I use the save editor linked to in the description here: As well as PS4 Save Wizard. It says to input these codes for these weapons: Master's Defender, 033d Kingdom Key D, code 0342 KH3 Mickey's Keyblade (unknown name), code 0343 Way to Dawn, code 034f Braveheart, code 0350 Or to insert them into these offsets: Slot 1, offset 1878 Slot 2, offset 1880 Slot 3, offset 1888 But what the heck are they talking about? Where do I find these slots so I can type them in?
Well I'll be darned...
I currently don't have any servers up for anime RPs but I can easily make one.
Because it's on Discord.
Great to see you again man.
How does everyone keep coming back right when I leave again? Anyway I no longer do Yugioh but I do MLP and Anime RPs if anyone is interested.
Hey glad you found me. Hope you've been well. You've actually been on my mind lately.
Yeah it's basically DragonBall Z with Card Games now.
I can name more similarities to add to that list. 9. Katara and Sakura are both bossy and both have healing abilities. (Both even use the same pose to heal) 10. Naruto has Wind Type Chakra while Aang is a master of Airbending. (Even though he was destined to master all four elements) 11. Naruto and Aang both have a second state. Naruto has the nine-tailed fox sealed inside him and Aang has the avatar state. Both states can have devastating effects when not controlled. 12. Naruto has a strong friendship & hate rivalry relationship with Sasuke while Aang has the exact same thing with Zuko. 13. Zuko & Sasuke both have to face a member of their own family. 14. Both Zuko and Sasuke can use fire and lightning and wield sword. 15. And one other thing is both Aang and Naruto get a lot stronger when their friends are at risk. Yeah I don't think this is just a coincidence or grasping at straws. There has to be something to this.
Technically we could rectify this problem by setting terms in which only cards made before a certain date can be used when we Duel.
Finally someone who agrees with me on this. For some reason people say they hate/dislike anime yet they love stuff like Avatar: The Last Airbender and RWBY. What sense does that make? If I didn't l know better I'd think Avatar The Last Airbender WAS an anime. It's got the same aesthetics and everything. And has even been commonly mistaken for being an anime for that reason. I guess it's true that we live in a world where nobody wants to say what's really on their mind. They'd never have the balls to admit that the Anime aesthetics, depth and detail are the reason why they love Avatar and RWBY so much. Though I personally don't see the appeal of RWBY. The animation/art style is crappy, the action isn't that great, the characters and story are bland, dull, forgettable and uninteresting, and overall it just feels like a low budget bootleg anime. And a pretty weak attempt at anime at that. I must say I am legitimately curious about why so many people say they hate anime yet they love bootleg anime like Avatar The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra and RWBY. That makes absolutely no sense. People really ought to think about the joys anime has brought before they badmouth it. Anime has inspired a lot of great series today. With bootleg Avatar: The Last Airbender, bootleg RWBY, And even The Lion King being among these things. Yet they choose to ѕhit on Anime without even thinking about this. (Not many people know this but yes, The inspiration for The Lion King was a really old anime called Kimba The White Lion)
Indeed. And the game was much better back when it actually lived up to the name "Duel Monsters". I wish I had been playing back in the days of the tier one Blue-Eyes. Twas a glorious time so I heard. Nowadays instead of destroying by battle everyone just spams destruction effects and then attacks you directly. Imagine if in Chess you could just Heavy Storm, Dark Hole or Raigeki to get rid of all your opponent's pawns at once. Well that's what this is like. It's rеtarded. Or imagine if in Pokemon you could catch another Trainer's Pokemon with a Pokeball and instantly win the battle like how sometimes your opponent draws Snatch Steal and ends up winning because of it in one turn. That's what this is like. At least the latter is no longer a problem. God I used to hate Snatch Steal with a passion...
I might actually consider coming back to Duel and RP here for fun like I used to do if it weren't for the fact that the game has become so ridiculous now and has made so many changes and new cards since I last played. I don't have the time nor the patience to learn about them at this point.
The show in general is basically just a bootleg anime. And so is RWBY.
I see. Thanks for the info. But regardless the game is just way too broken now, the new cards suck, and it's just not fun anymore and I've outgrown it.
Apparently there must be a lot of new cards I don't know about. But I haven't been keeping up with the game in years. Go figure. People shouldn't set every trap in their hand just because they have a lot of them. It's a noob mistake. Heavy Storm encouraged against that and helped neutralize those traps that eat you alive damn-near every turn. You're joking right? That's how I feel about Raigeki, Dark Hole, Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute and Lightning Vortex. You can't hardly even get out any good monsters anymore. Everyone just spams destruction effects now. Where's the fun in that? Oh? How so?
Back on the other subject, whoever thought it was a good idea to restrict spell/trap card destruction and allow people to spam monster destruction effects needs to be shot. The game was better back when good moves were rewarded and poor play was punished. Heavy Storm provided that. But it isn't fair to be able to chain 2 MST's to your opponents end phase when they set two spell/trap cards. This format punishes people for being conservative, and rewards bad moves. And that is completely unfair.
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