muff monkey
Sep 25, 2010
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February 19
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muff monkey

Twilight Town Denizen, from Wonderland

i'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye. Aug 14, 2015

    1. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      i'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye.
    2. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      Hola Señorita ( ‾ʖ̫‾)
      1. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        <3 <3 <3
        hi baby
        Jun 1, 2015
      2. The Fuk?
        Oct 1, 2015
    3. Amaury
      Happy birthday!

    4. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      you're on my tongue like a tab of poison.
    5. Jayn
      Your avatar is adorable. ; u ;
    6. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      i'm in love with the pace and all that you never are.
    7. 61
      +1 for ariel also
      1. muff monkey likes this.
      2. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        :* i'm obsessed.
        Jul 23, 2014
      3. 61
        same. i don't know why. i just suddenly loved her and needed an ava.
        Jul 23, 2014
    8. Ars Nova
      Ars Nova
      Goddamn I missed u girl ; 3; (This is Sforzato/Nouveau Nova btw)
      1. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        aw <3 I'M STILL AROUND. kind of. i have so much on my plate that the only time i want to be on the computer is if i'm watching netflix. ;c
        Feb 5, 2014
      2. Ars Nova
        Ars Nova
        Ahh I gotchu. Well, nice to see you around again at any rate c:
        Feb 5, 2014
    9. Plums
      emmy i miss ur face :c
      also we should play league again sometime if your ever up for it!
      1. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        i'd have to redownload it since i got a new computer, but i'm down! i feel like i'm going to have a lot of snow days this semester and i'm running out of shows to watch on netflix :c
        Feb 5, 2014
    10. Beau
      i didn't know you lived so close to it giiiiiiiiirl i would've been get your ass over here asap lol
      1. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        omg, lol. do you even live in pennsylvania? because IF SO, i never knew that. and i thought it was only me and llave that lived here. :X and i am a huge creeper when it comes to people on khv and living in PA
        Aug 31, 2013
      2. Beau
        i live in nj which is super close!! ^ u ^ and lol i'm the same way about people in nj haha
        Aug 31, 2013
    11. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      hola there
      1. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        hi there lovely <3 btw, i want to study abroad in france!
        Apr 16, 2013
    12. Plums
      no 1 likes ur cooties
      1. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        my mommy said it's bad to tell lies. stahp sinning
        Feb 28, 2013
      2. Plums
        :( but i dun wanna go to the hell
        Feb 28, 2013
    13. Llave
      I now think of you when I hear this song:

      1. muff monkey likes this.
      2. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        oh. no. omg. all of my friends say that, that e-harmony video is mine. I DON'T LOVE CATS THAT MUCH
        Jan 20, 2013
      3. Llave
        Yah neither do I. pfft.
        Jan 20, 2013
    14. SuperHodzic
      My curiosity is getting the better of me but.. who's that in your avatar?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SuperHodzic
        Oh nice, I think I versed her last game, was quite annoying to play against lol.
        Dec 29, 2012
      3. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        haha, versed her in what?
        Dec 29, 2012
      4. SuperHodzic
        Ah, didn't realize she was in WoW, but I versed her in DotA 2.
        Dec 29, 2012
    15. Plums
      muff b me fran
      franz 4 lyf muff
      1. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        Dec 29, 2012
      2. Plums
        Dec 29, 2012
    16. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hey remember me? :) I'd like to talk to you sometime. :)
    17. T3F
      Heyyo! Can you tell me how you did the lighting in your SOTW entry? it looks so amazing!! :)
      1. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        soooo sorry this took so long to reply to. i was not sure how to reply to it because i cheat so badly and have an obsession with overlays. ;-; but like here is the psd for the sora sig ( i kinda like start out with the background colors that i want, and usually make it go from darkest color up to lightest. then i smudge away until i get something that looks pretty decent to me. and then i put overlays on top. :x and the overlay usually coincides with how the original lighting looks. oh my gosh and i just realized you don't have photoshop right now (i think??) so that psd file does absolutely nothing and i probably just confused you so much. ._.
        Dec 29, 2012
    18. Loriah
      Hey there. I saw your Sora signature in Signature of the Week and I've got to say it looks pretty cool.
      1. muff monkey likes this.
    19. Nate_River
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nate_River
        omgcasual ur missing a gem wtf is rong witchu?

        Jokes don't hurt me.
        Oct 11, 2012
      3. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        :'C those gems are like 2k gold and i'm poor
        Oct 11, 2012
      4. Nate_River
        It k. I'm still grinding Heroics and Klaxxi rep for 460 ilevel
        Oct 11, 2012
    20. Finn the Human
      Finn the Human
      Would have responded on the thread, but I just want it to die, it's annoying me.

      I'm not a big true Blood fan because it's too pornographic for my taste, but I haven't seen Game of Thrones, and that show looks fantastic, it's definitely on my list.
      1. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        Oh, there's a lot of naked scenes in GoT, too. :c Just warning you, since it's on HBO and you can't have an episode without at least one sex scene. But it's still really good. It's A LOT better than True Blood.
        Sep 12, 2012
      2. Finn the Human
        Finn the Human
        Well as long as they're not... Ah, nauseating like True Blood's could be. I've heard really good things about Game of Thrones though, and it looks great, so I'm probably going to watch it sometime soon
        Sep 12, 2012
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