"Watch your back!" Base shouted to Glen, slashing the blue demon away as it reached out for a counter-strike. He parried and threw the phantom off. "Close call," base muttered, a bit winded from the constant fighting. Just a few worlds ago, less action than he'd already dealt with in Symphony of Sorcery would have knocked him out cold. He was getting stronger. It was a fact Base constantly reminded himself of. If he could continue to grow stronger, then he felt like he belonged and was a great asset. To this effect, he was ever so slightly jealous of Stratos. Stratos was doing so much, so often, and Base was barely doing anything to keep up. The least he could do was watch everybody's backs. In fact, the blue demon seemed to like to plunge at the unprepared. It was coming back for him! Luckily for him, it screeched like a banshee as it dived towards him. Base gritted his teeth and kebab'd the foe through its sheet. It tore in one section, but that wasn't going to stop an enemy as formidable as these. "They're relentless. They also seem to hold grudges. Always watch your backs, and, if you can't, make sure you're watching someone else's." Base looked over to Beuce. "That doesn't mean looking at Karina's or Kaida's butt." (Magic Immune) Blue Demon: 427/500 (Physical Immune) Black Demon: 458/500
Readied to attack the blue one with a spell, Base caught onto Stratos's discovery as well just in time. When Stratos confirmed his hypothesis with a little experimentation, Base decided changing his target was in the best interest. He was not the strongest in swinging the Keyblade, but he could really get a charge of electricity out of it! "Cymbals!" He shouted, and cymbals clashed as his Thunder spell hit home on the black demon. "What are these things? Phantoms of the Opera?" The camera panned from a bemused Base, swiftly, down to the base of the mountain where a poster was stuck to an oddly-placed brick wall. "That has really got to stop happening!" Base covered himself with an Aero spell, frustrated from the reoccurring gag. (Magic Immune) Blue Demon: 480/500 (Physical Immune) Black Demon: 473/500
Chapter 2 has been added! I have a new keyboard, and I'm glad to report even more "Give My Regards to Bridleway" is in the works. Thank you, @Nights™ for the review. It's feedback that keeps my fingers on keys. Is it a common theme? I'd love to read those sorts of stories! I can't wait to see it maybe get more airtime in the series. I use the Hemingway app to help clear away unneeded adverbs, passive voices, and meandering sentences. I try to keep to exactly what I mean to say, and the app really helps me clean up my writing. What you see is a fresh new take in a new direction. Thank you for pointing this out. Back when this started as an earnest attempt to fulfill a Holiday wish, and nothing really more involved, I knew next to nothing about the individual ponies. I would watch the show, occasionally, with my little sister. When I started to watch the series by myself in November, it was a thrill ride! So much care goes into molding these characters in the series, and I committed to watching as many episodes as I could to make sure I got them right. Because, really, they grow. They learn. They remember their experiences, which isn't a terribly common trait in cartoons. They had to be just as flawed and just as unique. So, when you give that accolade, it is huge to me. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. You're going to see more of their traits come out as the story progresses, naturally. Like, the fact Pinkie has to get a smile out of just about anyone. I have no words. None. Except: Thank you, once more. The banner came along as I already had one for "Based Forward" and "Burns", and I wanted some way to include all my works with everything else I do, even if it's just to appeal to different tastes. Displaying who was the most prominent character was, in fact, very involved in the image making process. Thanks for noticing. You have a keen eye for details.
TEAM INFO Team Name: Equinox Base Location: By a lake just outside of Shinwa Village. Guild Association: Shinwa Guild TEAM MEMBERS Name: Tria Position: Dungeon Map Guide Species: Mightyena Gender: Female Birthplace: Hoenn Level: 52 Ability: Quick Feet Moves: -Thunder Fang -Secret Power -Frustration -Crunch Accessories: Unique Appearance Traits: She has a scar across the right side of her neck, and the line of hair there does not grow back. It is mostly negligible. Personality: Formerly adventurous, daring, and fearless. Since returning from the Lost City, alone, she has isolated herself, and suffers from borderline Psychosis. She has become neurotic, and frequently has fits of agitation. She's constantly struggling to become who she was, but has a hard time just staying who she is. Other: She is fiercely protective of Helen. TEAM INFO Team Name: Equinox Base Location: By a lake just outside of Shinwa Village. Guild Association: Shinwa Guild TEAM MEMBERS Name: Helen Position: Medic Species: Vulpix Gender: Female Birthplace: Kalos Level: 16 Ability: Flash Fire Moves: -Hex -Fire Spin -Roar -Pain Split Accessories: Unique Appearance Traits: Looking at her face directly, the leftmost curl is hot pink. The fur that is not hair tale or mane is also lighter than most Vulpix. Personality: Outcast. Rebellious. Caring for those she is close to. Other:
Xero, the text is, really, really tiny. I had to use a third-party reader. I was intent on finding a solution to the problem, as I really want to join this. However, this same problem may detract others from joining if they too can't read what's there. I apologize for pointing it out. I just want to ensure you don't lose potential players over something minute. I'm working on a post, hoping to create two characters. I have my eyes set on a character being your team's Dungeon Map Guide. Anyone, can, presently take that away, if they so wish. I am merely expressing my intentions. It looks like a aptly playable premise. Nice structure.
"Eyyyy, we looks like gotta here a new customer!" said a boisterous, large mustachioed man, all too happy to see Winter. "New customer, eh?" A thin, mustachioed man in a chef's hat walked in to the waiting area. "You the new customer he-a talkin' about?" "Me? A customer?" Winter asked. "Oh, I'm sorry, but no sir. I came here about the job opening: which is to say I came to work." "Ey, Joe, ere's a kid after my own-a heart," the larger one said to the skinny one. "Per Favore, un momento benevolmente, Signorina," he said to Winter with a bright smile. "You showed up to save-a my skin, I tell you. Grazie mille," said the skinny one. "I'm-a Joe, ee's Tony. The guy on de sign," Joe spoke more with his hands than he did with his lips. Winter, as was common when she introduced herself, gave a polite curtsey. "It's very nice to meet you both. My name is Winter." Joe showed Winter the way to the kitchen. It was a pristine, organized environment with the latest technology in cookware. "This is the place-eh." Joe sauntered over to a stove, wearing a steak was simmering in a pan. "Think you could do anythin' with-a this dis- EY! YOU! You stoppa dis now!" Joe was alerted to a bubbling pot boiling over on another stove-top. Looking at the steak, Winter was careful to consider all of her options. Glad she had taken a few cooking lessons from her brother (who really didn't even need that kind of knowledge), Winter quickly washed her hands before going over to the spice cabinet and opened it up. She quickly located the onion powder, pepper, and garlic powder. She put them down on the counter and located a small bowl, a pot, and a cutting board. In the small bowl she measured out the spices and mixed them up a bit, creating a seasoning of sorts. Making sure the steak wasn't burning or anything, she turned down the heat (though kept it simmering) before getting out, a tomato, an onion, and a potato. She chopped the onion and sprinkled the seasoning onto the steak. She threw the onions into the pan, sauteed the onions alongside the simmering steak, chopped the potato, diced the tomato, cooked the potato slices, put the tomatoes in with the steak, and took it off the heat. Admittedly, she was rushing a bit; having not known how the long the steak had been cooking and not wanting everything to get messed up. In the end, she had put the simmered steak, sauteed onions, and diced tomatoes on a plate with some of the potato slices and had used some pre-prepared beef broth to add flavor to the dish. She waited nervously for judgement of the result. Joe returned, rubbing his hands on his apron. "Woujoo look at that. Sonuvagun, that don't look half bad, and," he tasted the dish, "Not so bad on the palate neither! Gooda job! Take this, and a bit of spending money for-a you trouble, huh? You're a pretty good cook," Joe praised. He slapped a pin in Winter's hand. "You're welcome back anytime to cook or eat here. I expect to see you again walk-a through that door. Hey, Tony!" Joe left the kitchen to speak with his business partner. "Ula! What a fantastically spooky name!" the Mayor bubbled with glee. "Who is she?" asked Dr. Finklestein. The Mayor's head twisted with a snap to show a sadder face. "She just said her name is Ula... I really don't know..." "Oh, well... I'm here to help out with the situation here at the park. Have you seen anything out of the ordinary recently?" Dr. Finklestein's face twisted with thought. "Hmmm," he muttered, puzzling the matter. "I can't say that I have..." He opened a hatch on his skull to reveal a pulsing brain. He scratched his brain, and he shook his head. "Other than the castle falling into a sinkhole, everything has been going along just fine." The Mayor pointed to a spot far down on Main Street to where an enormous sinkhole had, indeed, taken up a great deal of land. Ula looked over at the spot with her eyes widened at the sight, "O-oh dear, that's not good..." She turned back to the two and glanced at them and opened her mouth to speak before her face showed a redirect in what she was going to say, "I do not believe I caught your names." The Mayor's head twirled around once again. "I am the Mayor of Halloweentown!" And the head twisted around to grief to say, "Which is, of course, not this town." "I'm shocked you haven't heard of me! Me. The great Dr. Finklestein, of cours- Waaa!" Dr. Finklestein was so surprised that he almost flipped back in his wheelchair, and his skull shut tight over his fingers. "OWW!" He howled in pain. Ula flinched and held her hands up in apology, "I'm sorry, I'm new here. I'm sure that since I now know you I won't forget you." She approached Finklestein with caution for a moment and she found the way to open up the skull and help free his fingers. Dr. Finklestein retrieved his hand and rubbed his sore fingers. "Normally, I abhor kindness,... but... I'll make an exception given the aid you have provided..." he grumbled. "Any help you should ever need, we'll try to oblige. You are, after all, here to help us. I suppose." "Not an easy task either..." the Mayor mentioned gloomily. "Shhh, come closer, my dear." Ula edged closer, but remained on guard after hearing his disgust for kindness, "Yes?" "I know where the Villains are hiding. They tried to get me to join them. I may be an evil scientist, but I'm not an evil scientist. You'd do well to search Liberty Square, when you get to it. There, you will meet the Section Admin. She can help you more than I can. If I tell you exactly where they are hiding, well, I'm sure you can devise something yourself," he whispered. "They already got to Freddie. Are you sure that Cinder would be any better off?" the Mayor stepped in, whispering as well. "The girl can look after herself," retorted. "Well um, thank you for that... were you looking for something in return for telling that to me?" "Just that you get us out of this predicament. Mitch Aisling has made a new home for us here, after ours were taken away from us. We owe a great deal to him and his superiors." A noise in the nearest alley way spooked Dr. Finklestein into a fit before he saw a stray cat walk by. "Darn cat." "Is that the sort of information you needed?" the Mayor asked. Ula nodded slightly, "Yeah, I believe so. Any information at this point is helpful." she thought for a moment before continuing, "I don't want to overstay my welcome, but you wouldn't happen to know if anyone in particular is handing out pins, do you?" Dr. Finklestein smiled... for what could be slightly considered a "smile". "Sally is. Along with Jack Skellington. Unless you possess a certain gift, however, you will need to speak to them twice to receive it. Much like you will need to see us again to receive our help should you ever find yourself in the way of harm." "Many spots around give you a pin the first time you complete their listed job the first time as well," the Happy-version of the Mayor compiled. "Not to mention the Pin Shoppe." "You two are awesome, you know that?" "What a horrid person!" the Mayor bubbled with glee once again. "I believe the correct term in this world is: good." Dr. Finklestein corrected. "Best of luck to you, my dear." "Good. I've got it." "We hope to see you again soon!" "One more thing." Dr. Finklestein interrupted, pulling a small book from a saddlebag attached to his wheelchair. He scribbled his name in it, and allowed for the Mayor to do the same before handing it off to Ula. Ula accepted the book and looked inside to see the two autographs and she smiled and bowed her head slightly to them, "Thank you both so much, I promise I'll come and see you two again!" Ula left the two to their own devices and pulled up the jobs on her MagicBand+ (mainly so she could get more practice using it) and she saw a job opening with City Hall Art Commission. She didn't see why she couldn't try that out. "What outlandish clothing..." Jack Skellington spotted Saino and tip-toed over to him. His skeletal hands picked over Saino's costume, as he ignored personal boundaries. Sally tapped Jack on the shoulder. "Jack," was all she had to say. It sufficed. Jack retracted. "Oh! A thousand pardons, please." Jack stood back and gave Saino some distance. Saino was perfectly calm. It was odd for someone to have approached him the way the skeleton man did, but he did not mind. The fact that the woman next to him was so calm about it, and the fact that the tall skeleton man was able to respect her wishes made Saino feel comfortable. "It's OK. I understand the curiosity. Heh..." he smiled back at them. "Understand, do you?" Jack seemed quite happy to hear that. "You are Saino, aren't you?" Sally asked. He was taken aback. "Uuh yes! But...how did you know my name?" he queried. Now he was the curious one. "You have been here a short while, but word travels fast in the Magic Kingdom. Everyone is abuzz about you and the group you arrived with." Sally explained, light-hearted. "Good thing too. Cads have kidnapped the Park Manager, and we, the residents, have been powerless to ensure his safety." "Such a kind man... and not to mention what they did to the castle." Sally pointed over to the great big hole in the earth down the lane. "But, we know who you are, but you probably don't know us." Jack changed the subject, and bowed graciously. "I, am Jack Skellington." "And I'm Sally." She waved, her hand wobbling loosely on her wrist. "Oop!" she muttered as she pulled a string in her arm and her hand tightened to the right spot. Eyelids raised to better expose the wonder in his eyes. He had no idea someone had been kidnapped; or perhaps it was mentioned but he just was not paying attention. At any rate, he waved at the two. "Hi Jack Skellington, and Sally. It's a pleasure to meet you two. Umm...What is a Cad?" he asked after getting the introductions out of the way. Jack's eye sockets went wide at the question. "Well, you see, specifically...it's...a...erm.." He scratched his boney chin with his boney fingertips. "They aren't very nice. Freddie runs the Park, as well as Main Street. Each section has what is called an "Admin", and we aren't sure about the other ones, because we can't reach them. Mitch has suggested everyone stay in their own spots, for their own safety." "That did Freddie very little good," Jack interceded. "But... I do trust Mr. Aisling." He smiled a toothy, crooked smile. "The pleasure is all ours, Saino. We've heard you possess a certain "something" that everyone keeps talking about!" "Which is why, we'd like you to have this. We know you'll do great things as you go on...and please, help Freddie if you or your friends find him." Sally bowed her head as she handed him a pin. Meanwhile, Jack was already scribing his name in Saino's autograph book. "There, perfect!" Saino was a little confused at the lack of information regarding the cads, but if he was not being told, he left it at that. "uuh yeah,...I've heard that too. Heh..." he replied, feeling coy about the comment. As for the book signing, searched into his jacket to find that somehow Jack had taken his book without him realizing it. "How'd...how'd you...do that?" he uttered silently as he was handed his autograph once the two had signed. He took the pin given to by Sally, and placed it on his lanyard. Afterwards, he looked at the two. "Well thank you, both of you. I'll be sure to save Freddy with my groups help. Stay safe!" With a wave, Saino entered the Emporium. "We will, Saino!" Jack Skellington waved goodbye. "Good luck in your endeavors!" A bell jingled above the doorway as Saino walked in, alerting the shopkeeper. "Huh?...Oh..." Carl grumbled. "Welcome, I guess. What can I offer ya?" With a big grin, Saino walked up to the clerk's counter and placed both arms on it while crossing them as his body leaned forward. "What do ya have?" he asked, smiling. Carl curtly lifted his cane to point at a certain section of the wall. On the walls, behind glass, were large, printed images of the pins he was offering. Saino's lips pursed when he looked at the wall. "You know, I've been wondering about that. I keep getting pins from people I encounter. What are these exactly? What're they for?" he asked the man. "Young people...never listening..." he muttered, grumpily. "Listen, you collect the pins, you put it on that thing around your neck, you take it to the Theater, and you get the pins transferred. The more pins you get, the more power you can have to use for...whatever it is you're here to do. Are you going to buy something or not?" "Oh! Well in that case, yeah I will! But first..." he paused as he stood upright, placing hands on hips. "What power is it exactly?" he asked. Carl growled loudly from the frustration of dealing with Saino. "Your Bladekey, or whatever it is. It either makes you stronger or makes you tougher. From the looks of you, kid, you could use a pretty good deal of both. The signs'll tell ya. Just take a look." Raising a brow, head cocked to one side. "Uuhh...whaaa?" he uttered before shaking his head. Wanting to respect the elders wishes, he just let out a small sigh. Perhaps there'd be more time to learn more of these things. "Yeah...sorry about that. Uum anyway, I have 55 dollars, but I don't know how to access them..." he explained, pointing to his magic band. "If you can help me get my money, I'd be more than happy to purchase the pin that I can afford." "Just point to what you want, and I can charge you!" The look on Carl's face showed he getting incredibly tired of Saino's confusion. "Everything you see up there in 40 Disney Dollars. So, it looks like you can only get one thing for now. Prices are listed on the the wall. Like everything else." Saino stood there, staring up at the Pins displayed on the wall. They all looked very nice, so it was little hard for him to decide. However, it helped that they were labeled with, "Set 1" and "Set 2". Putting thumb and index onto chin, he gripped it lightly in though. "Hmmm...I guess I'll just start from the beginning then. I'll take the Rescuers pin!" he said, pointing to the two dressed mice. The Rescuer pin landed on the counter in front of Carl with a THWACK! He slammed it onto the board, and gently slid it towards Saino, with the same curmudgeonly look on his face throughout. "Which one are you?" Carl performed the task of rolling up his sleeve and accessing his purple MagicBand+. "Oh, there you are. You're the goofy one everybody's talking about. Saino." There was a distasteful and mocking air to the way he said the boy's name. "Says here you have 75. That brings you down to 35. 40 Disney Dollars have been taken out of your account." The barest hint of a smile etched into his face. Really, he was just glad the customer would be out of his hair. "Have a nice day... Now, please..." - the smile reverted to a frown - "Get out." Ula made her way to City Hall after pulling up a map to the location and entered into the building with a smile on her face. "Hello there, I heard you were hiring?" A wiry old man, sitting at the front desk, took his attention away from his book to attempt to focus in on the new arrival. "Well, young lady, that we are," he spoke with a raspy, tired voice. He was a man of such advanced age that it took him some effort to get to his feet. He fixed his glasses straight on his crooked nose, and smiled. "You are capable of drawing, I presume?" Ula nodded and looked slightly self-conscious about something, "Yeah, I can draw... though I'm not sure if my drawing is the greatest... but I want to help!" "We're certainly paying a pretty penny to encourage anyone willing to try, so don't worry whether or not if you lack the skill of the old masters," the old man chortled. "The old masters have old masters they can never be as good as, so it's only important you give it your best shot." He spoke with the a brittle tone, riddled with sagacious wisdom and profound humility. "Right this way, right this way, please." He nodded his white-haired head and gesticulated towards a door to the left of the front desk. It led down a hallway that met with the office room behind the counter, and he waited for Ula to meet him. "Andy Mason, by the way." He offered his shaking hand, his affliction with Parkinson's Disease apparent. Ula shook Andy's hand and replied, "My name is Ula. It's very nice to meet you." "The pleasure is mine, Ula." Andy murmured happily. "The drawing room is right in here." He led her down the hallway to a small room, featuring a drawing desk, a chair, a plenty of lighting and ornate statues of cartoon characters. He looked around, transfixed and distracted. Ula looked around at the statues of the characters and examined them from a distance, "Those are really cool." He blinked back to attention. "Oh? Oh! yes, yes. Set up like my old room, back when I was young man. I saw to that. Please, please, have a go at the pad there." He pointed to tall, brooding man holding a golden, cobra staff. "Think you could give drawing him a shot?" Ula sketched to the best of her ability, trying to make sure she got as many of the lines as possible, but she kept erasing and erasing because she just couldn't seem to find anything she liked. Despite his stumpy looking body and his head looking far too big, she was finally at least satisfied and held it up to Andy, "H-how's this?" Andy chuckled. It was not a cruel laugh, or a jibe, as, when he looked at the drawing, his eyes lit up. "Well, I can tell who it is, out of anyone. That's a good start." He examined the page, his eyes darting over every detail. "Here... you earned these." He shakily dug into his pockets and pulled out a metallic pin, and put it on the desk. "I'll get the money to your bank account... just as soon as I figure out how the darn thing works." "Thanks for stopping by, Ula. Be sure to tell your friends. The world needs more artists."
I have also suffered night terrors in the past. Two instances I can recall: I was lying in bed, half-awake, and a small, furry creature, much like Gurgi from Disney's "The Black Cauldron" was wondering, just out of sight and around my bed. I don't know how I could know what he looked like, and barely get a glimpse of him at the same time. He seemed, from what he was talking about (In Gurgi's voice), very interested in eating me. He seemed to be very excited and couldn't believe his luck. The other time, I was also half-awake, and the door was slightly ajar. A thin, white phantom was dancing ballet in the hallway, and while it was mesmirizing and beautiful, there was something about her face that was forboding. The second instance happened just after my Grandfather passed away; a stressful time. Both times, I could hear both the physical and the dream world, which were both times the rooms I was sleeping in. I couldn't move. Both times, I was sleeping on my back. If you suffer from repeated night terrors, or if they come up, I suggest lying on your side as you go to sleep. Forgive the lazy explanation, but it's just the way your circulation and your brain (the organ, not the mind) works. Night terrors are frequently attributed with sleeping on your back. While it is actually healthy to do so, it can be detrimental if you are affected by night terrors. When it came to nightmares, I lucked out. In every nightmare, there is something good or funny that happens. There's a zombie outbreak, and I'm with different groups of people I've known, and we handle the situation pretty well. There's a serial killer, but the place is colorful, like the inside of Monstro in Kingdom Hearts. The best I can suggest is laugh at what troubles you. Even if it goes against the very fiber of your being to laugh at such things. Have a lollipop
Okay, I like what you guys are saying, but is this guy really so crazy? I mean, really. I can get behind this idea! We can form a coalition, even if the government doesn't get this passed. We can execute the people that disagree with us, the sodomizers, and take over the government. We could call ourselves: Indefinitely, Sodomy Is Sin. ISIS for short. Wait... Ah crap. The sarcasm is strong with this one.
Mr. Nimoy was an actor in the truest sense of the word. He worked in everything. TV, Movies, Stage, etc... In the Theatre world, the one with live performances and stages, roles change hands all the time. As actors, we recognize that, almost indefinitely, no two shows will ever be exactly alike, because they will have different casts, different directors with different visions, different crews making different things, and, yet, it's going to be the same show. Some versions are better than others, yes, but that's why such a word as "talent" exists. It is the ability to think your way through a situation. Does it hurt when anyone leaves any part in any particular show? Is it wrong to miss them, whether or not they are dead? It does, actually hurt. You saw something magical (That's what we do). It isn't wrong to miss them. It is, however, a cardinal sin to put down an actor because they are not the one who is familiarized. It's a mortal sin of the theatre experience that kills the magic we try so hard to express. Master Xehanort is a character. He was lent Mr. Nimoy's voice, but, as much he put into that part, Leonard Nimoy was not exclusively Master Xehanort. While it's true that to portray a character well you will likely have to exude some sort of similar essence as with the character you're going for, as it's also true that there have existed several hundred individuals who can play Jean Valjean just as well as anyone who's ever done so on Broadway; a character can live inside anyone. Now, still, I will admit, it will not be the same playing Kingdom Hearts III, through knowing Master Xehanort isn't voiced by the late Leonard Nimoy. That can break the immersion. Why sacrifice happiness to hold on bitterly to a neurosis such as nonacceptance? That... is illogical. We can remember Mr. Nimoy. We can hold his replacement to a standard, as a precedent has been made. Just do not let your standards become emotionally-fueled. Such is a bias that has a higher chance of breaking your heart than sparking your imagination. Which of the two would Mr. Nimoy, a man who never stopped doing what he loved, wish for? Which do you want? Now, if the new voice actor is a young man, and a suit of armor attacks him...well, that's another side, another story.
This post takes the previous one, from Hexin, into account. StatsNot accounting for Equipment and Keyblade Original NameHPMPStrengthSpeedDefenseMagicResistanceBase387.41017102814Updated With Oathkeeper and White FangNameHPMPStrengthSpeedDefenseMagicResistanceBase448(+1)10(+6)1713(+2)31(+4)15.5 Code: [tr][td]Base (MG)[/td][td]24[/td][td]5,893 /[paragraph][/paragraph] 6,550[/td][td]653[/td][td]8[/td][td]44[/td][td]8(+1)[/td][td]10(+6)[/td][td]17[/td][td]13(+2)[/td][td]31(+4)[/td][td]15.5[/td][td]19/18(+2)[/td][td]4(+1M)[/td][/tr] Account BalanceOriginal NameMunnyCrownsBase3,35473Updated NameMunnyCrownsBase6538 Ability SetIncludes Equipment AvailableUsed2019High Jump Combo Dodge Roll Guard Magic Lock-On Aerial Sweep Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Cheer Second Wind Gift Stats Abilities Keyblades Musical Mission Purchases Stat Boosters: +3 Intelligence, out of 3 Points to spend +3 Magic +1.5 Resistance .60 MP Equipping: Gift, Cost: 2 AP Unequipping: N/A Equipping: Treasure Trove for Investigation Blessed Thief for Bodyguard and Brawl Oathekeeper for Boss, Disembark, and Lock Unequipping: Sweet Memories for Musical Star Seeker for Boss, Lock, Departure, Brawl, Bodyguard, and Investigation Two Worlds ~ 2 Crowns, 450 Munny I'll Be in Your Heart ~ 2 Crowns, 425 Munny Strangers Like Me ~ 2 Crowns, 399 Munny I'm Wishing/One Song(Solo) ~ 4 Crowns, 275 MunnyTotal:Crowns: 10 Munny: 1,549 Blessed Thief Keyblade, for 2,000 Munny Treasure Trove, for 2,250 Munny Two Health boosts, for 30 Crowns Three Defense Boosts, for 45 Crowns
[tr][td]Base (MG)[/td][td]24[/td][td]5,893 /[paragraph][/paragraph] 6,550[/td][td]653[/td][td]8[/td][td]44[/td][td]8(+1)[/td][td]10(+6)[/td][td]17[/td][td]13(+2)[/td][td]31(+4)[/td][td]15.5[/td][td]19/18(+2)[/td][td]4(+1M)[/td][/tr]
Base punched the closest demon. Punched. He sent it whirling as the others had been cleared off of him. Getting to his feet, he doused the same demon with an Aqua Splash. He felt...wrong. As if people were trying to guess just how kinky he was. He chuckled to himself. If they only knew... if they only knew. "Thanks," he made his appreciation known to the others. "My god...I've discovered the most powerful weapon in the world. The mythril pebble of demon slaying!" said Beuce. Base raised an eyebrow at the claim. "Let me see that." Base took the pebble and turned it over in his hands. He inspected it closely to find... a whole lot of nothing. "What you have is a pebble and a lucky shot, my friend." He handed the pebble back to Beuce. "I mean, call it what you want, but I wouldn't use that thing in more dire situations." OOC: Imp: 0/30 Horned Demons: 6/20 Brutes: 0/10 Injured: Horned Demon 3: 4/5 The Hidden bit is like that for a reason. It's non-canon. I shall not be party to your childish games. I will prove this by participating in your childish games.
Base happened to be in the vicinity of the exploding snail, as it burst with disastrous, powerhouse combustion. He managed to jump aside so that only a tiny flicker of flame nipped his tail. When he saw where the snail had been launched from, Base looked up at the others. "Is everybody trying to kill m-?" He hollered, before he was attacked by something actually trying to kill him. He'd jumped down a level, and right into a nest of Horned Demons. "For crying out loud! I! CAN! NOT! WIN!" Base grabbed the bulls, erm... demons by the horn and shifted them away. Twenty of them had him surrounded. "I could use a little help down here!" Base shouted, exasperated. He managed to take out four of the horned ones with an Aqua Splash spell. The four that were hit screeched a shrill cry of utter torment before fizzling into a wisp of smoke. The others danced around the remains, unaffected, and they charged all together and overtook him. In a clatter, Base was lost in a dog pile and chattering, fiery demons. He wasn't liking this iteration of Symphony of Sorcery one bit. The last trip had nearly killed him as well, yes, but there weren't tiny fire demons. He wanted to go back to that, but that time, it seemed, was far gone. 0/30 Imps 16/20 Horn Demons 1/10 Brutes
I'll just record pieces for Hook Hand, Big Nose Guy, and Flynn, and you decide which to go with. Unless somebody takes any of the other two parts. Just go with that then. I'm non-partial.
(Chanting): Donald Glover. Donald Glover. Donald Glover. Donald Glover. Spoiler: DONALD GLOVER! Not as a pacifer, but as a legitimate thing. It's not about Race-bending, but casting the guy most like Parker, who is not Andrew Garfield. In the Theatre world, not the Movie Theater world, roles change. All. The. Time. Typically, people get over it; they remember the great ones, but let the new ones go to the boards. Another strong contender is Josh Hutcherson, of "Hunger Games" fame. I'm sorry. I apologize ahead of here: too damn bulky. Spidey is about as wirey as the webs he slings. Again, in theatre, it doesn't matter what color you are, white, black, purple, or beige, if you're not the right body-type for the part, you likely aren't going to get it. Even at a muscular peak, Glover is still pretty lean. Narrow-shouldered, while Hutcherson is pretty sturdy. And just think about the significance of the change. Wait, hold up, hang onto that web, this one needs some music from Maguire's Spidey. Tell me where the muthaflubbin' world stopped turning when Samuel L. Jackson put on a patch. The scary thing about movies these days is that they are afraid to take risks that shouldn't be risks on principle. I can see Glover blending with the existing cast of the Avengers very well. One thing I hear a lot against this case: Donald Glover? The guy from "Community"? Yeah, and Andy Dwyer rocked everybody's socks off as Starlord. It's called, wait for it,... acting. And the com laude of dumb responses: Spider-Man is not black. I'll leave this one to the Childish Gambino: He has Parker's mind and Spidey's heart. He's not the "black Spider-Man". He would be a black Spider-Man, but, he just is Spider-Man. Sorry, I kinda fanned out for a second there. I'm really anxious about this. I felt like bringing this up. Not trying to change the subject.