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  1. Sebax
    Oh! Okay, then I will. I was only posting it here for fun since I was fairly sure that it wasn't likely going to qualify since it's only a bit of a mash-up. I knew there was a submission board, I just didn't want to assume I could post my picture there. xD
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 18, 2017 in forum: Community News & Projects
  2. Sebax
    Perhaps a bit too pre-set to qualify as an entry, but I always thought this little gag get-up I tried on went well with the Mad Hatter's bowtie. Plus, who can deny this screenshot itself isn't at least ten shades of creepy in its own right? I still feel like Snow should be saying "DO leave me alone" here.
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 18, 2017 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. Sebax


    Not accounting for Equipment and Keyblade



    With Equipment
    +4 AP added to 23 AP

    Crowns remaining: 5

    • Unequipping White Fang and Equipping Apprentice Sash
    • Oathkeeper is still the Keyblade for Boss Battles
    • Fire
    • Blizzara
    • Thundara
    • Curaga
    • Gravity
    • Seeker Mine
    • Ether x5 that I already had in Stock
    Skill Commands
    Five Slots + 1 extra Magical one
    • Vorpal Blitz - 1
    • Splattercombo - 1
    • Fist Bump - 1
    • Aqua Splash - 1
    • Faith - 2
    • April Showers - 0

    Ability Set

    • High Jump
    • Combo
    • Magic Lock-On
    • Item Boost
    • Aerial Sweep
    • Combo Plus
    • Air Combo
    • Cheer
    • Second Chance
    • Damage Syphon
    • Lucky Lucky
    • MP Haste
    • Gift
    • EXP Writer II
    • Blend
    • Tribute
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 17, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge
  4. Sebax
    We're against not being with you," Base replied.

    "I don't like him. He's not on the team," Ralph pointed at Base, talking to Vanellope.

    "I also get why she calls you booger breath."

    "What's not to like?" Vanellope threw her arms up and ran over to pat Base on the back. "Welcome to the pit crew,...Uh"


    "We're forming a pit crew, pal. Not a barbershop quartet. Okay? Bye. See ya later."

    "Is he always this grumpy?" Base asked down to the pint-sized fugitive.

    "Every second I've known him so far!"

    "Well, I still wanna help. What can I do?"
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 10, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Sebax
    I'm gonna follow Mark Hammil's advice. I'm avoiding that trailer like the plague, but why must temptation be so strong?

    But --- side note --- seeing Carrie Fisher on the poster, right in the center, is giving me all of the feels right now. I'm happy, but sad at the same time. I just know the whole film is going to be bittersweet for that reason alone.
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 10, 2017 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. Sebax
    "We're doing what now? Hey. If you want my medal, sorry, but I already won! Granted, I didn't actually get a medal, but I'm expecting it by mail within four to five business days. Wait. Everything's digital here. Would I get it by email? Why isn't it here already?"

    Base broke down for a moment before he regained composure. Deep breath. In. Out.

    "I feel some exposition is in order. Could you tell us what in the licorice sticks is happening around here?"

    "Licorice sticks??" Ralph was incredulous.

    "Licorice sticks are Hell. Everyone knows this. Now talk, mountain man."
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 10, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Sebax
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 9, 2017 in forum: KHV Chorus
  8. Sebax
    Prideful in his win, Base arrived at Diet Cola Mountain with over-sized shades and a royal cape around his shoulders. He unlatched the cape and tossed the shades as they arrived, and looked up to the mountain before them.

    "Personally, I prefer the original recipe. I hear Diet Cola is really bad for you. With that logic in mind, maybe we should turn back now and maybe just go home?"
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 8, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Sebax
    In a twist of fate, the jelly beans did land on Ananta's windshield, but glanced off, rolled forward on the ceiling of the tunnel they were in, and landed in Base's face instead. One even flew into his mouth.

    "Okay, actually, these are really good. Your loss! Just like you're going to lose this race! Here's one for your wheels."

    Pushing another button on the car's console, Base released a jelly base onto the narrow strip of tunnel road.

    "See you at the Finish Line. I'll be the guy with the trophy. Don't worry, I'll be easy to spot!"[/color[
    Post by: Sebax, Sep 26, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Sebax
    Base skidded passed Ananata, tossing her a Mario Kart "Luigi Death-Glare" in the process. If he had a green turtle shell, he'd use that too. To make things interesting, Base planted his path right in front of Ananta, forcing her to really have to think her way out to get ahead of him. To increase the interest, Base slapped a button on the car's controls that sent a hail of jelly beans out at Ananta's windshield.

    "Chew on these!"
    Post by: Sebax, Sep 16, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Sebax
    There was an incident on the track. A matter of some importance that had to be fixed before the race could begin. One of the racers had broken down in a fit of tears and laughter. Not much could be deciphered from Base's jabbering and guffawing, but --- between rolling on the ground and clutching his sides --- he did manage to point at the roster and at Ananta.


    Once the poor lad was loaded into a car by Oreo guards, and had his hands placed on the wheel, he managed to regain his composure for the countdown. There was only one issue: He'd never driven in his entire life. He succeeded in passing a few cars, but by sheer luck alone. He was too on too much of an endorphine rush from the giggle fit to realize he had not a single clue of what he was doing or how to do it. He just was.

    "Pfft. Jelly Base."
    Post by: Sebax, Sep 2, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Sebax
    Oh great. Just what we needed. ANOTHER F***KING XEHANORT!
    Post by: Sebax, Sep 2, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Sebax
    "Sweetheart?" Base asked, dodging Ananata's apparent amor. "Can't say I did, but it looks like neither of are very happy to see us either way."

    CLUNK! Base battered Kross over the head, folding him like a crumbling cookie. With one foe unconcious for the moment, that was at least one step in the right direction. However, with her ally down, the Flora look-alike went into Beast mode. It took everything Base had to give to keep the beserker's rage at bay, but even that wasn't much as much of him had been spent fighting the two before.

    He couldn't even remark with a snarky comment. Even motion was dedicated to blocking every swift strike from his attacker and having no window to retaliate.

    "Assist!" he managed at last to call out for aid from Ananata. "Please!"
    Post by: Sebax, Aug 14, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Sebax
    Base winced at the sight of Kross knocked onto his back with Ananta's forceful punch. He felt less bad when Kross jumped back to his feet with superhuman agility and flexibility; he had a feeling this wasn't the Kross he knew. He took this as a cue to summon his Keyblade, and just in the nick of time as Flora struck only to be blocked by the returned Keyblade. He jumped back, lunged forward, and took a crack at the candied armor of his foe. He couldn't even make a dent.

    "I swear, if the secret to winning this is licking away their armor, I'm quitting and never coming back this time," Base joked.'

    He backed away, readied his arm for a full swing, and swept right into Kross's chest. Kross went flying farther back than he had before, but Flora took the opening. Base missed a severe haircut by a hair.

    "Your turn," Base side-stepped around Flora to force the foe to choose between two targets, setting Ananta up for an opening to strike.
    Post by: Sebax, Aug 7, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Sebax
    That animation looks Pixar movie quality. I am beyond excited right now, as of this moment. I can't handle how smooth everything is!
    Post by: Sebax, Jul 15, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Sebax
    Now if only people still used traditional calendars...

    Side note, yes, I do know there's still people out there using them, but my comment is aimed at the fact it's a market being killed by smartphones.
    Post by: Sebax, Jul 10, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Sebax
    Kross had not been seen for a while. When was the last time he'd seen him? Base wracked his brain. Wasn't he right there with Kross in the Wastelands? Why was he marching up in candied armor along with someone else he didn't quite recognize... but they did look strangely familiar.

    "I'm doubting this is going to be a happy reunion, going solely by the looks of things," he mentioned to Ananta. He didn't summon his Keyblade just yet, but he was ready to; if the two made themselves known to be a real threat, then he'd be sure to greet a fellow apprentice of Yen Sid with a warm welcome.
    Post by: Sebax, Jul 10, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Sebax
    Glitches. To be honest, they didn't belong there, so maybe "glitches" wasn't an accusation too far from the truth. However, the accusers had no business knowing that. Base let his teammate speak, and tried to follow up.

    "We were on our way to the big... thing. The word escapes me right now. An event, of some kind, somewhere, that we have to go to or else we'll miss it."

    It was not a good lie, by any means, but he hoped it would suffice to convince two children; or at least, what appeared to be children.

    I apologize for the delay. I have to clear off my desk before writing, and it's been a busy week.

    EDIT 2.0: Thanks to a late tax refund, I now have a PC. Turning into an adult over the course of SOS has had its highs and its lows.
    Post by: Sebax, Jul 8, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Sebax
    He felt a bit uneasy. Hadn't he seen Beuce's arm before? Or rather, the lack of one? He felt like he was missing something. Best not to note on it.

    "It's good to see everyone again." Base acknowledged and smiled at all the familiar faces he recognized. "And changes we can catch up on, Ananta, given that it seems we'll be going together from this point onward. The only question is where."

    Base looked over each door, and without hestitation walked through one that brought him to a land of sugary confection. He just had a good feeling about the choice, and it had nothing to do with a sweet tooth. The only unsettling thing was how expansive his new surroundings were.

    The world of Sugar Rush was bright, colorful and the most instant sensation was just how saccharine sweet the whole environment smelled and looked. Everything was crafted from candy. A chocolate lake was visible, as well as jawbreaker boulders; even lollipop and candy cane trees added to the theme. The ground below crunched beneath his feet, but he stayed in place to wait for his partner.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 21, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Sebax
    Base raised his hand at the mention of his name.

    "Yeah, I'm here. Don't ask how. I actually don't know how." He reported in calmly, but lost his composure when Beuce put him in a headlock a moment after. "When is a bit foggy too. I just remember waking up in that last world, and I hardly even remember the Wastelands; let alone everything in between. And did you just say "asterisk" over and over just now?"

    Beuce had been there since Base joined in. He was happy to be reunited with not just Hikaru, but another friend from Pachyderm Parade as well. Base smiled and pulled out of the headlock, rather embracing Beuce in a hug.

    "It's good to see you, man. It's good to see anyone, but I was really hoping you were still around. Kind of still in the dark about the situation I woke up to. Everything happening right now doesn't make any sense."
    Post by: Sebax, May 30, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena