Peace and War
Last Activity:
Feb 3, 2019
May 25, 2007
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2:08 AM
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Cisgender Male
Jun 1, 1992 (Age: 32)
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Peace and War

Bianca, you minx!, Cisgender Male, 32

Peace and War was last seen:
Feb 3, 2019
    1. Amaury
    2. Firekeyblade
      Hao eh?
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Or Zeke if you follow the English Dub. And yes, he's a most interesting villain.
        Jul 24, 2013
      2. Firekeyblade
        True true.
        Jul 30, 2013
    3. Sabby
      you're a major spoiler
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        No you're a major spoiler.
        You're like the spoiler in that Game of Thrones episode.
        Jul 18, 2013
      2. Sabby
        You're like the spoiler of that Last of Us game AND the Bioshock Inifite game.
        Jul 18, 2013
      3. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Well.... touché.
        Jul 19, 2013
    4. ShibuyaGato
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ShibuyaGato
        Not really. I'm just trying to mix things up a bit (since, y'know, it can be weeks between messages).
        Jul 9, 2013
      3. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Ah fair enough.
        Well, it can be years without a message for me, so i don't know when things start to change, ha.
        Jul 9, 2013
      4. ShibuyaGato
        Yeah, most of the people who get Postbox messages get them often (which is partially my fault since I contribute to it on occasion). Still, it's not nearly as big as it was when CtR started it up.
        Jul 9, 2013
    5. Amaury
      I'm coming for you. Tee hee.
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        I'll be ready and waiting.
        Jun 12, 2013
      2. Amaury
        Post count in case you're wondering.
        Jun 12, 2013
    6. cloud's buddy
      cloud's buddy
      I've missed you.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Busy with real life and online stuff, not bought much off steam.

        What you get?
        Jul 17, 2013
      3. cloud's buddy
        cloud's buddy
        Skyrim, Killing floor, Serious Sam, Dust, Orcs Must Die 2, Scribblenauts, Max Payne Complete and Fear Complete. I've bought too many games
        Jul 17, 2013
      4. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Woaaaaaah, that's a ton. I think you have about 500 hours of game time altogether. Good luck with that!
        Jul 17, 2013
    7. Amaury
      *sighs* I'm sorry.

      Happy belated birthday, PAW! *goes to The Spam Zone to create a thread*
    8. Amaury
      I love you!
      1. Peace and War likes this.
    9. Amaury
      Hey, PAW.
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Hey amaury, how's it going? Keeping well i hope.
        May 15, 2013
      2. Amaury
        Doing well, thanks.
        May 15, 2013
    10. kitty_mckechnie
      That's what she said.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Probably shouldn't tease me with sexual innuendos unless you want a battle on your hands! : P
        Apr 27, 2013
      3. kitty_mckechnie
        Life is constantly filled with battles! What is one more? BRING IT ON!
        Apr 27, 2013
      4. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Oh so dramatic, kitty cat. Your feisty, feline nature makes me purr purely.
        I'll battle you later, my swords a little.... rusty. : p
        Apr 27, 2013
    11. Amaury
      And how is PAW doing today?
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        You catch me as soon as I head off to be! XD

        I am fine otherwise, finished my last essay this academic year, going to hand it in tomorrow and meet up with a friend i haven't seen in a while, pretty good overall! : )
        Apr 25, 2013
      2. Amaury
        Yay for you! Whoo!

        Bed, huh? It's 11:40 PM for you right now, right? 6:40 PM here.
        Apr 25, 2013
    12. Jayn
      We're post count twins. <3 ≖‿≖
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        I don't want to post, it's too perfect to ruin! : D
        Apr 22, 2013
      2. Jayn
        I know, right? C': Oh well, we're bound to match up again in the future, fufufu.
        Apr 22, 2013
      3. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        It's a challenge, my frenemy! :3
        Apr 22, 2013
    13. T3F
      PaW!!! How have you been lately? I haven't spoken to you in quite a while :)
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Hey my dear, i'm doing alright, bit up and down in life at the moment but alright really.
        How are yo dear?
        Apr 21, 2013
      2. T3F
        Well thats good to know! I'm pretty good tbh, should be sleeping now but its all good lol :)
        Apr 21, 2013
      3. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Ha, sleepiness is understandable considering the time.
        Everything alright with life and exams and stuff? All mellowed out i hope?
        Apr 21, 2013
    14. libregkd
    15. Amaury
      I have a question for you, and I mean no offense by this.

      Are British males more open? I don't mean in terms of sexuality, but in terms of fashion and such. For example, if you've seen the British show Dance Academy on TeenNick, you'll see how the males participate in things like ballet and during sports, they wear really short shorts.

      Again, I mean no offense, so apologies in advance just in case.
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        More open then Americans you mean? I suppose all of Europe is more open then North America, we're not as culturally restrictive and have 'progressed' at a faster rate with openness and acceptance.
        Though that's not everyone, we have extreme, closed off conservatives too.
        Apr 17, 2013
      2. Amaury
        Yeah, more than American.

        If a straight American does ballet, for example, people seem to look at them weird, whereas if a straight British person did that, they wouldn't be looked at weirdly.
        Apr 17, 2013
      3. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        That's a pretty niche example to put forward.

        But we have a film over here called Billy Elliot about a young working class boy who did ballet, and the whole societal acceptance of him and general acceptance of gay lifestyle more so, etc, yadda yards, that might have meant it's not judged so much.
        Chalk it up to European culture.
        Apr 17, 2013
    16. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Fun fact: I was halfway through posting about that derailed thread in the Square Enix section in the Forum Issues thread, and when I went back to get the url, I saw your post. Thanks for getting it.
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Good to know. It was getting off topic since last weekend, I wondered if people would get back on topic or would notify me or someone else before I took action, and when it didn't, well you saw obviously. But thank you for being vigilant. Would make my life easier, ha!
        Apr 12, 2013
    17. Llave
      Great job on the podcast mate. Smashing as always boyo!
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Kind to say, these Chilled Pods are always so long because we get sooooo,off topic though, ha. Hope it wasn't too long.
        Apr 9, 2013
      2. Llave
        no i love that about em.
        Apr 9, 2013
      3. Vagineer
        Love you podcasts! Looking forward for more!
        Apr 17, 2013
    18. Llave
      PaW I was going to come up with something witty, but my mind is in a puddle of unwit.

      heeey also following pfft.
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Long weekend, half asleep. I have nothing witty neither. blughhhhhhh
        Apr 8, 2013
      2. Llave
        seems we are at our wits end. ;D
        Apr 8, 2013
    19. Amaury
      Sent you a contact request on Skype, if you don't mind. c:
    20. libregkd