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Mar 12, 2025 at 4:22 PM
Jun 6, 2008
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May 7, 1991 (Age: 33)
Here, there and everywhere.


Twilight Town Denizen, Male, 33, from Here, there and everywhere.

It has been a while KHV. Hope everyone has been doing alright. Mar 27, 2024

Odamadillo was last seen:
Mar 12, 2025 at 4:22 PM
    1. Loriah
      OMG LOL. Your avatar is really funny. ^ ^
      1. Odamadillo
        I'm glad you like it It was my idea and Nights made it happen.
        Dec 11, 2012
    2. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      I've only been 30 for a day
      1. Odamadillo
        But your still 30
        Dec 5, 2012
      2. Charonus Rex
        Charonus Rex
        Yeah, I know. I feel old
        Dec 5, 2012
      3. Odamadillo
        Did you complete your "Things to do before I'm 30" list?
        Dec 5, 2012
    3. Odamadillo
      "it's too late for me. You've got a future to save, I...don't. See you around, kid."
    4. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Technically for me it's tomorrow
    5. nasirrich
      O-d-a you can call thee N-a-z
      Not tryin to be like a Nazi but it just suites me
      I can flip a script and take sips of tea
      Its fine to have a different way to meet and greet
      Just shows there's other ways to increase the peace
      Now these clowns will have to retreat
      For they can talk outta their ass just not walk with their feet
      1. Odamadillo
        So Naz it shall be
        and I am quite fond of tea
        That matters not right now
        You know not how
        To pronounce my name
        And that is a shame
        You put O D A
        But it is pronounced this way
        Odd-da is how it is said
        So get that in your head
        My work has been prioritized
        My name Got it Memorized?
        Dec 4, 2012
      2. nasirrich
        Oh you mean like those other guys?
        Who just can't see
        Incapable of becoming K-i-n-g
        They want so bad
        Until you took it from them like you're the dad
        Great deal to just seal them away
        I now what your name, and game is
        You wanna flip the script on some lame kids
        I'm down for that but I'm just too underground
        Look at my poems in the section no chance of a crowd
        Not even some buzz though
        I can't get noticed because of the raw flow
        Dec 4, 2012
    6. Terra254
      I'm fine, I went from making my first 94 in history for the first time in the past 3 years , To making a 37. But it's Riku's birthday, So I'm doing fine. My History teacher is giving me an extension to finish my Annotated Bibliography so I'll probably finish this semester with a Highish B. It's a shame , as This was the fist time I felt like I could make Dean's List ... How are you?
      1. Odamadillo
        I'm alright just planning a few comics and brainstorming over my lyrics and Fan fiction.
        Dec 3, 2012
    7. Loriah
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        I just never like the main characters of any games or shows. The only exception is Zack Fair from FF7 Crisis core.
        Dec 2, 2012
      3. Loriah
        Dec 2, 2012
      4. Odamadillo
        "When the war of the beasts bring about the world's end
        The Goddess descends from the sky
        Wings of light and dark spread afar
        She guides us to bliss
        Her gift Everlasting"
        Dec 2, 2012
    8. Technic☆Kitty
      Fine thanks for asking, i'm glad that you did
      for now I can share a secret i've hid
      twas a meeting by chance for you and me
      i've seen you before but now I finally see
      the truth is i'm happy not angry or sad
      not spiteful or fearful nor am I mad
      for a poet at heart seeks a poetic friend
      i'll add you to my list, now I click send
      1. Odamadillo likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Technic☆Kitty
        Read away Oda my pal
        return to the forums I shall
        if by chance your ear I may borrow
        if we don't chat more tonight, there is always tomorrow
        Dec 2, 2012
      4. Technic☆Kitty
        Also, I appreciate the like thank you
        read on my friend we have much to do
        but enough of my jokes i'll see you again
        next time perhaps it'll be my ear that I lend
        Dec 2, 2012
      5. Odamadillo
        I am always near
        And I am constantly here
        So finding me is simple to do
        And I I look forward to hearing from you
        Your writing is a joy to read
        And I see you as a good friend indeed.
        Dec 2, 2012
    9. Odamadillo
    10. Odamadillo
      The dusk of fate awaits willing readers within the Writer's nook.
    11. Loriah
      I enjoyed the story. I think that it was really great. You should think of adding some more to it.
      ^ ^
      1. Odamadillo
        I intend to once I have been assisted with a task that must be sorted first.
        Nov 28, 2012
      2. Odamadillo
        Story is up but until I have had some comments I won't be able to work on the next chapter.
        Nov 29, 2012
    12. Loriah
      Hello--how are you doing? I'm feeling a little dull since I have a project due tomorrow. :| I'm working on it now, which is a great improvement for me since I always seem to get distracted and not concentrate on one thing at a time. I think I might have ADHD. >.<
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        I see what you mean but when you think there is no one exactly like you out there. Your all alone, No one can ever understand the way you think or the way you are. You will always be different and never the same. Your own mind won't let you blend in the background. You never get any real peace since everyone will be trying to figure you out. Life has dealt you a hand that has never been seen before or will ever be seen again. The reality is you are all there will ever be of the personality which you embody. Can you really live with such a strange existence? Because I know I have too.
        Nov 27, 2012
      3. Loriah
        Well--instead of being alone just because you think other people don't have your special ability, or whatever you call it--you should make friends. That's what friends are for since they always stay by your side.
        Nov 28, 2012
      4. Odamadillo
        Yeah I came to that realization myself which is why I do my best to befriend everyone. I realized after I saw this quote. "A man has only one life but history can remember you forever" So I have set out to befriend as many people as I can and pass on parts of my story to all. So in the future when I am no longer here all the parts of my story will come together and be wrote into a book that will forever remain as a part of history. The story of Odamadillo The one of a kind Genius of Friendship.
        Nov 28, 2012
    13. starseeker3
      1. View previous comments...
      2. starseeker3
        *Turns area into an area with the same effect as Buu's body and crushes potara w/ gravaty*
        Nov 28, 2012
      3. Odamadillo
        Too late! anyway why on earth are we doing this?
        Nov 28, 2012
      4. starseeker3
        I DON'T KNO
        Nov 28, 2012
    14. Loriah
      Hello ^ ^ I'll message you the next chapter of my Kingdom Hearts fanfic since I'm going to post the whole chapter one in Writer's Nook. Thanks for the follow! By the way, I followed you too. :P
      1. Odamadillo
        I noticed you followed me so i returned the favor and I look forward to the next chapter.
        Nov 27, 2012
    15. KeybladeMasterJoe
      i learned about this site fromwatching kingdom hearts amv's on youtube
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        Have you seen my work? If not go look my Youtube Name is Odamadillo
        Nov 27, 2012
      3. KeybladeMasterJoe
        i'll have to do it later im in school right now
        Nov 27, 2012
      4. Odamadillo
        Ok let me know if you think I haven't failed.
        Nov 27, 2012
    16. KeybladeMasterJoe
      back along time ago (before the sites update) you added me as a friend and we use to talk
      1. Odamadillo
        So I added you as a friend before the update? But if that was the case wouldn't I be following you instead of you following me? And I've been gone two years so yeah a long time indeed. And I guess I'll ask how things are for you.
        Nov 26, 2012
      2. KeybladeMasterJoe
        yeah the update made people randomly follow and not follow others, and im good, you?
        Nov 26, 2012
      3. Odamadillo
        I'm alright just planning for a few KH projects I am working on (You can see some of my projects on smackjeeves under the name Odamaru)
        Nov 26, 2012
    17. Terra254
      No, He hasn't talked about you much, But I know some about you. Jaden doesn't often lose Non-Random duels, So it doesn't matter how much you've lost.I have every attribute for a deck, My Most powerful being my Water deck .Earth, Dark,Light, Wind,and Fire come next in that order. My Dark deck is the only deck that isn't based around an archetype.
      1. Odamadillo
        When it comes to my decks there is no distinct combos but I lways have something new to bring to the duel. And since I have managed to restore my old Fire deck why not have a non-random pm duel to see who has the better fire deck?
        Nov 24, 2012
      2. Terra254
        Ah, If you'd like. But...I'm a slow non-random dueler, Because I'm not very creative.
        Nov 24, 2012
      3. Odamadillo
        And I haven't dueled like this in over two years I think we are on even ground. I'll let you go first.
        Nov 24, 2012
    18. Odamadillo
    19. Odamadillo
      New lyrics in my old songs topic. I hope they are liked since Old Oda is back!
    20. Odamadillo
      I am not around much anymore
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  • About

    May 7, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Here, there and everywhere.
    Cross me and regret it for the rest of your life!
    All two seconds of it!
    Trust in me.
    And the grave will hold the secrets.


    As the page lowers this catches your eyes
    Is this rhyme you awaited prize?
    I think not since your eyes still roam
    Your prize awaits you at HOME
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