Yeah,I read them.But before becoming a member
I gotta admit I didn't cry at all.Not a single tear.I was happy that I had finally beat him
Hey there,welcome to kh-vids.Remember to follow the rules and have fun :D
Hey there,welcome to kh-vids.Remember to follow the rules and have fun :D Btw,nice intro
Nah,they aren't gay.I mean,c'mon.You've seen how Sora hugs Kairi and stuff.And Riku doesn't seem gay at all
lol.Agree.Seriously now,I say Sora.He beat Roxas once,he'd probably do it again
Riku all the way!He'd kick their a$$es!
Um...let's see...How about ''Lost Heaven''?Dunno... Not much inspiration...:p
Well,they're a really nice band.Some of their songs are great
Way to Dawn is a keyblade.I think I don't need to explain how and why
Nah,I've never seen this one
Point there :p It's magic!
So you've been here for some weeks...Oh,well,welcome :)
Axel has the coolest weapons!Chakrams rock!
Yeah,I noticed that but I didn't really care that much
This will be: -Riku -Axel -Sora But I forgot to vote for Sora :p
Oblivion,Oathkeeper,Way to Dawn and Bond of flame.