"Well my friend told me Light Magic can manifest as fire so I say burn their ships as they try and close in on us" Alastair said to Suri as he looked up at Vitan and the captain "Vitan! If worst come just swim to the shore line!" Alastair yelled so Vitan could hear him.
“No” Alastair said to Suri “We are to close, we need to reach port, they wouldn’t risk getting close to the city archers, if they do they will be vulnerable to a fire attack” “We have no choice” The captain said to Vitan “Full Sail!” The Captain ordered to the crew as the all the sails were set and the ship picked up speed as it tried to pass the Seraphim ships. “This is going to be close, can you use Light magic?” Alastair asked Suri as the ships closed in.
The Airship above the palace fired a beam of light down onto the palace that caused it to explode, killing everyone inside as the airship flew towards the dark pillar. It launched about seven transports that flew threw the portal after Dante. The Airship itself after dispatching the transports flew back into the ocean and vanished. many unprepared Janinan Soldiers were also sucked threw the pillar.
The Eclipscion Airship positioned itself right above the palace as a light appeared under it. The ground around the palace started to shake similar to an earthquake. Meanwhile in front of Nny appeared a pillar of similar to the one Claire appeared from. But it suddenly changed colour to black and started pulling everything near it towards it.
The trade caravan travelled north for a day and a half before eventually arriving at a port town. From there the group boarded a ship heading to Aria. ---1 week later--- The ship was not far from the city of St. Verloren, the last free Arian City. At first everything seemed fine as they passed the Aria-Deria Border, but as they got closer and closer black pillars of smoke could be seen from the city before it was even in sight. As the city finally came into sight a large Seraphim army besieged the city on three sides, leaving the port as the only way in. Though the city was under siege there were no Seraphim Airships, yet. “No” Alastair said as he stood at the bow of the ship and looked at his home as they approached the burning city.
"Why must people keep pestering me for fights?" The man asked himself "Now if I was you I would get away from the palace" he said as he vanished, the airship approached the palace.
"About time" The man said "He's not dead but I would say he is at his limit. So anyone else?" The man asked Vendeval and Drei.
Maybe you should just add me because I can't find you, I am Riku1186
I tried to add your Skype but FATE is very vague, I got like fifty people when I tried.
"Funny I could have sworn I broke your arm, next time I will have to break it into splinters" the man said as Allen charged "But I see you just fail to get the point" the man added as Allen's strike made contact, but at that instance the man vanished and reappeared behind Allen and fired a beam of light straight threw Allen's spine.
I edited my post
"You couldn't be more wrong, I am here because my idiot of second decided now of all times to show some honour, honestly I hired him to avoid such things" The man said in mock frustration as he kneed Allen in the face "And your plan to make me heal you is pointless, I have done this so many times I know all the tricks, hence why I am trying to help you, I know it doesn't look like it but believe me if you heeded my advice you would see so many flaws in the way you are acting and would see the big picture", the man stopped and looked at Vendeval "I am not underestimating someone because I am royalty, or immortal. What I am doing is teaching so if you could not undermine me while I give this boy a crucial lesson I would appreciate it" the man said to Vendeval "Just why were you inspecting that corpse anyway?"
"Honestly a brick wall would be more understanding" the man with a sigh "But if you insist" the man vanished and appeared right in front of Allen and grabbed his right arm and broke it, he then kicked Allen right where Rako had stabbed him "How about a free combat lesson instead? Never ever challenge someone who could beat you down, because chances are they will"
Glad your enjoying yourself. Most of use brought our characters over from our old series. So most of us have had time to develop our characters so...
"Oh no, I am not mistaken and I never said you were born in eclipscion, I said you were conceived. But hey did you forget what I said about you, Narrow Minded, did you forget that, you can't truly see what people think so long as you have this trait" the man said "After all as long as you possess all those traits you will never reach your full potential, but then again maybe you already have, if so you won't be living much longer, a quick twist to the neck and down you go, but then again with the way you look a simple tap would drop you" The man said to Allen.
So how are you liking the rp? Enjoying yourself? Be honest.
"Ooh, betrayal" The man said to Allen looking back "A son of the eclipse is a male child conceived under the eclipse curse, just like the daughters of the eclipse and so on. Every child born under this has a half crescent moon hidden on their body. They also have an energy that makes people not under the curse dislike them by instinct, no matter what, it also lets me tell who is and isn't a true citizen of my Empire. But you don't know any of this right? If you are having trouble following me let me say it like this, your an eclipscion" the man said looking away from Allen "What are you doing?" the man asked Vendeval, annoyed at him simple ignoring him.
Flood, just so you know there are no proper consumers at the city.
"I am intrigued, you have lots of potential, but you hold yourself back" the man said walking away "I mean for a son of the eclipse I find you lacking compared to the others but the potential is there, honestly I blame your parents, after all its a natural instinct for this to happen in Janina"