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  1. Vagineer
    Spoilers for Fallout and Mass Effect.

    In short, this fic is set during Fallout 4, or specifically, possibly a few weeks before the Sole Survivor awakens where Legion appears in the Commonwealth, and joins up with the Sole Survivor, the Minutemen, and the Railroad to fight the Institute and the Brotherhood of Steel.

    What do you think?
    Thread by: Vagineer, Jan 2, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Vagineer
    Man, I really LOVE the series now, Can't believe that I missed out all these years...

    Managed to spare some cash to buy some of the DLC. Bring down the Sky for ME1. Kasumi: Stolen Memory, Overlord, Arrival, and Lair of the Shadow Broker for ME2. From Ashes, Leviathan and Citadel for ME3. Yeah it's a lot of cash, but I mainly used the cash that I got from my relatives during Christmas (Trust me, there are a lot of relatives)

    Before I jump in to ME3, any tips? Here are my choices that I could remember so far:
    I saved the council
    Ashley survived Virmire while Kaiden and Captain Kirrahe died.
    Managed to convince Wrex to calm down during Virmire.
    Spared the Rachni Queen
    Spared all of the Zhu's Hope colonists and asari that was controlled by the thorian in Feros
    I let Balak go in the ME1 DLC.
    Romanced Liara

    Sent Veetor back to the mother fleet
    During Mordin's personal quest, I spared Maelon and kept the genophage data
    I let Miranda talk to her sister Oriana in her personal quest
    Let Jacob Taylor's father into custody.
    I picked Samara to live instead of Morinth during her personal quest
    Spared Sidonis in Garrus' personal quest
    I managed to let Tali's charges dropped by the Quarian council during her personal quest.
    During Legion's personal quest, I let Legion rewrite the rogue geth's behavior
    During Zaeed's personal quest, I chose to let the refinery workers live.
    Deleted the data stored in Keiji's graybox.
    Haven't commenced Arrival, but I will soon.
    Took David Archer into Grissom academy on the Overlord DLC
    Liara became the Shadow Broker
    Chambers and half the crew are dead. (Had to finish Legion's personal quest.)
    Everyone in the party survived
    I destroyed the Collector base.

    Do the choices made in ME1 and ME2 really matter in ME3? What should I expect?
    Thread by: Vagineer, Dec 28, 2015, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Vagineer
    Welp, I picked male on my first playthrough (Don't hurt me!), and Kaiden died in my save. Maybe I'll pick Jane Shepard on my 2nd playthrough and let Ashley die instead. I really liked Kaiden.
    Post by: Vagineer, Dec 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Vagineer
    What can you expect? EA. EA never changes...

    Recently rescued Liara in ME1. I am really having a blast! The really like the companions in this game (Favorite is a three-way tie between Tali, Garrus and Liara)
    Post by: Vagineer, Dec 18, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Vagineer
    So I am back. Anyone miss me? No? Okay.

    Back to the topic at hand, only reason I decided to bought it is because I recently played KotOR, which is now one of my favorite Star Wars games. Is the whole trilogy really that good as a lot of people say? Or is it not worth my time?
    Thread by: Vagineer, Dec 17, 2015, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Vagineer
    Post by: Vagineer, Oct 20, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  7. Vagineer
    Post by: Vagineer, Jul 30, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  8. Vagineer
    Love Hina.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jul 29, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Vagineer
    **** just turned into a Bleach Episode.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jul 29, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Vagineer
    Thread by: Vagineer, Jul 28, 2015, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Vagineer
    My mind was thinking that there is a 50% chance of her being dead (Since she did disappear 6-7 months ago) or captured and held by Mr. Jefferson in the Dark Room. But the fact that Rachel died and she was buried in the same area where she and Chloe used to hang out disturbs me...

    I felt a little bad for blaming Nathan all the time, but he did have a part in kidnapping other women for Mr. Jefferson's "Special photo sessions." Man, Victoria is going to be pissed when Nathan is dead...

    Well, Besides having a twisted sense of art I have no idea. what I am interested of, is that how will our choices from Episode 1 to Episode 4 would affect episode 5 and the ending.

    And when those two moons appeared, I think that the two alternate realities are merging, which might have caused the tornado. So does that mean that if Chloe died in both realities... She cannot be saved?! D:
    Post by: Vagineer, Jul 28, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  12. Vagineer
    .... Shut up, just shut up....

    I guess libregkd was right after all. Rachel dead, Chloe killed by Jefferson, Nathan knew about the storm, and that first choice... Man, Dontnod were not kidding when they said that Episode 4 is going to be their most ambitious one ever. I just cannot wait for the final episode, I want Jefferson to suffer for hurting my poor Chloe! D:
    Post by: Vagineer, Jul 28, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  13. Vagineer
    Is it even playable with multiple players?
    Post by: Vagineer, Jul 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Vagineer
    I may not have played his games... or even too much Nintendo games, but I see that he is a huge figure in gaming history, and it saddens me for him to go too soon. May he create new games in the afterlife.

    Sayonara... Iwata Satoru....
    Post by: Vagineer, Jul 13, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  15. Vagineer

    And apparently, one of the mods, who was very helpful in keeping the main reddit categories stable, got fired by the admins, and now 18 main reddit categories were shut down (For public users that is).
    Thread by: Vagineer, Jul 3, 2015, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Vagineer
    Post by: Vagineer, Jul 1, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  17. Vagineer
    But if you die now, you won't be able to play the game.... XD Hehe.

    Regarding the remake, holy s***! I am getting the E3 2013 vibe again! THE HYPE IS REAL!!! SONY WON E3 THIS YEAR!!
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 26, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  18. Vagineer
    So flowmotion will return to KHIII, huh? I am kinda glad that will since it is my favorite feature in DDD.

    I am confused why there are them park attraction themed attacks? Am I missing something?

    Love it how we can ride what seems to be Pegasus in a chariot. Just awesome.

    Tangled as a new KHIII world? I saw it happening ever since it has been released and it seems I was right after all!

    The whole game is just plain awesome. Square Enix's conference managed to match Bethesda's in hype and excitement in my opinion.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Vagineer
    I have never played any of the Fallout games yet, but I know the basic lore of it.

    Gonna plan to get Fallout 3 though. I need to prepare myself for what I hope will be one of Bethesda's greatest games ever.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 8, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  20. Vagineer
    Happy birthday to Fork!
    Post by: Vagineer, May 25, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone