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  1. riku1186
    Alastair faced Lucas “We need to escape the city, I already told the others where we will regroup but first we need to get outside, it won’t take long for the military to catch up” Alastair said to him as Xane offered to scout ahead and then Poke’s protest and Berial’s plan. “Blood shed is inevitable at this point Poke and for someone who doesn’t want more to die choosing to hold this ground with just one other person is suicide Berial” Alastair said to Berial before looking to Xane, Poke and Berial had a point about Xane wanting to scout ahead on his own being stupid but they needed to take the risk and Xane seemed more than willing.

    “Xane go, focus on finding us a clear path away from the city, we need to avoid fighting as much as possible, the rest of us will follow, if you find and military or police in our path come back to the group and we will come up with a new plan” Alastair said to Xane and then faced the others “We will give Xane a few minutes to scout ahead then follow after, we should minimize how much we split up, unfortunately I don’t think I can use my magic anymore today since I used it so much in the tunnels, if they catch up to us Berial and Poke will need to hold them off to give Lucas and me time to escape, just don’t make it a fight of attrition you will lose” Alastair said to the group and then looked back at Xane “If we get caught up in a fight do not comeback for us, we can’t risk the whole group getting taken out, so long as one of us survive we have a chance of stopping our real enemy, any objections?”
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. riku1186
    The students gave Nny strange looks before going back to their business. Bit by bit the students seemed to notice them more and more. There was no sign of the Phantom or that anything was wrong.
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. riku1186
    The door opened and in front of them was the main dinning hall from the academy filled with students as if nothing was wrong. The city behind them vanished instead the corridor that lead to the dinning hall was there instead. None of the students seemed to notice Allen and Nny.
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. riku1186
    The Phantom was about to speak when Allen asked her name, she just facepalmed before backhanding him, except the force was enough to send him flying. She looked back at Nny "I would say me and the consumers a perfectly even in power" she said as she jumped out of range of Allen's spell and vanished into the darkness. Raxtion also vanished. In the distance the tower became visible as it lighten up.
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. riku1186
    "I want someone to play with for a while" She said as she walked away from them and circled them "If I wanted you dead it wouldn't take much" She summoned a black orb and threw it up into the sky, moments later in the far distance there was an explosion large enough to be seen for kilometres and so large and bright people couldn't actual look at it, the whole world shook from the sheer power "And if you can still hear me that wasn't even trying"
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. riku1186
    The girl vanished but not even a second later she was behind Allen and Nny "Guys if you want to survive unscathed I suggest just giving up, I'm in a good mood so I will be slightly merciful if you just throw down your weapons" She said in a mocking tone "Honestly it would be the best thing for your health"
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. riku1186
    "Well I am glad someone benefited, but did both of you?" she asked giving Nny a look and then back to Allen "I guess I should introduce my self, I was once known as Sophie Versia, but I go by a new name these days, I am The Black Phantom MKII" She said confidently "You can forget the MKII part when speaking about me, I usually do" She said "So are we ready for a big fight? I guess at your current levels I should go easy"
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. riku1186
    "Oh its real, all of it, just like everything you went threw Allen, it was all real, and yet it wasn't. Time is funny like that, just like me" Raxtion said to Allen as he circled around Allen just out of visible range.

    The girl stopped whispering to the other Nny and phased threw the observation window and hovered above Nny, she pulled back her cloak and revealed that she was about fifteen, with deathly pale skin and pitch black eyes with long black hair to match it. "I have had my fun Nny" She said stroking Nny's face "That is the expression I remember" She added as she kissed him and he woke up.

    Just as Nny woke up a black smoke came out of Nny's body and formed into the girl and landed in front of Allen "Hello Allen, have fun?" she asked as if what he had just gone threw was fun.
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. riku1186
    "Oh I am Raxtion, and this is no illusion" Raxtion's voice said as Allen suddenly found himself trapped in the body of the other Allen turning into a consumer and forced him to feel the pain of the transformation and then slaughter his own family, and then replayed it over and over for hours until suddenly Allen awoke back in the street, his light spell still cast, Nny was on the ground unconscious.

    "Why would I kill you when I can have so much fun" The voice said to Nny as he suddenly found himself strapped to the table, he could see into the observation room, another Nny watched over him with a cloaked girl whispering into his ear. Nny's while body was filled with pain as the doctors came in and started painfully removing his powers. They talked about Nny as if he wasn't a person but as a thing.
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. riku1186
    "Regardless if you saved her or not, fate would still consume you" Just as the family reached there home a blinding light engulfed Allen and as soon as it did Allen stood in the city again but this time the city was a warzone, soldier's and consumers fought viciously. But right in front Allen stood the other Allen, painfully turning into a consumer as his family tried to help him. As soon as the transformation was complete, he killed them slowly and turned them.

    "The Nny type 1 was a proto clone of a demon called Nny, but you where more powerful then the original, so the order came down to steal your power away and cast you aside like waste" The voice said as the Nny in the room screamed in pain "You truly are pathetic"
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. riku1186
    "I know, and it killed me, just like it will kill you" Raxtion whispered to Allen as an image of an older Jen and Allen appeared with children having a nice day in the city "And just like me you will never have this" Raxtion added as the happy family passed right threw Allen.

    The corridor started to change as Nny went down it and started to resemble a hospital hallway, the sound of doctor could be heard as well as nny's screams. Eventually the hallway lead to an observation room looking over a operation room with a restrained Nny on the Table pathetically trying to escape, next to the observation window had the words 'Nny Type 1' written. "Have you always wondered why you feel superior to everyone else? Its because you were once"
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. riku1186
    The side of the tower opened up revealing a corridor for Nny "Do you think I am lying, or that this is an illusion?" The girl's voice asked Nny. The rest of the world vanished leaving nothing but the tower and the ground Nny stood on.

    "Defence against what? me? Am I your enemy now, since you failed to save us you want to kill us to get rid of your guilt? Like your guilt for failing to save Jen?" Raxtion's voice said as the city became populated, none of the people stopped to acknowledge Allen, they simple passed right threw him when he stood in their way.
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. riku1186
    "Come on Allen, you can do better" Raxtion's voice echoed echoed to Allen and Allen alone, no one else could hear what was said "You failed after all, the academy, my home and even the world itself, all you have ever known is long gone" the voice continued, the group faded from Allen's vision leaving him alone as the city around Allen started to change, for Allen alone it was like the city was repairing itself into what it used to be.

    "That's not like you Nny" The female voice whispered "What happened to the demon who scoffed at everything? Your acting as if you are human" she continued as the group faded from Nny's vision leaving him alone, around Nny the city crumbled away leaving a lone Tower in the distance, light came from the tower as if calling for him to come closer.
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. riku1186
    As soon as the group was gone Father vanished with a smug smirk.

    "I thought I killed you" a female voice whispered in Nny's ear, though there was no one around A dark presence fell over the group as the light started to vanish. All around them was the sound of movement, but no one was there. As the minutes went by it got harder and harder to see, but something was following "You don't stay dead" the voice whispered again to nny.
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. riku1186
    "The Station has records of everything that has happened, though I don't know the condition of said records, as for the organization, look around you, the destruction you see is took almost everyone and everything save for the most powerful, not even the gods survived" Father said to Allen "Now I would stop wasting time, she approaches"

    Robert watched Traken carefully, when Traken was done he leaned against the wall and looked outside threw a broken window "Get back here Claire" he said quietly.
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. riku1186
    "That's because right now she is dead, or worse" Father said to Shero and then faced Nny "I can't go any further because the Station AI Hates me and won't let me. Now at the centre of this city is a massive tower, or what remains of it, that is where you need to go, and I would hurry, something approaches" Father said to Nny.
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. riku1186
    "Its subjective girl, just because some is dead right now doesn't mean they will be when you go back, in fact they will be alive, thus you can save them, but if you change anything you change everything that happens before it" Father said to Shero before looking to Allen "You don't kno0w what the stations are? Hmm, they are ancient battle stations built to protect the world, all the technological power at the end of the war paled in comparison to one running at minimum power, but it was still for naught" the man said. The group walked for hours until they reached a massive ruined city, what they couldn't see was that the city was the actual station and the bottom half had become buried underground. "Here we are, this is as far as I can go" Father said stopping at the edge of the city.
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. riku1186
    "Ah my healing powers isn't for normal people, but I have a house that survived this attack that has a bed and food, and one table and chair but that's not important, she can rest there while we perform some first aid" Robert said leading the way from the ruins into the city.
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. riku1186
    "Yes" Robert said appearing behind Phisoxa and Traken "Though you won't find them anytime soon, if you wait maybe seventy three years you may find them" Robert added "But that's not what is important, you need a haven for the time being"

    The man stopped briefly at Allen's out burst but continued to walk "We must hurry before she finds us, the Station is only a couple of hours away, what's left of it anyway"
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. riku1186
    "After the destruction of the academy a certain shadowy organization allied itself with Eclipscion. In an effort to hide what happened at the academy the organization was tasked with hunting down and killing all survivors of the attack, and anyone that knew them well, like family, friends and loved ones" The man said "It was done in a matter of days, save for a very small handful of people"
    Post by: riku1186, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home