That has never happened to me,it works fine
Yeah,that's cool but kh2 isn't there
Roxas,Saix and Xaldin I think.They'd put up good fights
Ok,check these out: Red hot chili peppers My chemical romance H.I.M Green Day I can't say I listen to those very much but you might wanna check them out.
occ-ok,cool occ-funny...I g2g too now.I'll come back later,bb
occ-I guess you'll let me be Axel again,right?
Yeah,that has happened to me too.Just try to find smt else to do at your free time.Don't argue with your parents and they'll eventually let you on the computer :)
Hey there,welcome to kh-vids.Remember to follow the rules and have fun :D
You want a specific kind of music or anything will do?
Some of my teachers...Or maybe all of them!
I think...3 times
Around 723 songs
occ-Hey,can I be Axel?
occ-g2g,see ya later
I voted for Sora vs Riku vs Roxas.But there also other battles I'd like to see
''Don't worry''axel said and hugged her.''Isn't it kinda early for the baby to come?''
''Larxene what's wrong?''axel asked worried.''Ok,I'm staying with you in case you need anything''
'' should rest...''axel said.''You want me to bring you anything?''
''Why,what's wrong?''axel asked looking at her
Axel ported to the castle and sat next to larxene''How are you feeling?''he asked