(OMG I am laughing so hard right now XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD God I needed this. XD) Why did thou just call me? We are not a Pokemon! Thou disrespectful whelp! (I haven't laughed this hard in years XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)
(XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD knew he'd be pissed XD) Hey don't look at me! I didn't ask her to come help me! She did it on her own! Whoa that's too cool! What other Pokemon do you have? We also have Darkrai with Z-Power and a Gengar that can Mega Evolve! No way that is too cool!
One more hit like that and Bisharp is done for...What am I gonna do? You seem to be having a bit of trouble human. Might we assist you? Whoa what the heck!? Who are you!? Where did you come from?! We are the Princess of the Night! And she who raises the moon! We are Princess Luna! No way! I'm totally trippin balls right now! We shall show you the power of one of Canterlot's Legendary Royal Pokemon! Go Lunala! Moongiest Beam Now! (Upon playing Pokemon Sun and Moon I was dying to do this XD Am also addicted to Pokemon Moon atm Sorry if this interferes with your plans for the RP ^^; )
(I know but don't get mad at me for something that isn't my fault. These database errors have been keeping me away. I can be online one moment and you'll see my last activity was only a few seconds or minutes ago but then I'll get cut off by a database error before I can reply.)
(I can't promise I'm gonna be sticking around. Seriously this is infuriating...)
(The database errors prevent me from saving too actually.)
(I'm fed up with these database errors. I'm sorry guys but I don't know how active I'm going to be anymore. Do you know how goddamn annoying it is to type out a long reply only to end up hitting send only for it to not get sent and end up showing me a database error insead? VERY annoying...And I end up losing all of what I typed too...)
(Good one! XD And you know what's funny? I usually have really good luck with the one hit kill moves in my games for some reason. I don't know if it has to do with something or if I'm just lucky.) Ahhh!!! Oh Crap!!! Hang in there Bisharp!!! Use Iron Head!
We'll see who's laughing when I wipe that smug sneer off your face! Bisharp use Guillotine now!
(Works for me) You don't scare me! Bring it on! Go Bisharp! Bisharp!
(Odd. I can see them just fine. Also I find it sorta odd that you're having this character swear when you youself said you're against swearing and there's not even any swearing in Pokemon. XD) Hey! I'm not an it pal I'm a he! Pokemon!? No way! I'm totally trippin' right now! My team from the last game I played is here! Scizor, Bisharp and Aegislash! This is awesome!
(That'll be perfect since it'll be a Pokemon Battle.)
(That's fine. And a villain please.)
(You can be whoever you want)
*Jake the Dog and Finn the Human wandered the mysterious new dimension they were in. It was daytime and appeared to be earth.* Dude what is this place? I dunno man. I feel like I'm trippin'. You aren't the only one. I'm seeing this too. We're in another world!
Of course I didn't know. I haven't Dueled or been keeping up with the game in literally years now. Anyway not sure how active I'll be sorry to say. But it's because of forum errors so it's not my fault.
Nah Fortune Ladies still suck more. The only way I can see them winning is if the opponent drew really badly or if some random lucksack happened like them special summoning Fortune Lady Fire when the opponent had a high ATK monster on the field. Did something happen to Dueling Network? You pretty much have to hybrid them with other spellcasters for them to be any good. They can't do much on their own. Same goes for E-Heroes sadly. The reason some E-Hero Decks do well is because they weren't on their own. They had help from other monsters that were non-E-Hero. There have been tournament competitive E-Hero Hybrid Decks. Also I'm being kept away from here by yet another forum error: This time a different kind: And sometimes it's the aforementioned one.
Indeed. And this is just my opinion but I honestly think Fortune Ladies are the absolute worst deck in the entire game. I think even Crystal Beasts and Cloudians are better. And if Fortune Fairies were real they'd be even worse.
If they had Tuners they'd definitely be perfect for Synchros.
At this point I might not be. XD And well I don't have the drive anymore either. I'm surprised I haven't ever seen anyone try using Xyzs in a Fortune Lady Deck. I mean they're literally perfect for Xyzs.