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Jan 27, 2025
Jun 23, 2010
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Tired Dad
December 25


Superless Moderator, Tired Dad


Just me and the bots, we're starting a band. Dec 23, 2023

Llave was last seen:
Jan 27, 2025
    1. Amaury
    2. Cherry Berry
      1. Llave likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Llave
        :'D <3333333
        May 21, 2013
      4. Cherry Berry
        Cherry Berry
        oh how I've missed you :'DDDD <3333333
        May 26, 2013
      5. Llave
        I miss u more cherr berr <33333333
        May 26, 2013
    3. ShibuyaGato
      Ohey Drew!

      Just wondering if you'd like to be part of another Who-cast this year. You know how the ladies like dat Llaveman~
      1. Kharg likes this.
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      3. Llave
        Thanks for the links! I have the season pass on iTunes, but I have to get around to downloading them. I have Hide, but I have to watch it yet. Everything else needs to be downloaded. pfft.
        May 20, 2013
      4. ShibuyaGato
        Haha, no problem at all. As soon as I found them, I knew I was golden for editing and unlimited feels. ;-;

        But really, the finale is amazing and perfect. Get on it ASAP~
        May 20, 2013
      5. Llave
        yes ma'am!
        May 20, 2013
    4. Amaury
      So today marks two weeks. I'm planning on going back to Amaury. Think you could have the Angelo avatar ready by tonight at the latest?

      If not, I can stay as Kharg until you can. No problem at all. c:
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        Only relatively good one, I mean.
        May 20, 2013
      3. Llave
        oh ok. Yeah its a pain if it's hard to find good size pictures, but if I find anything else I'll play around with it.
        May 20, 2013
      4. Amaury
        May 20, 2013
    5. Jiηx
      Just a follow up on the tattoo conversation, images more so than characters are better appreciated, minimalize having humanoid faces, faces tattoo really awkwardly most times, animal faces work better though, so don't worry too much about them. Also on the colour scale of things lets try and focus more on darker colours, for sleeves on men darker colours work better, women do the lighter stuff well.
      1. Jiηx
        It can still be images that are bright normally, but maybe toned down a bit in their colouring for the sake of the overall piece, nothing should really stand out on its own in a sleeve, more so the whole thing should blend nicely, like good coffee. I know this is a long time in the making but just some starting ground.
        May 19, 2013
      2. Jiηx
        Also how totally gay is 420 character limits? Staff should totally get that to fuuuuck.
        May 19, 2013
      3. Llave
        Ok I think I get what you mean. I was kind of going on that approach to begin with, I've seen too many fail tattoos to ever think on adding a lot of detail, especially when it comes to faces and the likes.

        yeah that stupid staff should definitely do so. Da hail do they think they are?
        May 19, 2013
    6. strfruit
      1. Llave
        why thank you dearest honey bunny boo ba babykins :'D

        The same to you!
        May 16, 2013
    7. Amaury
      I got WOTD and QOTD late today.

      Would you be a dear and make comments so I don't have to wait until this time tomorrow? c:
    8. Amaury
      1. Llave
        How dare they B|
        May 14, 2013
    9. Amaury
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        Oh, I thought he meant a certain amount of time after a user registered. Oops.

        Anyway, Llave is not a sexy red!
        May 14, 2013
      3. Amaury
        May 14, 2013
      4. Llave
        lol good catch on that typo ;D
        May 14, 2013
    10. Droid
      WHHHY if it isn't my big brother ventured up into the ranks of the blood coated masters of the site.

      Hello darling, missed me?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Llave
        Oh goodness, like it's night all day e'rry day. ;D

        Ah very nice very nice. What position are you at your store?
        and math eewwww but it's good that you got money to take courses, getting yer edgimacation. :B
        May 15, 2013
      3. Droid
        Plus it's actually cold in the basement so I can thrive in my cave. The problem is I'll dress for late November thinking it's cold outside and melt into a puddle a few feet out the door..

        Deli actually, probably the most taxing position in the store. :D It's nice though, love my coworkers. Eventually I'm going to see about getting cross trained in costumer service and other departments.
        Yeah I apparently "have" to finish this particular course so bleh. The cost is actually pretty fantastic with Georgia's hope scholarship, plus I'm at a technical college, great school, but not as enormous as UGA or GaTech.
        May 16, 2013
      4. Llave
        pfft good lord, you're all turned around down there, it's dark and cool but in the real world it's hot and light out lol.

        Ah nice, I work in the Produce department at my supermarket branch. (Doubt it's the same store company though; Giant food Stores.)

        Ah that's good to hear though, hope the best for ya with your academics!
        May 16, 2013
    11. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Well, aren't we looking sexy
      1. Llave likes this.
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      3. Llave
        aye a common mistake I'd say. Don't be upset over the matter however.
        May 13, 2013
      4. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        So how are ye?
        May 13, 2013
      5. Llave
        A lot better now that I took my 5 hour name lol. (I gotta stop myself or I'll keep sleeping and then be up from like 3am-whenever.

        How about you?
        May 13, 2013
    12. ShibuyaGato
      I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite avatar on the Citadel.

      You'll understand in ME2...
      1. Llave
        omg prophecies o:
        May 13, 2013
      2. ShibuyaGato

        But seriously, ME2 has some of the most memorable dialogue options. <3
        May 13, 2013
    13. Amaury
      1. Llave

        I have moderation permissions in the spamzone and playground. I've had it for about 2 sum weeks now.
        May 13, 2013
      2. Amaury
        I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.

        Oh. The Staff Team page just says Graphic Art.
        May 13, 2013
    14. Amaury
      I see London; I see France. I see Llave's awesomeness.
      1. The D likes this.
      2. Llave
        Dost that make Llave's awesomeness a city as well? o:
        May 12, 2013
      3. Amaury
        If you want it to.
        May 12, 2013
    15. Amaury
      Pretty Llave.
      1. Llave likes this.
      2. Llave
        May 10, 2013
    16. Dinny
      omg llave babbu congrats on the red!! sorry this is late cry
      it's mighty sexy and suits you very well c;
      1. Llave likes this.
      2. Llave
        Aww its ok~

        Thank you thank you ;A;
        May 10, 2013
    17. Amaury
      KH-V went down for a few minutes earlier and then it was really slow for a while.

      Punish it for being bad! :3
      1. Llave
        Ok lemme just access the Admin Control Pa- oh wait...
        May 10, 2013
      2. Amaury
        May 10, 2013
    18. Amaury
      11:22 PM here, which means 2:22 AM for you.

      Go to bed! c:
      1. Llave likes this.
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      3. Amaury
        Yeah, that was my time in the previous post, so 5:38 AM and 5:52 AM for you.

        In other words, you just lied. You were up until around 6:00 AM! You're a liar, liar, pants on fire! c:
        May 9, 2013
      4. Llave
        well excuUUUUUuuse me. It was all a haze lol.
        May 9, 2013
      5. Amaury

        Or in the words of Patrick, "Liar, liar! Plants for hire!"
        May 9, 2013
    19. Amaury
      1. Llave
        Whoa man :B
        May 8, 2013
    20. Amaury
      Venting is relieving.

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  • About

    Tired Dad
    December 25
    Past Usernames:
    Llave de Espada / Hyperion / Llaverion


    @Llaverion on Discord
    I PEAKED IN 2014
    Best Super Moderator | Best Overall Member
    Literally nobody:
    Premium Section:

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