Last Activity:
Jan 31, 2014
Dec 30, 2012
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Here and There.
Vocalist. Writer. Roleplayer. Future Cosplayer.


Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, from Here and There.

Toxicity was last seen:
Jan 31, 2014
    1. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey, it's the Hero of Time. I don't follow Homestuck, but I understand the typing quirk.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Toxicity
        He uses the double I because of the Zodiac sign being that of Gemini. The twins. That's why he has 2 sets of double horns and 2 sets of double fangs. He changes the 's' into 2's because of his lisp., and he changes 'to' and 'too' into 'two' for the same reason. The lisp.
        Yeah ... I may have went too far. ._.
        Nov 6, 2013
      3. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        No, it makes sense. I'm actually more interested in the characters than the comic itself.
        Nov 6, 2013
      4. Toxicity
        Hmm ... I find that strange. But at least you take interest in something in relation to it.
        Nov 6, 2013
    2. Vagineer
      Nice avatar pic.... :3
      1. Indecypher likes this.
      2. Toxicity
        Oh thanks.
        May 21, 2013
    3. Labrys
      Oh hey you!
      It's me K3y it's been awhile! xD
      1. Indecypher likes this.
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      3. Labrys
        Yeah you can say that haha.
        Out of curiosity what kind of games do you play?
        May 20, 2013
      4. Toxicity
        Uhm ... Well ... I like CoD ... Minecraft ... GTA ... NFS ... LBP .... o_O .... Sims .... Happy wheels .... Spyro hah. Uhm ... That's all I can think off at the top of my head. What about you?
        May 21, 2013
      5. Labrys
        Oh im sorry if that question is inadequate, im just curious. c:
        Oh I play Halo, COD, Blazblue, Dishwasher, Arcade games, RPGs, Skyrim, and suchforth. See I got an xbox, ps3, and a wii.
        Say have you played KH?
        May 21, 2013
    4. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey girl, what's up? It's hero of time as a prem ^.^
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Toxicity
        Well good for you.
        May 17, 2013
      3. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        I love your avatar xD
        May 17, 2013
      4. Toxicity
        Oh, haha, thanks. c:
        May 17, 2013
    5. Arch
      What prompted you to make that thread? I'm curious. You're obviously in favor of not stopping space exploration. ...Your avatar makes me want to make a face back at it.
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      2. Arch
        But dogs bark at stuff. D: Kitties just have furballs!
        May 20, 2013
      3. Toxicity
        But they are adorable! And my dogs bark all the time and all I ever want to do is just ... Crawl in a corner and die. It gets really annoying. x_X
        May 21, 2013
      4. Arch
        I like to hug my dog when she barks. Her fur stands up and she gets all fluffy. XD
        May 21, 2013
    6. Labrys
      Omg I haven't seen you in awhile!
      How are you my friend?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Toxicity
        Hmm, what is that one about?
        Mar 3, 2013
      3. Labrys
        It's a fighting game, a sequel to Persona 3 and 4
        Mar 3, 2013
      4. Toxicity
        Ahh, I see then, ok. Well, it doesn't really sound too interesting to me...
        Mar 3, 2013
    7. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey Toxic, what's up?
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      2. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        Sounds fun.
        Jan 13, 2013
      3. Toxicity
        I guess so, the process was very time consuming, but oh well. It was worth it for the most part.
        Jan 13, 2013
      4. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        It usually is, same with my drawings.
        Jan 13, 2013
    8. Labrys
      Hmmmm for a new member here your not that bad. I like you. Smarter than most of the *******s here.
      1. Toxicity likes this.
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      3. Toxicity
        Troll? Hmm, I don't think I have ever been considered a "troll" under any other forum.
        Jan 3, 2013
      4. Labrys
        Oh god I can already imagine you telling me off in the future XD
        Jan 3, 2013
      5. Toxicity
        Why would I tell you off? People who earn my respect now, have my respect in the future.
        Jan 3, 2013
    9. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      I like you. Best new member we've had in a while. We've already met, but yeah, just wanted to say that.
      1. Toxicity likes this.
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      3. Toxicity
        No one really cares about logic, people so so many illogical things that they just gave logic a bad name. So, no one uses proper logic. Hardly.
        Jan 3, 2013
      4. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        That's true. Especially on this site.
        Jan 3, 2013
      5. Toxicity
        This site seems intriguing.
        Jan 3, 2013
    10. Labrys
      Oh god you're funny :)
      1. Toxicity likes this.
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      3. Toxicity
        How would you get banned, if anything I would for that Rant thread, but I didn't really bash on, or call out another member, so how would that work?
        Jan 2, 2013
      4. Labrys
        Because I lost my temper and lashed out on the member. I already received my final warning. So basically I could get banned real quick.
        Jan 2, 2013
      5. Toxicity
        You must have done it privately because I don't see where you did in that thread.
        Jan 2, 2013
    11. TheOnlyChuJelly
      Hey! :). I just started a Kingdom Hearts LP on my channel and I was wondering if you could check it out. I won't force you to, but if you do and like what you see by all means subscribe. Again I won't force you to do anything. Just thought you'd like a channel with some Kingdom Hearts :)
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  • About

    Here and There.
    Vocalist. Writer. Roleplayer. Future Cosplayer.
    I could type out a few things. Giving you a general idea about me. Or., you could just get to know me or something. Yeah., that sounds better. I like talking to people anyways~

    I never did know what to put in these things anyways..


    Sollux Captor
    Mage of Doom