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  1. Sebax
    "I don't think Steel came through. I will write a song in his memory." Base hung his head, his back turned to Steel and taking in the surrounding area. Truthfully, the battle at the mansion had scrambled his head a bit. He wasn't sure what was going on, where he was, and likely seemed a bit loopy to boot. "I shall have a magnificent tea party, and you're not invited," he said, to no one in particular, before falling to a slump on the floor. Out cold, running around had taken its toll on him.
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 30, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Sebax
    This was it. Last one left. Mickey charged ahead and just went for it. It wouldn't be enough, so the rest was up to Oswald. Mickey wondered what would be faced next after the last monster fell. He knew that larger tree creature that ran off had to be stopped so he could rescue whatever friend was locked away in the Orange crystal. Maybe, just maybe, with someone else around, then Oswald might have stopped being so grumpy and aloof. The mouse did his best to keep quiet just as the battle came to a close.

    Mickey attacked Enchanted Stump 9.
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sebax

    WWD {2.0}


    "Please stand clear of the doors," Tali gave her best impression of the Monorail spiel, and then finished it off with the translation with properly-accented enthusiasm. "Por favor, manténganse alejado de las puertas."

    The doors whooshed shut and clicked, encapsulating the party into a narrow walkway with seats running along from end to end; at each end was a transparent door that led to similar cars. This being the Purple Monorail, the seats were a rich, royal purple, plush, and cushioned, while the carpet strip down the walkway was a deeper Indigo. Several, oblong windows lined the sides of the car and allowed the passengers a clear view of the hotel they were to depart from in moments.

    "Everyone please be seated. I would like to advise you that some minor issues with the Monorail are being sorted out. The departure will be a bit sudden, so I ask that you please secure a grip to nearby handrails as your are seated," Mitch explained.

    Bram, Mitch, and Tali sat together in a row, where Tali fiddled with a remote she pulled from her labcoat pocket. As she removed her gloves, a deep, commanding voice was heard overhead.

    "This is your captain, Mosi First, speaking. We'll be departing shortly. Please ensure you are secure in a seat before departure. We are experiencing some minor difficulties, so be prepared for a sharp start."

    "Are you going to be Mister Bigshot and say 'told you so'?" Tali nudged Mitch in the ribcage and stuck her tongue out at him.

    "I thought I'd skip it this time," Mitch smiled and stuck his tongue out for a brief second. "You now have the floor, Doctor O'Ness. Everyone, Tali will now be explaining tools you will be using to best aid you in your duties here."

    Tali was bubbling over with excitement as he spoke, clutching her remote with both hands. The Monorail shot out of the building with an abrupt start, crashing Bram into Tali and Tali into Mitch, but even being squished didn't phase her. As soon as the speed leveled out, Tali squeezed out from her spot and cleared her throat.

    "So. I don't know which one to show off first. We have Paintbrushes, MagicBands, and Pin Lanyards to cover. Plus, there's an extra surprise I just can't wait until we get to. Always be favorite part of working here. Anyway! Don't mind the long trip; we'll be circling around until we're all ready to go."

    Using her remote, Tali clicked open a port below the seat she'd been occupying. In that space were three, identical gray suitcases. Once opened and put on display, she held each one as she explained their purposes.

    "First, we have the Paintbrush. Coming in a variety of colors, the Paintbrush is the epitome of WWD; the marriage of Science and Magic. Magic? Did I really just say Magic? But of course! Disney Magic, to be exact."

    Bram stared at her. It made her lose some traction, but, luckily, she caught the suitcase before it slipped from out of her grasp. Bram stood up and picked up a Paintbrush with a purple handle. Holding it in his hands, he kept quiet as he eyed it over.

    "Magic," he was curt and blank.

    "Disney Magic, yes. Feel free to keep that, --- if you like purple, that is --- you'll need it later. As I was saying: WWD is a marriage of Technology and Magic. This little baby can do things you can only dream of, because, well, doing things you dream up is sort of its whole purpose. Oh! Apparently we're already there. One minute. It'll be much easier to explain when we reach the checkpoint."

    "We are now passing the Grand Floridian Resort. Based off of-" A female, robotic voice came over the overhead speakers, but cut off midway. "We are now changing tracks. Please remain calm."

    "Thank you, MAVIS. That was MAVIS, by the way; Monorail Automated Voice Integrated System. Or, you know, a few random words I tossed in to justify calling an A.I. system I developed "Mavis". That is not even a lie; I just love that name. She's saying "remain calm" because well," as she spoke, the direction of the Monorail changed course to the side and the lights went down inside, "That. Nothing to worry about! Just ignore the sound of liquid filling up the car. It's just paint."

    "I'm starting to regret having you introduce this part of it..." Mitch spoke out from the dark.

    Silence held the company for a few minutes long before the lights returned and showed a true spectacle. The entire world had become painted, along with everyone in it. Drawn to life in a Disney style, each passenger had been affected.

    "I'm a cartoon!" Tali clicked a button on her remote, and a line from "The Pagemaster" aired over the speakers.

    "Pagemaster?" Mitch turned his head and shook his head. "Not Disney! We don't own the rights!"

    "It applies," Tali quipped back.

    "Very curious," uttered Bram, examining the planar differences between the backs and palms of his hands.

    "You sit, Mister!" Tali patted Bram back towards his seat where he fell onto his rump. "Good, now put on these gloves. The gloves are mandatory."

    "The gloves are not mandatory," Mitch added seconds after, as though expecting Tali's joke.

    "Okay, no, but all the rest of these things are. The Paintbrush, which is tied to the magic you're seeing around you. They won't be really active until later, so just hold onto them for now. These, however, will be far more useful," she said, opening up another suitcase filled with rubber wristbands. "MagicBands. I'll just show you mine." She rolled up her sleeve to show a green wristband. "Just press the Mickey head on top, and a small holographic screen will hover over your wrist. From the Main Menu, just tap "Map" and it'll show you a Map of where you are and the island if you zoom out far enough; but it will always show you a zoomed in view of your exact location first. Tap "Bank", and you can check how many Disney Dollars you have; Disney Dollars will help you buy stuff wherever you go, and will be important for earning pins, which I'll get to in a second. Tap "Monorail", and you'll call the Monorail so you can go wherever you need to go."

    "But, as the Resort is currently being prepped for your stay, and Magic Kingdom is the only park we can get you into right now, that button has been temporarily deactivated," Mitch added.

    "Last one: Tap "Photo", and," a small rod extended up from out of the Mickey head and focused in on Tali. "♫♫Makin' Memories, Makin' Memories; Look at the Birdie!♫♫" she sang and posed before a click sounded and a picture of her appeared on the holographic screen floating above her wrist. "Gallery" shows you all of the photos you've taken. I may add little things you'd normally find on your phone, but it's in development. Oh! "Pins". Click on "Pins" to see which pins you've earned."

    "I'll take the next part," Mitch stood. "Pin Lanyards and your mission. As you can see, WWD is a very special place. Through circumstances you will be familiarized with later, Disney characters reside here. I mean it. Disney characters. This includes the villains, and, well, they're becoming more powerful than we thought they'd be. Tali has done an excellent job of muting their powers, but we need worthy combatants to them on head-on. This way has to be earned, so you will be granted access to an extension of WWD's technology: The Pin. Pins make you stronger. It boosts your abilities and improves your Paint Brush over time. Collect your pins, and turn them in to receive your reward. Each Lanyard can carry up to 10 pins at a time before you'll have to turn some in. I believe that's everything. Tali, is that everything?"

    "I think so. Let us know if you have any questions, okay?"

    The Notes this time are really important, because they include credits.
    • Two (2) players post, not counting Bram.
    • Understand the content of the introduced gameplay mechanics. I tried to be as thorough as possible, but I want to check. PM me on Skype to tell me you got everything alright, or PM me to ask any and all questions you may have. We'll continue when everyone checks in on this, but not everyone needs to post. It's already known which items your characters picks.
    • Bram: Yes; Kara: Yes; Olexia: Yes; Saino: No; Ula: Yes
    • Character designs courtesy of Olexia design courtesy of Cowgirl-Wild. Coloring for all characters courtesy of Cstar.
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sebax
    "Stop talking for just one moment, will you!?"

    Mickey tightened his lips. Whether those words hurt or not --- and they did, just a little --- it wasn't the time to dwell on that. Oswald had followed through and down fell the stump. Two remained. No more words, though he did struggle with whether or not that included saying sorry for the disturbance.

    Mickey attacked Enchanted Stump 6.
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sebax
    The tide of battle had shifted. So few of the once numerous overgrown overgrowths remained that the job of removing the rest became less tasking for the mouse. His Magic was still exhausted, but it would be easier to pick a target from sparer ranks. Oswald's stomp had affected two to the side, so Mickey locked onto one of them.

    Mickey attacked Enchanted Stump 4.

    "Good work out there, Oswald. Just a little farther to go. Hit the one I just did, 'cuz it looks about ready to fall already; it'll keep them from gangin' up on us next time."
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sebax
    Great! The numbers were cut down to half, and Mickey had avoided receiving their attention this time around. That came with its downside, however, as it was Oswald who received the brunt of the situation.

    "Oswald!" Mickey ensured his comrade wouldn't lose his balance, showing genuine concern and care before plotting his next move. "Pick on my friends, huh?" he confronted them, lowering his brow. He was tired, but he wanted them gone. He was reduced to basic attacks, and so he used them.

    Mickey swung his Keyblade at Enchanted Stump 1.
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sebax
    What a wallop! Mickey seemed to be receiving the most attention from the foes, and that brought out the worst. Perhaps, in a bit of a rash movement, he exhausted his remaining Magical powers to repeat his previous attack. He simply couldn't think of any other way, considering as he was dizzy and confused in the kerfuffle.

    Zap-Zap! Zap-Zap! Zap-Zap! Zap-Zap! Zap-Zap!

    Mickey used Starburst once again. Hopefully, that would weaken most of the rest of the foes to be lined up for a take-down, remove some of them so he nor Oswald would receive such a beating the next time the creatures saw an opening, or both.

    "I sure could use your help!" Mickey called to Oswald in distress, growing tired from the fight and spending almost all of his energy.
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 18, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sebax
    "Thanks, Dreamer. I sure appreciate it," Mickey spoke to empty air before readying his Keyblade for battle. "Let's see what I'm working with here, huh?"

    Mickey searched deep down inside of his Heart to find the Magic waiting within. Once he found a suitable answer, he was prepped to unleash it on the wooden foes.

    Zap-Zap! Zap-Zap! Zap-Zap! Zap-Zap! Zap-Zap!

    Mickey used Starburst to halve the health bars of five random trunklings. When done, he just zapped back to position to rejoin Oswald.

    "You're up, pal," Mickey winked and gave the rabbit a thumbs up for confidence.
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sebax

    Horace carried Base through the portal, and Base was none too happy to be on the other side. He finally freed himself from the horse's clutches and landed on the floor. Lying there, Base shook with the weight of what he'd just felt. Losing a teammate was traumatizing enough, but that darkness? He'd never get used to that feeling. Ever.

    "You should have put me back in there. I almost had him."

    Horace Horsecollar grimaced and was speechless.

    "Where are we anyway?" Base dared not even look up from the floor. He couldn't move. His body was on a total lock-down. Had he looked up, he'd see the hideout of Oswald the Rabbit. For the moment, he was blind to his surroundings and frozen with fear; frozen, but trying with all his might to unthaw. 'What is it about Darkness that does this to me', he thought. "Is anyone else there? Horace? Did Steel get through too?"

    So many questions, and each was asked through chattering teeth. Another thing itched at his mind still. Was that singing he'd heard through the darkness? Whoever was on the other side sang, and it upset Base deeply. Music was his motif. What if that was the thing that'd kidnapped Kel? The monster had taken too much.
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 29, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Sebax

    WWD {2.0}

    "A pleasure to meet you both, Ula and- Oh! Saino, you remind me of someone," Mitch greeted them both with a smile, but stopped to look Saino over. "You know, if you really dislike Disney so very much, Saino, you can always go home." He snickered as he joked. "Anyway, back to serious matters, the answer to your question, Ula, is yes. I'm Mitchell Aisling. I'm the Head Imagineer and Campus Manager. I oversee everything that happens throughout the parks. As such, that's why I was the one to summon you all. Welcome to the Wonderful World of Disney, and thank you for arriving when we needed you. If the young man and the young woman aboard would please join us, we'll be all set to go to the Monorail station inside of the Resort. It's still rather early in the day, so you will be briefed on what we require from you and be allowed access into the Magic Kingdom to begin scoping things out. Right this way, please."

    Mitch led the group of four adventurers out across the dock and passed the pool to the rear entrance to the Main Lobby. Once inside, the interior of the Contemporary Resort was breath-taking. It was empty on the first floor, save for the new entrants, but its opulence was an immediate, warm welcome.


    The group managed their way to the fourth floor for access to the Monorail station, and went up the escalator that took them to the landing. There were metal dividers in place to keep the place orderly, but it was just as barren as the rest of the place. No one around except the five of them. Mitch walked through the line in order to get close to the tracks, and kept his distance as he checked his phone; which reminded him of something.

    "You'll get the rest of the information once my associate arrives, --- That is, if she arrives before the Monorail arrives --- but be advised: You will not be able to use cell phones or most other electronic devices inside of the parks. You will be given new devices to communicate with and organize your tasks, but cell phones won't even turn on. It's a factor we have in place to manage security at the present time. If you need to check anything, now's the time before we board. The tram will be along any moment now."

    "Fancy place you got here," spoke a voice from the small group, catching Mitch's attention. "I'm Bram." He was tall and dressed in dark clothing that was somewhere between Modern and Victorian, and his general air had a regal spookiness about him.

    "Ah, well, a pleasure to meet you as well, Bram. And, yes, we spared no expense."

    "Don't quote John Hammond! Gah! Don't do it! Since you're the head guy here, it'll make dinosaurs appear!" arose a new, female voice. Its owner was unseen, but Mitch knew exactly who it belonged to. "Hold on. Sorry, I'll be right up."

    "Following behind us, everyone, is Natalie O'Ness. She is the Manager over at EPCOT and our leading scientific mind."

    "Okay, first you quote Jurassic Park, then you bring up my first name. Don't you have any shame, Mitch?"

    "Tali O'Ness," Mitch sighed. "Also, without question, our leading childish dork."

    Where Bram was a touch of Goth and Mitch was a proper Businessman, Tali was a mix of Lab Technician
    and Punk. Once she came into view, the first thing to catch the eye was either her stark white lab coat or her short, jetblack hair with two streaks of orange towards the front of her feathery 'do. Where Mitch towered above just about anyone at six feet and five inches, Tali was a mere four feet and eleven inches standing straight.

    "As if you aren't a great big man-baby yourself, Mitch," Tali tossed back playfully. She caught up with the group and gave Aisling a mock punch in the arm with a giant white Mickey glove, to which he just rolled his eyes and smiled. When she spotted Saino sporting the same oversized gloves, she devolved into a giggle fit and wrapped her arms around him.

    "Ohmygosh, you're adorable. That's it. If you want, you can be my new best friend."


    "Mitch, I know what you're going to say." She stood on the tips of her toes and spoke in a low, dignified tone, "But, Tali, I thought I was your best friend."


    "You're the old best friend, and this dude's my new one. Woa, that actually sounds just a little creepy. I mean, jeez, your little ensemble is tre adorable. Geek Chic, if you will. But I probably shouldn't joke around so cavalierly around park guests. So sorry."

    "Tali! The Monorail is here. And I'd prefer that we board immediately. If you don't mind."

    "Oh. So I'm not your best friend?" She was crashing and on the verge of tears.

    "Oh for crying out loud- If you're going to do this now, I'm just going to have to show them how all the tech works."

    "You mean... you don't like me?" Tali fell to her knees and bowed her head as she started to sob.

    "Not yes. Yeah. You're just... a delay fish."

    "That's not the whole of the quote, but I do like you working with Finding Nemo more than your ominous Jurassic Park one," Tali sniffed, before hopping to her feet and wiping away the crocodile tears. "But, wow, you really cracked a joke back there. You? Explain my tech?! Ha! No offense or anything, but come on, Mitch. We're talking about my tech here."

    Tali walked right through one of the open doors of the waiting Monorail, all whilst dusting off her white lab coat.

    "Right this way, please, and we'll get you briefed," Mitch directed. "And, also, do know that I have all the respect in the world for Doctor O'Ness, and it's suggested the previous interaction not be judged too harshly on her abilities."

    Bram followed in, his eyebrow still raised at Tali's antics.

    • We will continue when all players have boarded the Purple Monorail.
    • The Monorail has pulled into the building through a hole in the glass walls located at opposite sides of the building. You can see Magic Kingdom through the glass, along with the Monorail trail leading there.
    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 25, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sebax

    WWD {2.0}


    You are Here!⤵
    You are Here!⤴


    "Get here, get here, get here, get here, please get here. Please get here promptly, PLEASE get here," Mitch Aisling muttered to himself as he paced the pier leading out to Bay Lake. Not the original Bay Lake, of course, but called such just the same. He'd put out the ad looking for adventurers, but he was having his doubts; he started to think he'd spent too much time on Campus. Who went on adventures anymore?

    "I'm an idiot," his spirits sank lower and lower, right until he spotted the small boat. A model meant for moving people from the Wharf, there would be only one reason for it to be out this way. "Yes! Ha! Adventurers still exist! Good. Let's see who we have to work with here."

    As he waited, his nerves were tested once again as he heard the familiar roar of a passing monorail through the Contemporary Resort behind him. Tensing up, Mitch looked back, over the pool and up the building, to make sure his ride hadn't left without him. Oh. Good. Those were the Lime cars zooming off to elsewhere.

    He wasn't sure how much more stress he could take. The whole fate of what had been achieved so far with the Wonderful World of Disney Campus rested square on whoever got off the boat. As it pulled in, ready to dock, Mitch folded his hands behind his back, but not before dusting off his suit. First impressions were important, after all.


    Reference Video
    • We will progress when two players post.
    • Go from the boat to the dock. You see a large hotel in the foreground, behind that is just the barest glimpse of Magic Kingdom. You were on a large cruise ship before moving to the smaller boat. The cruise ship carried you across the sea, while the smaller vessel took you across the lake.

      Mitch is there to meet you, specifically.
    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    Thread by: Sebax, Oct 23, 2015, 16 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sebax


    Name: Bram McCabe
    Gender: Cisgender male
    Age: 22
    Skin: White
    Hair: Brown, with streaks of gray at the temples and through the hair, combed-back, medium length that hangs to about the middle of the neck
    Eyes: Blue, sharp and alert
    Build: Mostly thin, with a minor v shape torso and spare legs. Long, bony fingers.
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 150 lbs

    Country of Origin: America
    Heritage: Italian (50%)(Maternal); Irish (25%), Scottish (25%)(Paternal)
    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Fashion Sense: Simple Victorian Goth, casual. Doesn’t shy away from suits on special occassions. Dark sense of style, mostly dealing in blacks and grays.
    MagicBand+: Red
    Pin Lanyard: Purple
    Paintbrush: Purple
    Trait: Imagineer


    Username: Sebax
    Preferred Name: Base
    Time Zone: EST (-5)
    Skype: incharacter_94

    Favorite Disney Movie: Aladdin
    Favorite Disney Character: Genie, Hades, Stitch, and Gurgi
    Favorite Disney Song: Friend Like Me and A Star is Born
    Favorite Disney World Theme Park: Animal Kingdom
    Favorite Disney Theme Park Ride: Pirates of the Caribbean, Journey into the Imagination, and Dinosaur
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 23, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sebax
    "Lookee there, th' portal's done opened. We got them blotlings on our tails, so let's high hoof it out of here on th' doub- Huh?" Horace pointed out, but was startled to only see one and a half Keybladers.

    Kel had sunk in, and Base had dived in to the rescue. Unfortunately, he just wasn't strong enough to pull him back out, and wound up with his legs in a furious struggle to get the rest of him out. For Horace, one tug was all it took to get Base out, but both were disappointed to realize Kel wasn't included in the rescue.

    "Put me back in! I think I can reach him!" Base stretched as far as he could go while Horace held him back. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

    "You really think he'd want you in the same position as him?" Horace hit back as he started racing for the portal, with Base trying all the way there to break free."

    They were through the portal and out before Base could wiggle out of the Horse's grip. Kel was lost, and he had no clue where Steel was. Base, save for Horace, seemed to be on his own now.
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 17, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Sebax

    WWD 2.0 {OOC}


    You are Here!⤵
    You are Here!⤴

    Dear Dreamers,

    Over on Wonderful World of Disney property, we are experiencing difficulties which are halting the further construction of our facilities and threatening the safety of resident Cast Members. Any Adventurer whom would be willing to aid our distressed staff would be compensated for their services. Experience in Questing is preferred, but not required. A strong Imagination would do well for this work opportunity. For more information and to express interest in the advertised position, we may be reached at 555-347-6399 during normal business hours.

    From the desk of,
    Mitch Aisling
    Head Imagineer and Campus Manager

    WWD is ready to have another go, and, this time, in 2.0! It's been some months since my last attempt crashed and burned, but now it's back and bigger and better than ever.

    For those familiar with 1.0,

    This time, WWD will be:
    • More organized- The Tumblr-based Information Center has been cleaned up so that those who are interested can find everything they need to understand how the Roleplay is managed.
    • Less Complicated- No more "Post on x day to receive y reward". Certain restrictions will still be in place to make sure all have an equal opportunity to advance at a equal pace, but it will not be needlessly tedious.
    • More Visual- Weeks have been spent creating graphics which will not only be eye-pleasing, but also create an aesthetic to bring the story to Life right before the eyes of the player. I will be investing my own money to also commission an artist to represent characters who previously only existed in my imagination. The Original Characters of WWD will be presented like never before, and paint a better picture of what this world looks like.
    • Better Written- At least on my part; the rest is up to you! As anyone should with an art form that appeals to them, I have been improving to establish a script that is more comprehensible.
    For those of us just joining in 2.0, here are some of the more basic features and systems,
    • Rich Story- Complete with characters original to the Plot, WWD's story is pre-written, but it needs you to bring it to life.
    • Meet-and-Greets- Wandering around each park, and in each section, are Disney characters just waiting to be interacted with. I play all of them, and the list goes on and on for who's in attendance through the many locales you can explore. The first park, Magic Kingdom, alone will contain characters from the media available in the attached link here.
    • Pins- Some you get from Meet-and-Greets, some you get from jobs, and some you buy with Disney Dollars (The in-game, fictional currency). No matter what the case, Pins add a Collection feature that makes WWD what it is.
    • Jobs- Earn Disney Dollars (Plus a pin each first time you successfully complete a job) to put in your in-game bank account and buy pins. Jobs vary from writing a description of your character doing something to getting the player involved.
    • Stats- Magic is your Attack power, and Imagination is your Defense. Pins increase your stats, but only after you've turned them in at a MagicBand+ station in the parks. Stats help you and your team once you reach the end of the park and face a Boss. Be sure to get as many Pins as you can!
    • Progression- Each playable park is divided into separate sections. In order for a player to access all of them, it will require some work on their part. Progress per week is limited on purpose to try and keep the game fair, because it's not a race. Only Main Street will be available at the beginning, but I'm sure you can make your way to Adventureland and beyond!

    For New Players

    Welcome! The rules can be found by clicking on the provided link here. Some of the major ones will be covered in "General Info" below, but a visit over to the information located on Tumblr will be great help to you. Don't worry. You will not require a Tumblr account to play. The Tumblr page is just the most convenient place to store all the information for an RP of this size.

    Please fill out the new Character Sheet below to get started.

    For Returning Players

    Welcome back! Thank you for giving this another chance. It's still suggested you read the rules, because there's been a few changes. As far as rejoining goes, however, you have the following options:

    1. Create a new character and carry over pins and Disney Dollars you earned in WWD 1.0
    2. Create a new character and start completely fresh
    3. Use your original character and carry over pins and Disney Dollars you earned in WWD 1.0
    4. Use your original character and start completely fresh
    Each of these options are given to everyone individually, so you can pick any you like regardless of the choice of another returning player. Just note: All stories are starting fresh. You have met none of the WWD Staff and never been to the island. You may have met any of the other players before, but not on the island.

    Please fill out the amended Character sheet to sign up.

    General Info

    Setting: WWD no longer takes place within the Kingdom Universe. It now takes place in the real world, in the modern time.
    Starting Point: Your character will have arrived to the island via a boat, and will be waiting at the Monorail Station at the Contemporary Resort. There to meet them will be Mitch Aisling, the Park Manager and the man who sent out the advertisement on the internet, Mosi First, the Head Monorail Operator, and Tali O'Ness, Park Manager of EPCOT and leading scientist on the WWD campus.
    Player Control: You control only your own character. No Power Play, and no God-moding. You may only lead other characters of team members in dire need, or if the player is away and has given you permission to play their character. You must prove the latter.
    Progress: You may only advance passed Main Street once you have obtained 10 pins.


    • Choose from three different Traits to determine how your character grows, starts off, and customize your game-playing experience. Your choices are: Animator, Collector, and Imagineer. Click the applicable tab to learn more about each.
    • Talk to each Meet-and-Greet character once, rather than twice, to gain an Ally.

      +5 Magic from the start.
      +1 Magic each to fellow Party Members during Boss Battles. +1 extra per Animator in the group.
    • 50% Discount on all purchasable items.

      +10% increase to all earnings.
    • Post 5 times in the same week (Sunday-Saturday) instead of 3.

      +5 Imagination from the start.
      +1 Imagination each to fellow Party Members during Boss Battles. +1 extra per Imagineer in the group.

    At Launch, MagicBand+ devices, Pin Lanyards, nor Paintbrushes are issued. You do not begin the story with them until following a Special Event shortly after Launch.

    • Worn as bracelets, these devices provide everything from Park Information, Maps, Player Stats, and Personal Banking Information in-game. This allows your character to know what specific parts of the Tumblr pages tell you, the player. MagicBand+ come in many different colors, but the color is for aesthetics only; this choice will not affect gameplay outside of being used to identify interactions with your character and/or scenes involving them.

    • [​IMG]

    • Another aesthetic that player characters wear around their necks to hold earned pins. Each Lanyard can display 10 pins at a time before trading pins for Stat points at given locations.

    • [​IMG]

    • Designed by WWD's leading scientist, these act as channels of inner strengths of Magic and Imagination. Coming in several different designs, color is yet another mere aesthetic. They are small enough to hold comfortably in one hand as a normally-sized paintbrush. Though coming in three different materials, Wood, Metal, and Plastic, the materials have no effect on the durability or usage of the devices.
    • [​IMG]
      Blue Plastic
      Green Plastic
      Orange Plastic
      Pink Plastic
      Purple Plastic
      Red Plastic
      Yellow Plastic

    * signifies Optional. If it does no have the * in front of it, it is required to be filled out before submission. *s are merely suggestions.

    Questions cover several, diverse topics in preparation for if an artist can be commissioned to draw your character. This is so that relevant information can be directly wired to the artist without bothering you with endless questions later.


    Muse=Playable Character | Mun= Player


    Name: (The name of your character. A full name is preferred. If your character goes by only one name, that's fine)
    Gender: (If desired, specific pronouns may go here)
    Age: (*Looks and Actual; specifics only suggested if the character looks significantly older or younger than their actual age)
    Skin: (Color, and possibly *marks, *scars, and *skin conditions)
    Hair: (Color and style)
    Eyes: (Color and possibly *shape)
    Build: (How your character is shaped. E.g. Tall and thin, pear shaped, husky, etc)
    Height: (In feet and inches, please)
    *Weight: (In pounds, please)

    Country of Origin: (May be your own or wheresoever you desire your character to be from. Again, WWD takes place on this planet. Please, no fictional countries. Word to the wise: Know more than a fair amount about it before choosing to represent a foreign culture)
    *Heritage: (Best to give it in terms of "Paternal" and "Maternal". Paternal means "From the father's side", and Maternal means "From the mother's side". E.g. Irish, German, and Dutch (Paternal); Welsh, English, and Italian (Maternal). You may also include percentages or fractions if you wish. E.g. 50% Irish, 50% Russian.)
    Ethnicity: (Race of the character, as skin color is not a clear indicator of Race)

    Fashion Sense: (The style of their clothing, typical colors, specific trademarks)
    MagicBand+: (Text Answer Only)
    Pin Lanyard: (Text Answer Only)
    Paintbrush: (Text Answer Only)
    Trait: (Animator, Collector, or Imagineer)


    Username: (Your username at the time of signing)
    *Preferred Name: (A handle or nickname you'd prefer to be called when contacted, outside of your Username)
    *Time Zone: (For group scheduling purposes)
    *Skype: (There will be a Skype group. If I have you on Skype already, don't bother filling this part out)
    *Gmail: (Most major and minor interactions between players and NPCs are collaboratively written through the Google Drive Word Doc feature)

    *Favorite Disney Movie: (Try to limit to five max) (Can be absolutely any movie released under the Disney company, including Pixar, Touchstone, Miramax, Disney Channel, DisneyToons, etc)
    *Favorite Disney Character: (Try to limit to five max, or do it by categories. E.g. "Favorite Villain", "Favorite Sidekick", "Favorite Princess", etc)
    *Favorite Disney Song: (Try to limit to two max)
    *Favorite Disney World Theme Park: (Try to limit to one max) (Disney World consists of four different parks, Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom)
    *Favorite Disney Theme Park Ride: (Try to limit to five max)
    (Why favorites? So I know what you may be looking forward to most over the course of the game. No special prizes or rewards, except to focus just that extra ounce of magic into the interactions.)

    Please use the provided code below to Copy and Paste into your Admission post. It will remove all the extra text you won't need. Thank you.
    Country of Origin:
    Fashion Sense:
    Pin Lanyard:
    Preferred Name:
    Time Zone:
    Favorite Disney Movie:
    Favorite Disney Character:
    Favorite Disney Song:
    Favorite Disney World Theme Park:
    Favorite Disney Theme Park Ride:


    Current 10 player Limit
    1. Kara

      ~ Played by Magick ~​
    2. Saino

      ~ Played by Hexin ~​
    3. Ula

      ~ Played by Cstar ~​
    4. Bram

      ~ Played by Base ~​
    5. Olexia

      ~ Played by Wild ~​
    6. Winter

      ~ Played by Light ~​
    7. Open

    8. Open

    9. Open

    10. Open

    Thread by: Sebax, Oct 16, 2015, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sebax

    It was perplexing for Mickey to contend with both an enraged rabbit and an escaping enchanted tree. The addition of Dreamer's voice into the meddling melting pot only caused more strain on the poor mouse's nerves. With determination and just a moment's thought, he had his answer for all three.

    "Listen. Oswald. I can tell this won't be easy, because ya just have a lota questions I just don't have an answer for. But that gem that wood fella had? That's one of my friends trapped in there. The same way you were trapped. No matter who it is, I always have to be there for my friends. Now, I'm not askin' ya to come with me to face that baddie, but it sure would be swell if I had a friend by my side. All of mine need me. So I'm sorry that I can't stick around for an answer. I gotta job to do. You can stay behind in the castle entrance if ya like, but me? I gotta go after that good for nothin' log! I hope you understand!"

    Then, quick as a dash, Mickey raced off after the rolling log, chopping away stumps, mushrooms, and jumping over giant moths all the way.
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sebax

    In the new landscape, Mickey soon found it fraught with peril. Not only did the door shrink and vanish behind the pair as the entered, but it also them behind to deal with monsters on the other side. Unsure, at first, what to do, Mickey watched in horror as an enchanted tree stump stomped its way towards them on it's uprooted limbs.

    "Not really off to a great start just yet, are we, Oswald?" Mickey extended one arm and, in a burst of white light, his Keyblade was in-hand. It was short work dealing with the minion, just taking one hit, but he doubted that would be the last obstacle on their way through. "Don't worry. I'll guard ya with this. It's called the Keyblade and I was taught ta use use it by my mentor, the great sorcerer Yen Sid. I can't really explain how it works, but it's gotten me this far."
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sebax

    "Nice ta meetcha, Oswald. But I'm not really sure if I trust him, but it seems like everything he said is true so far. No thanks necessary though, pal! I wasn't the one who let you out, and, really, I'm glad ta have ya with me," he laughed with glee. "I wish I knew what it was that I did to upset you though, but we can talk about that on the other side of that door."

    Mickey walked over to the left door and cracked it open. There was no telling what would be on the other side, but, as soon as he'd opened it far enough, he could see it led back outside to the forest. Huh. It looked a little different though. Why did it feel more... mystical? Careful, Mickey led the way into the Enchanted Forest.

    "C'mon, Oswald. We've got some work to do."
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sebax

    "The answer I have for both is the same one, but it's not very good, I'm afraid. I don't really know. He said a witch had taken folks I knew and put them into gems. Seven of'em. And this is her castle we're in. He warned me that illusions and tricks would be everywhere, so you keep on your toes too, okay. Does that about catch you up- Erm... uhhhh... Sorry, pal, I guess I'm supposed to know ya, but... I just don't really know your name."

    Mickey didn't really feel like this was the time or the place to be going over formalities and introductions, but these two seemed to have prior history he wasn't aware of. Was it one of the castle's tricks perhaps? No matter what the case, he'd have to trust in the rabbit for now.

    "I guess you already know who I am."
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sebax

    Mickey jumped back. The action with the gem was startling enough, but this rabbit looked pretty displeased to see him. And Mickey had no clue why.

    "Me?! But... What about me? Who are you? I-I-I- Did I do somethin' ta upset ya? Gosh, I'm real sorry, but ya see, I only just got here, and I'm tryin' ta rescue my friends and my girl, Minnie. There was this man in a white coat just a little while ago, and he handed me this red gem. And you just popped out of it!"
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sebax

    "All ten. I got it. Thanks for all your help,--- I --- I guess I call you Dreamer." Mickey did not take the mystery man's words lightly. "I figure I got some danger ahead of me, huh? And I'll have ta keep an open mind to make sure I don't fall for any of those illusions ya mentioned." He faced the door, gripped the crystal tight, and ventured in. He knew he wouldn't be able to leave, and that it would be a challenge, but he was a determined little mouse.

    Into the castle entryway strode the mouse of a great lion (though his knees felt like that a frightened kitten). The view inside sure was spooky and Gothic, and two knights blocked the stairways on either side, a doorway in the middle led to a smaller room with three doors. The two to the right were locked, but the left one had no such chains. Left with no other choice, Mickey readied himself to go through the left door when a rattling in his hand shocked him.

    "Woa!" he hollered, as the red gem began to shake and freed itself from his hand. "Is this what he was talking about?" he asked, eyeing the floating gem with curiosity. "Gosh, I wonder who's in there."
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home