Hermia giggled slightly and looked around.
"Curiosity my arse." Ocean scoffed. "We know what you were on before you came back here."
"See you soon." She said, hanging up.
Hermia watched on, her eyes darting about slightly. She didn't really know where to look. "In general River, you're acting so self-destructive you're one step away from jumping off a cliff."
"Thank you Daddy." She said, her disdainful eyes still on her brother.
"I'll smack you with a rolled up newspaper one day."
Hermia took a seat on the kitchen counter, watching them from a fair distance. She didn't want to get roped into this if she could avoid it, seeing as she had no idea who's side she'd take.
"Hi Dad, can you come pick us up? River's drunk and fell in a puddle." Ocean explained, looking down scornfully at the puddle-ridden blonde.
"Most likely." She giggled. "He's a good boy."
Hermia sighed and headed downstairs in front of them. If there was going to be a big scene she felt as though she should probably be there.
"Honestly River!" She snapped at him, going to kick him but thinking better of it. "You are such a twat!" Ocean growled, pulling her phone out of her pocket to call up their parents.
"Good boy River." She smiled, patting his head. Treating him as one would treat a pet puppy.
Hermia silently nodded her head in the direction of the cupboard.
"I'm going to call our parents when we're outside, at least if I get him out first it stops him drinking any more." She explained, ignoring River's whines as she continued to pull him along.
Hermia reached up and smacked him over the head. "Knock it off, or I'll knock you out." She said sweetly.
"River!" Hermia sighed. "Go on, you have to face the consequences of your actions sooner or later."
"We're leaving, now." She growled in his ear, tightening her grip on his collar. "Sorry to leave like this, but mum and dad will go mental. And I'll be the one getting the blame for his state." Ocean sighed, yanking her brother towards the front door.
"Elena doesn't seem that bothered by it." Hermia said, indicating Elena's irritation about River's reaction. "I'm not saying what he did wasn't wrong, it's just I think it's about time you guys let it go."
"You're in deeeep sh*t..." She sighed, looking in the direction of the bellow.
"Right, that's it. I think we need to get you home River, before you seriously hurt yourself." Ocean growled, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and pulling him to his feet.