Princess Rapunzel
Last Activity:
Oct 10, 2022
Feb 14, 2007
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Jun 28, 1993 (Age: 31)
Keyblade Princess

Princess Rapunzel

Flower, gleam and glow, Female, 31, from Corona


In honor of the Tangled Series having ended, I'm the best princess now Mar 7, 2020

Princess Rapunzel was last seen:
Oct 10, 2022
    1. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey! You weren't on Skype that day, and I just remembered, so happy Belated Birthday!
    2. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      Time Judged All~
    3. StardustXtreme
      Just came back from Turkey! Heading home now, will be on sometime tomorrow, jet lag by two hours and right now its 1:37 am and wont arrive home til 2:30 am.

      So my time to be online maybe later than usual.
      1. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        Welcome back! -hugs him tightly-
        Jun 10, 2013
    4. StardustXtreme
      Heading out now, see you in a week. Love ya lots!
    5. StardustXtreme
      Hey, I'll be on soon, my wireless adapter kinda needs a fix as it doesn't seem to want to connect, well that adn the last two days I wasn't on due to a arguement again, just won't be on today it seems.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. StardustXtreme
        You may have to wait a bit more, mom's kinda trying to fix the problem so anytime you saw onlien and I quickly log off is due to clickign SKype off before she focuses on it.

        The problem seems to lie in the wirless adapter, only reason I get online if thanks to a hardwire cable, cause my computer seems to completely reject the adapter right now, so Mom's focusing on fixing it up but it's being very stressing.

        Hopefully the situation will resolve today then I can use it, but for now, you lot will have to wait until it's sorted, so anytime I quickly turn off after logging on is due to to switching Skype off so Mom can work on the computer, plus, it'd be handy if she didn't see the responses.
        May 23, 2013
      3. StardustXtreme
        An Update to my problem..

        It seems the Internet in Gran's is down, for how long, we do not know, my mother's tried eveything possible with the Adapters we all have to access the Internet, but ti seems Wireless is the only alternative currently and my Laptop's Wireless Function is broken hence, I use a adapter to access it.

        I'm currently using my PS3's Wireless to access the Internet which is how I'm commuicating right now.

        I know there are RP's waiting for my responses as well Skype's chats but unfortnately, this is the at best, what I can do at the moment, sending messeges via PS3, trust me, I hate this as much as anyone else does but this is a place where wifi can be bad as it's on the edge of it.

        As for now, I can proabbaly access Skype with my PSP as it has a tab for it but as for RP reponses, not so much hope there, I may have to ask you to take control of the characters until I'm able to access the net with my Laptop again, hopefully those in charge or whatever can fix this annoyance.
        May 24, 2013
      4. StardustXtreme
        Pt II:

        I apologize for making you all wait and such but there's literally nothing I can do right now, I just pray this will be sorted before Monday 3rd of June comes along when I'll set off for my holiday.

        Only thing I can do is play the waiting game for the Wifi to be fixed, or if I am asked over to Robert's for a day for now.

        I miss you very much and the Skype chats along with the RP's which I hoped to enjoy for my time down here but sadly, it's a patience game right now.
        May 24, 2013
    6. SmashFan127
      I was nervous about the idea that Siegfried would be waiting for Kazari right around a corner. What about you?
      1. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        Just do it if you really want to do it.
        May 17, 2013
    7. SmashFan127

      Was wanting to discuss the mission with ya.
      1. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        What would you like to talk about?
        May 5, 2013
      2. SmashFan127
        How/When it would be wise to approach Philip. I was worried about asking, because I had a feeling you would snap.
        May 5, 2013
      3. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        It wouldn't be for awhile until the time is right to capture Philip. I mean, they did just retrieve the mission. It's best to wait a while until I decide the time is right.
        May 5, 2013
    8. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Umm, so Devil May Dine was destroyed, lots of people killed and injured, and constructors came and rebuilt it just like that in the span of a few hours? Not how I expected a tragedy to be responded to
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        Well I've been away for a few days, which is why I just noticed it now. Besides, I did mention that police, ambulances, and firefighters were at the area, meaning this is a serious issue (in the plot)
        Apr 30, 2013
      3. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        Yeah, I should edit it. In honesty, I'm not good with serious stuff sometimes.
        Apr 30, 2013
      4. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        That's fine.
        Apr 30, 2013
    9. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Pretend I'm Rassilon. Now please explain to me why the Crystal Order should care about Philip so that I know how to respond in my next post with Rassilon.
      1. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        In Kamen Rider W, Philip was saved by Shotaro and Narumi a year prior to the start from a certain organization who went after them to get him back. Since I put that Philip was prisoner to the Crystal Order and saved from them by Shotaro, I thought maybe they would want the only one with the ability to look up anything in his mind back.
        Apr 11, 2013
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        Thanks for the info. I'll be sure to mention that in my next post
        Apr 11, 2013
    10. Lite
      Hey there, I've been informed that the picture I used for Setsuna's theme is incorrect (He's apparently older than he is in Cove currently, and the Gundam in the background is also wrong). If you'd like, I can find a more accurate picture and re-upload the theme. If you don't mind, that's also fine, I just thought I'd ask and make sure.
      1. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        Sure, that would be fine.
        Apr 5, 2013
    11. burnitup
      AHey G. Just thought I drop in and say hi. :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. burnitup
        Mar 30, 2013
      3. Princess Rapunzel
        Mar 30, 2013
      4. burnitup
        Any case, I'll just leave you with this~!
        Mar 30, 2013
    12. StardustXtreme
      Using a MSI, hating this screen and decided to just respond to PM's or convo's for now until laptop's power lead is plugged in again.

      Downside? 2 hour timelimit and be downstairs with computer, at least I'll make sure that doesn't happen at my relatives as it's borning countryside there, especially with Rob on a friday hopefully.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Princess Rapunzel
        Mar 14, 2013
      3. StardustXtreme
        Or so I thought, seems like the Laptop needs to remember the wireless previously used, and mom won't look at it, so have to wait until tomorrow -sighs- How utterly annoying, didn't use the MSI though, I wanted a chance to chance up on my folders and written fanfictions.
        Mar 14, 2013
      4. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        I hope you get on soon.
        Mar 15, 2013
    13. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      First of all, thanks for the explanations in that last post XD
      Also, I might've missed/forgot this detail, but Moody has an adoptive daughter?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        oh wait, I must've read it wrong. When you said adoptive father's class, I guess you meant the class he was taking, not what he was teaching
        Mar 7, 2013
      3. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        I just realized I meant for Algebra 2 where Kirito really is. ^^; Forgetfulness must strike every once in a while.
        Mar 7, 2013
      4. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        But no worries, unless it's super ungert or plot-relevant, the Imagin will not find the Command Center.
        Mar 7, 2013
    14. CrownMoksha
      Finally know were your profile picture is from
    15. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I wanna post another flashback when Zordon finally picks his recruits, but a couple of StardustXtreme's characters are included. And he hasn't been online for sometime. Any ideas?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        If that's the case, can you hold it for just a bit. I just need to post something with Zordon and Alpha to set it up. Also, should the evnts have happened a year before, or 3 years when the plan was first thought of?
        Mar 5, 2013
      3. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        I think it would be best to have it a year before, because Shotaro and Philip became Kamen Rider W a year prior to the start of the series.
        Mar 6, 2013
      4. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        One year, got it. Once I post the flashback, you can have all the characters we talked about arriving at the command center
        Mar 6, 2013
    16. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Did you change Rainbow Dash's schedule from the one I originally had, or is it still the same?
      1. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        I haven't changed it at all.
        Mar 3, 2013
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        Ok, just checking since her 2nd period class is Algebra with Professor Moody
        Mar 3, 2013
    17. Lite
      Just thought I'd point out that in your last post, there's nothing left to fight in the Reaper Dig Site. When Dark's two new characters came in, they killed it, so the coast is clear for the time being.
      1. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        Thanks. I was bit lost.
        Feb 28, 2013
      2. Lite
        No problem. Happens to the best of us.
        Feb 28, 2013
    18. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Could I have links to the Images that you used for the Ponies' human forms? I need them to design their outfits ^.^
      1. Princess Rapunzel
    19. SmashFan127
      I need your honest opinion. Do you miss Sagas?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SmashFan127
        You aren't into fighting demons in other crossovers then? Started on a new project.
        Feb 20, 2013
      3. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        Please, just leave me alone. I have nothing to do with you anymore.
        Feb 20, 2013
      4. Labrys
        Labrys HoT was right.
        Feb 23, 2013
    20. Labrys
      Out of curiosity, does rping get tiring after a while?
      1. Indecypher likes this.
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  • About

    Jun 28, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Keyblade Princess
    Past Usernames:
    Aerith G., WhiteRose-Aki, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Kimberly Ann Hart, Princess Kairi
    Lets' give this profile a overhaul, it's been simple for a long time so how bout visitors get to know me and what I am like.

    I am just your avenge female otaku gamer, and also I am a writer and role-player, so if you want to see what I have done, visit my profile and my forum, Dimensional-Explorer, through my signature. I also have a twitter, Facebook, and tumblr, though I rarely post anything on those.

    With that out of the way, lets see what I like and what makes me, well, me:

    Favorite genre: Action, Role-Playing Games, Romance, Musical, Comedy, Crossover

    Favorite series (book): Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narina, Disney Princess, Power Ranger comics

    Favorite TV series (LA/Cartoon): Power Rangers, The Twilight Zone, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Doctor Who, Ducktales (2017), Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Voltron

    Favorite TV Series (Anime): Naruto, Ouran Host Club, Madoka Magica, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Sailor Moon

    Favorite Movies: Howl's Moving Castle, Beauty and the Beast (1991 & 2017), Cinderella (1950 & 2015), Frozen, Schindler's List, Kingsglavie: Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Balto, Star Wars

    Favorite Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Tommy Oliver, Kimberly Ann Hart, Elsa, Anna, Esmeralda, Nala, Emma Goodall, Gia Moran, Luka Millfy, Ahim de Famille, Gai Ikari, Aerith Gainsborough, Tifa Lockhart, Riku, Xion, Kairi, Namine, Roxas, Rose, Doctor (10th), Serena Tsukino, Rini

    Favorite Video Game: Final Fantasy (IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2, Lighting Returns, XIV, XV), Kingdom Hearts, Shadow Hearts, Pokemon, Devil May Cry, Persona, Blue Reflection, Tales of series

    Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese, Pizza, Pocky, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Pop-Tarts

    Preferred Pairings: Harry x Hermione, Cloud x Aerith, Riku x Kairi, Yuna x Tidus, Tommy x Kimberly, Serena x Darien, Haruka x Michiru


    PS Network ID:
    Discord ID:


    <3 you forever, my Guy!
    Mario's High School Days Wiki/My Profile/Dimensional Explorer
    "Miracles are things we make for ourselves, here and now."-Oerba Dia Vanille, Final Fantasy XIII
    "I return..... to where I must....."-Kuja, Dissidia -Final Fantasy-
    "There are more important things, like friendship and bravery."-Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
    On my own... pretending he's beside me........ - Eponine, Les Miserables
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