yoooooooooo, how's it goin'?
I prefer the straight-forward approach
fearless will never be a premium because i'll just keep her at 999 posts if she quits
When I saw that it was gonna be a Mystery Gift option, I was hoping it wouldn't be like Ash-Greninja, but :/. I'm sorta hoping they do eventually do a "rerun" of both so to speak, so the people who didn't get the games right away do have a chance at getting them (I'm not buying US/UM right away, so I'm definitely gonna miss Duskroc). I do wonder when we're going to get some more news on the games though. iirc we didn't get a ton of stuff for the other sequel(s)/updated versions until a few months before either, but it is strange that the only thing we've heard of so far is just the new Lyncanroc. Regardless though, I'm looking forward to seeing what new stuff is gonna get added; I loved SuMo a lot, and it'd be great to have a fresh dive back into Alola again.
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @cstar @Ghost @jafar @61
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @cstar @Ghost @StardustXtreme @NutheadBros
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @KHGrl15 @Makaze @Lunafreya Nox Fleuret @NutheadBros
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: Aelin Fireheart swearing on a regular basis Ghost doesn't explain what she's talking about, despite nobody understanding When DigitalAtlas and Stardust started dating Toy Story world in KH3 Decreased activity across KHV
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Zimmy @Ghost
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Skyheart @Mish
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Maka Albarn @Mish
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Mish @Makaze @Ars Nova
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Maka Albarn @Ars Nova @Hiro of Time @Shuhbooty
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @KHGrl15 @Ghost @Zelda @Fearless
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @VermillionMok @Ghost @Jiku Neon @Trigger
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @al215 @Boy Wonder @Korosu
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Captain Arch @Korosu
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Krowley @Korosu @Fearless
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Krowley @Korosu @Boy Wonder
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Makaze @Trigger @DigitalAtlas