I vote we make a new thread dedicated to RPing. Who's with me?
I've missed you alot too. You were always there for me through thick and thin no matter what. And my gratitude to you cannot be expressed with words.
I resent my contact request to you on Skype. When you see Shinta The Rurouni that's me.
I've been having alot of technical difficulties getting on here so please understand that this was not my fault. And I sincerely apologize for...
Hey man I sent you a contact request on Skype. I'm really sorry for being gone for so long.
Photobucket has new rules now. And I'm not happy about it either. He said finals not funerals XD He's likely talking about college. EDIT: FUСK!!! I LOST MY PRECIOUS SIGS!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
There are tons of toxic fandoms out there. Yang Xiaolong wankers Yang Xiaolong hatedom FNAF fandom Undertale fandom Sonic the Hedgehog fandom Minecraft fandom Bronies (Not the ones who take their respect motto seriously, those people are cool. I just mean the ones I already mentioned and the REALLY bad bronies, like the clopsexual group who demand respect for BEING SEXUALLY ATTRACTED to FICTIONAL PONIES) DragonBall Z fandom Naruto fandom (Not the intelligent ones. Those people are pretty cool. Just the Narutards. You know, the ones who wank Naruto to Hell and back and say he can beat Goku and that their godly ninjas are unbeatable) One Punch Man fandom (Though I love the show) Kill La Kill fandom Alot of anime fans in general Johnny Test/Teen Titans Go hatedom (although the shows truly ARE bad) Teen Titans Go fandom MLP hatedom The people into crappy memes like Deez Nuts GoAnimate community "Directioners" (One Direction fanbase) Beliebers (Justin Beiber fans) Whovians (Dr Who) (before anyone asks, used to be good, but are now locked into an eternal, cancer-filled fandom war-classic whovians (crazy old grandparents, grumbling about when the BBC used to produce good drama); Russell whovians (bitter 90's and early 2000's kids, who grumble about when the BBC actually produced decent comedy); and Moffett whovians, crazy fangirls, who obsess over the attractiveness of the Doctor and his companions, and flood fanfiction with stupid romance stories) Furries Steven Universe fandom Adventure Time fandom (I'm not really a fan I just like to RP as Finn and Jake. And I happen to like some of the characters. Like Marceline.) Pewdiepie fans Youtube commenters Call of Duty fandom Internet "tough guys" (you know, the ones who say things like, "Imma kick yo ass son" but could probably barely lift a toy car in real life. Or threaten to hack your account and find where you live just to intimidate you.) Anti-fans/haters (you know, the people who tell you to drink bleach and die because you like or hate something in the media) Did I miss any?
I jinyxed it...I'm still having trouble getting on here... I never heard about their bad traits but I believe that. The show is ѕhit yet people talk about it like it's as good as old classics. People have compared it to Gravity Falls. But Gravity Falls is actually good. One person even said it was one of the best cartoons he had seen since Samurai Jack and the old Batman Animated series. I couldn't believe it. I even heard one person compare My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to Breadwinners...I ѕhit you not...That's like comparing day to night...My Little Pony has great and inteligent writing, great characters, a great plot and a motivating story. What does Breadwinners have? Just rape jokes, a lot of toilet humor, even by actual Nickelodeon standards, even more tasteless jokes, and horrible animation, which is some of the laziest animation I've ever seen.
I don't wanna jinx it but I THINK I'm no longer having technical difficulties getting on here now. In other news I've been dealing with a ton of stress and drama that's been eating me alive. Can't stop reminiscing about some things I went through during my absence. As crazy as this is going to sound coming from me...Bronies...They are literally hands down the absolute most toxic, insufferable and infuriating fanbase I have ever had the displeasure and misfortune of dealing with....They make literally every single other person I ever got into a fight with on here or had trouble getting along with on here look like absolute saints... What's so bad about them? What could they have possibly done to make me feel this way? I'll tell you. They all like to preach about love and tolerance and what a true friend is and how people can change and how you should forgive people and claim to be all nice but in reality damn-near all of them are two-faced and are false social justice warriors and hypocrites and liars who wear masks. Sure they act all nice to you at first but once you've incurred their dislike it's forever and they won't forgive you and act evil to you and stay evil to you. Sound crazy? Well I know from personal experience...They don't practice a single damn thing the show teaches... As much as I love MLP I'm becoming more and more ashamed to be a fan because of these people...I almost wish a Death Battle or a Salt Assault would be made where they would have an MLP character lose just so I could see this evil fanbase get what's coming to them... I keep thinking more and more that I need to just go back to my first and true love...What is that you ask? Anime of course. Now to be fair I know alot of anime fans are jerks. They have a tendency to say that you're a loser for liking a certain anime or not liking an anime they like and will try to tell you what you should and shouldn't watch. But Anime is so good that you can't help but like it. And not all of them are toxic or jerks. And lastly I DO know a few Bronies who are really great and cool people. I don't mean to say that ALL of them are bad. Let's not get that twisted.
Yeah congrats on becoming Prem! =)
Hey! Great to hear from you again! =)
They are spammed constantly. The game has pretty much gone from being "Duel Monsters" to "Duel Destruction Cards". Stuff like Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of The Beginning, Fusions, Synchros, Xyzs. I wouldn't put anything past them anymore. Wait what are you talking about? Anyone who sets every trap and quickplay spell in their hand is making a noob mistake. And Heavy Storm was there to punish them accordingly. But now it isn't. Strike?
Anyway I might make a Pokemon Battle Arena soon. But it will be strictly for roleplaying. I'm not going to try to replicate the videogames. That would be WAY more trouble than it's worth. On another subject I can't understand why this game is all about destruction effects. That's all anyone does anymore. They spam destruction effects. You can't hardly even get out a good monster anymore. And if you do it won't stay on the field long. And banning Heavy Storm and unrestricting Mystical Space Typhoon was a terrible idea. The game is better when conservative play is rewarded and poor play is punished. Heavy Storm provided that. But this format punishes people for being conservative. And literally every single move you make is a gamble now if your opponent has any facedowns. Summon a good monster? Boom Bottomless Trap Hole, Solemn Warning, or Torrential Tribute. Try to Attack? Boom Mirror Force. Set one or two facedowns? Boom Mystical Space Typhoon. It's ridiculous... I also don't like how they keep on moving different cards down from the ban list. They need to keep adding more overpowered cards to it and not take any down unless they're ones that are truly not a threat anymore. And they need to only ban splashable truly broken cards that give an unfair advantage over your opponent at no cost to you and things that make it easy to OTK or FTK someone. Change of Heart, Exchange of The Spirit, Magical Scientist and Cyber-Stein are good examples of this. And if you ask me Raigeki, Dark Hole, Mirror Force and Lightning Vortex should all be banned permanently. Because they're just there as a crutch for weaker Duelists to instantly turn the game around for them. And from what I heard Konami does in fact keep some overpowered cards unbanned to help keep weaker players playing so they won't quit. But that's still no excuse if you ask me. This is what I have to say to those people: Spoiler
I was willing to give Xyzs a chance. But then they moved Level Limit Area B and Gravity Bind down on the list and banned Heavy Storm. And even moved Mirror Force and Torrential Tribute down on the list. I drew the line there.
That's true. We can always just set terms in which only cards made before or after a certain date can be used.
*sigh* Yugioh needs to just die already...They need to just discontinue the franchise...Seriously, Yugioh just keeps getting worse while Pokémon just keeps getting better.
(Wait there's a new kind of monster called Link Monsters now? What the heck are those?)
(I love your portrayal of Silver. It's priceless. Also who saw Samurai Jack last night?)
(I need to stop RPing while my brain is drunk XD)