Sep 25, 2006
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Cisgender Female
human with feelings


gimme kiss, Cisgender Female, from alderaan


i want you here as naked as a christmas tree left up until the second week of february Nov 1, 2015

    1. Amaury
      Would you happen to know the name of that add-on you mentioned, Misty?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        I was finally able to access the site again about 18 minutes ago. Are you able to, just out of curiosity?
        Mar 9, 2015
      3. Amaury
        And now it's down on my end again... DNS issues are annoying...
        Mar 9, 2015
      4. Amaury
        Or, rather, residual DNS cache issues, I guess. I dunno.
        Mar 9, 2015
    2. Misty
      a little bifurious
      1. The Grinch likes this.
    3. Amaury
      To not go off topic, cisgender means everything matches up, correct? For example, my sex is male, my gender is male, and my sexuality is straight, though I'm not sure if that last one is relevant.
      1. Misty
        Feb 26, 2015
      2. Amaury
        Thank you.
        Feb 27, 2015
    4. Amaury
    5. Amaury
      I like the new favicon! New styles must not be too far away, and I'm looking forward to them! :D
    6. al215
      Misty is that profile picture gangsta Aqua? Because that#s what it looks like to me XD
      1. Misty
        Nope! Chloe from Life is Strange.
        Feb 17, 2015
      2. al215
        Okay I was way off XD
        Feb 18, 2015
      3. Misty
        Blue hair though!
        Feb 18, 2015
    7. Amaury
      Guess you didn't want to be my valentine. :P

      Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day, Misty!
      1. Amaury
        Thank you kindly for the lock. :)
        Feb 17, 2015
    8. Iskandar
      What kind of Internal Wireless Network Card would you recommend for a desktop? I have everything built, but right now i'm surviving off a USB for wireless, and it's pretty fricken slow, actually slower than my laptop, which can get up to 3MB for downloads on some times, and the USB doesn't even hit 1MB.
      I'm trying to get it soon since I can return the USB in 15 days and get a full refund
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Misty
        I haven't bought a PCI wireless card in years, the USB ones are more popular for obvious reasons and much cheaper. As for speed, it's... complicated. Wireless cards and adapters are sold with a speed advertised, yes. But that's measuring its speed within your local area network. The one I linked, for example, can communicate at speeds up to 150Mbps with other devices on your LAN -- so let's say you wanted to transfer a video from one computer to another over your home network, you could (theoretically) do it at 150Mbps.

        Wireless devices have standards, which is what that 802.11b/g/n business you see is. Newer devices should support all three, to maximize compatibility with older devices on your network, but if you're buying a wireless card/adapter today it should be 802.11b/g/n (though if your router supports 802.11n is a different story). Again, that's only the speed within your LAN.

        The speeds you're seeing on the internet have less to do with the actual computer you're on. If you're suffering on a computer using 802.11b with an old as hell router, obviously you're not going to be seeing a great connection, as your devices can't efficiently use the bandwidth your ISP sells you -- they're too old.

        The first thing you should really do is, if you're looking to maximize your network speed, hardwire a computer to your router and run a test through Speedtest or something. Take note of those speeds and consider that the fastest you'll see within your house (and make sure it's close to whatever you're paying your ISP for). Then, bring your new computer right near the router and run a speed test on that. If the speed is comparable to what you saw on the hardwired computer, that's good. Move your computer to your room then (or wherever you intend to use it) and see what the speed test says in there. If either number is way lower than the hardwired test, you should consider upgrading your network adapter. If they're about equal, then you'll have to either pay your ISP more or see if your router, perhaps, is a bottleneck.

        I do highly recommend checking out powerline adapters: http://amzn.com/B00AWRUICG
        Wired is always, always better than wireless, but it's obviously not as convenient. What you do with these is plug one into a wall outlet (not a power strip) near your router and connect the ethernet cord from it to your router. Then, with the second device, you plug it into a wall outlet near your computer and connect the ethernet cord to your computer. It uses the powerlines in your house to carry the wired signal. They're small and dead simple to use; I recently picked up a pair because the PS4's wireless adapter is god awful and I wanted to be able to use share play. It's worked incredibly well, if I wasn't trying to limit my online shopping I'd get a switch for my room and connect all my devices (TV, PS4, and laptop) to it. imo if you're looking to shell out for a PCI wireless adapter (which, a good one will run you $20 - $30) you're better off just picking up one of these.
        Feb 15, 2015
      3. Iskandar
        complicated mess of a hess right there
        Unfortunately I'll only be able to use wireless and no wired, since it's just not possible in my room at all, and the router is on the other side of the house, and I don't have a spot for an ethernet cord. I wasn't looking for something too complicated, it just seemed weird that the USB adapter I bought was going so slow even compared to my laptop, and had less of a signal strength too, even though they're right next to each other
        Feb 15, 2015
      4. Iskandar
        I'm trying out that USB wifi adapter you showed me, and I'm not having much confidence in it. In fact, it's about twice as slow as the last adapter I had, and I'm almost willing to go back and pay $37 for for....or if I find a 150Mbps I'll just get that, since the 300Mbps wasn't much a different for me
        Feb 16, 2015
    9. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      yo. its been a while, how you doing?
      1. Misty
        I'm well, yourself?
        Feb 10, 2015
      2. Shinichi Izumi
        Shinichi Izumi
        Started uni prep school recently, have had very little free time and just been tired all the time, im not use to waking up this early, but besides that pretty good as we say here in Brazil "It's all good, except what's not"
        Feb 11, 2015
      3. Shinichi Izumi
        Shinichi Izumi
        I'm also doing educational psycology with my aunt to figure out what i want to do in life and I've been doing some art classes
        Feb 11, 2015
    10. Amaury
      Feel better.
    11. Iskandar
      Finally got my tax return money, so now comes to part to buy the stuff I need. Any advice before I go crazy?
    12. Iskandar
      1. Misty
        Yup looks good
        Feb 5, 2015
    13. Hayabusa
      BTW Book Two of Korra is the worst (except for the amazing "Beginnings" episodes.)

      Three is really good and Four is my favorite.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hayabusa
        Feb 4, 2015
      3. Hayabusa
        Though I would love to read your thoughts on Book Two's finale.
        Feb 5, 2015
      4. Misty
        I don't... really have particular thoughts on it tbh. The whole season was a bit of mess, the high point was that it included some of the lore/mythology and so I liked that being part of the finale. Otherwise it was still pretty good but Book 3 blew it out of the water.
        Feb 6, 2015
    14. Amaury
    15. libregkd
      1. Misty
        yeah the girl who drew it posted it like all over twitter and tumblr
        for good reason bc it's awesome lol
        Feb 3, 2015
      2. libregkd
        Feb 3, 2015
    16. Hayabusa
      1. Misty
        Feb 3, 2015
      2. Hayabusa
        You're welcome, you filthy pirate you
        Feb 3, 2015
      3. Misty
        Not today! I played them on Xbox, originally.
        Feb 4, 2015
    17. Amaury
      OMG Misty! That avatar!

      Another The Last of Us?
    18. Misty
      I'm all spirits and tall tales.
    19. Amaury
      Dat avatar! So beautiful.
    20. Misty
      Editing the podcast now, will be up soon! Sorry for the delay!
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  • About

    Cisgender Female
    human with feelings
    She / Her
    i definitely want to be a rapper, but i'm just a northern girl from where nothing really happens


    sharing this image of my all time favorite feminist icon!!!! lightning died for our sins and i hope with bated breath for her embrace <3


    i laugh along but inside i know it's true
    being in love is totally punk rock
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