Last Activity:
May 8, 2024
Sep 10, 2011
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Destiny Islands Resident, Male

When was the last time I touched this place? Aug 20, 2020

Kross123 was last seen:
May 8, 2024
    1. Llave
    2. Kross123
      When was the last time I touched this place?
    3. Kross123
    4. Kross123
      What is this comment section right now lol
    5. Kross123
      I'm gonna start my own rp. With blackjack and hookers
      1. Ego Imperium likes this.
      2. Ego Imperium
        Ego Imperium
        Bender would join that in a robot heartbeat.
        Apr 21, 2018
        Kross123 likes this.
      3. Kross123
        Ego Imperium Boi, you are the most wholesome I've ever met
        Apr 21, 2018
    6. Kross123
      And I'm back.
    7. Kross123
      Showing my potential for people who do not see it.
    8. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Hey, I can't let Wally use a Fearow in Nintendo RPG because he never used one in the games. His only used Pokemon were Raltz/Gardevior, Altaria, Delcatty, Roselia, and Magneton
      1. Kross123
        I shall right it as needed
        May 22, 2014
      2. Boy Wonder
        Boy Wonder
        I'm editing everyone into the first post now so just let me know who you replace Fearow with and I'll fix your character form.
        May 22, 2014
      3. Kross123
        I'll replace Fearow with Altaria
        May 22, 2014
    9. Kross123
    10. Krowley
      Please go on skype when you have the chance. There is another newcomer, so I need to discuss with you both.
    11. Krowley
      Out of curiosity, do you have Skype, so I can reach you?
      I've started a group for those involved in SOS.
    12. Krowley
      All your character's data and stats are still saved. You can still rejoin the great forest's current mission )(See Guild Hall for details)
      What was the last you can remember doing in this world?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Krowley
        Well the first post is updated as usual, so just find a spot to jump in. The current mission is on display at the guild hall. (Body Guard Mission
        Dec 25, 2012
      3. Krowley
        Finding things alright?
        Jan 3, 2013
      4. Kross123
        Yeah, thanks. I'm gonna post, since I'm all caught up
        Jan 6, 2013
    13. Krowley
      Congratulations, you leveled up in Kingdom Hearts SOS!
    14. Krowley
      It appears Starseeker3 has left the for a long period of time.
      I'm asking SOS newcomers to join the world, so you won't be fighting alone.
      Ryou Misaki has agreed to join you, so feel free to discuss with him if you want;
    15. Krowley
      Please keep in mind Rule 6 when posting;

      6. Minimum 2 lines per post. I do not expect paragraphs, but please add a little more incentive and effort when posting.
    16. Krowley
      New battle has started. You're up.
    17. Krowley
      Hello, just a quick check-in with people who have or are currently participating in the Kingdom Hearts SOS roleplay. My reason for this small update is to try and better the KH experience for members. Is there anything you would like to see more or less of? Any worlds you would like to suggest? Keyblades, Bosses or Summons in mind? Things like that. Reply back soon with your thoughts!
    18. Krowley
      Regarding your last post in SOS, you haven't learned Fire yet >_<
      Sorry for nitpicking, but so far you only know Cure and Thunder.
    19. starseeker3
      VM me when you get this.
    20. Jayn
      Hello again, fellow role player!
      Just a friendly reminder here! Please try to nominate and vote for the KHV Awards this year!

      The role play section of the awards has always been pretty dead, so please try to support us! Nominate your fellow role players, any fun role plays you're involved in (or were at some point during the year), etc. Even if you've already sent in your RP nominations, if there's anything you left blank, try to fill it! There has to be something or someone worthy of nominating from your time role playing this year, hopefully?

      You may recall me doing this last year (or not, if you're new). We actually got more nominations than usual, but let's try to kick it up a knotch and support our community here on KH-Vids. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my absolute best to help you out. It doesn't matter how often you RP, either.

      The nominations thread is here and you can PM your nominations to me.

      Please try to let other role players know as well.
      Good luck and thank you! ♥
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    "Time stops for no one. What we were, we aren't anymore."-Me at some point