Feb 12, 2011
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The Café Musain


Twilight Town Denizen, from The Café Musain

One of the strange things about living in the world is that it is only now and then one is quite sure one is going to live forever and ever. Nov 20, 2014

    1. DigitalAtlas
      Hey. You. Get back here.
      1. LARiA
        Oh dear
        Oct 2, 2018
    2. Patman
      1. LARiA
        "You have not provided a valid SoundCloud URL"
        Jul 1, 2018
    3. LARiA
      One of the strange things about living in the world is that it is only now and then one is quite sure one is going to live forever and ever.
    4. Fork
      Laria-chan, please give me your fingernail
      1. View previous comments...
      2. LARiA
        I wish for a plow, a handful of magic beans, and a chimpanzee named Granger.
        Aug 19, 2014
      3. Fork
        This is not how it works. You didn't give me what I asked for :C
        Aug 20, 2014
      4. LARiA
        Sorry, I already traded my heart for a music box. Does it still count?
        Aug 20, 2014
    5. LARiA
      MOO WITH ME!
    6. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Did you ever end up picking up the new New Warriors series?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. LARiA
        I wish comic book writers were halfway consistent.


        I agree with you also, the audience was kind of just thrown straight into the action & the plot/scenes shift a bit too fast so that I find it difficult to care about the new characters.
        Jun 8, 2014
      3. Boy Wonder
        Boy Wonder
        I'm really enjoying Sam as Nova, but in his own series. He's okay in this one, but he seems too experienced in New Warriors where he's the newbie hero of the group.
        Anyway, the main reason I asked you was the last issue. What did you think about Robbie's interaction with Aracely when Stamford go brought up?
        Jun 13, 2014
      4. LARiA
        The response I churned out was so long, I'm sending it in PM.
        Jun 13, 2014
    7. LARiA
    8. LARiA
      stumble like a sick doe-eyed fawn
    9. Fork
      So the invasion has begun in the Hunter x Hunter anime.
      ...The cliffhangers are going to be the death of me.
      1. LARiA
        I would recommend you read the manga, but then:
        You would have to settle with the biggest cliff hanger of all. Who knows when Togashi will update?

        The Chimera Ant arc may be divided into three mini-arcs, or segments:
        -- 1) pre-invasion
        -- 2) during the invasion
        -- 3) post-invasion

        You have a long way to go. Good luck!
        (I do wonder what will become of the anime once it catches up with the manga?)
        Jan 7, 2014
      2. Fork
        I'm fine with just the anime for the moment. Like you said, I don't want to be stuck with nothing once I'm caught up. The anime is really good, with great animation and a really good OST.


        But oh dear. It seems like I have a long way ahead of me. Thank you.

        There's a rumour that Togashi is going to be the writer for the anime, but I doubt that's true. I just hope it doesn't take the 1999 route.

        Jan 8, 2014
      3. LARiA
        Congrats, you have made me superbly uncomfortable within the span of a second. Hisoka tends to do that to people.

        To my knowledge, what's causing Togashi's hiatus is injuries to his hand acquired during the drawing period. Hence, the scribbly scrabbly lazy artwork of recent chapters. If he were to direct the anime, that would solve all problems.

        Let's hope the rumor's true.
        Jan 8, 2014
    10. Ienzo
      LARiA! Merry Christmas from your secret Santa! : D sadly, I have had problems uploading the gift but I have finished it and you will get it but please be patient. The computer that it is on is shockingly bad, it is so terrible and the internet breaks a lot so I couldn't upload it but I got a new computer for christmas but now the gift is stuck on the old computer that needs to be plugged in again!
      1. Ienzo
        Sorry, boring story but you will get it so don't think I have forgotten you >:3 I HOPE YOUR DAY WAS FABULOUS! : D
        Dec 26, 2013
      2. LARiA
        Thanks, and it's quite alright. Happy holidays to you. :-)
        Dec 26, 2013
    11. Stardust
      do I spy a .hack//sign theme c':
      1. LARiA likes this.
      2. LARiA
        Indeed. I noticed the Twilight Town Denizen status, and reasoned it would be applicable.
        Nov 10, 2013
    12. Beau
      hello babu how are yooou
      1. LARiA likes this.
      2. LARiA
        [image of a baboon sipping tea]
        Splendid, thank you!
        Oct 4, 2013
      3. Beau
        haha quite!! that's good to hear! ^ u ^ anything new?
        Oct 4, 2013
    13. Labrys
      Six Armed Devil
    14. Fork
      Oh look, someone who likes HunterXHunter
      1. LARiA
        Aug 20, 2013
    15. LARiA
      The word 'unnatural' is devoid of meaning.
    16. LARiA
      I cannot stop changing icons, god help me. It would appear I am having a midlife crisis thirty five years too soon.
    17. Ars Nova
      Ars Nova

      ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ars Nova
        Ars Nova
        Don't count it out, but lemme wear this one out first. I just found it and I really like it.
        Apr 15, 2013
      3. LARiA
        Alright. I am making an icon now (for my own amusement, don't feel obliged to use it.)
        Apr 15, 2013
      4. Ars Nova
        Ars Nova
        You should definitely check the Spamzone tho I left you a present
        Apr 15, 2013
    18. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      I hope you are keeping well. I saw a post of yours randomly and thought of saying hello and giving you well wishes
      1. LARiA
        That's kind of you. Thanks, and you too.
        Feb 23, 2013
    19. Saxima
      I know I'm about six days late on this, but happy birthday, Lili.

      Whenever you get the chance you should log on to MSN or add me on Skype. I miss you a lot.
      1. LARiA
        Thank you. But I do not understand why you miss me.
        Dec 11, 2012
      2. Saxima
        Does it matter? I think the important thing is that I do miss you.
        Dec 12, 2012
    20. LARiA
      If you were going to shoot a mime, would you use a silencer?
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