Jul 23, 2011
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Jun 5, 1995 (Age: 29)


No. B, 29


staff reply to my thread please i know some of you have seen it, its urgent Feb 12, 2018

    1. 61
      staff reply to my thread please i know some of you have seen it, its urgent
    2. Shuhbooty
      quick list me some animu to watch that isn't long and boring
      1. 61
        ok um
        like series? and whats long?
        ~>25 eps:
        tari tari
        eden of the east
        no game no life

        anything by shinkai makoto except dont watch his most recent film first
        girl who leapt through time
        Oct 8, 2016
        Shuhbooty likes this.
      2. Shuhbooty
        i'll literally watch this from the list you made i'm desperate
        Oct 9, 2016
      3. 61
        lol ok
        Oct 9, 2016
    3. Amaury
      Your avatar looks like Grace from Degrassi.
      1. 61
        its not, i dont know who that is
        Sep 8, 2016
      2. Amaury
        Sep 8, 2016
    4. Hayabusa
      1. 61
        i already bought that one :(
        Aug 19, 2016
      2. 61
        O WAIT
        BASTION. $3.75
        downloading. thanks m8
        Aug 19, 2016
    5. Amaury
      That avatar is... interesting.
    6. Hayabusa
      Playing Arkham Knight now. Be sure you like the Batmobile before you get it. I really like how it handles; feels like Burnout. Good game so far but like City it's not as focused as Asylum.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hayabusa
        I don't think the phrase "watered down" fits Knight at all: it just has so much but it doesn't know how to direct the experience as well, which is something Asylum does really well due to its constrained environments.
        Mar 20, 2016
      3. 61
        hm well ill have to try it for myself then. one thing that's somewhat off-putting for me keeping in mind ive not played the game at all is how prominent the batmobile seems to be. when i saw it was in the game i thought it seemed like a fun addition but now hearing how much of the game is driving it around it seems to be a little bit beyond what i would have wanted.
        Mar 20, 2016
      4. Hayabusa
        It is quite prominent, but I've yet to think of it as a serious design issue, since it makes sense in the heightened stakes and it just feels fun to drive around.
        Mar 20, 2016
    7. 61
    8. Magick
      Your signature is mesmerizing.
      I know your plan.

      I'm watching you.
      1. 61
        no plan here, just Garden of Words.
        Jul 27, 2015
    9. 61
      ed ruined cowboy bebop
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 61
        Thoughts from my rematch. Only 10 episodes in so there's all the possibility that my mind could change, but this is my immediate reaction to her introduction (edited for humor). And even if my mind does change, my disliking her immensely will not.
        Jul 22, 2015
      3. Hayabusa
        Reasons why?
        Jul 22, 2015
      4. 61
        I'll type them in the lounge after I've gotten farther in. Right now I'm on an iPad with this infuriating keyboard and don't want to try to type something thoughtful in this situation.
        Jul 22, 2015
    10. Fearless
      'Eyyy, How you liking Arc-V thus far?
      1. 61
        i have not watched it in a month or so. the last episode I watched was 52. I thought it was pretty good though action dueling is almost too absurd for me. hologram monsters? fine. college for card games? cool. ygo on motorcycles? awesome. whatever Zexal's gimmick was? sweet. but action duels completely change the dynamic of the game so whenever someone gets out of a pinch because of it i roll my eyes a little. it's not bad and it's fun to watch, but it takes some of the tension away. but the different worlds for different summoning methods is like the coolest thing ever. good show but too soon for me to say how much I like it
        Jun 4, 2015
      2. Fearless
        That's understandable.
        You're actually ahead of me (I'm still on 50, I've been way busy), but I know the basic plot of what's been happening and I'm pretty pleased with where it's going tbh.
        Jun 4, 2015
      3. 61
        I do plan to keep watching but i'm not exactly anxious to get back -- after watching all of Zexal in a relatively short amount of time, I think ygo watches better in bulk. I'd lose interest if I was watching it week to week. that's why I didn't finish 5D's the first time.
        Jun 4, 2015
    11. Hayabusa
      I have begun my dive into Ultimate Spider-Man. Wish me luck.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 61
        but those 5 issues were pretty amazing, right
        i have a torrent if you want it
        Jul 22, 2015
      3. Hayabusa
        They were pretty good, though the early 2000's teen lingo is very evident lol.

        I'm alright. Probably gonna renew my subscription sometime later.
        Jul 22, 2015
      4. 61
        yes ultimate was very "modern" early on. i can get why some wouldn't like that now, it is dated, but it's a major part of what i liked about Ultimate since I'm fond of that era.

        i figured but thought i'd offer anyway.
        Jul 22, 2015
    12. 61
      smells of defiance
    13. Boy Wonder
      1. 61 likes this.
      2. 61
        Yeaa I've seen a few of these. Pretty cool. I don't really understand the pick for Iron Man aside from the MS having gold on it. And I don't agree with Hulk's pick aside from the obvious NT-D = Hulk thing, because Unicorn's a pretty lanky MS. Psycho or Hazel Owsla w/ arm unit would have been a better pick imo. really appreciate that they didn't go with Nobel for Black Widow.
        Apr 9, 2015
    14. 61
      They chose me!!
    15. 61
    16. 61
      Making a killing.
    17. 61
    18. Boy Wonder
      1. 61 likes this.
      2. 61
        since the new movies are apparently taking so much from Miller I hope their inevitable joker is also influenced by the homosexual overtones in tdkr. it would be totally different from the two we've seen so far, and DC films need different.
        Feb 17, 2015
    19. Amaury
      How's your infection?
      1. 61
        Feb 13, 2015
      2. Amaury
      3. 61
        Oh, that's not an infection, it's something to do with cartilage and muscle on the ribs. It's slowly getting better. Thanks for asking.
        Feb 13, 2015
    20. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Where did you get your Sharpedo in Pokémon? I've been looking for one since it's my favorite water-type in Hoenn and I have had no luck.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 61
        I caught mine with the good rod, but super rod would be better if you have it.
        Nov 24, 2014
      3. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        Ah, okay. It said Pacifidilog and that's where I've been looking to no avail, so i guess there are differences.
        Nov 24, 2014
      4. 61
        Oh, well I caught it as a Carvanha and evolved it.
        Nov 24, 2014
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    Jun 5, 1995 (Age: 29)
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