Last Activity:
Apr 17, 2022
Mar 4, 2013
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Apr 5, 1994 (Age: 30)
Wonderful World of Disney
Actor, Writer, Donut Finisher, Coffee-Slinger


Avatar by Xerona, 30, from Wonderful World of Disney

PayPal reminded me this place is still up Oct 10, 2020

Sebax was last seen:
Apr 17, 2022
    1. Sebax
      I have a new word processor. I'm writing again.
    2. Sebax
      Performances are over. Netflix at home. Scrubs is awesome; never got to watch it sequentially.
    3. Sebax
      KH 1.5 HD Remix is better than sliced bread.
    4. Glen
      Was going to post in SOS, but it's 2am here and I'm tired as hell. Figure even if I post now, it'll only count for the 4th for me, so i'll post when I wake up (don't get attendance for the 3rd though)
      1. Sebax likes this.
      2. Sebax
        Thanks for being honest, buddy.
        Apr 3, 2014
    5. Sebax
      Everybody wants to be a cat!~ Playing Gus, the Theatre Cat, in an upcoming production of "Cats". So happy!
    6. Sebax
      Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Happy Holidays! Shake Up the Happiness~
    7. Odamadillo
      Hello Sebax I have heard some good things about you so I thought I'd introduce myself.
      I am Odamadillo but you can call me Oda. I have seen people call you Base may I?
      1. O.KnightofTwilight and Sebax like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Odamadillo
        So nice to meet you Base.
        Dec 24, 2013
      4. Sebax
        Reciprocated, Oda. Anytime you feel like chatting, feel free to shoot me a PM.
        Dec 24, 2013
      5. Light-Rune Maven
        Light-Rune Maven
        Ah. I had not thought that you 2 might not be acquainted. Good to see you finally meet. :)
        Dec 29, 2013
    8. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      Hello Base! I like your Christmas avatar!
      1. Sebax likes this.
      2. Sebax
        Thanks, I actually added something to it before the crash.
        Dec 23, 2013
      3. Light-Rune Maven
        Light-Rune Maven
        Oh! That's cool. (and cute. It is stitch after all.)
        Dec 23, 2013
    9. Sebax
      I wish people would write replies to my stories. Le sigh.
    10. Sebax
      As of 2 last night, Chapter 4 Part 2 of Based Forward was worked on until its halfpoint. The first time I've done anything since June for BF
    11. Beucefilous
      You missed the seven of hearts being taken out in my last post.
      Toward the end of the first paragraph.
      1. Sebax likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Sebax
        I'll just leave it for now. The Master Sheet has been altered to fit the data given, so it'll appear with the next update I give. Post if you can, because we have a lot of work to do.
        Oct 15, 2013
      4. Sebax
        At some point, we should make sure Krowley gets a chance to post, but trust me... we could go at this, just you and me, and it would still take many turns for us to deplete the cards. x_0
        Oct 15, 2013
      5. Beucefilous
        He'll probably be able to get in a post before we finish lol
        3 more posts and we'll be at roughly halfway.
        I wanted to post a lot because i'm trying to grind back that exp i missed from when i couldn't post.
        Oct 15, 2013
    12. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      ... I miss you Friend....
      1. Sebax likes this.
    13. Sebax
      I presented Based Forward as my Senior Project, and now that school is just about over, I can focus on it again. Ch 4 has been updated.
      1. FloodofTwilight34 likes this.
      2. Light-Rune Maven
        Light-Rune Maven
        My technical difficulties still makes writing difficult on my computer, But I am FINALLY near finished with chapter 3.
        Jun 30, 2013
    14. mindstorm787
      Uncle crusty strikes again.
    15. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      I just thought I'd let you know before one of the staff say something that you can't have multiple images in your sig. unless you're a premium member. ( I'm getting away with it only because I talked to Misty and both my images are small, and there's only two. ) Just thought I'd keep you from getting yelled at. :]
      1. Sebax likes this.
    16. Firekeyblade
      Okay I finally finished that story of yours. I would love if you ever decided to finish it to maybe rewrite it? Because it does have potential but I'm sure you've greatly improved since then.
      1. Sebax likes this.
      2. Sebax
        Indeed, I think I have. It is one of the old stories I want most to recreate, but for now, I want to finish my current fanfiction before taking on another. I don't want to make the same mistake I made last time where I made too many fanfictions, got distressed, then gave up on them all because it was impossible to keep track of all of them. What I really liked about that old story though was the humor; my younger self actually my older self laugh, and not by an embarrassing accident, so I'm pretty proud of that.

        Thanks for reading!
        May 9, 2013
      3. Firekeyblade
        I was just interested in the whole traveling through stories thing. Seemed pretty interesting. Also the mission was never revealed.
        May 9, 2013
      4. Sebax
        I'd have to reread and see if I can remember for that one. xD
        May 9, 2013
    17. Sebax
      A month later and I still haven't updated "Based Forward". x.x
      1. FloodofTwilight34 likes this.
    18. Sebax
      Trying to wrap up Aqua's Journal in BBS today; it's been a year since I finished T's&V's. @.@
    19. Sebax
      Watching a film about Dance Legend Gene Kelly. I'm getting in shape for a hopeful job with a local theater; mentally and physically.
    20. Jayn
      Hey, Cupid's Brew will have a Skype chat going for further discussion and bonding. If you have a Skype and would like to be added, you can either add me to Skype or send me your name. 8) Important updates and such will still be posted in the OOC thread!
      1. Sebax likes this.
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  • About

    Apr 5, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Wonderful World of Disney
    Actor, Writer, Donut Finisher, Coffee-Slinger
    Past Usernames:
    BamaSebastian; BaseSebastian;
    Default Name:




    Wonderful World of Disney
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