Last Activity:
Aug 11, 2021
Aug 21, 2009
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Broke Grad Student


Wakanda Forever, Male, from Konoha


#WakandaForever Mar 13, 2018

Plums was last seen:
Aug 11, 2021
    1. Amaury
      1. Plums
        I should probably be able to get it tonight, if not tomorrow. :]
        Oct 9, 2014
      2. Amaury
        Sounds good.
        Oct 9, 2014
      3. Amaury
        Amaury used Poke Attack. It's super effective. :o
        Oct 11, 2014
    2. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      I was gonna livestream KH: CoM, wanna comentary with me?
    3. 61
      How do you feel about there apparently only being 5 Naruto chapters left? I don't know if that includes this week's.
      1. Plums
        I'm a mix of very sad about it happening this soon & REALLY worried about how he's gonna be able to pull off a satisfying resolution from all of this. There's so much to cover, & given how in love he is with flashbacks (especially with Naruto & Sasuke in particular), idk how he's gonna do it unless each chapter is longer than usual.
        Oct 6, 2014
      2. 61
        That's how I feel about it. As things are now, I don't see how it can reach a satisfying conclusion. 5 chapters is very little knowing how long he takes for fights, and everything else that needs resolution (like the fact that everyone is just laying around in a war zone and the ninja world has been devastated. how do you wrap that up this quickly?) I thought of something while typing this. We know that The Last is supposed to be the real conclusion to the story (I hate this), what if the next chapter skips ahead and we don't see the fight, and spend the next 5 chapters getting things to a place where The Last can happen, and then we get the fight in flashback in the movie or exposition or something? There's some kind of weirdness going on where things don't add up and it's really difficult to predict how this will even work. The Last needs to come out like the day after the last chapter if there's not going to be a real conclusion in the manga. And what about the people who watch the anime? Man, I just don't see this working well.
        Oct 6, 2014
      3. Plums
        Ooooh yeah, that could work. I mean, it would be hella weird to just skip over the fight where it is and skip ahead now, especially since it's hard to picture Naruto getting Sasuke to actually help free the people from IT without killing the Kage without seeing it, but there's not really much leeway for Kishi left to pull stuff off other than flash forward. idk, this whole thing IS weird.

        And yeah, I'm really bitter about The Last being the real end of the story. It's like a supplement to what SHOULD be the definitive version to the story, and just makes the manga (feel) incomplete.

        not to mention translations of the BD version of the movie probably won't be out till like june of next year and no one should have to wait almost a YEAR after the "end" of a series to see the ****ing actual conclusion
        Oct 7, 2014
    4. Amaury
      Thanks again! Gonna be Bolin when my two weeks are up on Saturday. :D
    5. Amaury
      Hey, Plums!

      I didn't expect my name to have a line break, so I was wondering if it would be too much of a problem to get it changed to J a c k?

      Please let me know. Thank you. :)
      1. Amaury
        By the way, I like the new avatar you just uploaded! :D
        Sep 28, 2014
    6. Amaury
      I like you!

      BOO! Thank you.
    7. Glen
      Plums old chap, might I trouble you for my name change? Tea and crumpets for you if you do, old boy.
      1. Plums
        The deed has been done *sips victory tea*
        Sep 28, 2014
    8. Judge Sunrose
      Judge Sunrose
      I had no idea we had a social group dedicated to bl2.

      speaking of which, y we no shoot shoot boom boom explosions anymoar. I really miss explosions ; - ;
      1. Plums likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Plums
        I actually haven't touched my PS3 since school started back in August so I've been itching to play something lol
        Sep 26, 2014
      4. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        perfect, I might have a friend over and the folks prolly won't be around.

        Sep 26, 2014
      5. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        Welp, I went and bought the GOTY pack on steam because 75% off. Now I'm stuck playing Krieg, the ridic overpowered badass psycho.
        Oct 5, 2014
    9. libregkd
      1. Plums likes this.
      2. Plums
        best boy and best girl in the same trailer? Altus is bringing out the big guns
        Sep 20, 2014
    10. Amaury
      libre told me to contact you or Jayn, so I figured I'd contact you since you appear to be more active currently. :)

      What's going on with the user awards?
      1. Amaury
        Appreciate the post. Thanks, Plums!
        Sep 20, 2014
    11. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      1. Plums likes this.
      2. Plums

        HOW ARE THINGS? :D
        Sep 20, 2014
      3. Spunk Ransom
        Spunk Ransom
        how are youuuuuu?
        Sep 21, 2014
    12. Amaury
      Name changes pending since Friday and Monday. :)
    13. Amaury
      In case you missed my edit, the likes thread can be locked and marked No Thanks. :)
    14. Amaury
      Hi, blue person!
    15. Ah eff.
      Ah eff.
      Hi there.

      How have you been old friend? Someone mentioned KHIII today, and you were the first person to pop into my head.The site's so different.. just like me. Anyway, I hope you're doing ok! And thanks for remembering.
      1. Plums likes this.
      2. Plums
        OH MY GOD HELLO omg I totally forgot I wrote that message before ;____;

        I've been doing pretty okay for the most part! Starting junior year of Uni, trying to figure out what to do in life, attempting to destroy the gods of procrastination -- all that good stuff. How have you been the past few years?

        Yeah, the site and a lot of people here have also changed quite a bit. They're still a pretty nice bunch though, so if you ever visit and want to hang out, you'll be more than welcomed by a good handful of folk.

        And it's no problem at all! I'm glad you decided to visit, even if I saw this too late, haha. Lemme know when you pop in again! I can give you my Skype ID and we can catch up sometime & you can hear all about ~Ye Olde Years of KHV Past~.
        Aug 11, 2014
    16. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      who do i talk to about KHV podcast stuff?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Plums
        why did I not see the alert for this

        But yeah, it's best to talk to Misty, libre, or Llave. You can apply for the podcast by clicking the appropriate link in any of the podcast threads, and can submit a topic here:

        If that topic gets chosen, you have a guaranteed spot on that podcast whenever it comes around.
        Aug 5, 2014
      3. Amaury
        'Cause you're evil.

        Aug 5, 2014
      4. Shinichi Izumi
        Shinichi Izumi
        Aug 6, 2014
    17. Lulus_Moogle
      *whispers* hey plumsy
      1. Plums likes this.
      2. Plums
        hello lululululu
        Jul 30, 2014
      3. Lulus_Moogle
        I thought you were laughing really oddly at first hahaha
        Jul 30, 2014
    18. Amaury
      Hiya, Alex! 'Sup!?
    19. Amaury
      So I'm curious: What happened with the QT stuff, anyway? It went straight from hatok to Karuta without a poll.
      1. Plums
      2. Amaury

        Plums, will you please hit me in the head with a brick? Hard.
        Jul 24, 2014
    20. Mike
      1. Mike
        I guess not?
        Jul 24, 2014
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  • About

    Broke Grad Student
    Past Usernames:
    Plums Vi Britannia, Ploo-Hems, Suzuha Amane, Suzuhanukkah, Ploohemsaurus Rex, Yellow, Takyubey, Plumoose, Aang, gutsyGumshoe, Rise Kujikawa, Lin Beifong, Mako Mori, Plumenkranz
    Default Name:


    blaine: i love all my staff!! me (checks smudged writing on hand), plens, library, kaputa, kek, talon, storkpot, krooly, iwanedinexploud, and rexim​


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