... That the problems that you have now is almost the same as one of the LiS characters... Chloe to be exact. D: Same thing with personalities I guess...
Sleep.... ...Sleep is good...
DANG IT SQUARE-ENIX, TAKE MY MONEY ALREADY!!! Seriously though, the game looks amazing. I have always been a fan of Dissidia back when I was a kid where most of my classmates would bring their PSPs to play Dissidia or Tekken. I just cannot wait for the PS4 release.
Now Muse is definitely my favorite band. I heard of them because of Neutron Star Collision from the Eclipse movie back in 2010, but I was not into them at the time. I only got into them last year around October when I was searching for Rocksmith gameplay and I stumbled into Plug-In Baby (Which remains as my #2 favorite song from Muse, #1 being Knights of Cydonia.) Even since then, I have admired their music. And to be honest? I like the 2nd Law, The Resistance, and the songs that have been currently released from their upcoming album Drones (Psycho, Dead Inside and Mercy) and I am proud of that fact. I can see why a lot of people are hating on those albums though, because older fans usually do not want their music style to change. Honestly for me, it does not even really matter as long as they make good music. I think the older fans do not want to admit that the band's musical style is changing as they get older. Anyways, I love the band with all my heart, and I will continue to support them throughout the years. I have honestly never felt this committed to a band before in my life.
Spoiler I really loved this episode. I think it was a cute moment when Max attempted to kiss Chloe. Now about the Handicapped Fund, I do not really think it is a fund for the handicapped, or fund for anything for the matter. I think it is dirty money from the Prescotts since they pay the principal for removing Nathan's bad records. I honestly felt very vonflicted about it. On one side, it would get Frank off Max and Chloe's butts and have some money left to spare. But on the other, it can be used as evidence against the Prescotts. I put all of the blame on Nathan, and he is completely Psycho now. I sided with David for some reason, probably because I do not want Chloe's family to break apart even further. I did not know that you can steal the gun that Frank took back, but at least I did not hurt his dog. Am I honestly thinking that Mr. jefferson is innocent around here? Sure, he met with Victoria late at night but he acted like he was disgusted by Victoria's suggestions. So I don't think he is into younger women. And if there is a choice to pick between the two universes, I will be very conflicted. On one side, I want Chloe to be happy that at least she has her father back, even though she is a paraphlagic. On the other hand, Max oesnot belong in the new universe and she should return to the universe that she knows better. Also, I managed to save Lisa by watering her on episode 1, but not on episode 2. yay.
Alright then.
Could you check it out, just to judge my current writing skills? I posted it on Fanfiction . net
Haha. Yeah, it has been a while... So yeah, like what I said before, I recently got into writing.
Thanks nii-san!
Dang it! Just when I was still sleeping! D:
I like how each character poster for Avengers: Age of Ultron paid homage to the old comics: Spoiler
Besides Wasp, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch and She-Hulk? I really can't think of anyone who can fit in the MCU.
Thanks Hayabusa for warning gamers who enjoy FFX like me!
I need this more! D:
I think I read that there like a 50/50 chance of it working, correct me if I am wrong.
Well, I think I am the only one here that owns a Xbox.
Well, I played only Rock Band 2, (And LEGO Rock Band if it counts.) Now, I can have a game on the Xbone that is worth playing again and again, as long as it performs better than the past 3 games.
As soon as I saw the title, I knew that I should not be in here.... Must. Erase. Memory.
I thought only young kids are the victims?[DOUBLEPOST=1431649065][/DOUBLEPOST] I immediately thought of this when you put Tokyo and Germany together in the same sentence.
And it is going to be my first visit. IF there is anyone here who have been there before,do you guys have any recommendations regarding tourist spots? Also the most important question of them all.... Spoiler Is. There. SEA-SALT ICE CREAM?!?!?!