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Dec 13, 2014
Dec 21, 2011
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Stourbridge, England
College Student


Gummi Ship Junkie, Male, from Stourbridge, England

Aragorns was last seen:
Dec 13, 2014
    1. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Sorry to see you leave HSD. Would've loved to have continued things with Dick while you were still part of the rp.
      1. Aragorns
        Yeah, same here, but it's really, -really- hard for me to get into school RPs. Oh well, could've been worse, eh?
        Dec 27, 2013
    2. burnitup
      Seeing how you reserved Taki, I'm just going to get this out of the way.

      Now, that's done with. How are you? :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. burnitup
        Yahtzee saying a bunch of euphemisms for breasts.

        ...Here! Have a DVD boxset of Game of Thrones! *gives DVD boxset*
        Mar 21, 2013
      3. Aragorns
        I woud take them, but the screen is blocking me.
        Mar 21, 2013
      4. burnitup
        Don't worry Aragorns! *throws kitchen knife at ground* DVD Boxset getter!

        ......Go show your screen who's boss.
        Mar 21, 2013
    3. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Umm, Connor lived in Japan his whole life...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Aragorns
        Oh, yeah... he... erm... was...
        Feb 2, 2013
      3. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        Just to remind you, in this rp, the characters from different franchises you have are reimagined/rebooted to fit in this environment. Yes, Connor is a Native American in Assassin's Creed. But for the sake of the rp, he's been living in Japan his whole life despite the fact he doesn't look Japanese. Same goes for Harold Saxon, Al Mualim, and a bunch of other characters. That's not to say you can't take some elements from the franchise into the rp. I plan to have Connor wear an Assassin outfit. Just not yet...
        Feb 2, 2013
      4. Aragorns
        I knew that, but... ah, nevermind. I got it
        Feb 2, 2013
    4. burnitup
    5. Pinekaboo
    6. SmashFan127
      1. Aragorns
        Jan 3, 2013
    7. Itachilives
      Wait... you--
      *decides NOT to say the, umm, confusion he had for a bit*
      Sure, your also welcome. EVERYONE is welcome! And on that note, I STILL have to do one minute of AMV for Droid... damnit...

    8. Droid
      Ello, I'm trying to finish the overdue CC M.E.P, you're the only other entrant I need (excluding myself). So if you still want to make yours I'll give you time, but I need to know if you want to make it.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Aragorns
        Well, you know, I mean, I assumed it was... well... dead, from the lack of posts. That sorta threw me off. But I'll be sure to have it done before Christmas.
        Dec 12, 2012
      3. Droid
        Yeahh, that's my fault from neglecting KH-Vids for the past few weeks.
        Dec 13, 2012
      4. Aragorns
        Nah, it's not your fault. I've been neglecting the Cove and the Sagas recently. So... we're in the same boat xD
        Dec 16, 2012
    9. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      ok, I'm really confused. Altair just pinned The Wicked Eraser to the ground in my last post. Did you ignore these events?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        I guess you can just have Roxas hug Hermione and be like "I'm glad you're ok" or something
        Dec 10, 2012
      3. Aragorns
        I have no idea... OH! I DO have an idea! Heheheheh...
        Dec 10, 2012
      4. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        as long as it doesn't contradict what I wrote, I'm cool with it
        Dec 10, 2012
    10. NutheadBros
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Aragorns
        I know that, I'm just thinking "What would Demyx do" xD
        Nov 22, 2012
      3. NutheadBros
        okay XD
        Nov 22, 2012
      4. Aragorns
        I'll cover that next post.
        Nov 22, 2012
    11. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Umm, your last post confused me. Roxas wasn't abondoned in the forest. He's still with Altair and Hermione. And is the plot supposed to be connected to the Crossover cove? Because I was under the impression that there is absolutely no connection between the cove and the saga.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        I understand that reading the posts you missed is hard work, but if there were some specific posts that confused you, you could've asked whoever posted about what's going on. For example, it seems you didn't notice that Jafar ordered Ratrex to attack NHB-K. I'll help you with any questions you have, 'kay?
        Nov 18, 2012
      3. Aragorns
        I'm sorry about that... I just didn't have enough time to read all the posts... stuff happens I guess...
        Nov 18, 2012
      4. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        That's okay. I recommend going back to your last post (the one before today), and slowly read through each post. There hasn't been much activity these past two days, so now is a good time. And like I said, if something confuses you, don't hesitate to ask. I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have.
        Nov 18, 2012
    12. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      If you can, I highly suggest reading the posts that you've missed.
    13. NutheadBros
    14. NutheadBros
      Hey, just wanted to say that if you want your Cove people to survive the Zombies then they need to get into Crazy Dave's car
      1. Aragorns
        I know, I know, I was just making the post! xD
        Nov 8, 2012
    15. NutheadBros
      Hey I have a question, are Batman and what-his name inside Nine's TARDIS or outside it?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        NutheadBros, if you want, I can come up with a situation where Cosmos finds out what happened and asks NHB-K to go down and help.
        Oct 31, 2012
      3. NutheadBros
        Alrighty then, good idea axel91
        Oct 31, 2012
      4. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        I'll post something later in the day
        Oct 31, 2012
    16. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Hey there! Planning to post something in the crossover rp soon?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Aragorns
        None that will be appearing in the RP, sorry.
        Oct 27, 2012
      3. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        Ok, so is the TARDIs that Xagranos and Batman arrive to a different one than the TARDISes belonging to the 9th, 10th, and 11th Doctors
        Oct 27, 2012
      4. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        Never mind, it's the 9th Doctor's TARDIS (the one under Jafar's control at the moment)
        Oct 27, 2012
    17. NutheadBros
      Hmm, where to have those tw go....
      1. Aragorns
        Hmm... I've had to think about that...
        Oct 16, 2012
      2. NutheadBros
        Yup..especially while I had to figure stuff out too
        Oct 16, 2012
    18. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I just thought of something. What if Roxas were to have a sense of familiarity when he's around Altair and Hermione (becuase of his experiences with Axel and Xion). Not that he would remember, but just feel like being around them makes him feel comfortable. Thoughts?
      1. Aragorns
        Sounds good, I mean, he remembers Axel, but not Xion...
        ... not yet, anyway... Xagranos will work on that...
        *evil grin*
        Oct 14, 2012
    19. Hiro ✩
      1. Aragorns likes this.
      2. Aragorns
        Oh! Btw, about the whole OC/Rikku thing... I've decided we don't have to do that.
        Partly because I'm RPing that OC in the Crossover Cove Saga's (xD), partly because Neku needs someone to cheer him up more(/obvious)...
        ... and partly because I wanted to do a different OC(Should've thought of that earlier).
        Oct 13, 2012
      3. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        Yeah? Alright, whatever you want.
        Oct 13, 2012
      4. Aragorns
        Uhh... however... a love triangle is still possible... just with another one of my characters.
        Oct 13, 2012
    20. NutheadBros
      Thus the first act is oer and I think Bunnygirl got wiped off the map XD
      1. Aragorns
        Yep! xD
        Ah, well... a moment of sil-- ah, who am I kidding, straight to setting up the date!
        Oct 13, 2012
      2. NutheadBros
        XD YUP
        Oct 13, 2012
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  • About

    Stourbridge, England
    College Student
    Will be filled out later.

    In the meantime, enjoy a Trollish Triceratops


    The Troll Empire Will Rise Again!
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