Jun 18, 2008
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May 6, 1992 (Age: 32)


Moderator, 32


Well tell her that I miss our little talks Jan 22, 2015

    1. Meilin Lee
    2. Labrys
      Lol your posts make me laugh sometimes XD
      I love your work on the news and your discussing on things in general.
      How is it being a reporter?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Fork
        Dec 23, 2012
      3. Krowley
        No one lives long enough to discover.
        It is rumored that Misty makes undisciplined staff watch Honey Boo Boo when at fault.
        Dec 23, 2012
      4. Labrys
        Honey boo boo !? That's a terrible most frightening punishment ever created. Just sitting there watching that far disgusting- I feel ya bro.
        Dec 23, 2012
    3. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      I just used Sliding Dash. Shouldn't it be at 0/3 again? Unless you WANT me to be able to use It again to end this boss battle more quickly... :P
      1. Krowley
        Ahh yes, thank you for the reminder.
        Dec 11, 2012
    4. Stitches626
      I love your work! Keep it up!
      1. Krowley
        Much obliged.
        But with what work are you referring to exactly?
        Dec 12, 2012
      2. Stitches626
        All of it. My mom let me sign up to tell you that.
        Dec 12, 2012
      3. Stitches626
        You're my idol.
        Dec 12, 2012
    5. Loriah
      Hey Krowley. How's it hanging?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Loriah
        Me? I'm doing great. Well... Not really. Grades have dropped--which isn't quite a surprise as usual...
        Dec 10, 2012
      3. Krowley
        I suppose some more focus on your studies is in order then. My condolences to the decline in your academics.
        Dec 10, 2012
      4. Loriah
        Um--alright? :/
        Dec 10, 2012
    6. Krowley
    7. Llave
      Wassup with all the interest of horror themes as of late bruh?
      1. Krowley
        Just exploring different themes. Decided to have Disney villains for the month of December.
        Dec 2, 2012
    8. libregkd
      1. libregkd
        Nov 20, 2012
    9. Amaury
      Halloween's over. c:
    10. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Krowley! I'm not sure if Arch told you (I had asked him to while I was at work if he saw you before I did), but I decided on your character IFF you already haven't. I don't want you to use Mute since his powers are almost identical to One Man Army's and his background is also similar.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Boy Wonder
        Boy Wonder
        Yep. All you really need now is a decent origin for his powers.
        Nov 2, 2012
      3. Boy Wonder
        Boy Wonder
        Just commenting to see if you've made any progress?
        Nov 7, 2012
      4. Krowley
        Ahh yes, I completed the Origin, but it is at my home computer so I can't relay it to you until tomorrow. Read your departure thread so I'll try to contact you around Wednesdays now.
        On a separate note, I created a Skype Chat for STRANGE, and it's your turn to present in the Roleplay.
        Nov 7, 2012
    11. Krowley
      Winter's Coming.
    12. Lite
      Hey there, I was wondering if I'd be able to get Lars back into SOS? I know I kinda left without saying anything, and for that I apologize. If I can come back in, I'll make sure to be as active as possible.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Krowley
        Out of quick curiosity, why have you chosen to return. Not that I am complaining, just curious.
        Nov 6, 2012
      3. Lite
        There were a few factors. One is that I wanted to be in more RPs than just CC. Another was that I genuinely felt bad for just bailing on SOS before without saying anything. And I guess another would be that I wanted to get back into SOS, seeing as there were more players.
        Nov 6, 2012
      4. Krowley
        I see,
        Well the story has managed to move along and you are currently confronting Aux.
        Nov 19, 2012
    13. kingdomheartsgeek
      Your name is a little bit... Creepy
    14. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Your new theme is sufficiently creepy. Just stopping by to let you know that your Sanctioneer is all we need for Heroic Sanction~
      1. Boy Wonder
        Boy Wonder
        Hey, I haven't heard from you here or in the HS convo so just making sure you're keeping up.
        Oct 29, 2012
      2. Krowley
        I have.
        A thousand apologies for not sooner replying. I have a few characters in mind and have had some trouble deciding. Add me on skype or find me on MSN.
        Oct 29, 2012
    15. Dinny
      Krowley oh my glob, major creeps. I got so scared lol
      ; A ;
    16. Labrys
      *looks at new username* why did you do that?
      *looks at avatar* ohhh I see
    17. Noroz
      Sure. I don't intend to leave him in your care forever. Just let me know whenever the boss is up. I've just lost every shred of motivation towards most things, which is why I'm not very active here, nor Skype, nor anything, basically.

      But just let me know either here or Skype (or both).
    18. Sessamaru
      Hey mate, I'm gonna have to drop out of SOS. Sorry, but I can't seem to get myself to post there. Sorry for leading you on :(
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Krowley
        Your character is currently in an archery tournament.
        So far your character has just been doing Investigation missions (Which I understand are boring but necessary to move the story along) Your character hasn't seen any fighting yet which is probably why some things feel "Half baked I suppose.
        Oct 14, 2012
      3. Krowley
        The purpose of this Roleplay was to give a Kingdom Hearts feel for any KH fan. This means taking the talking with the battles. If it's alright with you, I would like to keep you in the Nottingham party since a fighting mission takes place during the tournament (Spoilers...)
        The boss doesn't take place until later, but I hope you'll stay long enough to take part in it.
        Oct 14, 2012
      4. Krowley
        Coming in Mid-story is a bit frustrating, but I hope you reconsider.
        Oct 14, 2012
    19. Amaury
      Sent you a friend invite on MSN, if you don't mind.
    20. Noroz
      Hey, yeah I would like to still participate, but I wouldn't mind if you could take over Noroz for a while. Having some major issues with motivation.
      1. Krowley
        I see, well I can control him up to the next Boss battle. From then on, he's your responsibility again. I don't want people making a habit out of me roleplaying for them.
        Oct 12, 2012
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    May 6, 1992 (Age: 32)



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