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  1. Plums
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    Profile Post


    Status Update by Plums, Mar 13, 2018
  6. Plums
    everyone knows Harry Potter is the real bad Naruto ripoff

    1. parents killed tragically by power hungry jerk
    2. protagonist is the chosen one as foretold by prophecy, slated to defeat a great evil
    3. annual competition between rival countries
    4. awful man who is obsessed with dead woman only acts in what he believes is love out of the woman but is really a creepy, unrequited crush
    5. death of beloved old man mentor who was kind of grooming the hero to probably die
    6. hero ends up with heroine who originally crushed on him

    I can go all day, mang
    Post by: Plums, Feb 14, 2018 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Plums


    the Ghast is right
    Post by: Plums, Feb 13, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Plums
    There's probably more perspective I can offer on this, but idk how much I can say at liberty.

    I do question how beneficial replacing everyone would be? Outside of 3 people I can think of, the majority of the current staff haven't had their positions for long -- half of them have only had theirs for a little over a year. I'd argue that a good measure of performance would be this second year to see how, now that they've really had time to get adjusted to the role on top of their offline schedule, how they do w/ knowing their limits.

    Frankly, and this is how I feel about B's thread too, I think a more streamlined suggestion instead of scattered threads would be a system for members to evaluate staff (maybe a form or something), so we can offer feedback, they read it, talk amongst themselves, and get back to the members with a plan of improvement or smth based on said reviews in the Feedback section so there's more visible accountability for them on the membersm end.

    I think adding more moderation roles is a good step to diversifying the work load and getting people to do work in areas that weren't up to snuff before, and I'm curious where they're going with that next. I also think hiring more people would be good, but I can see why they may be holding off considering there could be more roles they want to add/want to get a better idea of how the new roles work in tandem with the more traditional structuring of staff.
    Post by: Plums, Feb 13, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Plums
  10. Plums
    my relationship to Bond movies is the exact same as Thor, where I've only seen like 20 minute stretches, got up, and forgot it ever happened

    (until Thor Ragnarok, that one I liked a lot)
    Post by: Plums, Feb 9, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Plums
    tale how in the world
    Post by: Plums, Feb 7, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  12. Plums
    @KHGrl15 the unicorns are calling me

    Name: Plums
    ID: 57736

    Post by: Plums, Oct 16, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  13. Plums
    Post by: Plums, Aug 23, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  14. Plums
    @tamale add me onto that ursus party

    Name: Plums
    ID: 57736

    Post by: Plums, Aug 22, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  15. Plums
    yo check it mom, im a coder now
    Status Update by Plums, Aug 21, 2017
  16. Plums

    One Last Time

    Today is my eight year anniversary on KH-Vids.

    A while back, during The Purge of 2016, I made a departure thread about how my leave was expedited by the events that happened over the course of that month. How I had been thinking about it for a few years at that point, and how I kept delaying it until I felt like it was okay if I left & I actually had a reason to leave.

    Last time was to fight for the members of the site, and stand against someone who only saw it as monthly check with no intent or ability to serve the site well. This time; in peace, and to take my next step for my future.

    Back when I first joined staff in 2011, I always told myself “I’ll do this until I graduate Uni,” and have remained adamant on that stance ever since. I had a sense that, at that point, I'll have probably figured out what I want to do, and wouldn't have time for the site anymore.

    Although I’ve never discussed it publicly before, my first two years of college were very trying. I was in an atmosphere on campus where I felt as though I was always tearing myself down, and with things not much better on the site around that time, it felt hopeless at some spots. I felt alone and invisible at school, that I could just up and disappear one day and none would be the wiser.

    As a result, I think I ended up throwing myself at KHV. Even though I knew tensions were high, that anything and everything were at each other's throats for a bitter while, it was one place were I felt like I could make a difference. A place where I could see the things I do get completed, get people involved and happy. I was trying to do more so I could feel proud that, at least in one place, I was on top of myself and the goals I set out to achieve.

    It continued like this through second year, to the point I practically resigned myself to being alone. But it was the start of my third year, where I found Uni to get better. I found groups of friends I really liked being around, I became more involved on campus, and I felt like I was finally where I wanted to be performance wise.

    I’m sure y’all noticed, but my activity from that point (Fall 2014) to now has been very sporadic. As much as I tried to be around regularly, I always ended up finding something else that made me happy, that made me want to reach out and experience more when I closed this screen. I thought about my first three years of staff, riddled with site drama. I thought of how, out of my eight years as a member here, six years of that was spent as a staff member; 75% of my membership here was with a red, purple, or blue name. I couldn't even remember what it was like to just log onto the site only because I wanted to and had free time On more than one occasion, I found myself thinking: why am I putting myself through this?

    The 2012 hack, the constant bitter tensions in the two years that followed, people acting weirdly mysterious and edgy? Although there were innumerable, terrific times I had on the site, every time new drama started, I found myself drifting back to the negatives that had come along with it. I thought of the people, the clubs, the place I found at school, and wondered why I wasn't throwing my all there, why I wasn't investing the little time I had left in Uni after two whole years were wasted?

    And yet, even then, I still tried to pick KHV. I remembered the late night MSN conversations with @Aura about bad drawings and Aizen looking like a chicken. The Al Pal convos with @Alex856, @Clear_so_you_can't_See, and @Spunk Ransom. Lounging around MSN with @Juicy. The silly staff chats Sabby started out of the blue, or the spontaneous group chats @What? or @Lulus_Moogle filled with 18 different members. I remembered the fun I had doing the User Awards the first time, of the progress in making a better atmosphere for the site when @DigitalAtlas and @Novalentine came to me about starting The Lounge. Even if there were times it felt like it wasn't worth it, there were so many more moments and pieces of my eight year history here that bring a smile to my face whenever I think back.

    I knew I was getting busier. I knew I wouldn't be able to commit after a certain point. But I wanted to hang on, to try and see if I could make it.

    Coming into last summer, I told myself that I would try and put in another two years before hanging up the blue, to make up for the times I wasn’t around. I told @Sabby just as much when she asked why I was still on KHV. Sitting where I am now though, I can't commit to that idea anymore.

    I’m going to start attending graduate school next Tuesday, and then eventually go for a doctorate in psychology in hopes of opening my own, affordable inner city private practice for populations of people that need it. I have friends back at my previous Uni, who graduate this year, and want to spend as much time with them as I can. I’ve got family and friends I haven’t really spent time with liked I used to, and a lot to catch up on. I'm seeing someone, and we're going to be seeing each other again after four months apart. I have jobs I want to get, places I want to go, people I want to meet -- so much of the world is open to me now.

    And sometimes, you have to know when to leave things you love in the past, and allow yourself the chance to love the things that follow.

    I love KH-Vids. I loved it since I first joined that fateful August 21st, with the wide-eyed, inexperienced enthusiasm of someone new to the Internet. This site has watched me and stood by me as I grew up. You were there with me from being that slightly out of sorts 15 year old to now, the 23 year old, more confident, more self assured...admittedly less patient and ready to be petty, but that’s beside the point. :b

    Being on staff the past six years has been an experience I couldn’t imagine being without. Even though the team has drastically changed through the years, and there were really intense times, I have the utmost respect for everyone I worked with. From that quiet summer of 2011 as a fresh Sectional Mod all the way to now as an Admin.

    All of you have put passion, effort, and love into the things you did, and getting to know you all throughout the years has been a privilege. I know not all of you are on the site anymore. I know not all of you may come back to the site anymore. But I really, really want to thank you for everything you did for me and for this site. Y’all are like that weird family that I never dreamed I’d have, but ended up having, and I would never wish any of that away.

    Looking over my years on the site, I’ve met so many great people, and admittedly, some people that I really don’t want to think about or see again after this thread. I've made mistakes as a staff member, as we're all wont to do. I've taken long to respond to inquiries at times, and even slower to keep up to date with projects at others. The decisions I've made and experiences I've had, both good and bad, have shaped me in some way or form. Just like all of you have. Whether we talked all night, whether we talk now or haven’t talked in years, all of that has left a mark on me.

    I'm torn on whether to do shout outs or not, since I did them in the last thread and repeating 'em is a liiiiil awkward. Instead of doing individual ones, I think I will just say, to every member on KH-Vids I've talked to or seen around:

    Thank you, for everything. These last eight years have been an unforgettable ride of ups and downs, of frustration, arguments, but also of laughter, and camaraderie. But at the end of it all, you guys were people I was around practically every single day for nearly a decade. All of you helped get me to where I am today, and I wouldn’t be the person I am now without KH-Vids.

    I don't know what positive or negative effects I've had on your time here, or if anything I did really contributed to you at all. There were times where I did my best, and others where I fell short of that. But at the very end, all I truly hope for is that this site means to you what it has meant to me.

    A ridiculous number of you already have me on social media, but here’s my tumblr and my Twitter if you ever wanna get in touch. Last time I said I would hopefully still be around, but truthfully: I don't think I will. Outside a couple sporadic appearances every now and then (and the obligatory "THIS IS REAL AND I AM CRYING" post when KH3 drops), after today, I think this will be the end of the rope for me here on KH-Vids.

    I'm likely going to leave the Discord chat for a bit after this week, until I get re-assimilated into school. I'll probably join back later on, but I guess we'll see where that shoe lands when it does.

    It’s been one of the wildest rides of my life y'all, and I’ll remember every single moment.

    Stay fresh,
    Thread by: Plums, Aug 21, 2017, 7 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  17. Plums
    victor hyugo?
    Post by: Plums, Aug 17, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  18. Plums
    Update 08/16/2017

    PMs requesting samples for Cycle 2 (& 4) of the User Awards have been sent. I'm sure most have gotten the message, but juuuust in case:
    you have until 12PM ET on Friday, August 18th to get them back to me, or I will collect the samples from your most recent posts.

    In previous years, I know the some of the roleplay categories were a bit inaccessible to people, due to a chunk of our folk not being involved with the RPA for the most part. To make the voting more accessible, and fair, I expanded the amount of samples we're collecting. There are a few categories where I felt that samples would be too complicated to collect. Notably:

    • Best Use of Music in a Roleplay
    • Most Memorable Roleplay Boss Battle
    • Most Memorable Roleplay Moment
    • Most Shocking Roleplay Moment
    • Most Dramatic Roleplay

    The samples that we use tend to be on the shorter end; bite-sized chunks that a voter could take in enough as to where they can make an informed decision. With these categories, I felt like the only way for someone, not involved in the RPs nominated, to make an informed decision would be to read the entire roleplay, which may be a time investment I'm not sure many would undertake. Even with samples, it may be lacking the complete context which allows for the full impact that people who participated in the roleplays have.

    I think there is a way to formulate samples for these categories, and it is certainly something to look into for next year's User Awards. I just didn't have any ideas as to how at the current moment (or the amount of time needed to really delve into it), and opted to just have them as they are for this year.

    Other than those, and a few other categories (Biggest Godmodder, Most Missed Roleplayer, and Most Likely to Join Every Roleplay), all remaining RP polls will have samples to accompany them.

    Best AMV nominations are open! You can nominate yourself, and nominate two of your AMVs. Nominations will close next Thursday, and the poll will be posted up with Cycle 4.

    Otherwise, Cycles 2 & 3 will be posted starting on Friday.

    As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to shoot me a message!
    Post by: Plums, Aug 16, 2017 in forum: 2017
  19. Plums
    Hey everyone!

    Usually during the User Awards, we allow people to self-nominate for our Best AMV category. In this thread, you can post the AMV(s) which you want to be considered for our polling period.

    You have until 11PM ET on Thursday, August 24th to post your nominations.
    You may post a maximum of two AMVs to be put into the running.
    An AMV of any nature is allowed (Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Naruto, anything!) so long as it is appropriate & within our site rules. There are no time limits or restrictions. The video must have been finished within the awards period (anytime after August of 2016).
    If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
    Thread by: Plums, Aug 16, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: 2017
  20. Plums