As Raxtion floated in the pod Torxber appeared next to it, he placed a hand on the pod as he looked up at the ships entering the dimension "There are too many, we cannot risk it" he said, as if talking to someone "Besides, I will not leave him at their mercy" he added as the space around him and the pod changed until they were over Earth. "Goodbye friend, this is your new home now, too bad we will never truly meet again" Torxber said as he vanished, the pod was left in orbit, slowly approaching the planet.
The destruction of Raxtion’s planet created a distortion, a place where a hole between dimensions could be opened. As soon as the destruction was complete a planet wide magic circle started forming where the planet used to be. At the dead centre of the circle was a city sized space station that was crewed by thousands of creatures, the same creatures that attacked the academy. When the circle was complete it vanished as the hole between worlds was opened, on the other side of the hole was a planet that looked identical to Allen’s home planet. Millions of ships started passing through the hole, their hulls battle scarred, their course for a distant planet that would take years to reach, a few thousand ships broke off from the main group and fired red lasers upon Crato’s Black Comet.
The officer stopped and faced Mixt “Listen kid, you may be nobility, but your seal has yet to be officially recognized, it’s a big parade they do and all that. Second even if you get officially recognized this is a military vessel, unless the Emperor himself says we take your orders or gives you a rank above out own you are still just like those other students, now I suggest you return and have something to eat” he turned and entered the bridge, closing the door behind him. After all the students sat down a few of the ship’s crew brought in food and placed it down in front of them.
"I have been in your position friend, I know its hard but the road you walk down will only end in tragedy" Torxber said as he turned away. Raxtion was basically a younger him "This is the last time we will see each other my friend, good bye" Torxber said vanishing.
"No, that's a stupid question, your plain hinges on this one weapon to work, but how can you be so sure it will work? What guarantees do you actually have, how do you know you and your people won't be the real targets, I have asked these questions before and tried to warn you, but every time my questions have been ignored, I know this will only end badly" Torxber said to Raxtion.
"I tell you its a bad idea to rely on that thing" Said a man who came up behind Raxtion, he looked at Allen for a second before muttering something that sounded like 'Legion' before sighing "Anyway, as I have said the darkness is not something you destroy without destroying everything else my friend, haven't you learnt that?" "Are you going to say your a Noble?" the Officer said joking as he approached the bridge.
"Without any nobility here feel free to sit where you please" The officer said leaving as the final students arrived, the doors closing behind him.
"I'm sorry about your friend Eins, I wish I could have saved him" Alastair said as he stood in the middle of the room "Tomorrow I will head north and get a ship to Aria to fight the Empire, do you wish to join me?" Alastair asked, he knew they had agreed to join him already, but he wanted to be sure that they knew what he planned to do.
Before Shero could continue one of the guards hit Nny across the back of the head, it wasn't a hard hit but enough to get his attention "We need this transport, group with your fellows in the hall" the Soldier said. "No need to worry" the Officer said to Phisoxa "You are a guest here, and until you our out of our care we will treat you one of our own"
The remaining students boarded the transport the front door closed and the transport headed to the airship. The students were escorted off the transport and threw the ship until they reached a massive dinning hall "Please take a seat, eat up I am sure you are all exhausted" the officer said as the students entered the hall.
Above the students an Eclipscion airship silently flew above them, impossible to see in the night sky and its advance engines silent. A small transport flew down to the field and a bunch of Eclipscion soldiers exited the ship and surrounded the students, these weren’t knights, just regular soldiers. An officer left the transport and walked up to the students. “Come aboard we will take you to Janina” he said gesturing to the transport.