I shall join with a few characters. Not necessarily holding back. Gaara (Naruto Shippuden) Shikamaru (Naruto Shippuden) Sai (Naruto Shippuden) Neji Hyuuga (Naruto Shippuden) Sasori (Naruto Shippuden) Nagato (Naruto Shippuden) Shisui Uchiha (Naruto Shippuden) Madara Uchiha (Naruto Shippuden) Tobi (Naruto Shippuden) Kakashi Hatake (Naruto Shippuden) Minato Namikaze (Naruto Shippuden) Temari (Naruto Shippuden) Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia) Yuan Ka-Fai (Tales of Symphonia) Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) Yamato (Naruto Shippuden) Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) Yuuko (xxxHoLic) Fai and Mokona (Tsubasa Chronicles) Yagura (Naruto Shippuden) Yugito Ni'i (Naruto Shippuden) Yashamaru (Naruto) Jushiro Ukitake (Bleach) Martel (Tales of Symphonia) Cee (Naruto Shippuden) Samui (Naruto Shippuden) Darui (Naruto Shippuden) Hayate Gekko (Naruto Shippuden) Genma Shiranui (Naruto Shippuden) Raido (Naruto Shippuden) Mei Terumi (Naruto Shippuden) Fuu (Naruto Shippuden) Kurotsuchi (Naruto Shippuden) Magaret (Persona series) Hidan (naruto Shippuden) Kakuzu (naruto Shippuden) Kisame Hoshigaki (Naruto Shippuden) Izaya Orihara (DRRR!) Shizuo Heiwajima (DRRR!) Angel (Kaede Tachibana) (Angel Beats)
I already have him.
Opening his eyes, Ash stared at his lap for a few minutes, blinking the fog away from his vision. Lifting his head, his gaze fell on a silver metal table with a lamp. It reminded him of those kinds of tables in interrogation rooms in the movies. Shifting his gaze around the room, Ash was met with boring grey walls in a perfect square around him. The wall directly across from him was a reflective glass wall... Dread chilled his blood and sent a cold sweat along his spine. This was a police room...areal interrogation room. Swallowing hard, Ash shifted his arms and found them restrained behind his back. Fully aware now, Ash registered the hard surface of the chair he sat in, the tingling feeling remaining in his muscles from the electrocution...or was it just a stun gun? Sighing, Ash pulled against his restraints when he felt a sudden craving jump to the front of his mind. 'Uh-oh...they took my cheese...and I left my milk with that Nick guy... This isn't good at all.' Ash pulled harder, feeling the handcuffs cut into the flesh of his wrists. The door slammed open, making Ash jump. In walked a man with slicked back black hair with a touch of grey, dull grey eyes, and a typical white, button-up shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his tie bore an interesting pattern of christmas trees. Flat-ironed dark blue dress pants and brown suede shoes. "Morning...are those too tight?" Inwardly, Ash breathed in relief, a sensible person to help. "Y-Yeah...just a bit..." "Get used to it, son." He glared at him, narrowing hate-filled grey and Ash cowered down into his chair. "So...it says here in your file that you punched a man to death in the park. Then you broke into private property and injured a few dogs and a number of other crimes committed a few years back that you never answered for. Got anything to say about this?" Ash frowned, "I didn't think they'd get hurt... They should've realized I was an alpha male and backed down. And I...I didn't mean to kill that man! He killed Sandy!" The man tilted his head to the side slightly, "Who's Sandy? Your girlfriend? Sister?" Confused, Ash shook his head, "N-No...she's my friend. She...was my friend... That man killed her." Sniffing, Ash averted his gaze from the man. Hearing an irritated snort, Ash's head snapped up only to be met with the back of the man's hand. "Don't give me that sh!t. You f*cking killed him in cold blood and you know it!" The sting from the previous slap jarred Ash. "I didn't mean to do it... I...I just snapped. I blacked out and...and then he was dead." Another irritated click of his tongue and another slap followed. Tasting blood, Ash stifled a laugh. "What's so funny?" "Pfft....your tie....is way out of season." Ash's blue eyes darkened and he glared up at the cop. "You're a cop, ain't ya? Aren't you supposed to be...oh...I dunno...with the law?" Pulling back his fist, anger blazed in his grey eyes and the door opened again. "Whoa, whoa...John! What are you doing?" This man reminded Ash of Gibbs from NYCSI or another of those cop shows with his silver hair and fancy blue suit. "I'm gonna teach this smart-mouthing punk a lesson. Do you have a problem with that?" "Yeah...we're supposed to be asking him about the other murders. J-Just take a chill pill, John, alright?" Ash leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling for a moment before a slap of a folder being thrown onto the table drew his attention down. Ash found several pictures of dead faces strewn across the table. "Wh-who are these people?" "They're your victims." "H-Huh?" "Admit it!" John's fist planted itself in the side of Ash's head, knocking him and the chair over onto the floor. "What the hell was that for?!" "Admit you killed them you psychopath!" "I didn't kill anyone!" "Don't you lie to me!" John punched him again and again, cutting Ash's lip on the wedding band on his ring finger and cracking the bridge of Ash's nose. "John!" John's partner righted Ash and his chair. The second he stepped away, John hit him again, breaking Ash's nose. Blood now ran down Ash's chin from his lip and his nose. Spitting a stream of the crimson fluid onto the floor, Ash licked the blood from his lips and laughed, "You have nothing! I didn't kill these people...and y'know what? I didn't kill that guy in the park." John shook his head, uttered a curse and punched him again. Choking on his blood, Ash coughed blood out of his throat, "Thank you sir, may I have another." "Smug little..." hitting him again, John shook his hand and rubbed his blood covered knuckles, "What is WRONG with this kid." "It doesn't hurt...if you guys want to hurt me, you're going to have to do something much more."
I already have Darui. And I thought someone had Hinata, I forget who though.
I'll play as PoH! *makes crazy face*
Name: Karura Description: The mother of Gaara, previously thought dead. Karura has been hospitalized for several years and kept secret from her family. Occupation: N/A Series Character is from: Naruto
Minato sighed, it seemed neither of them were going to talk to him. Star grabbed his shirt and he receded into his head, reflecting on their words earlier. They do know him then...they have a history...they must know him well not to want to have anything to do with him. Blinking back to reality, he watched Star leave and collapse. The newcomer was oddly concerned. Minato followed, edging his way past her protective husband and touched a hand to Star's cheek and opened a small window filled with ones and zeros. After watching the numbers fly past, he sighed again and stood, "Your friend is fine... Her mind is over-taxed giving the illusion that she's ill. It's a symptom that normal gamers display when they've been playing too long. The condition is significantly delayed when using NerveGear. Let her rest, give her some water when she wakes and pray someone on the outside is paying attention to the level of water in her blood and adjusting accordingly." Masamune took in the new area and upon her mention of weird side effects of arriving, donned a coat. "I don't believe in areas affecting my mind... I'll choose to believe what's real and what's not." He ignored her insistent chatter and waited until Alpha appeared. Masamune's red-brown eyes caught on his health bar, "I see our friend, Miss Silica didn't take well to you trying to eliminate her." A smirk flashed across his lips before disappearing at the mention of PoH. "Great...everyone knows how I love to be around PoH."
Name: Menma Uzumaki Description: Menma's disposition is rather sour a majority of the time. His relationship with the Nine-Tails Fox is based on a mutual hatred. Menma has a shocking ability to actually be very much like Naruto, who he looks very much like. His relationship with his father and mother is strained. Occupation: Student/???? Series Character is from: Naruto Shippuden: Road to Ninja Name: Kushina Uzumaki Description: The Red Hot Habanero of the Hidden Leaf. Kushina is the former Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails and mother of Naruto and Menma, wife of Minato. Occupation: Mother Series character is from: Naruto Shippuden
Orihara Building: Noire nodded with Blanc's suggestion. Gust wandered over to Shizuo and patted his leg, "Don't worry, Shizuo...I've been in contact with Kasuka. They fled the building shortly after those guys busted the joint up." Vert shrugged and shook her head, Gust never did make much sense when she was working with strange people. Pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his vest pocket, Shizuo placed one in his mouth and lit it, "Dammit... Gust, what're you doing here so late? Don't you have school tomorrow?" Gust shook her head, "Mr. Orihara placed an overnight delivery for me. I came...and delivered. My friends had a few questions for Mr. Orihara. And school is out for three days. Don't you watch enough TV lately?" Shizuo sighed, moving out of the way for Gust and her friends to leave, and followed after them. "I've been busy. I'm moving up here soon...and Kasuka's going to attend a few classes at the high school. Some punks have been claiming he doesn't have the right credits or somethin'." Vert and Noire peered over their shoulders at Shizuo, "He's cute...in an unrestrained, kill you in your sleep kind of way." Noire shot her a disbelieving look, "Oh, no...I'm finding you a boyfriend that isn't possibly the most dangerous man in Tokyo. That eliminates, Shizuo Heiwajima and Izaya Orihara from that list." Vert pouted, "How mean, Noire." Izaya chuckled, setting the small gem on a replicated game board like the one on the table downstairs. He placed the black star-shaped gem on one side, behind several other pieces. "And then...there was one more. Your Harbringers aren't going to know what hit them. Of course...this doesn't limit my skills to just your side, you know." A long, drawn out silence followed his words and he laughed again, "Promises, promises."
Luce paced, feeling paranoia kick in. What if it wasn't her brothers that had come for her...but some stupid, red-neck gang of morons? That was the least of her problems. What would be worse...would be any form of supernatural creature when she didn't have her guns with her. She listened to the door burst down... Scott... And she heard his voice. She hadn't realized how cozy it made her feel until now. Like home...bundled all into one big lug of a man she refused to call her brother. Oh, the irony was killing her...it really was. She was the most violent of the group...how did it come to her poor, unfortunate brothers coming to her rescue? She listened to the stairs creak painfully. He was going to take his sweet time going up the stairs....wasn't he? Impatient, Luce marched out the door of the room she'd been cooped up in for days and stood at the top of the stairs, hands on her hips, glaring down at Scott. He was carrying that stupid sword again... "I'm a damsel...I'm in distress...and you take your time? Are you insane? What if I were bleeding out in here? Throat all torn up?" It wasn't the best "Hello, I've missed the hell outta you" she'd ever given...but she wasn't about to admit that anyway. "I hope you brought me a burger or somethin'. No? Candy bar? Piece of gum? Nothin'?" Solid food would've been nice...but...she didn't think she could keep it down. "Scott....I know you wanna hug me an all that creepy mushy stuff... You never listen to me so I'm going to say this twice! Don't touch me. Don't you even dare think of touching me."
*gives cookie* Good, yay.
Thanks to Arch for helping me with some stuff. X3 100 years ago, the Earth as we know it split into two. A shadow world known as The Abyssal Hall, a prison where creatures of malice run rampant. It was said that a messenger from that world would rise up from the earth and steal you away to that world if your crime was bad enough. But this world could not be proven as real. It was deemed "unreal" and for a while existed separate from reality as only a fairy tail to frighten bad little children into being good. Seven years later that shadow world converged upon our reality. An eternal nightmare set upon the streets as walls of murky shadows engulfed portions of the world. Cities ceased to function properly and humans were urged to stay away from the walls that cut off streets, alleys and halved houses. Behind those walls of shifting shadows lie the ever lying Abyssal Hall and the waiting jaws of it's inhabitants. Scientists discovered the walls themselves were denizens of The Abyssal Hall and sent out a law requiring human beings to maintain a four foot distance from the wall at all times. The reason why was never disclosed. Japanese, Russian and soon following: American armies marched into The Abyssal Hall. Mankind prayed for a hopeful outcome.... Millions of Japanese, Russian and American lives were never heard from again. Instead, seven men returned, exiting not from where they had entered. Two Japanese, four Russian and one American returned to their world...but they returned changed. Their information of the world beyond instilled not hope...but fear for the future. "NOTHING IS REAL! EVERYTHING LIED....THEY TOOK OUR FOOD...OUR COMRADES...AND....and...ate them... THE WALLS, THEY MOVED, GRABBED AT OUR LEGS! THE RAIN...WAS LIKE ACID! THE CREATURES...OUR BULLETS...THEY BOUNCED RIGHT OFF! THAT THING KEPT LAUGHING....ALWAYS LAUGHING... MAKE IT STOP!" Nothing more of what they said made sense so it was disregarded. But what they said spoke volumes of the reality behind those walls. Shadows that lied... Walls that moved... Rain that burned... Invincible creatures... Laughter that never ended... ...and a word that was repeated endlessly. Contract. "Once made the contract binds your soul to that of a creature of the Abyss. The Clock Limiter on your chest...yes, that glowing circle, is the symbol of your contract. Once the hand move all the way around back to the position it's in now... Teehee... Well, something will happen...and you won't have to worry about your contract anymore. Now...come play with me again. I have a lot more toys now and we can talk til we get sleepy." Contracts: the consent given to a creature of The Abyssal Hall that binds the two souls together. A Contract is asked for and never forced onto someone. They're easy to obtain...once you have the necessary items. A name...the name of the creature you wish to make a contract with and the words: "I wish to seal the contract with you". Every creature of that world desires to devour you...your family...you friends...and anyone else it sees whole. None of them are friendly...nice...or honest. Sealing a contract with a creature from there allows that creature to inhabit your body. Without the contract, those creatures from the Abyss cannot exist in reality. Thus...those frighteningly mad creatures will give you their names, steal your body and devour mankind beyond the prison they are trapped in. Creating a contract allows both participants to freely leave The Abyssal Hall. By utilizing the power of the creature bound to a human soul, the human has the potential to change the past and alter the present and future. Contracts...are forbidden. Humans caught with a contract are branded Illegal Contractors and are executed. The thing about most of the denizens....some of them are just hungry....while some of them...are searching for something. Be it fragments of lost memories...purpose...friends, oddly enough, or something beyond our wildest dreams.... In the Present day and age, schools, universities, home-schooled children are plucked from classes by a woman wearing a red hooded cape and brought to the edge of our world...and the Abyss. Under the pretense of being educated on what must not be disturbed...unfortunate accidents are happening. Children of all ages, teachers and parents are dragged into the wall...to the other side. But...are they dragged away by the creatures on the other side...or were they pushed? "Did you know them well? Don't you want to save them?" "Don't you want to see...?" "Won't it be fun...?" Whatever the reason.... To save a friend...a family member... Or even the simpler reasons. Curiosity...desire for change...the call of adventure. "Hey...you coming?" When called by name....every bone...every fiber responded. I don't remember what you said... I remember you said yes... Whatever the reason, it drove you forwards... I wish it hadn't...truly...I wish you'd stayed home that day....I really wish...it hadn't been you. Human OC Sheet~ Username: Name: Age: (within 15-26) Appearance: Personality: Reason for going with the Hooded Woman: (curiosity, adventure, wanna save a loved one, etc.) Contract Partner: (Name of the one you've sealed a contract with) [leave blank if you don't know who it will be] Abyssal Hall's denizen OC Sheet~ Username: Name: Appearance: (What do you look like using your powers) Human Appearance: (What do you look like normally) Personality: Contract Partner: (Name of the Human who accepted your contract) [Leave blank if you don't know who it will be] Rules: Follow KHV's general rules (it's a given) No God-modding, Power-playing, etc. Keep all violence, romance, etc to PG-16. There are still younguns here. Two Characters per person, please No *actions*, they're annoying and make rping difficult Please use "quotations" for speaking and italics for thoughts An Abyssal Hall denizen can't make a contract with another of it's kind. If they could do that, we'd all be screwed. Human characters shouldn't know much about fighting. We can't all be expert swordsmen and black belts. Contracts and fighting (for now) only happen within the Abyssal Hall. You won't find one of those beasties running around town. This is the real world...it looks like what you see out your window... I will give a detailed description of The Abyssal Hall when we get there. Please no one-liners. They're okay sometimes...but if it becomes your every post I will give you a warning. I believe in the baseball rules: Three strikes and you're out. My warnings are your strikes. Please keep real life fights out of the RP and I suggest away from the OOC too. The OOC is there for questions, planning, etc. Not for chit-chatting about someone else's rp. If you have a question or complain, please come to me. I can answer and/or fix whatever it is...within reason. Please tell me if you're going to be gone for longer than three days. I don't like mysterious disappearances. It's not hard to leave a small message on my profile. I ask that you post every two days, at least.[DOUBLEPOST=1368920422][/DOUBLEPOST]Human OC Sheet~ Username: Twilight_Nobody13 Name: Lizu Takeyuma Age: 22 Appearance: http://oi43.tinypic.com/16k3keo.jpg Personality: Easy-going and incredibly friendly. Lizu takes pride in knowing what's going on and how to react to it. Reason for going with the Hooded Woman: To save her little brother, Keiji. Contract Partner: Gil Abyssal Hall's denizen OC Sheet~ Username: Twilight_Nobody13 Name: Gilbert "Gil" Appearance: http://images.wikia.com/fairytailfanon/images/3/3b/Anime-monster-jaws-teeth-blood.jpg Human Appearance: http://data.whicdn.com/images/29348550/2ic71hf_large.jpg Personality: Reserved and cold on the exterior. Fiercely protective of Lizu. His tolerance for pain is incredibly high and his judgement horribly poor. Contract Partner: Lizu Username: Twilight_Nobody13 Name: Aura Appearance: http://cdn.wallpapershd.at/wallpape...pic-monsters-okay-too-manga-anime-desktop.jpg Human Appearance: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/24700000/evil-anime-girls-24772833-500-281.jpg Personality: Easily angered, Aura has zero patience for those not on the same wavelength as her. She views others of her kind as below her and treats them similarly to how a Dictator treats everyone else. She has a soft spot for shiny objects, specifically jewels. Contract Partner: Shawn
Then why bring it up in the first place? I made a suggestion, that doesn't mean he has to do it.
I know how to stay in character. You both sound like you're accusing me of not staying in character or something.
Placing a character into a situation doesn't take them out of character. You can still be very true to a character and still place them in a situation they wouldn't normally be in. That's the point of a crossover.
You'd think you'd be pro at inserting yourself into any situation by now.
Orihara Apartment: Spoiler Noire swallowed nervously, "Who's this guy?" Vert clapped her hands, excitedly, "Shizuo Heiwajima! There was an entire page in Vogue Magazine on him. I'm getting excited, aren't you?" Izaya hopped over the coffee table and rested his arm around Vert's shoulders, "I am very excited." Shizuo growled and picked up the door from the ground, "IZAYA!" Throwing the door like a spear, Izaya ducked, Pulling Vert down with him by chance and straightened to look at the door as it embedded itself into the wall. "Ooooh, violence, how scary~ What can I do for you, Shizu-chan?" Shizuo glared at him, "You set this up! You nearly killed Kasuka!" Vert and Izaya touched their cheeks together and smiled at Shizuo, "Oh my..." "Shizu-chan's so scary!" Noire herded Gust away from the crazy bunch and out of Shizuo's line of fire to stand on the stairs. "Uh...Vert...?" Izaya's smile lessened to some degree, "I never laid one finger on Kasuka Heiwajima's head." "You've never had to! What was that at the WVBA!? Who are those people? Yakuza?! Outcasted police?! Who?!" Izaya shrugged, "People you don't want to meet, Shizu-chan. Not even I've met them in person. All I got..." he dug in his pocket and pulled out a black star-shaped gem and held it between his fingers, "Was this thing. You wanna meet them, Shizu-chan? Too bad." He turned to the Goddesses, "Now...you got what you wanted...I have my payment and...well, plenty of other things to do. Feel free to leave when you want....I'm going to just...pretend none of you are here. Oh, and Shizu-chan...be sure not to destroy anything else as you go die?" Waving good bye to Shizuo, Izaya hopped up each stair up to the second level and shut himself in his room.