Well for this year alone.
Styles, Asuka and Nakamura are great throughout 2016. Jericho as well, I've always liked Jericho ever since 2005. As much as I like Rollins (Even...
There is also random crashing from the First Xemnas fight, and the Experiment fight. Also, there are times where the Reversal reaction command does not appear in the Final Xemnas Fight.
And there already was a HIAC match with Sasha and Charlotte, why not a ladder match for Becky and Alexa?
Nice to see a WWE fan around this forum, let alone an Alexa Bliss fan. Ugh, two of my favorite female wrestlers will face each other for the...
Ah I see. Never knew that. thanks.[DOUBLEPOST=1480337832][/DOUBLEPOST]By the way, I recently encountered a glitch where Phantom is replayable.
Is it a bug when Ragnarok sometimes does not work properly? Like it fails to give me the prompt to use it when it should have given me the prompt.
So far I have been able to encounter The Sniperwilds, Gigas Shadows, The huge pink mushroom, and the black floating heartless that splits into five. I have yet to encounter the other special heartless.
So I recently played the game with your patch installed. And It runs fine most of the time, but I am not sure if this glitch happened to anyone, but everytime I defeated Kurt Zisa, the Zantetsuken ability is not given to me.
So is there a code that lets you obtain Zantetsuken? I recently beat Kurt Zisa, but I was not able to get the ability.
Well there are a couple of things that I liked in the first game that I want to return in future games: 1. Tech Points. I dunno, it just feels satisfying when I earn Tech Points by parrying or blocking certain attacks at the right time. 2. The Platforming between the different worlds. In KHI (Especially Hollow Bastion and Deep Jungle), platforming is required in order to progress to areas which can either progress the story or just give extra content/items to the player. In future games (Original KHII, BbS and DDD are huge factors in this), platforming is way, way less than in KHI which is kinda disappointing because while I do like that it is easier to progress to the next areas when speedrunning throughout the game, I really want platforming in the way KH2FM handled it with the Cavern of Remembrance. 3. Final Fantasy characters that actually have a role in the main story. KH1 and KH2 handled the Radiant Garden gang really well in my opinion, then Square decided to throw Final Fantasy characters out of the picture when Zack was the only one to appear in BbS. Although with how the TWEWY gang were handled back in DDD, I really hope something similar happens to the potential FF characters that will appear in future games 4. This is really important for me.... Boss battles that require actual strategy. In KH1 and KH2, boss battles are handled very well thanks to the revenge value system, and that there are different ways to battle the different bosses, like summons, limits, drive forms (For KHII), etc. Sure, you can just spam Reflect in KHII, but even then that does not guarantee an easy win against bosses. Bosses that I quite enjoyed from KHI like Kurt Ziza, Sephiroth, Phantom (Even though it is very time-consuming). BbS and DDD threw out the window where certain commands are so overpowered that they can end battles quickly, or in the case of secret bosses (I'm looking at you, Mysterious Figure), are absolutely necessary in order to defeat them.
Hey, I'm back. What's up? Also, to everyone who already played it, how is Pokemon Sun and Moon? Since it's almost Christmas time I plan to buy either or between the two games since my two young cousins recently became Pokemon fans due to: A. The whole craze for Pokemon GO a few months back; And B. I got them to play Pokemon Emerald and FireRed and they were so addicted to it that they finished it in under two weeks. (For each game)
Jeezuz, if they really aren't exaggerating regarding that boss fight.... Then it would be much, MUCH worse than Yiazmat in Final Fantasy XII... O_o
It's nice to see a veteran from the old, old days of KH-Vids to return to the site after a long hiatus. As a guy who seldom logs in to this site in recent times, welcome back!
It's nice to see an old member of KH-Vids to make a comeback to the site. Welcome back!
That looks great!
I don't even know myself. I've kept this name for like... two years already. Thanks guys!
Jesus, I know that there will be some messed up crap happening around the world, but damn. Every time I hear something like this, it affects my feelings. The hope that Justice will be served.
I never heard of her before her death, but damn it still hit me hard. So much, that I was super pissed off at Onision when he mocked the people mourning for her death.
Well life has been making me too busy when it comes to college studies. So yeah, Life is just stressing me out for now.