Wheel of Time
Last Activity:
Nov 4, 2022
Apr 1, 2007
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11:10 PM
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September 17
Europe, Sweden

Wheel of Time

Time forever preserved in memory., Male, from Europe, Sweden

Wheel of Time was last seen:
Nov 4, 2022
    1. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      I know its not hard its just very time consuming skipping through all the anims to find the right one that's the only reason I asked but ok thx seph.^ ^
    2. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      hey seph do u know a easier way to find kh1 character anims then having to press f4 or whatever just to find the right anims??
      1. Wheel of Time
        Wheel of Time
        That is the easiest way, it's not hard.
        Nov 12, 2012
    3. adamboy7
      lol. I did not forget, my computer just isn't happy with me at the moment lol
      1. View previous comments...
      2. adamboy7
        I just hope with my luck I really didn't miss you by 2 minutes XD
        Nov 8, 2012
      3. adamboy7
        Last activity was 10 minutes ago. I guess I missed you by 2 minutes XD
        Nov 8, 2012
      4. adamboy7
        Ah well lol. Whenever is convenient for you lol. Guess we'll call it even XD
        Nov 8, 2012
    4. HappySmileGear
      Hello :3
      Nice to meet you!
    5. adamboy7
      Sure, Thursday works :)
    6. adamboy7
      lol. That's alright XD We are only human lol. Or at least I am. If your some kind of god or something I feel that's something I should know XD

      But anywho. Its fine lol. When should we re schedule?

      Also, an addicting game eh? Sounds.. Addicting XD What is it?
    7. adamboy7
    8. adamboy7
      Its more or less over in my area lol. Hows Thursday sound? I get home around 4pm my time :)
    9. adamboy7
      Maybe Tuesday. We have a hurricane coming our way. Most of it being on Monday so there is a good chance we will lose power. So, provided I have power I can try for Tuesday lol.
    10. adamboy7
      lol. I really appreciate the English sub titles XD. So far it seems really good :) My only question is why is Areon so angry about the death of the guy he met in the woods? He is a stranger to him who he nearly killed in the beginning. Or so I saw it. Unless it is explained later on.

      But otherwise, I think its going very well. Good acting, I especially like the sword fights :)
    11. adamboy7
      I did not, I will be on in a sec :)
    12. adamboy7
      lol. Sorry, its been awhile since I have had to work with your time zone lol. Anywho, sure. Thursday sounds good to me :)
      Awesome cake!
    13. adamboy7
      School gets out at 3pm. I usually am home and settled on my computer at 4 :) So that is 8pm I think your time.
    14. adamboy7
      Hells to the yea! :D Any day but Wednesday is good for me lol.
    15. adamboy7
      I would love to lol. However every gaming company since the dawn of gaming would probably sue my children's children's children's children's children's children's children's children's children's children XD That is, if I marketed it. I guess for just myself its fair play lol.
    16. adamboy7
      Ah yes, that I have heard. I dunno. Maybe some time in the future I will pick up an old ps3 lol. I know that the old ones are backwards compatible. So maybe, maybe not. Somebody needs to just create an all in one system lol.
    17. adamboy7
      The news? I may or may not have, whats the news?

      Also I suppose so. I worked through most of the game on easy, got to musketeers, then abandoned the save file and went straight to proud mode lol. Then I will do it again on critical. Now that Hashimoto is done with final mixes, I guess they are just throwing in critical as a mode after you beat the game. Its a good thing and a bad thing.
      1. adamboy7
        Good because you don't have to collect as much, bad because that meas your collection can't be that much larger lol.
        Oct 1, 2012
    18. adamboy7
      Sweet :) I am currently working on proud mode, then I will attempt critical :)

      Also pardon the late response, I thought I responded :P

      For the most part I don't believe the story to be too important, the game is just a lead up to the BIG kh3 and such, the one we have been long awaiting.
    19. adamboy7
      An Iphone eh? The new Iphone 5? Sounds shnazzy. (Made up-ish word meaning fancy)
    20. adamboy7
      Going good as well :) I made it to sophomore year :) One more year then i am a junior. Supposedly the time flies lol. We will see.

      Happy birthday :D Anything special planned?
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    September 17
    Europe, Sweden
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