I've watched this video before.Yeah,it is disgusting but that's happy tree friends.I like the couple.The yellow bunny(Cuddles) is really cute :)
Yeah,they do sound a little bit like that...
Shouldn't this be moved in the manga section or smt?
Sora can still be your hero no matter what.But,keep in mind that Sora will not always remain 15.Especially if he's gonna be in the next kh games.Anyway the age means nothing,he can always be your hero :)
Hey there,welcome to kh-vids.Remember to follow t he rules and have fun :D
Hey there,welcome to kh-vids.Remember to follow the rules and have fun :D
Yeah,good question.I mean when Sora cut the ties of Meg in the Olympus Coliseum or when he slices the enemies...Probably magic
I don't like him that much but I can't say that I don't like him at all.He's ok
Yeah.When I first saw Roxas I said:''Who the heck is that guy,where's Sora?''But the truth is that even if we like the current characters we also need to see some new ones
Same here...It was so annoying.I wanted to break both TV and ps...It took me a long time to beat him...
Mine was when I first beat Sephiroth in KH1 I think.I was like:''What the heck did I just do?I can't believe it...''I pressed the START button and I was staring at the screen for about...10 minutes!
1) Would you go out with Maleficent for 100 dollars. No way... 2) Would you live with the KH character you hate the most (for the rest of your life) for 50 billion dollars. Yep 3) Would you kill Sora if Riku said that was the only way he'd befriend you (i dunno y but just answer) Hmm...probably yeah,but I dunno 4) Would you challenge Xigbar in a shooting contest, loser has to do 2 million push ups I'd do it just for fun.But he'd beat the crap out of me.lol 5) Would you live in Twilight Town? Yeah 6) Would you live in a Gummi Ship that cannot move for 10 billion dollars no 7) Would you kill Cloud if Sephiroth said that was the only way he'd teach to wield his obnoxiously long sword. Dunno 8) Would you buy the next KH game if it first came out with the price of 100 dollars Of course I would! 9) Would you hug Riku. Um...maybe...As long as if it is just a friendly hug 10) Would you kill yourself if its the only way to save Sora/Riku/Kairi from trouble (Again, dunno how) Dunno 11) Would you turn into a dusk nobody or would you go out with Goofy. I'll go with the first option... 12) Would you destroy any world if that's the only way to save TWTNW Heck yeah!TWTNW rocks! 13) Would you hug Sora Same as Riku 14) Would you live in Destiny Island or Hollow Bastion Hollow Bastion duh! 15) Would you hug Kairi. No 16) Would you hug Roxas Dunno 17) Would you hug Namine No 18) Would you hug Ansem the Wise Not in a billion years!
Yeah,cancer is a sad song but there are sadder ones
Then they've got a really bad humor.That's not funny at all,c'mon
Hey there,welcome to kh-vids.Remember to follow the rules and have fun :D Btw nice pics
Yeah,I think it was 5 years ago.I was on vacation with my family and me and my brother went to a shop then we got seperated from our parents and we couldn't find them.We didn't know anything about the place there but after some some minutes we managed to find our parents,end of the story
Put me in as Axel
I really liked this show,it used to be one of my favorites.But I haven't watched it in a long time...
Axel all the way,are you kidding me?But I voted for Roxas by mistake...