Sep 25, 2006
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Cisgender Female
human with feelings


gimme kiss, Cisgender Female, from alderaan


i want you here as naked as a christmas tree left up until the second week of february Nov 1, 2015

    1. gersomvs
      Hello, I have a question, does KHV provide an option to delete one's account? I've been here a while, but I'm not as much into KH, or games for that matter, as I used to. Therefore I'd like to terminate my account. If anyone knows more, please let me know.
      1. Amaury
        Misty resigned from staff back in October 2015 and hasn't been active since summer 2016.

        I'm not staff, but I'm fairly sure accounts are not deleted. If you don't want to use your account anymore, change your password to something you won't remember. Of course still make sure it's a secure password and not just "password," etc.

        @Explode can confirm if I'm correct or not, as he's an administrator.
        Mar 11, 2019
      2. Explode
        I mean if you really want I can delete your account: if for whatever reason, simply not signing in isn't enough. There's other options too. Send me a private message and we can talk about that.
        Mar 11, 2019
        gersomvs likes this.
    2. General Grievous
      General Grievous
      Hey Misty! I know I don't pop in enough on here as much as I used to, but I hope you're doing well. :)
    3. Amaury
      Merry Christmas, Cassie! I know you're not really active here anymore, but still wanted to wish you a merry Christmas, anyway, in the event that you randomly visit the site one day.
    4. Amaury
      I miss your blue and you being staff. :( I was just thinking about it lately.

      Hope everything is going well with you.
    5. Plums
      so how much has steven universe wrecked u so far
      1. . : tale_wind
        . : tale_wind
        Apr 10, 2016
      2. Boy Wonder
        Boy Wonder
        Don't think "wrecked" is the word I would have used in this context
        Apr 11, 2016
        Ars Nova likes this.
    6. Hayabusa
      Just want to say in advance I'm sorry if I've come off as insulting you or putting you down unfairly.
    7. Amaury
      That avatar.
    8. Amaury
      Hey, girl! We haven't talked in a long time! How are you!? How's life been treating you since you left staff? Do you feel like you have more time to focus on, well, more important things now that the site's maintaining is in the hands of libre and Plums?
    9. . : tale_wind
      1. Misty
        This has been around for a while. I mean, the screens themselves are pretty generic and not very Star Wars-y, and fan projects like these are rarely completed. That's to say nothing of the legal status of this and that Disney will slap a DMCA on this pretty damn quick
        Feb 16, 2016
    10. Hayabusa
      I finished Life is Strange and I hate it and love it and hate it
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hayabusa
        It's probably one of the best sad endings I've seen in a game, because it fit really well to me.

        And if you like that you'd probably enjoy Steins;Gate. I recommended it to another friend. Only gripe I had was the slow start.
        Jan 10, 2016
      3. Misty
        oh I really didn't like the endings, found them very disappointing
        Jan 10, 2016
      4. Hayabusa
        I only found the Arcadia Bay ending disappointing, since basically nothing happens. I really like the Chloe one, though I did wish for some dialogue.

        I dunno, I'm often an odd one out with these kinds of endings in stories.
        Jan 10, 2016
    11. Hayabusa
      Did you play Life is Strange on PC or what? Just wondering before I ask about a glitch or bug I'm having.
      1. Misty
        Dec 22, 2015
      2. Hayabusa
        Ah, alright.
        Dec 22, 2015
    12. Plums
      how do u feel about that new track Emmy the Great dropped from her new album?
      1. Plums
        I thought the chorus was a lil repetitive but I liked it, I'm also glad its closer to First Love in feel than Virtue. Virtue is good but I felt more of an impact on average from First Love as a whole, which i think is bc its much more...raw emotionally with stuff like 24, Dylan, and We Almost Had a Baby.

        ofc virtue did have Paper Forest which is a ****ing league all its own
        Dec 7, 2015
      2. Misty
        imma be real with you Alex I did not know about it but I will listen eventually. glad to hear that tho I like first love way more
        (tho, Edward ep > all)
        Dec 8, 2015
      3. Plums
        nah it's cool lol, she only let it out today and it was at like...8 am or s/t way too early like that. I haven't listened to the Edward ep but imma do that soon
        Dec 8, 2015
    13. . : tale_wind
    14. nasirrich
      Misty (Kick ass Avy wow that joint is cool) do you happen to own any of these consoles
      1. View previous comments...
      2. nasirrich
        I'm very sorry I meant to say Playstation Controller. Did you ever have a Sync issue with your controller? Registering movement in a game, or to move around the menu? Charging issues? I ask becuase the controller that came with the PS4 was doing so I purchased a Brand Spanking new controller to fix the issues. It was working for maybe a week or 2 then stopped registering movements. I tried both ways to reset and sync it. Worked then stopped again. Did you ever experience any of that?
        Dec 3, 2015
      3. Misty
        No but if you post in the tech support section with some info on your setup I'm sure we can help you
        Dec 3, 2015
      4. nasirrich
        Misty is sending me places >,< This is just like in RPG's and I'm about to lvl up THANK YOU :D
        Dec 3, 2015
    15. Labrys
      Whoa I just noticed the blue in your username is missing.
    16. Amaury
      Your avatar is awesome!
    17. Misty
      i want you here as naked as a christmas tree left up until the second week of february
      1. Amaury
        Nov 1, 2015
    18. Krowley
    19. Misty
      Darling, it's no joke. This is lycanthropy.
      1. The Grinch likes this.
    20. Misty
      Forgot to say so yesterday but no podcast this week! 2/3 of us were busy this weekend. (guess who)
      1. Heart ❤ likes this.
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  • About

    Cisgender Female
    human with feelings
    She / Her
    i definitely want to be a rapper, but i'm just a northern girl from where nothing really happens


    sharing this image of my all time favorite feminist icon!!!! lightning died for our sins and i hope with bated breath for her embrace <3


    i laugh along but inside i know it's true
    being in love is totally punk rock
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