Scarred Nobody
Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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Local Time:
7:31 AM
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Informative 1 0
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Creative 5 4
Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. Doukuro
      wow so recently decided to check this place out and seeing someone i am following online but not knowing the username made me curious. so checked it out. i went by hinta, random angel and doukuro i am not sure which one i was going by when we spoke or if you will remember me but i do remember the thread about your heart and had you in my best wishes. so seeing you have been doing good/got a new one is great news!
      1. Scarred Nobody likes this.
      2. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody
        Thank you. The name Random Angel does ring a bell. I apologize I don't remember you better though. I do recall you being a great person to talk with. Glad to hear from you! And thank you; the heart has been doing good.
        Sep 30, 2018
      3. Doukuro
        it's fine!! it has been quite some time so i understand
        Oct 1, 2018
    2. Firekeyblade
      Who are you? Do I know you? Also if you have heart issues, I hope you got that checked out.
      1. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody
        I recognize your name. An old name I went by is "Tummer". And I had a bad heart, but I had a heart transplant back in 2012, so all has been going good.

        How are you?
        Aug 15, 2018
      2. Firekeyblade
        Ohhhh yeaaahh weren't you dating Maka or something? Or at least friends with her? I'm glad you're feeling better! I'm currently suffering through pharmacy school. Also if you got an alert that said I reported your comment, I'm sorry. I thought it would post my comment.
        Aug 20, 2018
    3. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
    4. Amaury
      I guess you don't like that I fixed it. LOL!
      1. Scarred Nobody likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Amaury
        LOL! Not sweating.

        I was referring to you rating my "Fixed!" post dislike. I previously had Tumbler. :o
        Aug 20, 2016
      4. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody

        I'm sure that I put like. I'll fix that. I'm on my phone, so my fat fingers may have pressed it by mistake.
        Aug 20, 2016
        Jack S likes this.
      5. Amaury
        Aug 20, 2016
    5. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Can you feel a brand new day!
      1. Explode likes this.
      2. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      1. Roxam and Heart ❤ like this.
    7. Amaury
    8. Odamadillo
      Hello Scarred Nobody. I wonder if you recall me in any way?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        I decided to try and catch up with some old friends. How has life been treating you?
        Feb 14, 2016
      3. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody
        it's been fair. some good, some bad. a lot of good though. and you?
        Feb 14, 2016
      4. Odamadillo
        I found a group to help me improve my writing and am planning to enter contests this year so good for me.
        Feb 14, 2016
    9. Amaury
      I can't remember if it was a post in The Lounge thread or a thread I made, but do you remember when I complained because the channels I watch on Friday and the weekend (Nickelodeon, Disney Channel) were not airing new episodes Friday, July 10 (Disney Channel), Saturday, July 11 (Nick), and Sunday, July 12 (Disney Channel)?

      1. View previous comments...
      2. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody
        And in a way, that makes sense. It's good to premiere your Christmas episodes early, so most people get a chance to see them, and it's something that they can add to their rotation as the holiday nears. People travel all the time for the holidays, so not a lot of TV watching happens.

        And I can only speak from my own personal experience, but I don't necessarily remember watching TV at all during Christmas. The routine is open presents, play with presents, then go visit the rest of my family, dinner, and not much else. People are so busy around this time of year that most people would probably miss something new.
        Nov 22, 2015
      3. Amaury
        They do the same thing with Halloween episodes, though not as early.

        Also, it seems some channels will make exceptions with some shows. Degrassi on TeenNick, for example. Look at the air dates for the first block of season 14, when Degrassi had a new episode every Tuesday at 6:00 PM (PST)/9:00 PM (EST):

        And if you look at the air dates in general, it never really had weeks without a new episode. Only time it would go on a break was after a block ended
        Nov 22, 2015
      4. Amaury
        Oh, and when a season ended as well, of course.
        Nov 22, 2015
    10. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      You better look out You better go hide Because if he catches you, you'll become meat pies Sweeney Todd is coming to town!
      1. Calxiyn likes this.
    11. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      What you see is my impatience with your noble compromise.
    12. Odamadillo
      Slagar the cruel here. Would you like a slave?
    13. Amaury
      I just realized you're Tummer.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        Well I am still kinda gone since I am only on for a little while.
        Jan 12, 2015
      3. Amaury
        If you're here, then your "being gone" starts over. :P
        Jan 12, 2015
      4. Odamadillo
        Haha well maybe so.
        Jan 12, 2015
    14. Makaze
      You interested in playing Mafia?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Makaze
        If you want to join, spot's open. hyuge decided to step out of the game due to busy-ness or something. If you don't want in, you should still post about it in case someone else wants the spot.

        Thanks either way.
        Nov 12, 2014
      3. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody
        Okay. Just one more thing. Which mafia game is it? I believe that there is two going on.
        Nov 12, 2014
      4. Makaze
        Book of Names. Mr. E's Mystery already started.
        Nov 12, 2014
    15. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Let's play some games!
    16. Calxiyn
      I love your Sweeney Todd theme ^~^
      1. Scarred Nobody likes this.
      2. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody
        Aww; thank you!!
        Nov 4, 2014
    17. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      No, not SPACESHIP. That man is dead. It's Tummer now. Sweeney Tummer. And he shall have his revenge.
    18. Amaury
      We have the same time zone. FTW!
    19. Amaury
      How long do you plan to stay as Spaceship? c:
      1. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody
        Until I decide to change it to something else.
        Apr 9, 2014
      2. Amaury
        Great answer, haha!
        Apr 9, 2014
      3. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody
        I do what I can.
        Apr 9, 2014
    20. Yukari
      Tummer, Tummer, where's my nyan cat?
      1. Yukari
        Oh I found it.
        Apr 9, 2014
      2. Yukari
        THE FEELS
        Apr 9, 2014
      3. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody
        Glad you appreciate it.
        Apr 9, 2014
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  • About

    Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    V@nit@s, Creature, Tummer, SPACESHIP, Sweeney Tummer


    I write poems | I also tumblr | twitter: @joseluissolo

    "It's all a circus. A three ring circus.This trial... the whole world... it's all... show business. But Kid.... You are working with a star."

    "Children instantly accept joy and happiness with quick familiarity, being happy and joyful by nature."
    - Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

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