"And River and that are just generally being quite horrible to him." Hermia sighed as she stepped off of the final stair.
"Really?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "But you're always hungry."
"WAH!" Ocean exclaimed, jumping out of the way of the potential pile of teenage boy.
"How they keep coming back is beyond me." Casey sighed, slumping back again. "I'm guessing you guys have got some back up? It's not just you guys fighting against the entire Vampire race and it's minions again."
"Come on River, you have to get up." She sighed. "We can get you some food if you get up."
"Urgh... River..." She tutted, folding her arms indignantly.
"Your parents probably want to see you, and you can't stay in bed all day." Hermia sighed, trying her best not to start giggling at him. He could be quite cute like this, acting all childlike.
"Bless him." He chuckled, patting his head once more before sitting more upright in his seat. "Anyway, what happened?"
"God, he's a right manwhore!" She exclaimed, in shock at her younger brother's behaviour. Up until fairly recently he'd been almost completely innocent in her mind.
"If you want, I have to admit it's getting kind of disturbing."
"Get up, lazy bum." Hermia giggled, sliding off of the edge of the bed and pulling to covers off of him.
"Oh my god, the boy is actually speechless for once." Casey chuckled, ruffling his grandson's hair affectionately. "Must be a sign of the end of the world." He grinned. "Oh will you shut up..." Jacob muttered, shoving his arm away. "Lemme alone..."
"He's off snogging just about anyone who'll old still long enough for his tongue to get down their throat." She sighed, rolling her eyes.
"I believe so, unless you want everyone thinking you're still high as a kite."
"Yeah, well... Shush..." Jacob said, looking away from everyone. He had the aura around him of someone with a great deal of egg on their face.
"Off... Networking for lack of a better word." Ocean sighed, looking over at the spot her younger brother had last been seen.
"I'll hold you to that." She said, smiling slightly.
"Awwh~ Ickle little Elly needs checking up on." Jacob taunted, chuckling slightly.
"I'm saying the next time he decides to snog someone he'll be sharing his dinner with them." She smirked, although she wrinkled her delicate nose with disgust at the idea of someone else's vomit going into her mouth.
"I don't want to lose you..." She sighed, brushing her hair behind her ear.