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  1. Twilight_Nobody13
    Orihara Apartment:

    Izaya, who'd been monitoring the memorial, shook his head, "So scary...Mr. Frollo." Ignoring the banging on his door and the constant shouts either from the other side or down below in the lobby from Shizuo, Izaya began tapping away on his main computer, several complex computer programs popping up. His eyes flicked restlessly among the screens and windows. A wide grin spread across Izaya's lips as he lifted one finger dramatically, "Three're out. This is number one." Pressing the DELETE key on his keyboard, a power-outage occured in Shijuku, Ikebukero, Shibuya, and Toshima before the broadcast could air Frollo's speech. Humming the theme song of an anime about pre-school children, Izaya typed out a series of codes and slapped the ENTER key. Japan-wide part of the broadcast was overridden and instead of airing the CNN and Channel 5 coverage of Frollo's speech, the first seven episodes of Hanamaru Kindergarten. The rest of Japan outside Minato (where Nintendo High is located) would turn their TV's on to an adorable anime about a pre-schooler trying to make her teacher fall in love with her instead of a priests ranting about the Prime Minister. Turning his chair slightly, Izaya eyed his guest, "Fulfilled in full. Now you owe me something." His guest nodded, "Thank you. Your skill is much like the Creators. We are at your service when you require it." he sparked and the previous sentence came out again, " at your service when you require it. Creator Izaya Orihara."


    Fuuka stood after the memorial was over, "Thanks for coming, Shikamaru-san, Choji-kun, Neji-kun, Shino-kun, Kiba-kun. I'm going to head home with these two...they're, uh...old friends." Shikamaru nodded, herding his friends away from the rioting civilians. Fuuka clutched her cell to her chest and her purse against her side, "I probably can't explain everything that you want to know since I was only brought in after some time. Mitsuru-senpai should still be at Kirijo Enterprises." Naoto nodded, taking one side of Fuuka to guard, " would be best to continue our discussion elsewhere. The district of Minato isn't that large, but there are many people living here who have already heard Mr. Frollo's disturbing speech."

    Akashi watched his former teammates of the Generation of Miracles anxiously stand and head back towards their home. Turning keen eyes towards the large family of females where Rom and Ram had run off to, he watched a blond haired man flip open his phone and hold it to his ear. "Interesting..."

    Madara, filing papers at one of the Japanese Military bases located in Minato, threw the remote at the TV. "IZUNA! Gather the Shinjuku Force. I'll not stand for rioting in Japan!" Saluting, Izuna rushed to the cafeteria, "Men! Up in arms! Orders from Brigadier General Uchiha! Protect Japan!" "URAH!" Pleased, Izuna turned to find Madara already dressed in his old fashioned armor. "Let's go." Madara, Izuna and a small faction of the Japanese Military consisting of ten thousand soldiers marched into the streets of Minato, forcibly quelling the rioting people. With much more brutality and tactical strength than the average police and riot police, Madara's faction managed to end the minor riots. "Izuna...take those that you've caught and put them in the holding cells in the basement of the base." "Sir! You heard him, men, take these ruffians to the holding cells. Hey, you there, quit being such a ninny! Those that disrupt the peace of Japan do not deserve mercy! Shoot them if they run." "SIR!"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Twilight_Nobody13

    Fuuka's skin color came back and she handed her purse to Naoto. Confused, she opened the bag. Without even having to dig, Naoto found a silver hand gun lying on top of everything else in the bag. Ejecting the clip, Naoto found no bullets inside, "What is this?" Fuuka cast a nervous glance around at the people gathering for the memorial, "It's my lucky, an Evoker we use to summon our Persona." Naoto stared at the gun, "Where did you get this?" "Um, lets see...Akihiko-senpai gave to me when he found me in Tartarus." "Tartarus...?" Fuuka's phone buzzed and she scrambled to check it, "I-It used to exist in the Dark Hour. Please, don't worry about that...all of that is over now," she made several taps on her phone, "I had a feeling you'd come find me. Your Persona', it's you. You feel just like a few people I know. M-Maybe you know them. Minato Arisato? Minako Arisato? Aigis? Any of those names ring any bells?" Naoto handed her back her purse, "I read those names in the list of deceased. Save for that another person involved in what happened?" Fuuka nodded quietly, "Minato and Minako are alive. Whatever happened...only lasted for a while. Maybe it's because Aigis and everyone agreed to help...we've been trying to convince people's not okay to wish for death." Naoto turned to Yu, "We should get the full story later. Yamagishi-san..." Fuuka smiled, "I understand. After what happened in Inaba...I understand your line of thinking and the questions you want to ask. I think it's best to say we're on the same side."

    Virus arrived at the memorial first. Belle had explained the entire story down to the most painful detail about Virus' betrayal of their family and the sending away of the four identical twins. Exiting the car, Belle's eyes caught on a group of the most vibrant hair colors she'd ever seen...other than her own sisters'. "It's like a rainbow in that row over there..." She pointed to a back row filled with boys and Kuro frowned at her sister, "We're at a memorial and all you can think about are boys?" She smiled anyway.

    Akashi ran beside Ram and Rom for a while before scooping up the twins and setting one on his shoulders and hanging the other underneath his arm, running with them now on his person. "You're taking'd never have made it under my training regime." He kept a hand on Rom's back, making sure she didn't fall from his shoulders. Arriving at the memorial, Akashi set down Ram, "Are your sisters here? It would be irresponsible if I left you two unsupervised in a crowd like this."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Twilight_Nobody13

    Aomine Daiki (Kuroko no Basket)
    Murasakibara Atsushi (Kuroko no Basket)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Twilight_Nobody13
    Memorial Site:
    Naoto couldn't bring herself to say anything to Yu. She remembered Nanako's incident with perfect clarity. It was her fault Nanako had been least it was what she believed. Stepping onto the grass, her eyes landed on the mass of chairs set up and people already sitting for the memorial. A stage was set up, probably for a tribute to those who had died, and Naoto's eyes scanned over the people sitting for Fuuka. Spotting familiar aqua hair, Naoto guided Teddie and Yu to sit in the empty seats behind the girl. Fuuka turned in her seat and stared wide-eyed at Yu. "You' me, did you go to Gekkoukan High?" Surprised, Naoto breathed, "I was right..." "Wh-what?" Determined, Naoto leaned forwards, "You are Fuuka Yamagishi-san, correct?" "Um...yes." "Yamagishi-san, you were involved in the incident at Tatsumi Port Island...or am I mistaken." "I-Incident? Oh..." She didn't confirm nor deny Naoto's statement which spurred the detective in Naoto. "Yamagishi-san, may I ask you a few questions? There are a lot of pieces missing from the stories about Tatsumi Port Island and your school....furthermore, I'd like to ask about Shinjiro Aragaki-san." Under Naoto's stare and questions, Fuuka paled to the point where she looked like she was about to faint.

    CPU Residence:

    Virus twirled a set of keys around his finger and gestured to the polished black Impala parked on the side of the road. "You ladies may ride with me." Belle and Kuro exchanged suspicious looks and silently, if not reluctantly, climbed into the backseat of the Impala. "If I may look lovely." Kuro glared at him, "Quiet you!"

    Orihara Apartment:

    As the girls headed to the door, Akashi stood, tucking the folder of information under his arm and grabbed his jacket off the coat hanger by the door and slid into his shoes. Patting Ram's head, he plopped their hats on their heads and held their jackets out for them to put on after their shoes. "Oh? Are you going to the memorial too, Akashi?" Nodding, Akashi spared a side-long glance for the owner of the apartment, "I am. It would be unpleasant if my family wasn't present at a major event like this. You may be able to escape the public eye, Izaya, but the Akashi family cannot." Akashi's face darkened as he spoke and Izaya's skilled gaze didn't miss a single emotion that crossed through red and gold eyes. "Yes, I'm sure your father will be delighted to know you've at least shown up in public for a viewing of the dead people." Instead of an equally sarcastic remark or the typical rolling of the eyes, Akashi ignored him and herded the girls outside. Izaya waved dramatically, grinning, "Bye-bye!" Mairu and Kururi exited their room and stared at the empty apartment, except for their brother, and frowned, "Did the Captain of the Generation of Miracles leave already? I kinda wanted to see what he was like." Kururi nodded along with Mairu. Glowering up at his sisters, Izaya flicked his fingers towards the door, "You can still catch him if you leave now." "Nah, sounds like a pain." "Yuuhei would be a different story..." Tuning them out, Izaya went back to work on his email.
    Memorial Site:

    Three boys quietly took seats near the back of the memorial site, though everything about them stood out. Tall with vibrant green hair and glasses. Tall and dark red hair. Tall, blond and a personality that shown like the sun. "Kise...why are we sitting so far at the back?" "We're showing respect. I figured with all the news coverage, we should stay on the down-low, right, Midorimacchi?" The green haired man pushed up his glasses with taped fingers, "For once, Kise has had a rather intelligent thought. Though it was expected. Gemini's horoscope placed above Cancer today." Pulling out a small iPod, he pressed play and a woman's cheerful voice came on, "Today's Oha-Asa horoscope ranking: Third place Cancer, Second: Gemini, and First: Pisces! Gemini will have an exceptionally creative and intelligent day! Today's Lucky Item is--" "Cafe au lait." The two leaned over and indeed, a to-go plastic cup of cafe au lait sat in his right hand. "Superstitious as always, Midorimacchi. Hm...?" The blond glanced past their glasses wearing friend and landed on a familiar blue head, "AH, Kurokocchi! When did you get here?" "I've been here the whole time, Kise-kun." "Ehhhh?! No way... Ah, I was too focused on not getting seen that I wasn't able to see Kurokocchi!" The blond ruffled his own hair and grinned at the blue haired boy quietly waiting for the memorial to start.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Twilight_Nobody13
    Orihara Apartment:

    Akashi let the folder drop slightly and stared at the piece of paper Rom held out to him. "An autograph...? I could spare the time for it...I suppose." Izaya leaned further than necessary over his desk and stared wide-eyed as Akashi took the pencil and paper from Rom and scrawled his name in neat, elegant cursive: "Seijuro Akashi". "Ohhhh, you can write in English. Very impressive...Kiseki no Sedai Taichou." Akashi gave him a smile that held back careful violence, "Arigatou, Izaya." Stifling his laughter, Izaya's gaze was drawn back to his computer as a beep alerted him to something Akashi couldn't see on the screen. Handing the paper back to Rom, Akashi snatched a lock of her hair, letting the brown strands slip through his fingers, "For your siblings? They go to school at Nintendo High? Hmm, what are your names? You know me...but I don't know you." Gently he let go of Rom's hair and lifted a Shogi piece from the board without looking and placed it in the little girl's hand, "Keep this until we meet again, okay?" Intense red and gold eyes bore into Rom. Rolling his eyes, Izaya slid his chair over to his own odd game and slowly moved a few pieces around. His fingers moved swiftly over the pieces as if he knew exactly what he was doing and why.

    CPU's Residence:

    Virus sighed and gave her a lazy smile, "Not really... Ah, there is one thing. Sei doesn't make eye contact for a reason. Don't force'll regret it." He pursed his lips, blue eyes sliding away from Histoire's gaze, "And any odd happenings with computers, TV's, consoles, tablets, iPods and other things with a screen are beyond my control so don't come whining to me. Sei's a very shy boy...he'll take time to adjust at his own pace." Turning on his heel with his back facing Histoire, Virus twirled his finger in the air, "Things will get rather odd around here during those days." Sliding his phone back into his pocket, Virus headed for the door, "I'll take care of the paperwork...but from now on, Sei is apart of your family. He'll be listed as your, specifically your, adopted son. Birth certificate, vaccinations and all medical information will be sent to you in the mail. Of course, they'll only be copies." Virus turned his head, looking over his shoulder at Histoire, a possessive look in his blue eyes, "You're only a cover. Sei is mine."

    Tokyo Streets:

    Rubbing her eyes, Naoto shook off the funny feeling she got from Yuuichi Komura and Ryou Kutani and gestured down the street to where the memorial was being held. "We should get going, Senpai. It would be wise to be able to locate Yamagishi-san before the memorial starts. Hopefully she can answer some questions for us. She's one of the more sure leads to finding out what that incident was at Tatsumi Port Island and finding Shinjiro Aragaki." Her blue eyes darkened as she set off for the memorial.

    Shepard's Apartment:

    Thane frowned at the sight of Shepard's convertible. "Is this safe? You humans don't make a lot of your vehicles able to withstand heavy artillery." Turning her face away, Tali tried to hold back her snickering at Nihlus' comment. "Quite safe. For Earth that is. Encountering heavy artillery highly unlikely. Convertible built for optimal speed, not safety. Common theme with Shepard." Thane eyed the backseat. It would be cramped trying to fit everyone inside. Opening his mouth to comment, Tali lifted a set of keys, "I've never been on Earth before...I thought I should get one too. Don't worry, it's quite safe." Behind Tali sat a slick black pickup truck. Mordin scanned it over and shrugged, "Prefer to ride with Tali. Higher chance of survival." Nihlus sighed heavily and climbed into the truck with Mordin and Tali, leaving Thane to slid into the backseat with Wrex.

    Toshima District: ASIC~

    Shoving roughly past Trick and Brave, CFW Magic stared with starry eyes at the woman before them. "Arfoire-sama~!" Linda slinked out behind her, tip-toeing to stand in a corner somewhere. "Arfoire-sama~!" Magic squealed with delight, the sound making Linda cringe and cast a disgusted glance her way. Magic straighted immediately and cast an icy glare at the others, "Stand at attention, you idiots! Arfoire-sama has returned to us to give divine orders! We must listen with our hearts open and take in her heavenly beauty." "Yuck, what beauty...?" "What was that?!" Startled, Linda slid down to sit in her corner and listen, unwilling to provoke Magic further.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Twilight_Nobody13
    Yashiro Isana/Adolf K. Weismann (K Project)
    Kuroh Yatogami (K Project)
    Saruhiko Fushimi (K Project)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Twilight_Nobody13

    Kotaro Hayama (Kuroko no Basket)
    Eikichi Nebuya (Kuroko no Basket)
    Reo Mibuchi (Kuroko no Basket)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Twilight_Nobody13

    Susumu Yamazaki (Hakuouki)
    Hajime Saito (Hakuouki)
    Souji Okita (Hakuouki)
    Chikage Kazama (Hakuouki)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Twilight_Nobody13
    Hospital: Minako's Room~
    Akihiko turned doubtful gray eyes away from Officer Jenny's fleeing form. He stared long and hard at Minako's face before cradling her cheek in one black gloved hand. "I will be right back. I need to call..." he glanced at Saix, "A friend. If Minato wakes up, tell him I'm coming back. We really need to talk about what happened that year." Minako nodded and Akhiko stood, leaving her room.
    Flipping out his cell phone, Akhiko speed dialed Fuuka. Her voice came through the speaker after the second ring. " something wrong?" "I'm sorry to call...or maybe not so sorry. Fuuka, Minato and Minako are back." "Wh-what?! They're back? Wh...where, Senpai?! Are they okay?" Smiling at Fuuka's excited tone, Akhiko cleared his throat, "They're somewhat alright. Minato was hurt...but the doctors here say he'll pull through. There's something I need you to do. There's someone I need you to track down. The person who did this to the Arisato siblings."

    CPU's House:

    Virus paced for a moment. "This...isn't exactly a game, Histoire." Pushing up his glasses, Virus glanced out the door, checking to make sure the girls weren't scrambling to evesdrop on their conversation. "I have something I want you to help me with, Histoire." Pulling out his cell, he flipped it open and showed Histoire the photo that had been pulled up. A picture of a black haired boy lying in a hospital bed. Purple and blue showed under transparently white skin. Despite the terrible state of the boy, black eyes were open and looking directly at the camera. "This is Sei... You didn't meet him at your time working for Toue, but he's one of the boys we created. After Sei united all the consciousness' he'd created to destroy the Oval Tower and Platinum Jail, it was highly believe he died because of Aoba... Fortunately, something else happened and Trip and I were able to retrieve Sei's collective consciousness. I require a place to keep Sei so he's not found by anyone who either knows about Toue's research or the events that day. Sei is a very valuable person." A smile spread across Virus' lips, "I want you to formally adopt him and keep him with your girls during the day. At night, I will take him back." Handing her the phone to flip through several pictures, more of the same, Virus waited patiently for her answer.

    Tokyo Streets:
    Komura hesitated. Golden eyes switched from Yu's face to Teddie's and then to Naoto. "I'm nothing special. Honestly, whatever you're thinking...that's probably not it." Naoto scowled, "Then what are you?" "I am the descendant of the Nine-Tailed Fox. A beast that lent its power to the Tamayori Princess to kill the God of the Underworld." Naoto stared at him, unblinking, and his smile turned sad, "But you don't know what that means at expected. I used to be the Guardian of someone extraordinary. The events of that time are over and I am a free and normal person now. But that does not mean my powers have vanished along with my duty." He held out one hand, palm up and blue fire sprang to life just above the skin of his palm. "I create spirit fire and illusions. We....Ryou Kutani...and myself are very sensitive to spiritual power. You, your boyfriend and your animal-like friend possess much more spiritual power than normal humans." His gaze trailed after Ryou and Naoto filed away everything he'd said. She and Yu had seen more than enough crazy to at least believe he was telling the truth. "Ryou Kutani...he's like you then?" Komura nodded, "Yes, he is the descendant of the Wolf. His senses, like mine, are enhanced. Though I'm not going to walk around sniffing people. apologies, my name is Yuuichi Komura. O-chan was travelling with me, but I'm glad she's found someone else to protect. The Osaki Fox is a type of ghost. Her power is the same as mine, but her level of power is determined by...well I suppose it doesn't matter now." Naoto watched as Yuuichi snuffed out the flame as quickly as he'd created it, " don't possess a Persona." Tilting his head, Yuuichi questioned, "Persona? A facade... No, I don't. I imagine you have other questions...but I can't allow Kutani-san to roam too far out of my vision. We'll meet again." Yuuichi smiled and gave chase to Ryou, leaving Naoto, Yu and Teddie alone again. "That's...interesting. It makes sense. The Persona is a part of our selves...our souls. Those who have spiritual sensitivity would be able to sense something."

    Shepard's Apartment:

    Liara's voice came back over the speakers, "Um, Shepard...please try to refrain from killing him. Izaya may be severely limiting my information network but he's still someone I need. Someone you'll need. Izaya Orihara has a lot of information about things that's not written down and so far my attempts to hack into his hard-drive remotely have been unsuccessful." Tali whistled, "Something the Shadow Broker can't hack into, I'm surprised." "As am I. He has many, ever-changing firewalls at every turn and I'm sure much of what isn't on any of the computers in his apartment are in files. Just...refrain from shooting him, if you can." Nihlus frowned, "Shadow Broker...?" He gave Shepard a surprised look and shook his head. Thane and Mordin stood along with Tali, ready to follow Shepard out to Shinjuku.

    Shinjuku District: Izaya Orihara's Apartment~
    "So... The odd crystal provides other pawns. What will you do when the side you've placed yourself on suddenly becomes the one with too many players?" Heterochromia red and gold eyes stared intently at a Shogi board before moving one piece and lifting up to Izaya sitting at his desk. "Then I simply condition the other side to even the odds. This is my war...I'm not about to let key pieces be kicked out of the game before we hit the climax." Izaya's red eyes shifted from the email he was writing to the red-headed high schooler sitting on his couch playing Shogi. The kid was smart...but that was why he was here in the first place. "And Kuroko? You said you wanted information. Do you still want it?" "Of course I do. Tetsuya is very important to me. I promised I'd see him and the others again. But I can wait until our practice match in a few months." Arching one brow, Izaya leaned back into his chair and angled it towards him, "The file to your right is Kuroko and if you want the others...I'll need payment up front." "You don't trust me, Izaya?'s not as fun knowing I'm right when there's no game to it." Izaya glowered, "Akashi-kun..." "You don't play basketball. You're not the type. You don't know what it's like to be able to see, predict and understand everything that's going on." "Akashi..." "I hate to say I might've been wrong...really, it would imply I can be wrong--" "Seijuro!" Red and gold eyes and a smile met Izaya's annoyed gaze, "Yes, Izaya?" Breaking into laughter, Izaya set his feet on top of his desk, "Seijuro Akashi...the Captain of the Generation of Miracles. They don't give that title to just anyone. And now I see why. But I'm not playing with just a few people. I've been playing with all of Japan as my board and its people as my pieces. Of course, I haven't moved a single one of them...without them knowing it. Life is a funner game to play than basketball." Ignoring him, Akashi picked up the folder and started reading.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Twilight_Nobody13

    Sei (DRAMAtical Murder)
    Nicole Premier (Togainu no Chi)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Twilight_Nobody13
    CPU's Residence:

    Virus hummed, a light smile playing on his lips and light blue eyes glittering down at Histoire, "Comrades, hm? I'm not sure what that has to do with something everyone's been placing blame on me for...but it sounds..." even with a smile, his words were cold, "Ridiculous." Laughing, Virus ran a hand through his blond bangs, "Comrades will stick beside you for one reason only--you have something that they want--and that reason only. How adorable that you'd think it would be for anything other than selfish desire." Inwardly, Virus was reprimanding himself. He had no intention of sabotaging something he'd set up a few dozen years ago, but this was getting to be tedious. Changing pace, Virus lifted her chin up and met her eyes evenly, "'ve grown soft. You were quite young when I made you mine... You didn't bat an eye when you saw how I am. Why are you crumbling under a few heated arguments?"

    Shepard's Apartment:

    Nihlus studied Shepard for a moment. "Mistakes are in the nature of all living beings, yes...even I've made them," his last encounter with Saren coming to mind, "I suppose...if you say you require my help I shouldn't turn a blind eye to it. I am, after all, just a normal Turian soldier now." No matter how much it pained him to have heard those words from the Council, Nihlus wasn't going to throw away a chance to redeem himself. "By aiding you, I shall prove my undeniable sanity to the Council and re-gain my Spectre status. Shepard, I would prefer if you evaluated me while on this mission." Covering his mouth, Nihlus quietly added, "Since it's actually quite hard to say no to a woman like you."


    Crow rolled golden eyes, "Parents? What's that?" Hopping up and down, Pino, the girl in the pink bunny outfit, waved a hand around in the air, "Pino's parents are dead. Pino stays with Vince and Re-l. If the police are contacted, Re-l will come get Pino. Vince works as a fixer-person for the school around here." Before she could launch into a very detailed description of Vince and Re-l, Crow covered her mouth, "Shut up already!" He leaned closer to her and whispered something that made the wide-eyed bunny girl clam up before pushing the other boy closer to the doctor, "You were pretty much dragged by your ankles into that stupid dump by that guy in white. We don't need a doctor...but this guy might." Crow and Pino sat on the floor as if they'd never seen a chair in their lives with Crow eyeing the doctor warily.

    Minako's room:

    Akihiko gave incredibly cautious answers to Officer Jenny's questions one by one. "She was in an abandoned building not far from Nintendo High's front gates. There was a long drop down a few flights of stairs and an isolated room below ground level." His gray eyes flitted to the door for a moment, "Anyone...else...? I've no idea what any of their names were and if they were said, I didn't catch any of them. There was a white haired guy...he wasn't normal in the slightest, but he seemed to be the one that organized Minako's kidnapping. I think those other guys were just guys for hire." His gaze turned intense for a second as he met Officer Jenny's eyes, "I was given a tip from a friend. What does it matter how I found her...all that matters is that she's unharmed. I'll catch the guy who did this myself..."

    Tokyo Streets:

    Naoto rubbed her neck and scowled. The man casually returned Yu's glare, "Hm? Who're you?" Wishing to prevent a fight, no matter how much Naoto silently wished Yu would actually beat him up, placed her self between, yet somehow still within the protective reach of Yu, the boys. "Who are you to ask for his name? I believe you're the one who--" "Ah, the kitten speaks. I'm glad to hear you talk, but not with this guy glaring at me." "Kitten? You can't possible be--" "But really, I was talking to the Fox. The fact that you can't gauge my power at all and still talk like that makes me want to rip you to pieces." Irritated that he kept cutting her off, Naoto glared at him and aimed a swift kick towards his head. Promptly blocking her kick, the man grinned a wolf-ish grin, "I know you want to get a word in edge-wise, kitten, but it's not smart to kick someone who you don't even know." Straightening and retracting her leg, Naoto jabbed a finger at him, "Then elaborate on who you are." Ruffling green hair, the man sighed, "Bossy kitten, aren't you? My name is Ryou Kutani. Your boyfriend's powers might sting a bit but an average skill isn't going to kill me." Surprised, Naoto backed up a step, " know about Senpai's powers? How?" "I can smell them." What the hell did scent have to do with anything? "You smell them? Speak plainly." Ryou scratched behind his ear, "Okay...I'll put it in words you can understand, kitten. I'm the descendant of a Wolf. My abilities aren't what you call 'normal'," He used air-quotes with his fingers before his red gaze settled on Teddie, "But you three would know all about that kind of thing, wouldn't you?" "Kutani..." Ryou flinched and glared off to the side where a white haired man, roughly the same age as well, had been lounging against a wall for the duration of their conversation. Though his eyes were closed and he gave the appearance that he was asleep, he spoke harshly, "Please stop spreading lies and creeping out students." The fox on Naoto's shoulder perked up its blue ears and waved twin blue tails at the sight of the white haired man. In the minute it took for Naoto to finish assessing the white haired man, Ryou had backed a considerable distance away from them and looked ready to flee at the drop of a hat. "Is that a threat, Komura?" "Yes. You know I can best everything you have and that boy will most likely have more power than you possess. You can't fight him without worrying about me and it's not wise to fight me alone." Opening his eyes, he gave him a hard golden glare, "Flee while you still can, wolf." "I'll find a way to best you one of these days, fox." Turning on his heel, Ryou continued down the street away from the memorial. Walking towards them, the white haired man tickled the fox's chin and smiled warmly, "I'm sorry to intervene like that. I didn't mean to stick my nose in something that didn't require it but I've been looking for Kutani-san. He's not evil...if that's what you're thinking...but he's not a very nice person either."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Twilight_Nobody13

    Seijuro Akashi (Kuroko no basket)
    Number 2 (Kuroko no basket)

    Name: Seijuro Akashi
    Description: The feared captain of the Generation of Miracles. He is the only one the Generation of Miracles knuckles under. Now the point guard and captain of Rakuzan High. Akashi has a victory complex, stating that if he ever lost a game he would believe it to be his fault, quit the team and gouge out his eyes in repentance. Akashi has a sort of split-personality. The change happening during a one-on-one with a Generation of Miracle member, Murasakiba, where he realized he would lose and snapped, stating that he would always win and eliminate anyone who stood in his way, even his parents.
    Occupation: Student/ Captain of the Basketball Team

    Name: Number 2
    Description: A dog Kuroko found after a game one night. Refusing to leave it behind, Kuroko and Riko kept the dog as a sort of mascot. Something about it (the eyes) remind them of Kuroko, thus it was named Number 2, as in Kuroko Number 2.
    Occupation: Pet
    Other: (will edit when I get some pictures)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Twilight_Nobody13

    Well I'm sorry if you didn't appreciate my comment. I was simply asking a legitimate question. And see? If no one else wants to play some of them, I'd be left with half a team and then it'd be very hard for me to move forwards with club-based plot. No matter how insignificant to you....I like minor plots.[DOUBLEPOST=1379039306][/DOUBLEPOST]Reserving on behalf of NutheadBros.:

    Kevin (Red Testament) (Xenosaga series)
    Miyuki (Xenosaga series)
    Allen (Xenosaga series)
    Wilhiem (Xenosaga series)
    Nagisa Hazuki (Free! Iwatobi Swim Club)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Twilight_Nobody13

    I removed one. I stand by the fact that it's not the entire main cast. And I'm slightly confused by that last part. You...appreciate my comment? (I did delete the post you quoted) I'd still like an answer to that question.

    Do you want to play one or two of them?
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Twilight_Nobody13

    Haruka Nanase (Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club)
    Makoto Tachibana (Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club)
    Rei Ryugazaki (Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club)
    Gou Matsuoka (Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Twilight_Nobody13
    CPU's Residence:

    Virus's face twisted into a scowl, "So instead you'd be cold and ignore their questions? Or better yet...refuse to even bring up the topic? Brilliant. I expected that much...but I guess a part of me wished I was wrong. You can't have it both ways, Histoire." Dismissing his anger with a wave of his hand, Virus turned away. Looking at her reminded him of someone else...someone he didn't need to remember. That person had filled their slot of fun for himself and Trip. He could have as much fun as he wanted with the ever vicious Koujaku. Bored now, Virus idly commented, "Our you miss it?"

    Shepard's Apartment:

    Mordin looked back and forth between the Krogan and the Turian before resuming his work analyzing the data he'd obtained from Nihlus. Tali shook her head, "I don't get it. And I don't think I should. Shepard said not to cause trouble." Thane's black eyes stared blankly at the space in front of him and his voice came out quietly, speaking rapidly, "Black hair...eyes, red as blood. Dressed in black leather. The movements of a black tornado. Much quicker than a Drell. The scent of something murky...can't quite tell what it is. Something's not right. Black, red, white...silver. A dodge to the left. Strike down the middle. Impact. Ribs cracking." Blinking out of it, Thane frowned to himself.
    Nihlus watched Shepard cautiously. "A relic? You mean something like the Beacon we were to retrieve on Eden Prime. I've never heard of an S-Type...." Catching himself in his thoughts, he warily stepped closer to Shepard, "Why would you ask me to help you? I heard what the Council were made Spectre. I'd hoped to accompany you on several more missions before...something like Eden Prime happened. If your story is true...making you a Spectre was a good move. I almost regret going into Eden Prime on my own. I should've never let my guard down around Saren. I, no matter what I thought, I made a judgment error. And I'm atoning for it now..." Stubborn, he clasped his hands behind his back and shut his eyes, "Your offer is tempting but..."

    Crow yanked the boy along after Doctor Hu with Pino trailing behind them. She waved behind her at those they'd left in the room, despite not knowing a single one of them.
    Akihiko sighed, "I'll tell you what I can, but that's it. Nothing else will make sense." He didn't feel like answering questions. Minako looked tired and in pain and he was growing more and more tired from using his Persona outside the Dark Hour. Yashamaru poked and proded, even stretching her cheeks, but the black markings he'd seen on Minato didn't appear on Minako. "'re hurting me." Letting go of her cheek, Yashamaru smiled gently, "You'll be alright, Minako. I'm not sure what happened earlier...but both you and your brother have some very strange abilities. You remind me of my nephew." Grinning, Minako pointed to herself, "I get told that a lot. Aki told me I reminded him of his sister." Hearing Minako's stomach rumble, Akhiko smiled, "And you still do. J-Just...I don't look at you like my sister." Blushing, he looked away from Minako's smiling face and up to the Officer, "You have questions?"
    Kakashi leaned against the wall outside of the Arisato siblings' room. His mind running circles within his skull. How was Izaya Orihara invovled with those two? What did Shiki mean when he said he'd see Minato later? What did Albedo have to do with any of them? And who was Rubedo? All questions he couldn't answer. What was that summoning Minako did?

    Tokyo Streets:

    "Not at all, Teddie. I'm glad to have at least some familiar faces." Naoto walked with Yu and Teddie in his human form, still wearing the the outlandish outfit Chie and Yukiko had bought him. Turning to O-chan on her shoulder, Naoto remembered her earlier encounter with the odd group with the man that immediately knew she was a girl. "That's right...O-chan, what was that thing you gave to Watanuki-san?" "Nee!" "Still can't talk, huh? I guess I missed my opportunity to ask questions. That's alright...he did say we'd meet again." Stuck in idle thought, Naoto bumped into a green haired man. He looked about Yu's age, but taller and wore a strange uniform from a different school. " apologies, I wasn't looking where I--" "You smell pretty good." "Excuse me?" Taken by surprise, Naoto took a step back before the man caught her arm and promptly buried his face in the side of her neck. Naoto's face turned bright red as she struggled in his grip, "What are you doing?!" "Your smell...I said I like it." O-chan on Naoto's shoulder bristled, "Nee!" Lifting red eyes to O-chan, the man released Naoto and watched her stagger back. "Yo...Osaki Fox. Weren't you supposed to be hanging around Komura?"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Twilight_Nobody13

    Asura (Soul Eater)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Twilight_Nobody13
    CPU's Residence:

    Virus watched Histoire run away and frowned. Returning to the room, he tried not to bring his usual attitude with him as he addressed the girls. "It's not entirely your fault. It was my idea to give one of you away each time." Kuro glared at him and he met her glare with a cold stare, "I've never been good at handling children...I'll admit that much. But I screened each and every one of the people that offered to take you three. Smoking, drinking, gambling, any sign of future lay-off and they were out of the line-up. I did what I could to make sure you girls had a safe home to grow up in. I knew you'd come back here so I kept them in touch with Histoire. After...that incident with Croire...I didn't hold on to a false hope that I'd be allowed into your lives when you returned so I didn't bother to keep with the updates." Adjusting his glasses, Virus sighed, "My brother, Trip, doesn't know any of I'd appreciate it if you kept this family business on the down-low." He checked to make sure Histoire wasn't coming back any time soon and cleared his throat, "There's quite a bit I never told Histoire. Such as how we's not as fairy-tale as she makes it sound. The company she worked for was a branch of Toue Inc. that I was briefly assigned to watch over. I frequently traveled to and from an island off the coast of Tokyo to check in with Trip and Mr. Toue. Naturally I kept my relationship with the company a secret from Histoire and my relationship with Histoire a secret from the company. The rest is as Histoire remembers. Though it was a bit more taxing on me than her. My advances towards your mother were made in jest...which she took seriously. Imagine my surprise when a few nights turned into a relationship." "Is this supposed to make us like you?" "Absolutely not. I lost any chance at having you all "like me" when I agreed to have coffee with Croire. For a primitive woman she knows her way around a deadly herb garden. Of course, I don't remember any of what happened that night. But you girls probably aren't interested in my explanation for the reason Ram and Rom are so-called "scarred for life" and Histoire hardly trusts me." He gave up when neither of the girls batted an eye at his story. Turning on his heel, he followed after Histoire. Finding her, he searched for a way to talk to her. "I figured you only called me because you wanted more money...or something the company had denied you. I didn't imagine they would be here when I arrived....let alone that you hadn't told them. Histoire...I don't remember what happened and I don't expect you to forgive me. Toue Inc. no longer exists...and I no longer work for a company like that. I work as a head of Morphine now...with Trip. With Toue Inc. gone, the name on the checks will be different...if you hadn't noticed already. Seregaki Inc. is...very different." The reason he'd started rambling on about the company justify himself, wasn't it? He didn't want her to believe the rumors that the news spread about Toue Inc. and Morphine when Platinum Jail was destroyed.

    Shepard's Apartment:

    Nihlus listened quietly and obediently to the Councilors and even after the transmission ended, he was left silent and in shock. His pride hurt, Nihlus turned away from Shepard and her companions and quietly left the room to contemplate in Shepard's room. He didn't quite see the space around him as his thoughts ran around in his head. If Shepard's summary of the recent events were true...then how long had he been out? Three years...maybe more? And now with his Spectre status revoked...he had no choice but to return to Citadel space...

    Liara's voice came quietly through the speakers once more, "That sounded rather harsh... For a Turian, a demotion like that has got to hurt. I know Turians are proud and fond of their military achievements. To come back from the dead and have everything stripped's worse than dying. Shepard...I recommend giving Nihlus a purpose. Even a once-Spectre Turian still packs a punch if he were to become like Saren." Thane looked up to Shepard, "You should consider asking him to join us on our mission that Peppy Hare has given us. You seem to...have some unrequited feelings for Nihlus that I believe would be best worked out before he keels over again." Tali chuckled, "That sounded like a joke, Thane." The drell shrugged, "Perhaps."


    Akihiko frowned, "It's not that simple." Kakashi showed the phone to Hu, on the screen it read: "History Deleted". "I'm lucky I even got to look at it before he deleted the call history. Ordinary police aren't going to cut it. Don't worry about the formalities, Doctor Hu. I'll take care of it. The Soul Reaper Punishment Squad is already looking for the man who kidnapped Minako. The guy who actually took her from her dorm room seemed more like he was pushed into this. Izaya...leave him be. We've no evidence that connects him to this case anymore. As for the hideout...I'm afraid the place was wrecked. Our kidnapper fled the hideout before we could take him into custody. I doubt he'll return there. Anyway--" "Pino told you it was easy." "Yeah, also said you knew your way around this place. Huh? Hey, that guy's wearing a white coat. I'm going to C'mon...we'll get this guy checked out and head home." A black haired boy wearing a cap and some raggedy clothes and a little girl wearing a pink bunny suit dragged another boy behind them as they pushed their way into the room to stand before Doctor Hu. Pulling the boy in front of him, the black haired bow winked deviously, "I'm Crow, this is Pino and this is our friend. He got a bit scratched up so...we tagged along in the ambulance. He's been kinda dazed for a while... I, uh...didn't want to leave him that way." Kakashi bowed slightly and took his leave. Akihiko returned to silence as Yashamaru checked over Minako, probing her stomach for soft spots or pain.


    Naoto nodded before pulling up a picture of a red-headed woman on the screen of the computer, "My thoughts exactly, Senpai. The current head of the Kirijo Group is Mitsuru Kirijo. She was a student during the time the Syndrome really took off. All the news reports say her father, the former head of the Group, died of sudden illness. Locating someone as famous as her isn't difficult...but getting close to her to ask questions would be. Since I have all the necessary information about Yamagishi-san, I'm going to head to the memorial and see if she's there." She hesitated, letting the little fox run up her arm and settle around her shoulders, " don't know if you changed your mind during our time apart...but my feelings haven't changed."

    Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, Kiba, Shino and Fuuka arrived at the memorial site and quietly took their seats beside Shikamaru's father, Shikaku Nara. Fuuka's thoughts rode heavily on the presence she'd sensed during the battle against the S-Types earlier. She'd felt it again while passing by the library. But with Shikamaru and his friends with her, she couldn't check it out. How was she to explain herself to the person even if she found them. But another who felt like they had the same power as Minato, Minako and couldn't be coincidence that the person was in Tokyo. Was the seal wearing off? Had Erebus succeeded in breaking through? Was Nyx going to come back and another person was to be sacrificed to stop the Fall?
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Sep 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Elizabeth
    Description: A former resident of the Velvet Room. Elizabeth has a strong connection to the guest Minato Arisato and is a new holder of the Wild Card. Despite her new ability to use the Wild Card, she still holds the Persona Compendium.
    Occupation: ???
    Series character is from: Persona 3/ Persona 4 Arena
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Aug 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Twilight_Nobody13

    Elizabeth (Persona 3/ Persona 4 Arena)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Aug 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home