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  1. Vagineer
    I heard some reviewers who played the game in its beta stage saying that this game can give GT and Forza a run for their money so... I have high hopes for this for a few months now.
    Post by: Vagineer, May 10, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Vagineer
    With graphics like that in a racing game? I just cannot give it up that easily.
    Post by: Vagineer, May 10, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Vagineer
    Should I buy it? From what I have heard, it's a dream come true to most racing fans.
    Thread by: Vagineer, May 10, 2015, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Vagineer
    Dang, the game looks gorgeous in 60 fps. Hopefully it will be when it gets released!
    Post by: Vagineer, May 10, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Vagineer
    Hey guys, Ulqui here!

    I am definitely surprised that my story is getting attention. For real, you guys have no idea on how happy it makes me that my story is well liked for most people. Thank you guys.

    I have to get a few things out of the way first before the chapter starts:

    There will be no pairings for now except Ren/Nora and Ozpin/Glynda. Seriously, it puzzles me why people keep on asking me to pair Jaune with Pyrrah or Ruby very early in this story. Jaune has a fear of women in this story, so it would take a long while until Jaune will get over his fear, and then I will decide on who should I pair Jaune with.

    Jaune and Ren are not gay in this story. Not that there is anything wrong with that, since I can write another story with yaoi pairings. But that is for another time.

    Jaune usually goes into panic mode when girls touch him or when they are very near him.

    I based Jaune and his gynophobia from the "Tales of the Abyss" character, Guy Cecil. For those who are familiar with the story and Guy's background, you could probably expect Jaune having a similar cause to his Gynophobia.

    I once again thank Sashiro for being the beta of this story, as well as giving me some ideas for it.

    Now here is the chapter.

    Chapter 2

    "… Huh… I'm surprised that the main hall is very close from where we met…" Ruby muttered to herself as she and Jaune enter the main hall, packed with lots of first-year students.

    Walking to the hall didn't take Jaune and Ruby very long. Ruby is very grateful that Jaune knows where to go, for she would surely be lost if she tries to find the way all by herself. Jaune just gave her a slightly amused look at Ruby, who keeps on looking around as if she is looking for something… Or someone in this case…

    "You would be surprised how easy it is to navigate around Beacon once you know the whole layout of the campus. Trust me." Jaune said to Ruby before he thought to himself, 'Living in Beacon for around 7 years clearly helps.' He then ask a question to Ruby. "Who are you looking for?"

    "… My sister, Yang. She's the one who keeps on hugging me in the airship." Ruby said to Jaune as she continues to search for Yang through the crowd. Jaune then digs around his brain, trying to remember the sight. As soon as he recalled the fact that she caught him staring at her… Ample bosom… He immediately paled as his body starts to tremble slightly. 'By the gods… I completely forgot about her!' As Jaune begins to make his escape plan, a voice calls out to Ruby.

    "Hey, Ruby! Over here! I saved you a spot!" Ruby and Jaune turned to the source of the voice to find the blonde girl, who is waving her arm over her head so that Ruby could find her. Ruby turns to Jaune.

    "Well… There she is I guess… Hey, want to come with me to my sister?" Ruby said to Jaune as he starts to sweat bullets.

    '… Welp, I'm dead… I am so dead once her sister recognizes me! She's going to beat me up until I turn into a squashed tomato!' Jaune exclaimed in his head before he said to Ruby, "Ummm… I think you should go to your sister alone Ruby… I do not want to embarrass you in front of your sister…" Jaune then slowly tries to walk away from Ruby as he said, "I gotta go now, Bye!" Before he could even haul ass, Ruby grabbed his hood, stopping him from escaping.

    "Now don't say that Jaune! I don't mind!" Ruby gave a small pout at Jaune. "A friend of mine is a friend of Yang's! Now come on! She's waiting for me!" With surprising strength, she drags Jaune towards Yang by the hood. Jaune gave off a small whimper as he stops resisting Ruby's grip on him.

    'I hope Ozpin will arrange my funeral once Ruby's sister is done with me…' Jaune said to himself as he prepares for his impending doom. So focused that he did not notice a female figure with red hair watching him from a distance. Once Ruby gets close to Yang, Jaune fixes his clothing once Ruby lets go of his hood. Yang crosses her arms as she gave a smile at Ruby, not noticing Jaune.

    "Hey my little sister. How's your first day going?" Yang asked Ruby as she smiled back at her.

    "Oh, not that bad…" Ruby said before she points accusingly at Yang and starts glaring at her. "Except the part when I actually exploded in front of someone's face!" Yang gave her a disbelieving look on her face. Jaune, who is staring at the two sisters, sweatdropped as he witnessed Ruby's "Death Glare"

    'Man… No one is going to take her seriously if she keeps on doing that… She just looks so cute and innocent looking…' Jaune thought to himself before he shakes his head. 'Now where did that come from?'

    "Yikes. Meltdown already?" Yang asked Ruby, misinterpreting Ruby's statement. Ruby just continues glaring at Yang.

    "No, I literally exploded a hole in front of the school! And there was some fire, and I think some ice...?" She said to Yang as she continues to smile at Ruby.

    "Are you… Being sarcastic?" Yang hesitantly asked Ruby before she starts ranting.

    "I wish! I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage, and then she yelled at me, and then I sneezed, and then I exploded, and then she yelled at me again, and I felt really, really bad, and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me!" She said to Yang, hoping that she could help her with her problem. Unfortunately for her, Weiss is standing right behind her, who has heard every single word.

    "You!" Weiss screamed in anger at Ruby, who jumps into Yang as she holds Ruby in her arms.

    "Oh god, it's happening again!" Ruby screamed out in fright as she clings onto Yang.

    '… Crap, I knew I felt a familiar presence right next to us…' Thought Jaune as he tries his best to try not to gain their attention.

    "Oh, my god, you really exploded!" Exclaimed Yang as she got out of her shock first.

    "It was an accident!" Ruby defended herself as she got down from Yang and she looks at Weiss. "Really! It is!" Weiss suddenly pulls out a book and she holds it in front of Ruby's face. "Umm… What's this?" Ruby asked Weiss as she read the title of the book.

    DUST for Dummies and other Inadequate Individuals.

    Jaune stared at the book cover before he shakes his head in displeasure. 'Seriously? Now that is kinda insulting…' Jaune thought to himself as Weiss starts listing policies regard Dust and the Schnee Dust Company.

    "The Schnee Dust Company is not responsible…" Ruby stopped listening as she stares at Weiss with a very confused and horrified look. Jaune was staring at Weiss with a bewildered look, but for a completely different reason…

    '… Is it just me, or is Weiss' voice getting higher in pitch and faster in speed with every word?' Jaune thought to himself as he continued to stare at Weiss until she finished speaking.

    "Uhhhh…" Ruby replied to Weiss. Jaune just sighed as he simply facepalmed at Ruby's reply. Before Ruby form a proper sentence, Weiss, like the ***** she was, rudely interrupted her.

    "… Do you really want to start making things up to me?" Weiss asked Ruby as she nodded.

    "Uhh… Absolutely?" Ruby replied before Weiss gave her the handout.

    "Here. Read this, and don't ever speak to me again." Weiss ordered Ruby as she looks away from her, arms crossed. Yang decided that she will try to help Weiss and Ruby make up.

    "Look, uh, it sounds like you two just got off on the wrong foot. Why don't you start over and try to be friends, okay?" Yang said to Weiss, hoping that her idea will work. Ruby puts away the pamphlet that she was given by Weiss and she nods at Yang.

    "Great idea sis!" Ruby then turns to Weiss with a smile, clears her throat, and she reaches her hand out to Weiss. "Hello, Weiss! I'm Ruby! Wanna hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies!" Surprisingly for her and Yang, Weiss suddenly becomes enthusiastic as she gives off a huge smile.

    'So fake…' Jaune thought in his head. 'There is no way that the Snow ***** would suddenly warm up like that, it's so obvious.' Unfortunately, Ruby and Yang felt for the trap and they smiled back at Weiss with gleaming eyes.

    "Yeah! And we can paint our nails and try on clothes and talk about cute boys, like tall, blond, and scraggly over there!" Weiss said to them as she points at Jaune, who starts to sweat bullets again since Ruby, Weiss and Yang are now staring at him.

    '… Oh no, now I'M the center of their attention for sure!' Jaune tried his best to look normal by rubbing the back of his head while he laughs nervously.

    "Really?!" Ruby excitingly said, thinking that Weiss is finally warming up to her!

    But her excitement faded away just as fast as it appeared as Weiss simply gave her a glare and simply said, "… No." She then stares at Jaune, who stares right back at her. With two different blue pairs of eyes carefully examining each other, they both have the same thought running through their minds…

    '… He/She looks very… Familiar for some reason…' Ruby then turns to Yang, who has a certain glint in her eyes ever since she stares at Jaune.

    "Ruby… Isn't that Vomit Boy?" She asked Ruby, who shushes her when she said Jaune's nickname.

    "Yeah… But don't say that nickname! He'll start brooding again!" Ruby whispered to her before Yang slowly walks to Jaune, making him feel uneasy as he takes a step back. She raises her hand as a signal for a handshake as she gives Jaune a teasing grin.

    "Well, hello handsome~! Name's Yang." Jaune, who does not want to be rude, hesitantly grabs her hand.

    "T-The name's J-Jaune Arc…" He stuttered out nervously as they shake their hands. Yang suddenly tightens her grip on his hand as she bends down so that he can see her cleavage.

    "I saw you staring at me in the airship… See something you like?" Jaune had a huge blush on his face as he steps back away from her in shock after he got out of her grip, a huge blush forming on his face. Before Yang could continue teasing him any further, the whole room went silent as two figures appear on the stage, one male and one female. The male, who is holding a cane in one hand and a mug full of coffee in the other, heads into the microphone with the woman right behind him.

    The male, has brown eyes and tussled gray hair, a dark-green scarf, spectacles, a black suit over a black vest, dark-green pants and black shoes. This is Professor Ozpin, the current Headmaster of Beacon Academy. The woman has light-blonde hair tied in a bun, green eyes and a pair of thin ovular glasses. She wears a white long-sleeved suit with puffy sleeves, a black business skirt, black boots, and a brown cape. This is Professor Glynda Goodwitch, a teacher in combat class and sort-of secretary of Ozpin.

    "I'll… keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction." The students start to whisper amongst themselves as he said that last sentence. "Some might use this knowledge to protect the people, others just want to seek their fame, and the rarest purpose of them all? Vengeance." As soon as Jaune heard the word vengeance, he grinds his teeth and he clenches his fists as his body tenses up. Ozpin stares at Jaune with a bit of concern in his eyes as he continues his speech. "But no matter what is the real purpose why any one of you decided to become a huntsman, the knowledge to become one will be available to you. It is up to you to decide on what to do with this knowledge." Glynda steps into the microphone to give a short message to the students once Ozpin has finished his speech and walks away from the stage.

    "You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed." She proceeds to leave the stage to catch up with Ozpin as they head back to his office. Jaune just stares at the stage with a hint of curiosity on his face, as Ozpin does not usually give speeches like this before.

    'He must be stressed out…' Jaune thought in his mind. What made Ozpin act like this?

    "…. He seems to be… odd…"

    "It's like he was not there at all."

    "I was expecting a long, inspirational speech… Not… this."

    Yang, Ruby, and Weiss said respectively as they just continue to stare at the stage before they noticed something…

    "… Where's Vomit-Boy?" Yang asked the two as they look around the room trying to find him.

    "He was just right next to me a while ago!" Ruby exclaimed as she quickly moves from one side of the room to another just to find Jaune. "I did not even sense him leaving at all!" It was then Weiss and Yang both realized that even they did not sense him leave the both of them thought of the same thing without them knowing.

    '…. You have definitely caught my interest, Jaune Arc…'

    Meanwhile at the Headmaster's office… (Wait, this isn't a comic book!)

    Ozpin is seated in front of his desk with a mug of coffee on his hand, reading the report that Glynda gave him a few days ago regarding the recent dust shop attacks, including one regarding one of his new students Ruby Rose, and the infamous criminal Roman Torchwick. "These attacks are becoming more frequent each month." He places the report and his mug on the desk as he stares at Glynda, who is idly standing on his left.

    "Indeed. The recent attack of the train carrying dust and mechanized weapons owned by the Schnee Dust Company left many employees dead in the hands of the White Fang." Glynda told Ozpin as he let his mind wonder about the attacks.

    The White Fang was originally a pro-Faunus rights group that sought equality between humans and the faunus through peaceful means. But then about a decade ago, a new leader rose among their ranks that turned the peaceful organization into a violent terrorist group. They attack innocent people hoping that the faunus would be feared by humans, but instead it resulted in humans mistreating the faunus even more. They are the ones who are responsible for most of the dust attacks.

    'I just cannot imagine the White Fang are the ones responsible. Someone must be controlling their actions behind the scenes.' Ozpin thought to himself before he turns to his right and said, "I know you're there Jaune. Show yourself." As soon as he finished his sentence, a loud noise starts playing as Jaune suddenly appears out of nowhere, leaning on the wall.

    "Sup, Ozzy?" Jaune asked Ozpin as he gave a casual salute before him. Ozpin simply smiled at Jaune.

    "A bit stressed thanks to the paperwork that I have, but I'll manage." Ozpin replied before he realized that Jaune is wearing a digital watch on his left arm, which has a gold-colored case and black straps. "I see that you're wearing the stealth watch that I gave you when you first came here 7 years ago."

    "Well, of course I am wearing it. It's your gift to me, and I have always cherished it all these years." The watch that they are referring to is the Cloak and Dagger V1 stealth watch, where it can suppress one's aura, makes the user invisible and it silences the user's footsteps. "So the White Fang are responsible for stealing the dust, huh?" Jaune suddenly said in a serious tone that made Ozpin's smile fade away. "Do you know what they are planning?"

    "I am honestly not sure what their motive is. You do not need to be concerned with such matters, Jaune." Ozpin told Jaune before he slams his hand to the desk.

    "I don't need to be concerned?! I have every right to be concerned after what they-!" He angrily said to Ozpin before he calms down a bit, "… after what they had done to my family…" Ozpin stands up as he walks right next to Jaune and he places his hands on Jaune's shoulders.

    "Listen… I know that you are mad with the White Fang as much as most humans do, but you cannot just barge right into their base and expect to slaughter them all like livestock. There are hundred, possibly thousands of them and one of you. Plus, they recently stole military-grade weapons and lots of dust. And what do you have? Crocea Mors? Don't be an idiot, Jaune." Ozpin told Jaune as he proceeds to head back to his desk to sit down. Glynda just stares at Jaune with a bit of a sad look on her face.

    "Listen to the Headmaster, Jaune." She simply said to Jaune.

    "I… I understand." Jaune said after a few moments of silence in the room. "I let myself controlled by my own emotions…" He then gave a weak smile at Ozpin and Glynda. "So… Bowling night this weekend?" Jaune asked to both Ozpin and Glynda as they stare at each other, giving each other messages through their eyes.

    "… When I finish my paperwork before the weekend, then sure." Ozpin said to him.

    "… Thanks. See you tomorrow I guess." He then exits the room through the window on Glynda's left. Ozpin stares at the window with a sly grin as Glynda just raised an eyebrow when she saw his expression.

    "… You're just going to leave the paperwork untouched, aren't you?" Glynda bluntly asked him as he gave off a small chuckle.

    "I have different plans for this weekend… Would you like to go to Café Vale with me this weekend?" Ozpin asked Glynda as she raises her eyes in surprise.

    "Are you… asking me out on a date?" Glynda asked him with a surprised tone. Ozpin just simply kept on smiling.

    "Why of course." After a moment, Glynda slowly gave of a smile as they stared at each other. It was not long until the moment has been ruined thanks to a certain blonde knight who suddenly appears hanging on the same window that he used to leave the room.

    "JUST SHUT UP AND KISS ALREADY!" Jaune shouted out to them before he is suddenly pushed back by an explosion making him fall from a few stories high to the ground thanks to Glynda who flung a fireball at him. Glynda stares at the now destroyed window with narrowed eyes while Ozpin is silently laughing behind Glynda, amused at Jaune's pain. Left on the ground occasionally twitching, he simply said:

    "…. Totally worth it…"

    After recovering from the fall thanks to Glynda's fireball, he realized that it is getting late and that he should head back to the ballroom before Glynda would attack him again. On the way to the ballroom, he quickly changes from his usual outfit into a white vest and a pair of gray pants in the boy's restroom. Once he arrives, he quickly places his bedroll to the nearest window. It was then that he noticed that there is another guy on the bedroll right next to his, reading a book titled "The Art of War"

    The guy has long black hair tied into a ponytail with a magenta streak on the left side of his hair and magenta-colored eyes. He is wearing a plain green t-shirt and a pair of light-blue pants. Jaune decided that he try to get to know the guy as he sits down near him.

    "Uhhh… Hey, the name's Jaune. Jaune Arc." He introduced himself to the black-haired guy, hoping that he would at least be nice.

    "… Lie Ren. Nice to meet you." Ren replied to Jaune as he places the book that he is reading away.

    "… So… What book were you reading a while ago?" Jaune asked Ren, honestly curious with the book.

    "It's the Art of War. The battle tactics stated here are pretty interesting. You should check it-"


    Jaune merely sighed as he recognizes the voice of Weiss Schnee screaming to the heavens. He turned to Ren and said, "I'll try to stop the commotion."

    Ren simply nodded and he said, "I'll be in your debt if I can sleep peacefully just this once." Jaune gave off a small smile as Ren tries to go to sleep. Jaune hurriedly heads to the source of the shout. Once he arrives, he finds Ruby, Weiss, the black-haired girl from earlier, and Yang all in the same area.

    "Hey, Miss Schnee? A lot of us can hear you from the other side of the ballroom, you know!" Jaune complained as Weiss' face starts to glow bright red from the embarrassment that she is feeling, with Ruby and Yang trying to hold their laughter and the black-haired girl hiding her smile with the book that she is reading. Weiss opened her mouth for a second then she suddenly closed it.

    Weiss simply sighed and she said, "…You're right. It is getting late, and we should be in healthy condition should all of us want to pass initiation." She then heads back to her bedroll after saying, "… My apologies." Jaune sighed in relief as he heads back to his bedroll, very tired as he falls asleep instantly once he lies down.

    'What a day...'

    So that's the end of the chapter for now! I once again apologize for not updating the story sooner like I promised. You guys have no idea how much projects that I was given. But do not expect me to update next week because it's my finals week, and I really need to focus on my studies. I hope you guys understand.

    So I am not sure if you guys would even think about this, but what about Jaune's Semblance? Because I am going to make Jaune very overprotective when it comes to friends and family (Think of Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach) and he wants to protect them as much as he can, it would be better if his semblance is a defensive one. I already have an idea on what his semblance could be but I want to see your suggestions. The only clue that I could give about my idea is that it appears in the FF series.

    I thank you guys for reading my story! Please R&R and criticism is welcome here since I am going to need. Also no flames.

    -The10thDoctor1964 (Ulqui)[DOUBLEPOST=1431245531][/DOUBLEPOST]The fanfic is also uploaded in Fanfiction dot net
    Post by: Vagineer, May 10, 2015 in forum: Written Works
  6. Vagineer


    View attachment 42029
    Thread by: Vagineer, May 9, 2015, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Vagineer


    You cannot have Chisaki. NO. ONE. EXCEPT. ME.
    Post by: Vagineer, May 9, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Vagineer
    For Simple and Clean/Hikari, it took a while for it to grow on me (Don't kill me).

    I fell in love with Passion/Sanctuary almost instantly, so I voted for that.
    Post by: Vagineer, May 9, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Vagineer
    I've always loved it since it is an interesting way to travel.

    I just wish that you can get to choose between different flowmotion styles. Like one mostly for fast movement/evasion and one mostly for attacking.
  10. Vagineer
    Happy birthday, Oda-senpai!
    Post by: Vagineer, May 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Vagineer
    Next week is finals week. I will die... D:
    Post by: Vagineer, May 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Vagineer
    I would go Marvel Zombies Reed and just infect everyone else into zombies so that they would eat me...
    Post by: Vagineer, May 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Vagineer
    Oh, shoot you are right... How does it feel then?
    Post by: Vagineer, May 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Vagineer
    True. I guess each version has it's downsides.
    Post by: Vagineer, May 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Vagineer
    ....Use myself as bait then?
    Post by: Vagineer, May 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Vagineer
    Correction: Only one who Appear to be on.
    Post by: Vagineer, May 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Vagineer
    I like the PS2/PSP version better because it has more missions and it is longer than the PC/Console versions (Without DLC)
    Post by: Vagineer, May 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Vagineer
    Anyone think that there is a musician/band out there whose b-sides are better than most of their other songs? I think Muse's b-sides (Don't kill me for having a Muse addiction) are a lot better. Songs like Con-Science, Crying Shame, Ashamed, Yes Please, Hyper Chondriac Music, Can't Take My Eyes Off of You, Shine (Both Electric and Acoustic) and a few others are pretty good.
    Thread by: Vagineer, May 8, 2015, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Vagineer
    Dang, how technology gets advanced so fast!
    Post by: Vagineer, May 8, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  20. Vagineer