"Yeah, you have, several times." She sighed, glancing down at him. "Doesn't really put my mind at ease though..."
"Anyway, shouldn't we get down to what it was we came here for?" Jacob said, quickly diverting the subject.
"Well I don't want to seem rude by leaving too soon, it's just unless you're drinking there's not much to do. And personally I don't see the appeal in throwing up everywhere in front of everyone." She shrugged.
"With me? A fair amount. With your parents? A sh*tload. They'e pretty worried about you acting how you are, we all are..." She sighed, sitting down on the bed gently.
"Doesn't seem it." She sighed. "How much longer until we could leave? Because I think we need to remove River ASAP."
"You're old too, so shush." Jacob said, sticking his tongue out. "And you have funnier reactions."
"It's getting more then just worrying now..." "I don't think so River..." She spoke softly, not wanting to make his headache any worse.
"I'm hoping he's adopted. But we look too much alike for that." Ocean sighed.
"Never one to be up yourself, are you Jake?" Casey chuckled as he wandered into the room and settled down in his usual spot on the sofa. "Never. I'm just as modest as you are old man." Jacob grinned.
Hermia was still sat with River, watching him with eyes that still expressed deepest worry. "I want to know what's going on his head..." Ocean sighed, rubbing her temples.
"Eww, pedo much?" She said, screwing her nose up in disgust.
"If there's one thing I can do well it's the whole tall, mysterious handsome stranger bit." He grinned.
OOC- Sure ^^
"He'd deserve it." She said, rolling her eyes. "Any idea who he's closing in on now?"
"Me, apparently." He grinned. "But yeah, I don't quite get it. I think my Mum was hit with a jinx or a curse or something back when I was a foetus. That's what she says anyway."
"Bless..." She giggled quietly, tilting his head away from her own. Just in case he started to drool in his drunken-sleep. She then rested her head on his chest and settled down to go to sleep.
"I think if we explained this to them they'd thank us." Ocean smirked.
"I'm not waiting on you if that happens!" Hermia called down from the floor above, followed by a door clicking shut. "I bet she doesn't like it though." Amy giggled. "I love my hair, my hair's f*cking awesome!" Jacob joined in suddenly, a slightly goofy smug expression on his face.
She smiled slightly and settled down besides him.
"Believe me, we're not leaving you here over night. God knows what you'd do.." She muttered.