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  1. Near-to-Tears
    "Your family really doesn't do so well on the romance side of life." Raye said, raising an eyebrow.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Near-to-Tears
    "You promised that before..." She said quietly, sitting down on the edge of the room's bed. "Didn't stop me just waking up one day and finding that you'd gone just days after I thought everything had turned perfect..." Hermia mumbled, putting her head in her hands. Her voice cracked slightly, as though she was trying not to cry.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Near-to-Tears
    "Well it was a high school prom, it was never going to be amazing." Raye said, trying to make light of the very dark situation.

    "Can't be bothered to wait for it to defrost..." She said, pulling out a pack of bacon and checking the expiry date on it.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Near-to-Tears
    "You could at least think before you speak..." Hermia said, finally doing up enough buttons to be presentable as she turned to face him. "One minute you're promising you won't go again, and another you're threatening to leave for good... I never know what to believe..."
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Near-to-Tears
    "I know it seems a bit weird." Hermia said, moving jars aside. "But meat, rare meat, if not raw, seems delicious right now. And everything else makes me feel sick..."

    "Hey." Raye said, waving slightly to the gathering of people around the living room.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Near-to-Tears
    "Yeah... Come in..." Hermia replied, her voice somewhat monotone and fed up sounding as she continued to search through her clothes. Her hands finally reaching a loose cotton dress she'd long since forgotten about. Quickly she pulled it on and started to do up the buttons.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Near-to-Tears
    "Well that's school, this is your house. It's a little different." Raye explained, simply ruffling her own short spikes before following after her friend.

    "Ideally: Steak. Achievablely: Anything so long as it's not sandwich ham." Hermia said, wandering over to the fridge to have a look for herself.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Near-to-Tears
    Quickly Hermia shifted, kicking the door shut at the same time with her shifting leg. She then started to sift through her bags, looking for something loose and baggy that wouldn't take long to shed again. She had a feeling that she'd need to change again before the day was out.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Near-to-Tears
    Hermia wrinkled her nose slightly, the idea of eating those things made her stomach churn. It seemed her pregnancy cravings had finally kicked in at full force. "I want meat..."

    "I would have done but that seemed rather cheeky." Raye said as she climbed out of bed, her pyjama bottoms nearly slipping down. "Oh!" She exclaimed before quickly grabbing them and pulling them back up with an embarrassed giggle.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Near-to-Tears
    She glanced backwards once she'd gotten half way up the stairs, willing River to listen to his cousin. But she was too proud to make any sound to draw attention to herself. Instead she simply carried on up them and walked into the room she'd put their things in earlier.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Near-to-Tears
    "I still feel sick..." Hermia said sleepily as she wandered over, still rubbing her eyes with her balled up fists. "And yeah, I am kind of hungry... What do we have...?"

    "Yeah, they turned up a little while ago." Raye nodded. "I heard them come in, actually that was what woke me up." She giggled. "Adam's already down there, just so you know."
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Near-to-Tears
    Raye was already awake, although she hadn't dared move. She always felt rude getting up when she was staying over someone else's house when they were still asleep. She was sat up, and she was doing her make up as quietly as possible.

    A half asleep and pale looking Hermia wandered out of the bedroom. Her hair in disarray and her black silk dressing gown slipping down her shoulder revealing the a little-too-tight vest she had on for pyjamas. "Hey..." She said sleepily, rubbing her eyes.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Near-to-Tears
    Hermia trotted through the living room, her claws clattering on the bare floorboards as she headed over towards the stairs. She made sure not to look at River, and certainly not to make eye contact.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Near-to-Tears
    "They better do." Ocean sighed.

    After a moment Hermia hauled herself off of her hind legs and trotted up to the house with the same nonchalance that any dog would have upon it's return from a long walk. She jumped up the steps and into the house, she had decided to do one of two things; go find a peaceful and empty room to nap in, or get changed back into a human. Either way, she was intending to spend some time alone.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Near-to-Tears
    OOC- Okies, sorry I wasn't on today. It's been busy. XD Oh, and yeah, let's skip to the morning.

    Raye watched as Elena magically mended her shoe. She smiled gratefully and took it back off of her. "Thankies!" She squealed, ecstatic that her favourite shoes had been mended.

    "You have no idea how sexy you are right now." Hermia grinned, running a hand through his hair.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Near-to-Tears
    "Me either really." Ocean sighed. "Imprinting must be a b*tch if the other person is as inconsiderate as River."
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Near-to-Tears
    Hermia gently kissed him on the cheek and smiled back.

    Reluctantly Raye handed over her snapped shoe.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home