"He's always hungry." Hermia giggled as she darted off up the stairs. "I love your mum's hair. I'd kill to have hair like that." Amy giggled slightly.
Hermia couldn't help but laugh. "Bless you." She giggled. "You should get some sleep now though."
"Just get lost you dirty manwhore." She snapped.
"I've had black hair since I was born. It's just gotten flatter as I've gotten older. I had ringlets when I was a toddler." She sighed, stroking a section of her hair that had strayed over her shoulder. "Is it okay if I use your bathroom quickly?" Hermia giggled slightly.
She continued to run her fingers through his hair, her sad eyes going over his face slowly. "I can't help but worry about you... You know that..."
"Yeah, shove off before you turn to incest or something repulsive." She snapped at him, taking a turn to push him away.
"Blondes have more fun and all that? Blondes tend to get more attention, I just sort of fade into the background..." She sighed. "Now's not really the time for this conversation." Hermia said to River.
Hermia giggled faintly and stroked her hand through his hair. "I just worry about you, I don't want you getting hurt or anything..."
"I won't, but you better bloody well hope no one else does. Seeing as this is a pretty crowded room, lots of eyes around. And mouths, though I expect you know all about that." She snorted.
Hermia shot a look at him, a look that clearly said 'you have a problem with that?'. Then she looked at Lyra and smiled. "Hiya." "Thanks, again." She smiled. "I prefer your hair though."
"I'm going to hold you to that." Hermia said, gently kissing his forehead. "I hate seeing you like this..."
"Urgh! River! I thought you had more brains then this!" Ocean snarled at her brother. "Go sit down somewhere before you hurt yourself, and hope to god that this doesn't get back to Danny!"
"You promise...?" She said, looking up slightly. A slight smile coming into her eyes.
"Because I'd like to have another one after this one." She said, smiling slightly and wandering off into the house. "Thanks." She said, blushing slightly. "I think it's kind of dull..."
"I'm saying both, because I don't think either on it's own is enough of a factor." She said, smacking River over the head. "Maybe we can knock some sense into you."
"Just please stop doing this..." She mumbled, removing her hand and looking down at the crumpled duvet.
"That or you buy me one. Your choice." She smirked. Amy also climbed out of the car, her ebony black hair swishing slightly as she brushed herself down.
"The hell is wrong with you?!" Ocean shrieked at him. "You're going to get mouth-chlamydia or something!"
She sat up after a moment and patted his head gently. "It's okay..." Hermia mumbled.
"Well you're going to need to get a nice little five door, seven seater people carrier. Seeing as they make nice family cars." She said, just quietly enough for only River to hear. Her tone was slightly mocking, and slightly threatening.