Sep 25, 2006
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Cisgender Female
human with feelings


gimme kiss, Cisgender Female, from alderaan


i want you here as naked as a christmas tree left up until the second week of february Nov 1, 2015

    1. Amaury
      Just curious here, but about how long should the rearrangement and cleanup take? Also, if it's all sections, why is the notice only in the Kingdom Hearts sections? :)
    2. Amaury
      This avatar again, but with a different backdrop! I like it! :D
    3. GhettoXemnas
    4. Amaury
      No podcast this week?

      Also, what'd you do for your birthday besides eating food all day? Did you have loads of fun? :)
      1. Amaury
        Psst. Misty. :3
        Nov 23, 2014
      2. Amaury
        If you reply to me, I will give you as many cookies as the many characters, including spaces, you type and for that many days. :D

        So, if you type 15 characters, I will bake you cookies for 15 days and the amount of cookies I bake you each day will be 15.

        Come on, Misty. You can't pass this sweat deal. :D :D :D

        (I'm sure you can tell, but can't hurt to say that I'm obviously not upset or anything.)
        Nov 27, 2014
      3. Amaury
        Nov 27, 2014
    5. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Misty, don't wanna bug, but a couple of people have been waiting for name changes for like a week or more.
    6. ShibuyaGato
      Hey. So sorry for being late but the weather here is crap and I got caught at the store. I should be home in about 10 minutes at the latest. If you guys already started though, I understand.
    7. al215
      Hey Misty, have you ever played KOTOR 2 with the Content Restored Mod that they made? I've just started the game (again) with it on, now including the M4-78 plugin they've made for it. If you've played it, what did you think of it?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. al215
        I know exactly what you mean about waiting for like, the right mood for writing. I kind of have to wait for a burst of inspiration and off I go and I'll write a few thousand words and be done with it. The problem is like, I have to keep that inspiration going and while I can plan the plot outside of that moment, I haven't yet been able to push myself to write outside of it with any great attention. Admittedly, I should try a bit more because I have moments where I could be working on it but I'm not XD

        Personal experience is also a huge inspiration for me (Probably why I'll run into moments where emotion doesn't convey because I haven't had even half a life time of it yet! XD). I do some sword fighting in real life, so the feedback I've got is that I can do action sequences fairly well because I can in a way, channel that mindset I take when I've got the blade in the hand and condense that into words on a page. It does make them quite long sometimes simply because I work on a basis of each strike flowing into the next, meaning that I write that way so my poor comma button gets abused during those sequences.

        Having read your fanfic, it does move slowly but it's good nonetheless. There's good characterisation in there and some of the scenes between Revan/Bastila made me smile because it was really endearing, and the fact that you brought back Bastila's mother is actually a really good idea. It's an oft forgotten part of her character when you've got Revan's bond and her fall to contend with. I do like the balance, although it does definitely has an undercurrent of being from Bastila's point of view. Which is good, because I haven't seen her very much since KOTOR so a continuation that focuses on what she feels rather than what she does is something fairly new. It's a form of writing I don't usually come across. You put a lot more emphasis on emotion and I put a lot more emphasis on actions. The fact that you can get into a character's head is something I quite admire. I can't always do that unless I really, really relate to a character. Perhaps you can relate to Bastila and/or Revan I don't know XD

        Another problem of mine is my standards. My prologue chapter is some 6000 words long and I think I kind of expect myself to write chapters of comparable if not greater length which perhaps holds me back a bit because it's intimidating trying to figure out how to make that word count. It does actually need to be that long though. I always have an attitude of writing being as long as it needs to convey the story, so perhaps I should try practicing what I preach so often.

        There was a guy here fluent in Mando'a? o_0 I admire that guy. I'd love to be able to do that. I can't sadly but still, I can learn.

        Back to KOTOR that theory that Arren Kae is Kreia is really interesting and actually plausible. I only discovered it recently. Unfortunately Chris Avellone just had to do a "I can't say." on the matter which is REALLY annoying! That said, maybe there's hope of a KOTOR 3 from Obsidian, which hopefully maybe appears and resolves that. It would be awesome if he managed to pull a KOTOR 3 out of his metaphorical hat, although I'd be afraid that it'd change too much from what it was to be recognisable. And also they might have to deal with this awful canon that BioWare have given us.

        It would be nice to actually see Kreia's story from start to end. We get ideas and hints of what happened, but I'd love to see something that started from her entry into the Jedi Order and her descent into cynicism about it, her time as leader of the Sith Triumvirate and her casting down all the way to her fall at Malachor. She's an enigma and it'd be fascinating to see all of what happened to develop her away from the usual sagely Jedi Code preaching Force user or maniacal Sith mastermind to a Gray Jedi hell bent on the destruction of the Force. That in itself is such a unique and compelling motive that you can't help but be interested! Jedi are always finding plots and Sith are always killing each other, but I can't think of anyone who has ever tried destroying that which gave them their power. And the fact that Kreia had to use, indeed RELY on the very thing she hated... That's another fascinating character trait.
        Nov 10, 2014
      3. Misty
        Definitely the same problem here! And I'm sure that most writers suffer from the same thing. I have such respect for the people who complete NaNoWriMo.

        Ah see that's my opposite problem! I feel things quite intensely and though I don't have a plethora of life experience to draw from, I feel I've done pretty well with what I've got. Things like action sequences, though, I can't give you a thing! They either end up as "uh they smacked their lightsabers together around for a bit and it was flashy" or I just actively write around them heeeh. I've been trying to do more research before writing to mend that, thogh.

        Aw thank you! I've always loved the side quest with Bastila's mother, I feel it's just a really fantastic and humanizing moment for the character -- especially because I did it quite early in the game, before the romance really got going, so it was sort of the first time Bastila descended from her throne. It left an impression and in other post-KotOR fics I've read, Helena is completely absent! I toyed around with the idea of actually doing an origins fic which would visit several KotOR characters, Bastila included, because I feel her relationship with her parents is pretty integral to understanding her character. I do relate quite deeply to her -- Revan is harder in the sense that he's a character you construct for yourself, so my main difficulty in writing him is that I really need to pin down a concrete Revan character rather than just "I was nice and picked the funny dialogue options." I read this really helpful thing on tumblr once, though, that if you're struggling to get into a character's mind, writing down a few facts about that character's life or somesuch will help you -- even if they never make it into what you're writing (they're not meant to). They just help inform you of the character, make them feel more real, help you consider an impetus for all their actions. Fanfiction makes it a bit easier because you (usually) have more of a backstory for the characters, but for original ones, something like their childhood relationships with their parents or their siblings, what their laugh sounds like, their romantic history (or lack thereof), even just their hobbies -- they can really inform your writing!

        Damn, that's quite a prologue! My chapters initially averaged around 1k words, but I've begun to push myself to write more per chapter, and to move things forward in each chapter more. I'm studying English Education in college, though, so I'm still a bit stuck in the mindset of academic writing rather than creative, where you're trying to say what you have to in as few words as possible. Creative writing of course allows for a bit more ornamentation, something I have to grow more accustomed too -- unfortunately pushing myself to write more often ends in slightly purple prose rather than focusing on detail, which I get the impression you are doing. This is one thing that NaNoWriMo does kinda well, though -- they pretty much tell you to write and write and write and not look back to edit until you've finished, as editing and brushing everything up to your high standards often prevents you from getting the later bits written.

        Girl actually! She drops in from time to time still but not so much anymore.

        Avellone is such a fantastic writer that I don't doubt for a moment that it was unintentional! I have to tip my hat not to him but also the person who picked up on it -- in my daydreams I like to imagine it was initially a much larger part of KotOR II's story but was one of the early cuts. On the flip side, though, I like Kreia being a bit of a mystery. She's just such a fantastic character as you say that I'd be so excited to learn every detail about her, and if it was coming from Avellone I have such faith in him to do it in a manner that would balance her mystery and enigma with my thirst for knowledge about her. If they ever put her in TOR I have significantly less faith -- though thankfully, aside from retconning everything, KotOR II seems safe from TOR's clutches.

        Ahhh I try not to ever get my hopes up about KotOR III, especially considering how badly TOR ****ed things up, but Disney acquiring Lucasarts gave me a glimmer of hope that I allowed to reawaken during this year's E3. That hope, of course, was dashed, but I positively love if Obsidian were given a crack at it.
        Nov 11, 2014
      4. al215
        We should compare notes some time! I can impart some of my experience with action sequences and maybe if you can try and show how to write characters/emotions. That would be great if you could.

        I've never thought of actually writing down the points of a character's life before to try and understand them before writing. I will try that next time I go to write something, so thank you. Usually I think it out in my head, but I should try getting it down so I always know what I'm meant to write like. I've always found it easier to come up with original characters than to get into the head of another pre-existing character is for me though, because I'm always second guessing whether that's really what they're like or if they think like that, and I've got the issue of character voice to deal with. Whenever you write a different character, sentence structure etc. should be different too and I've never quite got the hang of it.

        All credit for you for doing English in College. I can't do it. As much as I love writing and reading I've always found English courses frustratingly restrictive and way too specific for me and the academic side of writing doesn't let me have my free rein with my imagination which is the best part of creative writing. I know so many people doing NaNo and I have no idea how they do it. I can't do it, so much effort and I feel the need to have everything mostly right. I guess maybe I should try making a solid plan too. I know the story arcs but not how to form them so I kind of take writing as it comes to my mind.

        There's actually disappointingly a character that sounds unusually similar to Kreia referenced in TOR. The problem is, the codex description and her dialogue don't really match up. She's kind of like this weird spirit thing that's been enslaved by one of the Sith, but the problem is like, ugh. What she says is just so NOT Kreia that it's so unlikely to be her yet that's what's referenced. If it is meant to be her, then I officially hate TOR even more for having such a gross misunderstanding of characters.

        I'm curious, what did you make of Atton? He's another interesting character, more so later on when you gain influence with him. I found that when I knew his backstory, he actually became far more interesting and compelling than just the rogueish character.

        Problem with Disney having LucasArts is that they're not really interested in the games per say which is a shame. They've farmed out the Star Wars licence to EA of all people, so we'll have to deal with whatever they bring out. Chances are, they'll probably not bring back anything, particularly the way KoTOR was. I don't think they've really got the soul in them if you know what I mean? It's a really soulless company that exists to churn out money and that's what they've turned their developers into and I'm quite cynical of anything they say that implies otherwise. I feel like Obsidian are an enthusiastic developer if you know what I mean? They make games because they love them and want to make one, rather than it just being the allocated task for the next development cycle which to me is what it looks like a lot of things have become.

        Speaking of Disney, do you keep up with any of the news on Episode VII?
        Nov 12, 2014
    8. Amaury
      Got another question for you: Since Llave's left staff for now (hopefully), is the podcast just going to be you and libre or will it still have Llave or will another staff member be replacing Llave? (I vaguely remember that the hosts can only be staff, but I'm not sure.)
    9. Misty
      Laptop screen is broken, might be out of commission for a little while!
      1. Amaury
        Oh, no! How'd that happen?
        Nov 2, 2014
      2. Amaury
        BTW, hopefully it's not too expensive to replace.
        Nov 3, 2014
    10. Amaury
      Not trying to be creepy or anything, just curious, but was Tienewman recently online since his last activity in October 2011? I've noticed that he's invisible and that he's restricted who can view his profile and start conversations with him.
    11. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      1. Misty
        Oct 25, 2014
    12. Hayabusa
      Yo, the "Handheld" podcast doesn't have an episode number, and the site's front page is linking to an old one.

      Just a heads up.
      1. The Grinch likes this.
      2. Amaury
        Nice catch, Haya! I didn't even notice it, and I'm supposed to be "that person." :P
        Oct 28, 2014
    13. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
    14. libregkd
    15. Amaury
      Hi, Misty!
    16. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      "Do not picture your OTP having a kid and losing said kid in a ball pit."

      Do not imagine Terra overreacting and thinking the kid is in trouble and going on a righteous rampage, moving hell and high water (and lots of plastic balls) to find their kid while Aqua follows him, saying “Terra CALM DOWN” “TERRA YOU’RE GOING TO HURT SOMEONE” “TERRA NO THAT CHILD DID NOT KIDNAP OUR CHILD SET HIM DOWN
      1. Misty
        Oct 17, 2014
    17. Misty
      Podcast will be up tomorrow! Sorry for being off-schedule, some stuff came up.
      1. The Grinch likes this.
    18. Amaury
      But seriously, you're cool!

      Sorry about your experiences, though!
      1. Amaury
        You're also blue.
        Oct 13, 2014
    19. GhettoXemnas

      jesus ****ing christ can he just die of old age or something with his dignity
      1. Misty
        Oct 12, 2014
      2. GhettoXemnas

        Oct 12, 2014
    20. KaiserDragon
      A kiss for you! http://i.imgur.com/m4b9Ag4.jpg

      Apparently spoilers and img tags arent allowed in usernotes lol >.>
      1. Misty
        Yeah, they used to be but we've had some problems with our add-on that allows them. Thanks though? haha
        Oct 9, 2014
      2. KaiserDragon
        Lol, its the first thing I thought of, I love me some Kiss!
        Oct 9, 2014
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  • About

    Cisgender Female
    human with feelings
    She / Her
    i definitely want to be a rapper, but i'm just a northern girl from where nothing really happens


    sharing this image of my all time favorite feminist icon!!!! lightning died for our sins and i hope with bated breath for her embrace <3


    i laugh along but inside i know it's true
    being in love is totally punk rock
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