Name: Duke Alastair Vauntis Trios Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Vampire Race/Nationality: Duchy of Kent, England (Formerly from Scotland) Social Rank: Noble, Blue Blood Relations: He has no living relatives except for a few hybrid children offspring. He keeps a few human concubines as well. Mostly he interacts with his court and generals that is made up of loyal ludo he has turned. He is also married to the Duchess of Kent though this was a political move. The Duke and Duchess have no children Weapons/Powers: He uses a rapier in combat which he has mastered over decades of use. He is also a day walker but rarely goes out during the day unless he is pretending to be a common human. Personality: Alastair seems cold and distant but that is due to his long life, he is actually very caring towards his ludo and doesn’t treat them as slaves, giving them a wide range of freedom. Harm one of his direct ludo or human vassal and he will show no mercy, same goes with his human subjects. He often abandons his castle for a few years to live among common humans before returning to his life as their ruler. Appearance: Alastair has short black hair and pale skin, his eyes are blood red as well. He usually wears royal looking clothes unless he is pretending to be a common human. He is about average size for his physical age. Bio: Alastair is the last living pure Blue Blood Trios Vampire after the other families in Scotland purged his family after they tried to weaponize a vampire lover against their rivals long ago. Barley escaping Alastair swore himself to the Duke of Kent but slowly took over the Duchy of Kent and on his lords death bed converted the heiress of Kent to a ludo and married her, seizing control of Kent Alastair proceeded to start to build an army of Ludo and humans that he plans to use to take over England one day and eventually the rest of Britannia. In the meantime Alastair has been looking for a Blue Blood wife to secure his families purity. Username: Riku1186
Its been a long time bliz
Alastair and his companions had taken shelter in an empty house for the night, the family that lived there seemed to be in one of the other countries. While the others slept peacefully Alastair had gone through the house and five bags and filled them with water and warm clothing for their trek across the desert towards Althauptstadt. Once done packing Alastair placed four of the bags next to his companions, he then grabbed a sixth bag in case they came across anyone from the other groups who had been separated. Alastair sighed in relief when he was done when he heard noise outside the house. A large group of police were moving through the street though they didn’t seem to realize the people they were after was in the house they pasted. Alastair wondered how prepared the other groups were for crossing the desert, ‘maybe I could send Xane to find one of the other groups and give them a bag of supplies, no it would be risking Xane and there is no guarantee that they would find anyone’ Alastair though to himself.
"I can't answer yet" Claire said to Raxtion then faced the others "Lets go, its a long journey, so lets find transportation in the next town" Claire said as she started walking, "maybe we could enlist in the eclpiscion army" she joked to herself. As Allen climbed up on the platform there was the sound of something clicking. A few seconds later all the terminals turned off and an alarm started blaring. All around them the sounds of large machinery turning on could be heard. A young person in a black coat and wearing a white mask landed between Traken and the fire, they raised their hand and a rune appeared in front of them that dispelled the fire, they drew a rapier and took a battle stance. "That is enough" they said to the siblings, their voice heavily distorted but still understandable.
Hey Twilight if you are still interested Wartime reverie is still going.
“Claire Vastia” Claire said to Raxtion “I am with my partner but at the moment he has a few things to take care off at the moment. The ground under Nny and Allen creaked the whole time they walked but as soon as Allen finished talking the whole section of floor under the two gave way dropping them several levels, when they stopped falling they landed in a room that was circular, there was rows of terminals in the room that circled some type of platform in the middle of the room. The Lights in the room turned on at a dim level and some of the terminals powered up as well, but they were all password protected.
“It’s just a hypothesis but it’s the only reason Sarah would join anyone” Alastair said to Berial, he hadn’t finished asking his question but it was obvious what he was going to ask. He then looked to Zane and listened to his report and pondered on what should be done next “You are right we should move now but we need to be careful as we do, if we are careless they might find us, but at the same time moving to slow will leave us surrounded in no time” Alastair started walking with a slight limp in his leg “My leg is still hurt from the first fight so I can’t run that much, Berial, Lucas don’t forget what I mentioned about my mother, if you manage to regroup with Kendric and I can’t they need to know everything about our enemy that they can. Also be wary of her, never trust her, she will kill you without a second thought” Alastair said to them ‘Just like my dad’ he added to himself. Alastair thought about the desert that awaited them, normally he would avoid the desert, but most people were under the impression that night time in the desert was easier then day time, but in all of Alastair’s research the night was just as bad as the day. At first sand would retain the heat but as the night goes on it gets colder and colder to the point where people can freeze to death if they aren’t prepared and people’s water supply will became more and more limited, add in that they had no way to insulate heat they might die out in the desert, but that could be said for anything they do right now.
Claire sighed as Raxtion asked questions but she remained quite as the other two spoke. "You are among your own kind kid, people who do not originate from this world, none of us have personal interest in this war and thus no real personal stake towards each others fate apart from our own compassion" Claire said coldly to Raxtion. The tower hallways were a massive maze that went up and down. The walls were dark with no light and made of cold metal, most of which looked like it was falling apart or rusting for some reason. Many hallways had collapsed and others had holes in the ground that seemed to drop into and endless abyss.
This is my mostly me explaining my life, current situation and seeking advice Okay to start off I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome when I was six and my outlook on life is very different to other people I know, but that is not the main concern, at least not today. I trained at a young age to help with my some of my symptoms (Mostly speech). I had good friends understanding friends who accepted my personality quirks and my home life was great until I was about ten. My mother got a new boyfriend (I have little to no contact with my father and his side of the family for very good reasons) anyway my mother’s new boyfriend is not the understanding type, over the years he has verbally and emotionally abused me with anger and insults and just being a horrible person in every way possible and just bringing me down whenever I feel good about myself (And it’s just me who gets this treatment because quote “I am weird” along with many other unsavoury words and statements about me) and after a few years it seemed my mom might kick him out, then my older brother died when I was thirteen just before the Christmas holidays started (Literally the second last day of school that year, I was lucky and already had the day off). Even at the age of thirteen I was accustomed to people dying (A lot of my brother and sister’s friends died in car crashes) but this was the first time I had been emotionally affected by it but I didn’t know how to properly display my grief and I didn’t want to worry my mother who was understandably devastated so I bottled up all the grief. Matters got worse when my brother’s girlfriend (A gold digger in the best terms) attempted to seize all his assets weeks after his death and my mother was the estate trustee, and the abuse resumed as well, once again I bottled up all my anger and frustration at the situation I was in and went on as normal. Over a year later in grade ten after bottling up the abuse, grief, anger, frustration and sheer pressure of school I collapsed one day at school (One of my less glamorous moments) and was transported to hospital. The doctors said I probably collapsed from the sheer physical stress of school and everyone left it at that. After that day things seemed to lessen up until grade twelve where I missed the first two months of school due to being in hospital. When I finally returned I was forced to do two months of school work from six subjects within one week (I failed) and to make matters worse for some reason a previous friend of mine for some reason hated me and started bullying me, and at home the verbally and emotionally abuse started up again. It should be no surprise to anyone who has read this far that I once again bottled it up again, I was so used to holding everything in and showing fake emotions that it had (And still is, we are getting to the point) instinctual to hide how I truly feel. At one point I realised that no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t get happy no matter how hard I tried, I had no idea what was wrong but as soon as I was alone my facade dropped and I was just plain miserable. I eventually realised I was falling in depression and forced my mother to take me to the doctor (She believed I was anaemic) but I talked to my doctor alone and explained how I felt and my situation and they helped and for a while everything started to get better, especially when I graduated school. But now we reach the current problem, at the age of 21 I still live with my mom, my sister and of course my mom’s boyfriend due to financial problems after losing my job and re-entering TAFE (Think community college). Most of the time when he is around I stick to my room because whenever he is around he always starts up with the insults and comments but I feel like I did back when I was in grade 12, I remember it all very vividly especially all the emotions (Mostly anger) and for the first time in my life my shell is cracking, my anger (Which there is a lot of) is seeping through (along with a lot of sarcasm which I use to calm myself and hold back the anger but everyone always takes seriously). I have tried talking and explain things but honestly a brick wall is more understanding then him. If I explode emotionally and let out all the repressed anger I know in some way I will end up hurting my mom and sister who have been very good to me but if I keep bottling it up I will slip back into depression and my doctors already have to keep checking that I don’t slip back into depression. So KH vids do any of you have advice for me?
"Oh good, I have a message from Rob, he says he will continue on to Eclipscion and if you still want his help follow after him, the war will be heading in that direction any way" Claire said in a bored tone "He said you would understand and that it doesn't matter if you follow or not your memory will return anyway someday, probably" Claire paused as she listened to Raxtion "Oh god another one"
Love has authorised me to allow new characters and rpers. Allen your new characters are allowed.
"My father is-" before she could finish the illusion ended, they were standing back at the tower entrance. "Calling this place a beautiful kingdom is a bit much, even before the attack" Claire said approaching Vendeval, Reese and Raxtion "Hello" She said to them politely "Do any of you go by the name Reese?" Claire asked the three.
Alastair leaned against the wall thinking about what the four had wanted in the basement "What do you three know about the teachers?" he asked, he didn't really know anything about the teacher or the other guy, he looked like an officer. But he knew about Sarah, that was a given seeing as she was his mother. But why would she help the other three, her goal was what ever destroyed Tasnica long ago, she had good info on what ever it had been when she killed his father. 'Wait is that it?' Alastair thought to himself 'Are they seeking whatever it was that destroyed Tasnica years ago, did his Sarah hit a brick wall and recruit the others to help her? Or on her search did they recruit her?' Alastair looked at the other three, they need all the info they could get, he would rather tell them later but what he knew could be important and if he died they wouldn't get the info he knew "Hey guys, I know who that woman with the elemental powers was my mother and I don't know if this has anything to do with what those four wanted, but she was a historian trying to find whatever it was that destroyed Tasnica long ago"
"You are right and wrong Nny, the Phantom is a threat but it is no bigger a threat then the consumers and its already to late, the Phantom is already active in your time, you have seen its handy work first hand Nny at the academy" The girl said to Nny "Please I have one simple request that can stop all this, save my father" The girl said to them as the illusion started to blur.
"You are correct in Allen Tor, I am part of this illusion and I am the Black Phantom in a way. I cast the illusion so we could talk, I had to make it as real as possible so it couldn't find you as easily" the girl said "But please stop attacking the illusions, everything you do to them I feel"
"Stop" a young cloaked woman said to Nny, as she spoke Nny's body froze long enough for the student to escape Nny and then he was released "Try not to cause a scene, if you do the Black Phantom will find you in here" she said to Nny as she approached him "Violence will only make this more difficult"
Every time Nny hit the student the illusion strengthened around them. As Nny kept hitting the student who food he stole the others became more and more angry, like they might descended on him at any second. Back in reality Nny and Allen stood at the entrance of the tower in front of Shero with blank expressions, Shero had not been included in the illusion.
Depending which Era of the rp you want to be part depends on how much you need to catch up on. We currently have two eras, future and current, not much has happened in the current but the future one is moving quickly.
The student punched Nny in the face and the whole room went silent as every student focused on Nny. One of the other students, a girl, shook her head as the student punched Nny again "That was dumb" she said out loud as the students around her agreed.