Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


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Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. burnitup
      Hey DT, I have a question. Would Lordgenome be the kind of person who'd like to have a kaiju under his control?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. burnitup
        I would assume so.
        Oct 6, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        Your character. You can basically decide whether or not it's intelligent as far as I'm concerned.
        Oct 6, 2012
      4. burnitup
        Hey, he can apparently gets enjoyment out of destroying things (he even cackles!) so yeah, most likely intelligent. But to what extent I don't know.
        Oct 6, 2012
    2. Bushy
      1. Pinekaboo
        Oh, I already knew. I've been watching it. Gogo anime's version of it was horribly desynced though, I had to use my other site.
        Oct 6, 2012
      2. Bushy
        I haven't watched it myself yet, but yeah. I thankfully have several back up sites too.
        Oct 6, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        The site I normally use is good. Anime season I think? I don't know for sure, but yeah; I saw half of it then had to go. I'll watch the other half when I get back in.
        Oct 6, 2012
    3. NutheadBros
      Hello DT
      1. Pinekaboo
        Hey, what's up?
        Oct 3, 2012
      2. NutheadBros
        Nothing much, I just woke up, say would it be alright for you to post with Algol so I can get the case started? I had the KoT explain things in an earlier post
        Oct 3, 2012
    4. Aragorns
      OOOOH! I need to ask!
      Where exactly IS Reinforce?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Aragorns
        I guessed as much. Well, I've gotta post anyway xD
        and so do you... if you recall the Heartless battle... of course, knowing you, you'll probably try to fit everything onto one post or something.
        Oct 3, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        The only reason I didn't post as Caster before was because I was already posting as 20 characters in one post. I'll try to fit it into my next one.
        Oct 3, 2012
      4. Aragorns
        Like I said, you tend to fit as many characters as possible onto one post, so it's not really a problem.
        Oct 3, 2012
    5. Lite
      Did Bushy's mentally scarring Pokemon thread just disappear?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lite
        Oooh, I see. So maybe it's for the better if KHV would be penalized.
        Oct 2, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        I doubt they'd be penalized for that one in particular, but I can still see why they'd want to be consistant.
        Oct 2, 2012
      4. Bushy
        Yeah, there was no issue anyway. They got it was a joke, but yeah, no hard feelings.
        And also... they wouldn't have been penalized for that picture in particular like Dark said. In fact, even if someone posted porn, they wouldn't be penalized. They'd only be penalized if they allowed it to happen, which they naturally never would.
        Oct 6, 2012
    6. burnitup
      So DT are you going to factor in the Ophiuchus into the whole Sphere thing in the CC at all?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. burnitup
        Ah. Okay. Just keep findin' places that say it is the 13th zodiac.
        Oct 2, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        In a different zodiac that includes it, yes. The Spheres are based off of the Tropical Zodiac only, however.
        Oct 2, 2012
      4. burnitup
        Ah. you see my confusion came when I saw Ophiuchus was in the same zodiac as the names of the Sohere's zodiac. So yeah, kinda dumb on my part. ^^;
        Oct 2, 2012
    7. Bushy
      Dog Days Season 3 is definitely confirmed.
    8. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      DT, is Myst allowed to reserve Vegito Jawbreaker? I have Vegeta and TwilightBlader has Goku, plus I have the Abrudged version of both of them...
      1. Pinekaboo
        You mean Vegito while turned into a candy? It's up to you and TwilightBlader whether he can or not. If either of you says no, then it's no.
        Sep 30, 2012
      2. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        Alright. Thanks
        Sep 30, 2012
    9. burnitup
      You know how ME3 should have ended? With Harbinger tumbling through space while singing an 80's-like song.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. burnitup
        Here's another question, how is he able to shape his eye holes?
        Sep 29, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        Maybe it's best we don't ask.
        Sep 29, 2012
      4. burnitup
        Yeah... Let's just go with "magic" and roll with it.
        Sep 29, 2012
    10. NutheadBros
      Hello DT, is it alright if I ask you something
      1. Pinekaboo
        Isn't that itself a question?
        Go ahead.
        Sep 27, 2012
      2. NutheadBros
        Well Twilight and I were wondering when it would be a good time to wake up our sleeping characters
        Sep 27, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        Sure, go ahead.
        Sep 27, 2012
    11. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      DT, you plan on posting as Einheart soon? Rikku is like in debt to her 5eva for saving her ass.
      1. Pinekaboo
        She's actually asleep one tunnel over from where Rikku's group is. They'll likely run into her very shortly, where Rikku can wake her up.
        She'll be in her child form in the real world though; she used magic to become her older form before.
        Sep 26, 2012
    12. Lite
      Myst asked me this question, but I wasn't absolutely sure: Since I have Naruto, does that also entitle me to the Nine Tailed Fox spirit since he's a separate entity locked inside Naruto?
      1. Pinekaboo
        Nine-Tailed Fox is a part of Naruto. They're classed as the same character. It's like how you wouldn't count Star Platinum and Jotaro as seperate.
        Sep 26, 2012
      2. Lite
        Alright, thanks. I'll let Myst know.
        Sep 26, 2012
    13. burnitup
      Hey, DT. I noticed in your recent post that you have Zero/Lelouche. Did Droid give him to you?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. burnitup
        Ah. Okay. Sorry I didn't noticed that one part. ^^;
        Sep 26, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        It was repeated throughout that entire section. I'm not sure how you'd manage to miss it if you'd read any part of that post at all.
        Sep 26, 2012
      4. burnitup
        Well now I noticed seeing how I just read it.
        Sep 26, 2012
    14. NutheadBros
      Hello DT, how are you
      1. Pinekaboo
        Not bad, you?
        Sep 26, 2012
      2. NutheadBros
        Just fine, I finally remembered that Autumn-One was working alongside the first Zero so I finally got her back into the fight. [incase you were wondering I had been neglecting her and Decious, Merlin, and The Darkness]
        Sep 26, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        Right, yeah. That's fine. I have a couple of people joining the fight too shorlty anyway.
        Sep 26, 2012
    15. burnitup
      DT tell me, what would you think if I made a Call of Cthulhu RP here on KHV?
      1. Pinekaboo
        I wouldn't think very much either way, honestly. It's not something I'd particularly care about.
        Sep 25, 2012
      2. burnitup
        Kay. :\
        Sep 25, 2012
    16. Aragorns
      I was going to message you about something... but I forgot what it is xD
      So I suppose I'm just gonna say "Hi, how are you?"
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Aragorns
        Uh-huh, really?

        Well, I never used the templates, so I wouldn't know xD
        But the whole idea for Darelen is still in motion, if you remember it, that is xD
        Oh, and I was also gonna have Ansem possess Terra, thought I should tell you, because that could be misinterpreted as Terranort... but no! It's Terransem!
        Speaking of Ansem, is DiZ/Ansem the Wise available? Or has the reserves list just not been updated?
        Sep 25, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        Suffered depression for approximately 5 years now, so yeah.

        Darelen and a certain dark god, yes? I remember.
        Terransem. Seems legit.
        DiZ I've not seen anybody take, but lemme just take a check to make sure. ... Done. Nobody took him, he's free.
        Sep 25, 2012
      4. Aragorns
        Ok, I'll reserve DiZ now, then. And some other stuff...
        Sep 25, 2012
    17. Mysty
      Okay, question for you sense I do not know. Am I aloud to reserve the Nine Tails from Naruto or not. I mean, sense there is already a Naruto Uzumaki, I do not know if it would cause confusion. But he is a separate entity so it would seem okay? what say you?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mysty
        Darn, that is a shame. Was going to use him for something as well. Oh well.
        Sep 25, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        I know how you feel with that disappointment; there's been a few plans I've had that got shut down because somebody else had the characters I needed for it. I can only suggest maybe creating an OC that would suit the purpose you need it for instead.
        Sep 25, 2012
      4. Mysty
        Nah, I was just going to start a part of Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho and Kurama the Nine Tails. It is fine though :3
        Sep 25, 2012
    18. Bushy
      Just so you know.
      My MSN is still being annoying.
      So yeah, it's not that I'm ignoring you, but nothing is going through to you, or I'm being signed out entirely.
      1. Pinekaboo
        Okay, understood. :/
        Sep 24, 2012
    19. NutheadBros
      Hello DT, how are you doing
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pinekaboo
        See what coming?
        Sep 24, 2012
      3. NutheadBros
        The whole bit with Algol
        Sep 24, 2012
      4. Pinekaboo
        Right, I see. I didn't plan that at all, it just happened.
        Sep 24, 2012
    20. SmashFan127
      Hi. Do you specialize in map making? If not, can you suggest someone to talk to about that? Cause I was making a new RP entitled "The Crossover Sagas", and I'm needing help with both the map and the Opening post.
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