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  1. Sebax

    Unaware of the conversation between Mizrabel and Minnie above, and unaware of the shadow version of himself, Mickey walked through the halls of the castle with the Grumpy Old Oak card in-hand.

    "Gosh. It's barely the start of this journey, an' it's already been a lotta hard work. I wonder what's next for u- Hey!" He stopped and pointed to the purple gem in their path. "It's another one of those gems! Golly! I didn't think we'd come across one so soon. Quick! Let's see who's in there."

    Mickey picked up the gem and shook it a little. He wasn't really sure what would get his friend out, but maybe even just touching the thing would be enough. He eyed it and shook his head. Nothing yet.

    "I guess nobody's home... or it's a decoy. I was told there'd be some illusions and nasty tricks while I'm in here, so who knows?"

    Mickey was just ready to put the gem down when it started reacting. He jumped and hollered, surprise turning into joy in a moment. The purple gem wasn't a dud after all. Now all that remained to see was which of his friends he'd just rescued from crystal-imprisonment. He had Pluto by his side, but he was hoping there'd be a friend of his whom he could really talk to, because Oswald wasn't exactly being warm and fuzzy towards him. He needed Donald or Goofy right about now. He needed support.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sebax
    While I respect your idea, the retroactive effects of this would be pretty bad, I believe. For instance, most writers here use spoilers to contain a full chapter. Looking at the numbers, I feel it's safe to assume most of the views come from guests to the site, and locking them out would deaden the already pallid traffic in the Writer's Nook.

    Just my two cents.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 6, 2016 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Sebax
    Mickey had to support himself by digging his Keyblade into the ground and using it as a cane. The Old Oak was quite an adversary. When he looked to the others, he could see they were having just as hard a time as he did; they were all pretty bad off and beat up. That infuriated Mickey all the more.

    "Oh planty!" Mickey sang, biting back the pain. "You interested in a little sunlight to feed those roots of yours?"

    Mickey cast Faith Charge on Old Oak Tree
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 18, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sebax
  5. Sebax
    Chapter 4 has been added. This story is no longer on hiatus. Comments and Criticism are welcome, as always.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 20, 2016 in forum: Written Works
  6. Sebax
  7. Sebax
  8. Sebax
  9. Sebax
    "Time to get serious, Base! I need your help, pal!" Mickey called out to Sebastian.

    "On the way!" Base dashed passed Blotlings to conserve his energy for the command he anticipated from the on-ground commander. Once he'd reached the Mouse, his attention was directed to the fiery Bloticle everyone else was taking on. "Don't tell me."

    "Yep. We could do a lot of damage to it in one go, but I need to know if you're up for it."

    "You lead. I'll follow."

    Mickey smiled. "I'm sure glad t' hear that."

    The two ran, side-by-side, to meet the foe. By the end of it, as much damaged had been done as Mickey had hoped. It was a devastating hit for the Bloticle to take at once, making it recoil long enough for the two to escape any immediate retaliation. It unleashed a Hellish, fiery fury, but the duo were out of harm's way by the time it stopped wriggling like a spastic nerve.

    "A couple more times like that, and it doesn't stand a chance! C'mon, everybody. Let's do this. Together," Mickey rallied the others back to battle. Everyone had moved fast and left him a bit behind, but Mickey wasn't the type to give up so quick.

    "Hit it hard enough at one time, and you won't have to worry about it catching you. Looks like it really has to stay hot and on its game to keep its inner-flame lit. Look for any way in you can find. Stay together. We're a team, after all."

    Base kept looking the great vine up and down for any more possible weaknesses. The strike had taken quite a bit out of him, but Mickey seemed ready to dash in again. Base made a mental note to match that determination. He'd be ready too.
    Wasteland 71% Left
    Blotlings: 795/1000
    Bloticle: 8/10

    Bloticle 3, Conflagration of the Stake - Joan: 282/1000
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 16, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Sebax

    Nothing much else to do but fight the new arrivals, Mickey thought to himself as he dashed to one and unleashed an attack before darting back to the formation. Ghosts. The translucent phantasms before him put a good amount of fear into Mickey's bones, but his nerves held. That attack from the tree had done quite a bit of damage as well, and he foresaw it being even more devastating the next time around.

    "We gotta be prepared next time the big guy starts rollin' at us. Somethin' tells me it's gonna get worse and worse each time we get rid of his partners-in-crime pals."
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sebax
  12. Sebax

    WWD {2.0}


    "So we get to paint happy little clouds with it?"

    "Very cute, Bob Ross," Tali giggled. "They don't really work like that. We'll cover them when they're needed, but there's still a lot of other info to cram into your heads at the moment."

    " we working in teams, or alone?"

    "A mix of both," replied Mitch. "Your progress through the parks will be determined by individual effort. To help you along the way, we're going to have to ask that you have at least ten pins on hand before we can permit you into Adventureland or any of the further lands thereafter; that'll be enough pins to fill up your lanyards one time, bear in mind.

    "Questions? Yeah, I've got a couple questions...why do people call it a building if it's already built?"

    "You'll have the perfect opportunity to find that out when we stop. Construction of the parks is on-going," Tali knew a joke when she heard one, but decided against any inquiries going unattended.

    "No but for real, you're saying the villains are becoming MORE powerful? Does anyone else here remember Jafar? Maybe Mal? OH! Or Hades perhaps? All of which were...I dunno...over powered callous whackos?! Is that the reason why we're all animated? As a safety precaution? Or is this-"

    "Woa, woa, woa. Slow your roll there, tumbleweed. As said before, we've muted their powers. Unfortunately, that's about all we can do as far as putting an end to their collective temper tantrum. We can keep them here, and we've been doing a good job of that, but they're pooling their powers together. With that, they've been able to take control of the parks. If they start making pins, then we're in trouble. Luckily, they don't know how to do that. Luckily...," she took a deep breath and smiled wide. "You're here. Great, right? I'm excited. You're going to meet all the good characters, make friends, get the parks to yourselves for a while, and, in return, we have a potential uprising bent on dominating the world overthrown."

    "Why are there Disney characters here?" Bram asked abruptly.

    "That... is very difficult to answer. I was actually kind of hoping we'd gloss right over that aspect. We don't really know know the answer to that ourselves. They just popped up somewhere, were collected and deposited here. The Disney Company is, of course, aware, and had this place commissioned. They're even talking about opening it up as a special park for celebrity-types and people who can afford to meet living, breathing cartoon characters and, thanks to me, become cartoon characters themselves for a span of time. You're getting that for free, so let's hear a big Hooray, huh?"

    Bram responded by firmly grasping his hands in each other behind his back and staring back with a blasé expression.

    "Or not. Okay. Ending the Q and A there, because, if you'll kindly look out the window, we're here!"

    "Welcome, adventurers. To the Magic Kingdom in the Wonderful World of Disney," Mitch punctuated Tali's jubilation with solidity.


    "I had this fella brought over from EPCOT --- the park I manage, in case you were curious --- and he's gonna be the first character you meet here. All so we can show you how Character Meet-and-Greets work, or should work, anyway; find your own ways, express yourselves. Just don't be weird and hit on Pinocchio or anything; he's a little wooden boy, so that's wrong on so many level-"

    "Tali." Mitch cut her off without being too sudden about it. "We do have time constraints, and you'll have to return to EPCOT, I'm sure."

    "Yeah, yeah. Okay, okay. One more thing though! EPCOT stands for "Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow". Isn't that cool?!"

    "Phenomenal," Mitch smirked and rolled his eyes.

    "Hey!" Tali lugged over the heavy case, struggling every bit of the way. She was hovering next to Mitch and staring straight up at him, craning her neck to try and focus in as much as she could. "You know who else we have in EPCOT?"

    "I know where all the characters are designated; I set it all up. I'm positive you'll tell me who you're talking about though anyway."

    "Hey there Mister Grumpy Gills..." Tali puckered her lips like a fish and opened her eyes as wide as they would go. "When life's got you down, you know what you do?"

    "Just keep swimming?" Mitch let out with a sigh. "I told you she was our resident dork. Bless her little hear- OW!"

    The case had been dropped on Mitch's foot with a great clunk, and Tali tried to put on her best act like it had slipped. She gasped aloud, and --- with clear intent to --- "hammed it up".

    "Oh nooo. It fell. Clumsy me. Still, at least I'm little and it didn't have that far to drop, huh? Yeah. Pick on my size, buddy, see where it gets you." She crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out.

    The look Mitch shot the preening Tali was sharp, but cut off as the red case opened up to release an inflating white balloon. When the balloon had inflated fully, it resembled a human, albeit a particularly portly human. It stepped out from its case and removed it from Mitch's foot before looking around with its black, button eyes.

    "Hello," it spoke softly in a monotone. This was made all the more interesting as it did so without a mouth. "I am Baymax, your Personal---Health Care---Companion." Baymax's attention turned to Mitch. "I was alerted when you said---"Ow". Please hold still as I begin scanning. Scan complete. You have suffered a slight---collision injury on your---right foot. How would you rate your pain?"

    "Physical...?" Mitch spoke out the corner of his mouth up at Baymax, hands clasped behind his back, before he peered around the robot to lower his brow at Tali. "... Or emotional?"

    Tali just shrugged.

    "There is nothing I can do to treat your injury that your body will not already provide naturally. Be advised to seek---Medical attention---if you experience---swelling or persistent pain---in the affected area in a few days."

    "I'll keep an eye on it... and imps bearing heavy metal cases."

    "I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care."

    "Hold up there, big guy! Also, try to deviate a little from the typical script, "I am Baymax. Satisfied with your care" etcetera, etcetera, etcetera huh? We have company! Meet-and-Greet time."

    Baymax turned his head and looked from adventurer to adventurer. Without a real face to show any change in emotion, he seemed altogether passive about the change in directive. It wasn't until he raised one hand in the semblance of a wave hello that any sign of recognition came from the balloon man.

    "I am now searching: Meet-and-Greet---in my database. Result found. Please, accept this token to ensure safety throughout your quest." He extended one arm and a small pin released from an opening in the tip of one of his digits. He took the pin in the palm of the other hand and offered it towards Tali.

    "Not yet. We have to talk first. Shoot the breeze."

    Baymax blinked.

    "I do not see how firearms used against---a slight air front---will fulfill my---Meet-and-Greet---duties..."

    "It's just an expressi- What? Hey! Now you have me following your script. Stop that," she laughed out loud and took the pin Baymax had handed over. "Okay, well, you guys get the basic idea, right? Just talk to the characters, and you're bound to have an interesting experience. Hey, you might even learn something from some of them, and some of them are willing to help out against the villains; you'll have to find out who for yourselves though. It'll either be help or what you just saw Baymax give me." She held up the pin, a small white rectangle with a red dot in the center. "Most Meet-and-Greets will earn you pins, so there's a reason to talk to everyone. Now, the characters need a lot of practice meeting people and making their marks, so we're going to make things a little more interactive."

    From out of Baymax's case, on the outer pocket, Tali produced six, identical blue booklets with pens attached by a string. On top of every pen, a pair of black mouse ears finished the look. Handing out one to each of the adventurers, she kept the one that already had "Tali" written on a thin rectangle of white on the front cover, and pocketed the extra one in her lab coat. Each booklet, in fact, had a blank space for names. Mitch took the liberty of passing a black Sharpie from his coat pocket to Bram. Once Bram had written his name down on his book, he handed the pen off to someone else.

    "When you meet someone, have them sign a page from your booklet, and feel free to enjoy a photo opportunity. Remember the MagicBand? Click!" Tali snapped a surprise shot of her, a passive Baymax, and a disgruntled Mitch in the picture. "Simple stuff."

    "Next, after that, there's one more thing you'll have to do to earn your stripes, your ears, or whatever you want to call it. Oh! Right! Your pins. Gotta collect'em all."

    "Disney pins!" Mitch added, half-singing it to the tune of another brand's game title.

    "Mitch. I'm reporting you for copyright infringement."

    "It was going to happen sooner or later, I suppose." Mitch cracked a smile out of the corner of his lip.

    "Jobs. There's a few locations around here, which I've marked on the maps in your MagicBands for you to look them up and see where they are, that are hiring for odd jobs. Do the work, and you'll earn a pin the first time, plus a little spending money. Not dollars, of course, or any other country's moola neither. Disney Dollars. They have Disney characters on them instead of old, dead guys. Much cooler. We have the superior monetary system, obviously. Unfortunately, they can only be used to buy pins from Carl's Pin Emporium, which is also marked on your maps; guys, check the map app. Heh... Map app. Fun to say. The stores besides the Emporium aren't open yet, but they will be, so save up; a whole bunch of fun goodies in store in those... stores. Oh, yeah, and before you expect to be paid in cash, everything's digital. Again, from earlier, you can check your balance in the little section marked "Bank" on your MagicBand."

    "... Is there someone over there?" Mitch's attention had been diverted elsewhere. "...Sitting on a bench... eating a pretzel? Where would they even get one? None of the shops are open or stocked, and the only place around here that has any is- Tali!" He wheeled around to look at EPCOT's manager. "Did you let someone in and give them a pretzel from my office storage?!"

    "Why me?"

    "Because when thing's are out of place, they usually tend to have you at the center of things."

    "And when they do, you're usually right there with the specific reason you're upset in cursive in the form of the veins popping out of your forehead. See? Right there. It clearly says "Pretzel". Baymax? Take a look at Mitch's forehead vein."

    "I do not see any singularity that resembles your state-"

    "Thank you for your prognosis. I will seek a second opinion. I'm a doctor, so I'll use mine... hmmm... I'm afraid... it's terminal."

    "Your Doctorate... isn't in... Medicine... it... isn't... even... in... Health..." Mitch took a deep breath. "I'm not even upset either... I just feel like it's a bit of an overreach, not to mention a security risk. Who on Earth is that person?"

    "The person this last autograph book is for. I already gave them their lanyard, paintbrush, and MagicBand; already explained how they work. The whole deal. They were hungry, so I looked in your office for food."


    "To get your goat, because I like to."

    "Fair enough..." Mitch chuckled. "It's mutual."

    "Mine's harder to get. I have a fence around it, and it has a tracking collar around its neck. I care deeply about my goat. Take my goat, I will find you... and I will kill you, with my particular set of skills." Tali stuck her tongue out once more before walking over to the individual eating the pretzel and offered the autograph book. "We're all set now. Ready to get going, Winter?"
    • That's the end of the Tutorial! Congratulations! WWD is now open to play.
    • Meet Disney characters, do jobs, and earn pins. You only have access to Main Street as shown in the Map section of Info. You will unlock Adventureland, only for yourself, when you earn 10 pins. You can speak to any character you wish --- that's listed here--- at any time, and you may do any job listed here for the land.
    • Remember to read the Rules on posting so you know what habits to get into.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sebax
    'Take on groups of eight at a time. You've got this,' Base told himself, working through the Anxiety to reach the end goal. The blotlings seemed to be catching on that they were no longer impervious to attack, so they dashed and dodged away from him. They were thinning themselves out in their numbers, but that just made it all the easier for him to cut between their flanks. They were hard to catch though...

    "Base you were here for a bit! Base! You alright?"

    "Huh? Well..." he looked to the Blotlings he was taking care of, and then to the Bloticle everyone else was tackling. "I'm doing just fine. You guys take care of that one for now, and I'll try to clear the field of these little guys before I help you out."


    Mickey was having a rocky time with the Earth Bloticle. Strong-willed as he was, Mickey realized all too well that there were nine more of the giant leeches to deal with after this one, and each would be its own, lengthy challenge. It was taking a toll on everyone else too. He'd lost track of where the SOS Keybladers had gone, but spotted Stratos rolling along when he thought to take a look.

    "Oh my gosh!" he exclaimed, running to the rescue. Dodging the spikes with each second being a close call, Mickey reached with all his might for Stratos' hand and pulled the ally to his feet and away from the spikes. When the spikes made an effort to continue tracking him, Mickey blocked with his own Keyblade and sent the hazards reeling back to their origin. Judging by the quake that erupted within the Bloticle as they made impact, giving it a taste of its own medicine had nearly crippled the heinous tentacle.

    "Clear out! That thing's bound't collapse!"

    "Not yet it's not. One more strike-" Base launched in and struck the final blow to the Bloticle, forcing it to rupture, collapse, and dissipate into blobs of paint and paint thinner. "There. Who's up for the next one?"

    Wasteland: 94% Left

    -Blotlings: 967/1000
    -Bloticle: 9/10


    Bloticle 1, Ruler of the Ever Shifting Sand - Billy: 0/1000
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 25, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Sebax

    "Light!" Mickey shouted in response to the Acorns of Defiance that rained down on the party. Along with the cry, three bolts of light shot from the Keyblade and all concentrated on the Old Oak. "I warned ya. Nuthin's more powerful than the power of Light!

    Mickey used FaithCharge on Old Oak Tree.
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sebax
    Base hadn't been paying attention to the battle. Big mistake. He felt apprehensive, tense, and like he was being pulled up into the sky from the very ground itself. Anxiety was taking its toll on him.

    "Hey, I saw ya havin' some trouble back there," he heard Mickey's voice pipe in behind him. "Can I lend a hand?" He offered one gloved hand toward the disheartened youth, who well up with tears at the offering. "Say, y'don't have'ta cry. We're all in this together."

    "I just... I don't feel so well..." Base tried his hardest to stay grounded. Mental anguish.

    "We're all in this together," his high voice was so solemn and sincere. It was soothing. "You don't have to fight alone."

    "You so sure?"

    "A-Positive, absolutely, pal." Mickey gave a wink and a nod, back to his cheerful self. "Now... what say you we get amovin', huh?"

    He was ready. Keyblade at his side, Base nodded and charged for the a smaller group of Blotings. It hadn't worked before, but if what he saw going around was any indiction, then he had confidence in his first strike. And it was good! The Blotling was out, now only several more to go. In due time, seven more were taken care of, as Base had finished the whole group. This was a turning point. This was a new charge. This... was a new Base. No more tiring in the middle of the battle; his heart was ready to fight, and he felt the strength within him to fight anything.

    Assured in helping Base find his legs at last, it no doubt improved Mickey's expertise in the Art of War. He went straight for a Bloticle, a rocky sort that several others were targeting. Dodging boulders tossed at him with acrobatic ease, the mouse was truly a sight to behold... until one rogue boulder caught him flat in the face and he was squashed beneath its weight when it rolled over top of him. Dazed for a moment, Mickey was back on his feet in a swish of a pencil-thin tail. That had upset him, and, unfortunately for the Bloticle, Mickey Mouse was not always as innocent as he seemed; he had a mischievous side. It came out in full force as Mickey let the mark have it with everything he had in him. Once spent, he launched back to let the next Keyblader keep up the speed.

    "I'm here t'help, fellas. Call on me when ya need me, okay?"

    -Blotlings: 970/1000
    -Bloticle: 10/10

    Bloticle 1- Billy: 684/1000
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 21, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Sebax

    "Way to go, Pluto!" Mickey endowed a reassuring pat on the dog's head for surfacing the healing treasure. "That's my pal. Good boy."

    Mickey laughed, feeling the revitalizing power of the orbs as they raised his health. The mode with which he went from cheerful to determined went so fast, it must have affected the Old Oak somewhere within him to see such a gaze come from such a happy-go-lucky, little guy.

    "Looks like you're out of guards," Mickey quipped as he finished off the remaining Enchanted Stump. "Just give up, wood you?"
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sebax
    Base hurumphed and pouted. It wasn't the fact Glen was right --- they had a duty to uphold, and help save the Wastelands --- it was how he said it. Base thought and thought about his ally's words, and thought heavy things until the swelling feeling in his chest fell away and he was able to speak passed the anxiety.

    "You know... you're not supposed to curse. Why does everyone ignore that rule?" It's what he'd been thinking about. The fact Glen had said "ass".
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 9, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Sebax
    "YOU go face your second army. I'm going home." Base started marching in completely the other direction. No way he was going to face 1000 beasties agai- Oh, wait... he'd been absent for the first bout. Perhaps he owed it to his friends to be there this time? Base paused in quiet meditation, searching his very soul for an answer.

    "Nope. Still going home. And nobody is going to make me do otherwise!"

    Somebody, please, make him do otherwise.
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 7, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Sebax

    "Let's focus on the little guys first. They sure can do some damage. Two of us'll take on a stump, and one of us will hit the big guy."

    The woods felt even more hostile than they had before. This was one of the Masters of Illusion, just as he'd been warned. Going toe-to-toe with the first of them was a strain on his nerves, because he didn't quite know what to expect. Was any of this for real... or not?

    Mickey took the lead and attacked Enchanted Stump 1.
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sebax

    Pluto's company was welcome, and not a let-down for Mickey in any way. His most loyal friend, Mickey couldn't help but burst with infectious laughter when the dog started licking his face. For good measure, he rubbed his canine companion behind the ears before they perked up and attention returned to the Stump.

    "You'd be awfuly surprised, y'over-grown footstool. Pluto n' me have been through a lot together. Right, ole fella?" Mickey smiled and kneeled down beside Pluto to rub the top of the dog's head to help calm him down. "No use in gettin' all worked up, huh, Pluto? Why, unless ya feel like a good ole game of..." Mickey's brow furrowed and he cracked a mischievous smirk, "Fetch!"
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home