smaller gap, less likely for mistake or bleed-out." Tali waved towards Nihlus, "So he was fixed up by a woman...what does that matter? Shepard said he was clearly dead when they found him. How did he come back alive?" Mordin rubbed his head, "Not sure yet. More tests required." Abandoned Building: Minako's tears dripped onto her brother's face until he lifted a hand and wiped them away, "I'm...not leaving you, sis. You need to calm down...look...Sanada-senpai is here." Minako pried her gaze from her bleeding brother to the silver haired man holding her shoulders. "Aki..." He gave her a wry smile and covered her hands with one of his, "I've got a lot of questions for you both...but for now, I'm here for you. Minato...this is no time to wimp out and pass out." Rolling his eyes, Minato lifted a hand out to the empty space in front of him, "Not happening... Sorry..." He wasn't even looking at them. Minato's words weren't for his sister and Akihiko. Jushiro crouched beside them and grabbed Minato's hand, "The ambulance will be here soon. Kakashi, we should find a way out of this place." Nodding, Kakashi set the children up on their feet, "Can you three walk?" A black haired boy nodded, his yellow eyes bright, "I'm outta here. Pino...let's go. Um..." he stared at the other boy for a moment before grabbing his hand too, "Later." Pulling the boy along, the boy and Pino headed for the exit. The trio climbed over the blockade of rubble that blocked the stairs. Jushiro picked up Minato, "From that drop I'm guessing we'll have to climb up the stairs. Over all that rubble..." Kakashi nodded but before they could move, Minato's light blue eyes landed on Shiki, "Why...did you kidnap my sister...?" They paused, glaring daggers at Shiki. "Wasn't my idea. Albedo pays me for a number of odd jobs. I don't ask questions." "Minako's..." "Special," he finished, "I noticed. You and she possess a power that interests me. I look forward to when you're healed." Minako grit her teeth and lifted the gun to her head again, "You...! I'll...!!" She gasped, dropping the gun and clutching at her chest. "Minako?! Hey...!" Akihiko caught her as she collapsed, "Minako! What the hell is going on...?!" Jushiro uneasily followed the trio of children up the rubble filled stairs and found the ambulance waiting. Handing over Minato to them, he helped Akihiko up the last few steps and gave them Minako as well. "I'm going with them. Minako is..." Patting his shoulder, Jushiro smiled, "You don't need to explain. She's important to you." Climbing into the back of the ambulance, Akihiko, Minato and Minako were driven away to the hospital. Climbing up, Kakashi hung the upper half of his body as he stood with Jushiro on the sidewalk, "Whew...I thought those stairs would never end. I guess I'm a bit out of shape." Straightening, Kakashi pulled out his phone, "I should give Mitsuru a call..." He hesitated before dialing the number. Tokyo Streets: Fuuka walked quietly beside Tekken. "I wonder who that was...that feeling...I know I sensed it." Tekken frowned at her friend's ponderings. "I wonder why Lucia reverted back too." Tekken paused at a crossroads and pointed down the street, "I'll be going this way, Fuuka-chan. Um...thank you for helping out today! I don't think I could've found my friends without your help. Your power is really amazing." Fuuka blushed, " didn't really do that much. I'm grateful you asked me for my help... I just wish I could've done more to help." Hugging her, Tekken said goodbye and ran down the street, leaving Fuuka alone. But not for long. "Hm? Fuuka...? Are you out here by yourself?" Turning, Fuuka's eyes landed on five boys she knew quite well since coming to Tokyo. "Oh...Shikamaru-san!" Shikamaru rubbed the back of his head and waved to her. Hurrying behind Shikamaru came a boy with long brown hair, a boy riding a white dog, a boy wearing a hood and goggles and another boy with long, dark brown hair tied back. "Choji-kun, Kiba-kun, Shino-kun and Neji-kun. What are you all doing out here?" Choji's eyes widened as he spotted Fuuka, "AH...Fuuka-chan! Long time no see!" Kiba grinned as Akamaru barked, "Yo, Fuuka." "'s nice to see you." "Hello, Fuuka-san. I'm glad to see you doing well because--" "What're you doing out here alone, Fuuka?" Kiba cut Shino off and Fuuka smiled at them, "I was helping a friend. I'm happy to see you all. You look like you're going out." Shikamaru shrugged, "Later is a memorial so we decided to get some food and Neji said he needed to do some shopping." Neji shot Shikamaru a harsh glare and exhaled, "When you say it that way, Shikamaru, it sounds like a bad thing." "It's a girly thing..." Neji elbowed him in the stomach. " should come with us because--" "Dammit, Neji! That hurt! Are you trying to kill me?!" Kiba recovered quickly, launching into a shriek, cutting off Shino again. "I'd love to come, Shino-kun. Thank you."
Abandoned Building: Several things happened in the instant Enerjak released the burst of light. Kakashi pulled up his headband, revealing his Sharingan and hurried towards the children. Jushiro flash stepped in front of Albedo, "Stop, Albedo, you've lost." Albedo's smile widened, even as light blinded him. Covering his eyes from the light, Shiki felt a rough shoulder ram into him and steal his katana from his hands. "Albedo!" he snarled. The sound of scuffling feet, ropes being snapped and pieces of metal from the floor being scraped across the original cement flooring was all that could be heard until... The sound of fabric ripping...flesh being pierced...filled the room, leaving behind an empty silence. Something that sounded like water dripped onto the floor. When the light died away, Shiki opened his eyes and the sight before him reminded him far too much of something he wanted to repress. Minato, the blue haired boy, stood in front of the girl he'd kidnapped, arms spread wide and his katana through his chest. Blood ran down his chin and dripped on the floor. It wasn't water that he was the boys blood. His blue eyes were clear and still defiant as he stood solid in front of the girl. Though after a few seconds, his pursed lips opened and a flood of blood poured down his chin. The gun in his hand dropped to the floor and the color in his face vanished, leaving him white as a sheet. Albedo was the one holding the katana's other end, grinning like a mad fool, as sightless eyes stared fixed on Minato's face. Minako's crimson eyes widened and tears started to overflow down her cheeks, "MINATO!" She screamed with all her heart. Shiki almost felt bad for the girl...almost. His attention turned to the arrival of a silver haired young man wearing a similar uniform to the boy. This young man's attention never deviated from the pair in front of him. He looked like he'd just seen a ghost...or two. The girl scrambled to the ground, grabbing up the gun Minato had dropped and held it to her temple. Her hands shook as she held it there, "Thanatos....!" Minato clearly flinched in his half-conscious state and the man behind the girl grabbed her around the waist, "No, stop, Minako! You shouldn't summon that when you're like this...!" Her sweaty hand clutched the gun tighter and squeezed the trigger. A massive surge of blue energy formed around her and above her appeared a humanoid monster wearing black and white with a string of coffins linked by chains draped around its shoulders and a katana at its hip. The creature took one look at its Master and turned its hollow gaze on Albedo. Thanatos drew the katana from its hip and with one easy swing, sliced Albedo's head clean from his shoulders before vanishing. Albedo's head started to laugh hysterically and his body released the sword, taking a few steps backwards. "Albedo, wait!" Jushiro attempted to grab hold of Albedo's cape but missed as Albedo jumped up and smashed through the ceiling of the room. Albedo's head ceased laughing and melted away. Picking up the children, Kakashi scowled, "Dammit! Jushiro call for an ambulance right away. You two," he pointed at Minako and the young man holding her, "Keep him awake, I'm not letting anyone die here." He gave Shiki and Enerjak a firm glare, "I don't know who you are...but you've caused enough trouble." Folding his arms, Shiki stepped over to Minato, who'd slumped to the ground, feebly gripping the kanata. "All I need is to retrieve this and I'll be on my way. You'll live boy...and if you don't...I'll come find you in Hell." Minato's vision swam and he gurgled what Shiki took a an answer before Shiki yanked the kanata out of his chest, flinging blood all over the ground even more. "Nice knowing you. Dog...let's go." He turned and headed for the door to leave the same way they'd gotten in. Minako pressed her hands over Minato's wound, tears falling on his face, "Stay with me, brother. You have to stay with me. I need you... Pharos needs you. Mitsuru-senpai needs you. Please don't die without me." Library: Belle waved goodbye to the blue haired girl and the Osaki fox. She stopped on the stairs as Watanuki bowed to Naoto, "I'll see you around, miss. You're very helpful." Belle watched Naoto's look of surprise and Watanuki's knowing smile. "How did you...?" "How'd I know you're a girl? That's a secret." Sasori rolled his eyes and mumbled to himself, "Owner of a wish shop and he's psychic...perfect....he's exactly like Yuuko. It's like I live in the movie Inception. Next thing you know...Deidara's wearing a loli dress." Belle didn't know who Deidara was...but it sounded like it would be comical by the way Sasori said it. "Is this Deidara your girlfriend?" Sasori's hazel gaze burned into Belle, "He's a man..." She continued to look at him expectantly. "That's a no, Belle. I don't even want him for my puppet collection. His looks are average and his chakra isn't even that special. There are a dozen others in the Explosion Corp that I could use as a puppet," he glowered at the space before him, "And he takes too long to do things." Belle let the subject go. It obviously was personal for Sasori and he was touchy about it. Getting back into the car, Belle considered her mission complete. Though it wouldn't earn her any Shares, she still met some interesting people. Naoto stroked O-chan's fur lightly before turning her gaze back to the news article. Nintendo High wasn't as old as Yasogami High...and no one seemed to know of anything called an S-Type. But all the teachers that taught there were exceptional people. Minato Namikaze...Kakashi Hatake...Sasori....they were Child Prodigies. Yami Moto...King of Games...whatever that meant. Peppy Hare...grandson of the founder of the school. There were several others that were known for many different things but it was all very odd. These people came from far and wide...and with their talents could do so much more..but they chose to teach here and stay. Narrowing her eyes at the screen, Naoto spoke aloud, "For what reason...?" There wasn't any information about the school that told her anything about the recent events. The police knew usual. None of the teachers she'd questioned let on that they knew anything more. Shibuya 109 Building: Fuuka saved their contacts and turned around. Frowning, Fuuka wrapped her arms around herself. She could've sworn Lucia had picked up another Persona-user. It felt like the same power that Minato, Minako and Aigis had. For what reason did someone with that power come here for? And where did they go? Fuuka's mind traveled in circles. Did those with the same power have a connection? Aigis said she received her power after Minato and Minako died...she said she thought about them. Did this person also know those two...? Shepard's apartment: Nihlus uneasily stood near the door. His memories were fuzzy...but he remembered Shepard. Though her furnishings told him she was made Spectre... No human commander could make this kind of money on that kind of salary. Tali nudged Shepard and pointed at Nihlus, "Are you sure it's alright to have him here? The guy wasn't exactly sane when I met him." Thane leaned forwards on the counter, swallowing a cough, "It's fine, Tali. I'm sure Shepard knows what she's doing. But I've never met this being before. What sort of history do you have with him, Shepard?"
Reserving: Rubedo (Xenosaga)
Kabukicho District: Drive-By Rhyme: Kuro studied the relaxed manner the masked man stood in, "Yeah...and he's rather relaxed. This game...has to be originally for avatars to fight for their masters. He's rather arrogant for someone who's defense is going to be pulverized!" Kuro launched herself at the rabbits and sliced them apart as she swung her sword towards the man himself. A flash of white blinded Kuro, Neptune and Akihiko. When it cleared, they were standing back on the street in front of Glitter. Kuro and Neptune were back in their normal forms and Akihiko's Persona was gone. "We're...back in the real world. What happened?" Shrugging Kuro heard a ringing noise. "What is that noise? Is that a phone?" Pulling a cell from his pocket, Akihiko waved it in front of her face, "My phone. ...Mitsuru, again?" Answering the call, Akihiko hardly got out the world hello before a panicked expression settled on his face. "Tell me where! Location, Mitsuru, and make it quick!" He waved to Kuro and Neptune, "Okay...I'm on it! I have to go, you two. Try to stay out of trouble. Go home..." Akihiko bolted down the street, leaving Kuro and Neptune alone. "Weird...he looked freaked. I wonder what could rattle a guy as strong as him?" Rubbing her head, Kuro noticed a few bruises had formed on her legs and arms from where she'd taken hits in the game. "Even more weird. I'm covered in bruises!" Ginza, Chuo-ko: High Five Bar: Enjoying his beer, Kakashi was reluctant to answer his persistently ringing phone. Jushiro paused as he moved to refill his glass of sake, "Aren't you going to get that?" Releasing a drawn out sigh, Kakashi flicked it open and stared at the name on the screen. Mitsuru Kirijo...head of a multi-million dollar company that was known around the world for many things such as health-care, hospitals, schools, and other lesser known companies. Even though she was still a high school student. She was really turning into a pain to deal with. "I should...I asked her to look into Albedo's known records for anything that would give away his position or thoughts..." Jushiro watched the phone ring and Kakashi's expression. Plucking the phone out of his hand, Jushiro answered it for him, "Hello...Kakashi Hatake's phone, Jushiro Ukitake speaking. Uh-huh... Really? Isn't that good news? Oh... We're on our way now. Thank you, Miss Kirijo." Kakashi watched Jushiro stand and slap a few thousand yen down on the counter, "Come on, Kakashi. We've got a location on Albedo. He's taken another...this time a student of the school." Hopping up, Kakashi followed him out of the bar. "I would like my phone back....and to know where we're going." "There's an abandoned building with an underground basement not far from Nintendo High's street where he's been hiding out." Kakashi shook his head, "So close and we didn't even know it." Toshima District: "Will you three shut up!? I will not have bickering like children anymore! So the CPU's are in Japan...we'll just find them and eliminate them one by one. No mistakes this time." CFW Magic glared at Trick as she spoke. "Our Goddess will be pleased if we bring her the CPUs' heads on a silver platter." She turned her gaze back on the black haired man standing in front of her with an arrogant smirk on his face. "Now stop smiling, you smug jerk. So you were right...that doesn't make any of what you say true." He shrugged and examined his fingernails, "If that's the way you think then...I can't help you. My information is only as good as the truth gets. payment?" Magic hesitated for a moment before handing over the sum he said was his payment for the information she'd asked for. "Now forget this place ever existed or I'll cut you into ribbons." Waving off her threat, the man happily flipped through the bills and stuffed them into his pocket. "I'm actually a little regretful that I might not see you again..." Magic hissed and the man skipped down the street happily. Izaya Orihara chuckled to himself as he skipped down the street back towards the residential district. All the information in the world and still something was missing. His phone jingled as he received a text. Reading through it, Izaya's smile widened. Something interesting was happening and he was going to make it better. "This is why I love humans! Always moving...always changing. I'm so excited!" What made it better was he'd made a few new "friends" that he could move as he wished. His fingers moved across the keypad, hitting send at the end of his message. The day was just beginning and it was going to be dramatic. Nintendo High: Girl's Dorm: A blue haired boy stood in the entrance to a girls room. Boxes of her things were scattered around the room as if she had barely had any time to move in. The window was shattered behind him with the glass shards on the ground outside. Everything about the scene told him this girl had been kidnapped. Anger and fear raced through his heart, chasing one another around in circles until his head spun and his stomach did back flips. His phone resting in his hand chimed. Shaky hands lifted the phone to his face to read the message but the words on the screen only made his hands shake harder. Dropping his phone, the boy turned and raced out of the dorm. The message on the screen read: "Your sister was taken. Go two streets south of the dorms and into the only building marked by police tape. Just follow the chalk markings." -- Izaya Orihara. Abandoned Building: Shiki turned to look at Enerjak and tilted his head in question, "What's the matter with you, kid? Not getting skittish on me are you?" Despite his half-joking tone, Shiki's brow furrowed. "You really shouldn't let a child question you, little King." Albedo tested Shiki's patience. Glancing at him out of the corner of his eye, he turned back to Enerjak, "If I were kidnapping you, you'd know it." Stepping close to Enerjak, Shiki knelt and slyly pressed a short dagger into his hand. He gave Enerjak a look that clearly said, 'I'm not the bad guy here'. Standing, Shiki mumbled lowly, "Follow my lead." Turning, Shiki made sure to keep Enerjak behind him as he faced Albedo, "You've never told me what you want these kids for. Something on your mind? Or are you really that obsessed with your brothers?" Albedo set his hands on his hips and tilted his head, "It's none of your business! Rubedo will come back...he always does. Poor little Rubedo...he feels so bad about what he did to me...and he SHOULD!" Shiki set a hand on the hilt of his katana, "Sure...keep telling yourself that...and the kids?" Albedo grabbed the girl by her arm and hauled her to her feet, "I told you...she's special. The others are special too. Those three," he pointed to a black haired boy, a girl wearing a pink bunny suit, and another boy tied together, "Are just like my family...cept for the girl...but she's special so I'll make an exception. I'm going to re-create the incident with U-DO that Rubedo chose to tear himself away from allow me to see the TRUTH!" A sinking feeling settled in Shiki's stomach when a banging sound came from outside. His attention, Albedo's attention...even the children's attention turned to the door as it exploded inward. Drawing his katana, Shiki sliced through it to protect Enerjak. Standing in the doorway was a blue haired boy wearing a school uniform similar to the girl he'd recently kidnapped. A classmate? But there was something familiar about him... The angle of his jaw...the defiance in his blue eyes....the gun held to his temple. His blue eyes landed on the girl and she nearly screamed his name, "Minato!" He shut his eyes and squeezed the trigger... "Alice!" Swirling blue energy formed in the space before him and from that energy appeared a little blonde girl wearing a blue dress with white tights and black shoes. She curtsied to them, spun in place and pointed at them with one finger before a bolt of lightning struck Albedo, knocking the girl from his grip. Shiki, baffled by the sudden appearance of the little girl, nearly missed Albedo's amazing regenerative ability. Where a singed mark that should've pierced through Albedo's shoulder there was nothing. "Ooooh...that tingles! What else have you got?" Minato flinched, "Zionga!" Another bolt of lightning struck Albedo. Behind Minato, Kakashi and Jushiro dropped down into the hole and grabbed his shoulders, "Enough! He can't be killed like that." The girl crawled over pieces of metal and plaster towards Minato. Jushiro frowned at Shiki and Enerjak, "Accomplices? Don't go anywhere you two..." Jushiro drew his Zanpakuto, pointing the tip at Albedo, "Come quietly...I don't want to have to severely hurt you. I know any wounds we inflict won't last...but we have all day, Albedo. I have no where else to be." 'Cept for a memorial...' Albedo laughed for a long time before raking a harsh gaze on Shiki, "Kill them, or I'll kill the kids." Shiki's face gave nothing away. "You want kill a bunch of random people? For no reason." Albedo nodded and rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "When you say it that way, it sounds a little critical. But yes...that's what I've asked you to do." Shiki stabbed his sword into the ground and adjusted his gloves, "Enerjak...did a sprout a tail? Because I'm getting the impression...I'm being ordered to do a dog." Turning a deadly glare on Albedo, Shiki cracked his knuckles.
Reserving: Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect series)
Kabukicho District: Drive-By Rhyme: Spoiler The Bunny-Head man reflexively put up a typical boxer's guard and his digitally deformed voice spoke, "Defense!" Several white rabbits wearing boxing gloves hopped up and formed a wall between Netpune's blade and their master. Hopping out from behind the wall, another white rabbit wearing a green and blue hat and a matching vest with a headset and a whistle, pointed at Neptune, "Kyu losses! Defense at 75 percent!" Kuro stared at the little rabbits. This guy didn't do any of the fighting himself...was it all the rabbits? "Neptune! Watch out!" Pushing Neptune's blade back, the rabbits lined up. "It's an honor to fight you. Loss." "Loss, SET!" The ringleader blew the whistle around its neck and the other rabbits flew at Neptune, little boxing gloves out. Each one slowly started to glow pure white. "Ah...get out of the way! Cesar!" Akihiko and Cesar, the white figure that followed his every move, moved in front of Neptune and took each of the rabbits strikes, enduring as they exploded on contact. "Ngh...!" Pain overloaded Akihiko's senses and he fell to one knee, still maintaining his defense. "Enemy defense at 30 percent! Warning! Warning! Counterattack incoming!" "Nani...?! Boei!" Again the rabbits piled up into a wall as Akihiko stretched out a hand towards them, "Ziodyne!" Cesar lifted the spinning world in its left hand to the sky and a thick bolt of lightning struck down, demolishing a large portion of the Bunny-Head man's defensive wall. "K-Kyu jyu losses! Defense at 12 percent!" "Ngh...!" "Emergency! Emergency! Enemy defense restoring! Ni jyu...go jyu...Hachi jyu! Defense holding at 90!" Akihiko's Cesar held out a hand to Akihiko to help him up as a glow settled on Akihiko. Wiping his mouth, Akihiko stood, "Thanks for the help. Kuro...your turn." "R-right! question. Why is half of what he says in Japanese?" Akihiko stared at her, "We live in Japan, don't we? We are still in Japan, aren't we? I could've sworn I'd only changed schools...not countries." Rolling digital blue eyes, Kuro lifted her sword, "I didn't ask for sarcasm, Mr. Sanada." Flying out of Akihiko's cover, Kuro cut through boxing rabbits until she held her sword at the Bunny-Head man's throat, "What is this?! Who are you!?" Instead of answers, Kuro got a face full of boxing glove. "Desolation, SET!" The line of rabbits shot out at Kuro, knocking her over. Shibuya Building 109: Spoiler Fuuka fumbled into her pocket of her skirt and pulled out her cell phone, "Um...I just wanted to ask for your contact information. I have Tekken-chan's...and..." she inhaled, "If you ever need my help, I'd like you to be able to call me or send me a message." Tokyo Streets: Spoiler Shiki glanced back at Enerjak as he leaped over the wall and made sure the gag he'd placed over the girl's mouth was holding. She didn't look frightened when he adjusted the strip of cloth. Her crimson eyes were defiant as she stared at him. "Not scared? Maybe you're more of the person I've been looking for." Tossing her over his shoulder again, he quietly listened to Enerjak, "Bracelet? What're you a girl, Dog? This bracelet had better be something special." He avoided the questions asked before. Something about how calm Enerjak was about the whole kidnapping thing bothered Shiki. Running down the street, Shiki slipped into an abandoned building. Avoiding the police tape, he walked down the dark hallway and rounded a corner, taking the run down stairs to a basement hall dripping water onto the floor. "This place gets uglier the more I come here." Reaching another set of stairs that kept going into the darkness, Shiki sighed and swung himself and the girl over the railing to drop straight down. Falling, Shiki felt the girl struggle and thought, 'How long is this drop? I could've sworn it was shorter before.' Finally, his feet hit the floor...or rather a pile of junk. Pieces of plaster and metal and framework had piled up to form a small hill of random things as a landing pad. Walking towards the only source of light he could see, Shiki pushed open the cracked door and found the white haired Albedo hovering over a trio of children tied together. Suppressing a groan, Shiki knocked the girls' shoes against the door as a knock and he turned. "AH...the little King has come to bring me a gift. I'm honored." Sighing, Shiki dropped the girl beside the children Albedo had already gathered. "What's with the children? Are you really that hung up on your brother that you'd kidnap children?" Albedo spread his arms and spun in place, grinning, "Of course not! And they're not just ordinary children, my little King. As such..." he picked up the girl Shiki had brought him. "This called Minako Arisato. Her power is INCREDIBLE! Would you like to see it? How about a demonstration, my dear?" Albedo pulled off the gag and undid the zip tie around her wrists. Minako glared at him silently. Library: Spoiler Belle, Sasori, Watanuki and Doumeki entered the library to find it rather empty on the day off. The Pipefox wrapped around Belle's neck tugged forwards and Belle walked up a set of stairs to an upper level where the Goddess found a young blue haired woman reading a wall of text from a newspaper on a computer. "Hello. Are you here by yourself?" She looked away from the computer, blue eyes blinking away purple spots from staring at the glowing monitor. "Um...yes? Can I help you, miss?" Belle smiled and waved to the boys downstairs, "Sasori-kun...Watanuki-kun, Doumeki-san!" Sasori grumbled as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and headed up the stairs, "Since when did I become 'Sasori-kun'? I'm still a professor at Nintendo High..." Watanuki's multicolored eyes warmed as he listened to Sasori mutter to himself. Belle and the Pipefox had cozied up next to the blue haired woman who looked rather uncomfortable with Belle hovering over her shoulder and the Pipefox rubbing its head against her cheek. "Who's your little friend?" Watanuki drew her attention to him with a wave of his hands, "Our little friend...and yours are quite similar. Wouldn't you say?" She glanced at the computer and from behind the monitor, a white furred head poked out, staring large blue eyes up at Watanuki. Doumeki pointed at the furry head and Sasori rubbed his eyes, "Found it." Belle felt the Pipefox slither down her arm and touched noses to the white and blue fox sitting calmly beside the computer monitor. " you know them?" Watanuki smiled, "O-chan, huh? Did you name her?" She shook her head, "No. I asked and she told me." Belle pulled a few chairs over from a table and sat in front of the blue haired woman, "Can we ask you some questions, young lady?" The woman reached over and picked up O-chan, placing her in her lap, "Call me Naoto. Do these questions have something to do with something important?" Sasori sat beside Belle, "Actually it does. O-chan knows where we can find someone we're looking for. That person has--" "Actually...I have the object in question, nii." Sasori's hazel eyes flicked to the little girl sitting in Naoto's lap and blinked several times. Instead of the fox, a white haired girl wearing traditional blue shrine clothes and shoes. " Osaki Fox blessed with freedom from your master." O-chan smiled, baring fox fangs and held out an ancient looking ring, "Hmm...she gave me this to give to Yuuko-san as payment for her wish. Though..." She looked sad and her white fox ears drooped, "I wish she hadn't needed to make that wish. I'm glad she could return...and I'm happy she's happy with the one she chose...but...without the Tamayori Princess, I don't have a place to go." Naoto hugged the little fox-girl and O-chan sniffled, "You have a place with me, O-chan. I'm sure Grandpa doesn't mind if I have a friend live with me." O-chan nodded, wiping tears away from her blue eyes. Doumeki's eyes followed O-chan's waving blue and white twin tails as Watanuki accepted the ring from her. "That was surprisingly easier than I figured. Thank you, Belle-san. If you hadn't come with us, I'm sure things would've been harder." Belle gave him a wide-eyed look, "Eh? My job's over? That was quick. I didn't even do anything." He smiled, "But you did. You are pure of heart. Because of that, Mugetsu didn't require the sake I usually have to give him in order to find another kitsune. It would've been a lot of trouble if I'd had to locate a new source for it. Nobody in Tokyo makes it correctly. Ah...but I'm rambling. You were a lot of help, Belle-san. You...might be tired tomorrow...but that's normal." Naoto shook her head and laughed. Sobering, Naoto frowned, "If you didn't know O-chan had the object you wanted...who were you going to find?" Sasori shifted uncomfortably, "Yuuichi Komura. O-chan should know him. He's a friend of your...Tamayori Princess." O-chan nodded, "Yuuichi-san will be at the memorial. You can still meet him. Naoto...I'd like to see him again." Naoto nodded once and the little girl transformed back into a fox...clothes and all.
In Front of Nintendo High: Shiki glanced at Al Mualim, "Go ahead. But you'd better hope your "police" are better than me." Thane shook his head and stood, rubbing his back, "You're good. I'd still like to know your business here at the school." Shiki reached over and grabbed Enerjak by the collar, "This kid wanted to see the dorms. I figured since it's a day off, I'd take him and we wouldn't cause any trouble." He shot a glare at Thane and quietly pushed Enerjak past Al Mualim. Sheathing his sword, Shiki nudged Enerjak towards the dorms, leaning down to whisper into his ear, "Keep moving, Dog. Causing a commotion isn't the best plan... Tsk...I could've had them dead in a matter of seconds if that geezer hadn't interfered." By now, Shiki had pushed Enerjak all the way to the girls' dorm and was simply muttering aloud. Looking up, Shiki's red eyes caught on a pair of crimson eyes staring at them from a window on the third floor. "Stay here, Dog. Guard the entrance. I won't be long. On second ready to bolt. We won't be taking the front gate again. There's a wall over there we can jump that leads to the street." Ruffling Enerjak's hair, Shiki entered the dorm. As expected the dorm was frighteningly peaceful. Vases full of flowers decorated every bare tabletop and side table. The use of more feminine colors made Shiki's eyes hurt from the strain of trying to look around. Rubbing his eyes, Shiki headed up the stairs. His boots scuffed against red carpeting. The feeling was strange since he'd spent his entire life in a city with no luxuries like carpet. Shaking his head before memories of Toshima and its inhabitants could resurface. By the time he'd reached the third floor, Shiki was itching to get out of the dorm. By a stroke of luck, the girl he'd seen outside was struggling to lift a heavy box into a room. "Hup...sie...daisy... C'mon...ugh..." She looked like she was having trouble. Shiki folded his arms and leaned against the wall beside her, "Having trouble, kitten?" She looked up and actually smiled at him. "Oh,'re the guy from outside. Sorry if I was staring. You reminded me of someone..." she cast her gaze downwards and a sad expression crossed her face, "Someone who I really wanted to meet." If Shiki had a heart, he'd have felt bad for making her look so sad...but he didn't. Lifting the box for her, Shiki dropped it on her bed. Her smile returned, "Thanks." Turning, Shiki frowned at her, scanning over her face and body. "Brown hair...crimson eyes...physically uniform. You fit the profile. Is your name Arisato?" She blinked and nodded slowly, "Um...yes. My name is Minako Arisato. you ask?" Shiki grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back, "You don't look like a dangerous warrior. You look like a little girl that I could just eat." His breath brushed against Minako's neck, making her shiver, "Who...are you?" Ignoring her, Shiki braced one hand against the window and pushed. The increasing pressure on the glass created spider cracks spreading out from his palm. Twisting Minako's other arm behind her back, Shiki pulled a zip-wire from his back pocket and slipped it onto her wrists. "Just be still, little lady and I won't have to hurt you." An irritated expression crossed her face as he tossed her over his shoulder and broke through the window. Falling with the shards of glass, Shiki landed next to Enerjak with Minako over his shoulder. Giving Enerjak a 'what're you looking at' look, Shiki nudged him with his foot, "Let's go Dog, we have a delivery to make." Shibuya Building 109: Fuuka sighed and her Persona returned. Standing, Tekken brushed off her already torn pants, "Are you alright, Fuuka-chan? Why didn't that guy get you too?" Shrugging, Fuuka glanced up to where she'd been standing during the battle. "I don't think he saw me. Despite that serious power I felt from him...he didn't look all that bright. But...I'm more concerned about..." She hesitated and glanced around, "Never mind, Tekken-chan. I'll figure it out later. I should go, Tekken-chan. I'll need to report what I found to Mitsuru-senpai. Oh...I'll give you my email and you can message me whenever you need my help again. I'll need some time to re-analyze the data I got today as well as run it by Mitsuru-senpai but..." Tekken hugged her tightly, "Thank you, Fuuka-chan. I...I don't have a cell phone yet but you can give it to IF-san and Compa-chan." "Alright." Pulling out a white cell phone, Fuuka stood in front of IF and Compa. Kabukicho District: Kuro sighed, "That was a nightmare..." The man in the alley shook his head, the holo-screen returned but instead of a blur of codes, it showed a single repeating code. "The nightmare's only beginnging." Around Kuro, Akihiko and Neptune, the location distorted in their view and dizziness washed over the girls. Kuro, Akihiko and Neptune's vision went black and in a few seconds all they saw were the blue electrical currents of a system program. When their vision focused again, the three found themselves standing in a large space filled with odd rabbit structures. A digital floor and walls surrounded them. Kuro shook her head, "The hell?! Where are we? Weren't we just standing in front of Glitter? I don't see it at all." Akihiko rubbed his head as it throbbed slightly. "I don't...feel so great." Glancing over at him, Kuro's blue eyes widened, "A-Akihiko...?! What the hell is that thing?" Following her pointed finger, Akihiko's gray gaze landed on a large white figure standing a ways beside him holding a sword and the world. "" The figure bowed slightly to Akihiko when he called its name. Kuro's hands shook, "What is that?! Where are we?" Akihiko flinched at her growing shrill voice. "This is Rhyme. Now...tatakai." Before them stood a man wearing a white lab coat and a large green bunny head. "Tatakai...fight." Kuro panicked, "Who is this freak? Ah...N-Neptune...can you transform back? I can't transform back." Minato Ward: Nihlus shook Mordin's hand and hesitantly listened to Shepard's phone call. "If your friend is in trouble, we should hurry over there. I will...try to be of assistance." Mordin pulled up his omni-tool and proceeded to scan the voices heard through the call. The voice declaring to call the police came up as Al Mualim, principal of Nintendo High. Other than Garrus and Thane's voice, he found two others that didn't come up as quickly. The lower pitched voice came up with a series of black markings and third degree lock-out warnings and only a first name came up. "Hm, two foreign voices within call. First: only on first name basis. Shiki. Rest of file is blacked out. Confidential or simply doesn't exist. Second voice. Doesn't exist in database. Given time, will unblock data on first. Proceed, Shepard." CPU's House: Belle stood and set her napkin on her plate. "Well I have to get going. I'm supposed to meet with someone before the memorial." Belle waved good-bye to her sisters and headed out the door. She was immediately greeted by a waiting Sasori and a pair of men she didn't recognize in a car. "Professor...I'm glad to see you." Sasori exhaled, "This is Watanuki and Doumeki...Yuuko sent them with me for your little mission. This is such a waste of my time." Belle smiled warmly at them and climbed into the car. "So...where are we going?" The man Sasori had introduced as Watanuki turned to her. Belle stared, entranced by his two different colored eyes. "You don't know? Hm...I suppose Yuuko-san didn't tell you much about your quest. Mugetsu is going to find our little friend that has the object we're looking for." Belle watched as a little yellow furry snake-like creature slithered out of Watanuki's sleeve and wrapped around Belle's neck and kissed her cheek. "Oh my... Well you're a friendly little guy, aren't you?" Smiling, Watanuki lifted a hand and rubbed two fingers along the little furry snake's body, "This is Mugetsu. He's a Pipefox. He's the one who's going to help us find what we're looking for, like I said before." Belle turned to the other man who'd sat silently beside Watanuki, "You must be Doumeki then." Watanuki's face scrunched up a bit, "Yeah...this is Shizuka Doumeki...he's...a friend...I guess. He helps me out with peculiar requests." Belle nodded and waved when Doumeki turned to her and waved slightly. "So you Miss Ichihara out at the shop?" "I run it with Yuuko-san, actually. I can grant you any wish you desire." "Any...wish, huh?" Her gaze fell to her lap and Watanuki caught Sasori's hazel eyes looking at him through the rear view mirror. "Hey...we're here." Watanuki's gold and blue eyes looked out the window at the library before finding Mugetsu pressing his little face against the window. "Seems so... Let's go, Belle...Doumeki."
Nintendo High Front Gates: Spoiler Shiki glanced back at Enerjak. The boy really had no idea what kind of work he'd gotten himself into. "Something like that. Do as I do and you won't get killed." Assessing the strength of the firearms carried by the, clearly alien, pair standing in front of the gates, Shiki decided to opt for the..."I belong here" approach. Patting Enerjak's shoulder, he motioned for him to stick close and confidently approached the pair. He didn't need excuses but if they wanted to pick a fight that was good with him. The dorms where his aim...not the school itself. His red eyes narrowed on the gates, they were unlocked...which meant students or teachers were inside. Thane turned when someone dressed all in black approached. The confidence of his stride...the dark menace in his aura...the cold assessment in his red eyes. All of him screamed bad news and evil intent. His battle honed body reacted before his mind could finish questioning himself why this man would be here and with a boy at his side. "That's far enough, human," He stretched out one green hand to stop the man in black but he didn't even hesitate. Walking past him, Shiki hardly spared him or the other one a side glance, "Outta my way." Pushing open the gates, Shiki glanced around for a moment, taking in the outer layout of the building. Thane frowned and glowered at him, "I don't think so. State your business here, human. Your aura reminds me of an assassin...and the way you walk tells me you've come here for a target." Thane caught the cold glare from the man and the memory would forever haunt him. "If you are innocent and have pure intentions...tell us why you're here. The school is closed until Friday." Shiki was only slightly surprised when the alien gauged him correctly based on his aura and his walk. But most people back in Toshima could do that too. Perhaps he hadn't heard him before. He didn't see any ears on the alien. "Don't stick your nose in where it doesn't belong. I told you to get out of my way. My purpose is for me to know only."Thane knew that attitude from somewhere...but allowing the memory to take over right now would be bad. Setting a hand on the submachine gun at his side, he looked over at the boy with him. Nothing about the boy screamed death, which only made him more confused. He opened his mouth to protest more when the man in black's fist struck out like lightning and struck him in the face. The blow alone was enough to land him on his back but he'd also kicked the back of his legs and again struck a hard blow to Thane's back. He moved like a black tornado with a gleaming red center. Before Thane could recover from the blows and pick himself up off the ground, Shiki had drawn his sword and held the tip of it to the other alien's chest to keep him at bay. "Don't make the same mistake as your friend. Get out of my way and I'll consider sparing your lives." An inner part of Shiki rebuked him for his consistently cold tone but it was only a small part and easily ignored. Kabukicho District: Spoiler Kuro side stepped the axe and slashed her sword across CFW Judge's armor. "Back off don't want to fight two CPU's at the same time. You won't be able to handle it." Running up behind the two, Akihiko tightened his black gloved fists and smirked, "It's been a long time since I had a good fight. Bring it on!"In the alley, the man tilted his head at Kuro's words and quietly mouthed "CPU" before closing the orange holo-screen and pushed away from the wall. A small program ran on his device and the street lights surrounding Glitter flickered on with the abnormal intensity of a search light. Hopefully it would be enough to frighten the odd axe-wielding man away. Minato Ward: Spoiler Nihlus nodded and rubbed his head as he followed Shepard off the table and back onto the ground. " you're right. Yelling at them won't change anything. Shepard...I..." He gave her a pitiful look that said he was greatly confused at the moment and Mordin pushed his way through the dispersing crowd. "Ah, Shepard. Good. Afraid you won't make it in time. Glad to see was wrong." He scanned Nihlus with his omni-tool and examined the data, "Hm, interesting. No physical damage. Mental capacity working at normal. For Turian anyway. Confusion granted by long term sleep. Nearly same reconstruction as Lazardus project done on Shepard. Almost. Reconstruction focused mostly on internal organs. Specifically, heart. No cybernetic fingerprint. Most worrisome. Memory should return to normal within five to twelve days." Nihlus eyed the Salarian warily and gestured to him as he spoke to Shepard, "A friend of yours, Shepard?" Shibuya Building 109: Spoiler Tekken dropped to the floor when Inferno Obitus released them. Her body trembled. "Th-That thing was in my head!" Fuuka was seen hurrying down the catwalk and down the stairs to reach them. She still wore her old school's uniform. "Fuuka-chan...are you alright?" Getting a nod from the teary eyed Tekken, Fuuka looked at the others, "Are any of you injured? I...I can do a little bit of healing but not enough to heal severe wounds." She lifted a silver gun to her temple and squeezed the trigger. The sphere that formed around her accompanied by the woman with her arms spread appeared again and a slight healing wave washed over the group. "There...that should do for any minor pain." Spoiler Ginza, Chuo-ku: High Five Bar: Spotting the pure white hair and typical white haori of Jushiro Ukitake was easy once Kakashi got into the bar. Taking a seat next to him and ordered a simple beer. Jushiro still had dark circles under his eyes. "Not sleeping well?" "It's not easy being sick, teaching at a school AND handling the Soul Society. You said that's why you wanted to talk to me... You met "Captain Sui-Feng" last night, right?" "Yes...she and I were pursuing the same target. Why does the Soul Society want Albedo?" Jushiro sighed, "You got me there, Kakashi. Shunsui...our Head Captain...handles decisions like that. He's an old friend so the next time I speak to him...I'll be able to give you a real answer." "You can't give me one now?" Kakashi frowned at his drink and Jushiro turned to him. "I can give you this... Let the Soul Society handle it. Sui-Feng is more than capable of handling this. But if you're determined...I can give you what info we do have." Nodding, Kakashi swivled in his chair. "Albedo's cells multiply at a rate much faster than normal humans. About the same time as a Bount can heal it's wounds while inside the Seretei." Kakashi narrowed his gaze, none of it sounded good. "So far we haven't located a weakness on him to kill him..but he can he weakened through battle like any opponent." "And the reason he's kidnapping children?" "That we're not sure of yet. Nothing about his behavior gives us anything to go by on what he's thinking. His thoughts are erratic... I'm comfortable calling him insane...and I don't say that often." "You don't say that ever, Jushiro," Kakashi couldn't help but laugh. Smiling warmly, Jushiro nodded, "I think that says something there. About the rest of your call...those kids...Kakashi I...." Without having to say it, Kakashi knew what he would say. "He got them again... There must be something special about them..something he's looking for." Jushiro and Kakashi fell silent as they pondered.
Reserving: Legion (Mass Effect 2)
Tokyo Rooftops: Shiki stared out at the city. The sky was least. It was never clear in Toshima. People milled about their daily lives, happily... Everything in Tokyo was different than Toshima, despite it being apart of Tokyo. "Lack happiness...? I don't think that's the case. Humans must learn suffering and pain before they can know true happiness." Turning away from the city sights, he lifted his kanata up and tapped the end of the sheath against the ground, "But I don't believe that either. Suffering and pain only bring more suffering and pain, not happiness." He looked at Enerjak as a thought slowly dawned on him along with the buzzing of his phone. Sighing, he pulled out the slick black cell from his back pocket and glared at the caller ID. Shiki's phone wasn't filled with names...but numbers that he knew by heart. This number on the screen currently was nothing but a headache. Flicking it open and simultaneously hitting the call button, he lifted it to his ear, "PIazolla..." The voice that came through the other side was filled with a mocking reverb that gave away his own location. "I wanted to give you first dibs on a job. I think you'll REALLY enjoy this one." Waiting until the insane laughter subsided, Shiki shifted his weight from one foot to the other, "Tell me." Information in short clear sentences came through the receiver and Shiki ended the call the second the information stopped. Walking past Enerjak, he stopped, "You're coming with me. Just keep that happy-go-lucky attitude in check. I don't need that transforming into some bizarre morals that get in the way of my job." Getting a running start, Shiki leaped off the building and dropped straight down onto the street, his black coat fluttering behind him as he fell. Landing gracefully, Shiki looked up at the building for Enerjak and whistled, "Let's go, Dog!" Walking down the street he drew all sorts of stares. Female stares of interest, male stares of jealous anger. Males generally got the instinct of fight or flight when around him and he could clearly tell which of them were having it now and what choice they made. Stopping when he arrived at the street of Nintendo High, Shiki's eyes combed the school and the building next to it, the dorms. He glared at Thane and Garrus standing in front of the gates, "Guards? Not likely... Getting to the dorms without killing them sounds like a pain..." Shibuya 109 Building: Fuuka inwardly cheered for the new teammates she watched fight, "That's it! The enemy's down!" Fuuka cringed slightly as their attacks piled onto one enemy with enough force to knock down the building. Kabukicho District: Kuro summoned her blade when Neptune transformed and ran to her sister's side, "Neptune! Histoire told us not to transform, what are you doing?!" She glared at the man in front of them and disregarding her own advice, transformed into CPU Black Heart. "Let's take this freak down! I don't think he's going to talk to us."In an ally across from Glitter, a man leaned against the wall in the darkness and half watched the battle and half stared at the screen of an orange device connected to his arm. Typing rapidly on a hologram keyboard as numbers and codes flicked past, changing with each keystroke. Minato Ward: Nihlus turned and stared at Shepard's face, "Shepard...? Leave? No, that's not possible. I must tell the Council," he waved his hand out towards the civilians gathered below him, "about Saren's betrayal. I must hunt him down. It's my duty as a Spectre and as his friend..." He looked down at the ground for a moment, "I...I don't remember much, Shepard. I remember getting was Saren...he betrayed me. I remember waking up in a space station I didn't recognize. But after that...everything's blurry. I can't remember how I got here...or where here is. It's just...a blur." Nihlus rubbed his head as if trying to clear the fog from his head.
I shall remember how to do this in the future. Thank you again for helping me.
That's so...frustrating and confusing. I got the image to work. Thank you, I suppose, I've no idea what changed. (I suppose I should get better using codes)
Sorry...I'm absolutely horrible at codes. Code: [FONT=Calibri][IMG][/IMG][/FONT]
If there was something wrong with the link then why doesn't it show up even when I take the image out of it and just have a three short quotes? Code: [FONT=Calibri] [/FONT] Like that?
I use the picture button since it's insert image.