Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @libregkd @Ghost @mvitkun @peterjack
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @libregkd @Midnight Star @Captain Arch @DigitalAtlas @Jube
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Krowley @Midnight Star @tamale @KHGrl15
as all relics do :]
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Beucefilous @Mish @Amaury @cstar
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Mish @Krowley
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Krowley @Trigger @Heart ❤
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Krowley @Korosu
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @KHGrl15 @Korosu @Marushi
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Captain Arch @Korosu @Marushi
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Beucefilous @Korosu @Krowley @KHGrl15
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Korosu @Calxiyn
Update 08/11/2017: Apologies for the Awards being quiet this past week and a half. I ended up getting swamped with some things on my end, but I'll be happy to let you know, that this time has given us a solid schedule for how the rest of the Awards are panning out. Cycle 1 of voting will begin this Friday (8/11). Cycles 2 & 3 will be posted up on August 18th. Cycle 4 will be posted on August 25th. The 2017 Awards cycle should conclude on September 4th, and winners will be posted around that date as well. For people nominated in categories requiring samples, I will be contacting you momentarily to collect them! If you don't submit a sample, I will just pull from your most recent work posted on the site. For people interested in joining for running in Best AMV, a nomination thread will be posted soon, and you can nominate yourself and/or other members who've created AMVs this past year. Voting for Best AMV will occur with the Cycle 4 categories. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to shoot me a message!
"hey plums how is khux going" me: well you see i never have enough AP and i must scream
#CAN'T BE TAMED also holy poo at the Unicornis Lux totals how many raid bosses did you guys end up going through? lmao
Spoiler: wanted spoilerz Yeah! After they hammered it home so much with jasper & all, I hadn't considered Rose wasn't the one to kill PD. But hearing all the points Zircon raised, I'm definitely considering Pearl being the one to do it w/ Yellow Diamond's permission. This is all assuming our Pearl was with Pink Diamond of course, but that explains how someone was able to get so close to PD to shatter her, and how everyone seems convinced (or in Yellow Diamond's case, pushing off the blame) onto Rose. "Who would ever think a Pearl would be good for anything?" has been such a long running thread in the lore, and it'd be super relevant to Pearl's ongoing arc of finding her self-worth that this was her first real decision. granted, one that's totally messed up steven's emotions, but that's also been very much a Pearl Thing the last few seasons, lol
I've never been terribly interested in the past Thor films, but watching the trailer, this one seems really fun and enjoyable. The banter also feels less scripted than it did in past films (namely, AoU), and just comes off as more natural and genuine. It's surprising for me, but I'm really excited for this one and dat Valkeyrie, whew lads
is this what the youngins call a "tsundere"
nomura should read my and sumi's luxord/moogle one-shot (tropes: slow-burn, friends to lovers, road trip, petting) after he wraps up kh3 I've heard that writers in a lot of media are really encouraged to avoid reading fanfic because of the high potential for lawsuits of plagiarism (which, tbf. Kingdom Hearts is already a giant fanfiction). If they do add in Sephiroth, I hope they include another secret boss. While I'm sorta curious about how his and Cloud's battle in KH2 went, I don't care all that much, and I am getting a bit tired of Sephy time and time again, lol. I'm glad that KH3 seems like it'll offer a lot of different, equally viable, options to combat. That was always something I was iffy on in KH2 and beyond. I really like mage builds, and the only viable magic a lot of the time either came to be Reflect or Balloon in DDDs case.