T A F F Y シ
Last Activity:
May 18, 2019
Jun 9, 2008
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8:49 PM
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Aug 29, 1993 (Age: 31)
Home Page:
France, Marseille

T A F F Y シ

Hollow Bastion Committee, Female, 31, from France, Marseille

Don't really know what to do anymore on KHV. Oct 5, 2012

T A F F Y シ was last seen:
May 18, 2019
    1. Chie Satonaka
      Chie Satonaka
      Where are youuuuuu???
      1. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        awwww I'm right here babe ;3 I should be on skype more, gomen :'''[
        Apr 14, 2013
    2. Chie Satonaka
      Chie Satonaka
      1. T A F F Y シ likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka
        hmmm since our time zones are different.... you're in UK right? I'm online around 2pm to 3am for you on the weekends. weekdays probably 7pm to 3am... more or less.
        Apr 6, 2013
      4. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka
        my favourites are:

        - Tokiya (OMG YOU TSUNDERE wwwwwww)
        - Ittoki (KAWAII~~~~)
        - Syo (Kawaii Ore-sama Ochibi-chan)
        - Ai (Kawaii voice - Shouta Aoi)
        - Ren (wwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3 must I say anymore? Call me kohitsuji-chan any time Ren-sama~~~~!!!!)
        - Ranmaru (Oh god. Tatsuhisa Suzuki.... your voice.... >__<)
        - Reiji (Onii-chan chara senpai. I need someone like that in my life.... T^T)
        - Natsuki (KAWAIIi~~~~ his other is pretty hot too.)
        - Cecil (KAWAIIIIIIII NUKOOOOOOO~~~~~~~ :3c <3)

        basically everyone. just not a fan of masato. not my type.

        and here are the pairings~~~
        - Tokiya x Otoya
        - Ren x Masato
        - Syo x Natsuki

        i have no clue about the senpai though.... probably Ranmaru x Reiji and Ai x Camus. depends on who you're talking to... but definitely those pairings for only STARISH.
        Apr 6, 2013
      5. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        Waits for you on skype 0-0 Well those are usually times I come on skype so I must find you on one day. im online right now so yeah *Waits for yoooouu* omg you pair Tokiya x Otoya good good my sisters loves otoya, he is so her type haha xD omg i need to watch this show all of them are so loved! must make time :'''D
        Apr 6, 2013
    3. Chie Satonaka
      Chie Satonaka
      Taffyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! Have u watched this weeks ep of utapri?????????? (≧∇≦)wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG~~~~ both the op and ed are amazinggggggggggggggg~~~~~~~~~~~~~ kyahaha~~~~~~~~ I was rolling around my bed and squealing like a little girl. You'll see why during the opening concert scene~~~~~~~~>/////////////<
      1. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        Bless you soul!!! <3 I will have to watch it soooon! MUST SPAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ FOREVER! :'''D WAIT FOR ME CHIE-CHAAAANN!
        Apr 4, 2013
      2. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka
        Daijoubu! I'll wait, so we can spaz over it together~~~ I had to pause it like 20 times during the doki doki moments and fangirl... -__-''''
        Apr 4, 2013
    4. Chie Satonaka
      Chie Satonaka
      Just warning u I'm gonna send some pics over Skype. They're utapri related~~ it was from April fools day so they're gone.... Check them out~~ the characters modelled for PRIQLO (a parody of UNIQLO lol). The graphic tees look soooooooo pretty~~~ so when u have the time log onto Skype nee?
      1. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        Hai, wakarimasu! I will be going on logging on today to check it ;D bring on the pretty boys! :D
        Apr 4, 2013
      2. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka
        Apr 4, 2013
    5. Chie Satonaka
      Chie Satonaka
      UTAPRI S2 and KARNEVAL TOMORROW~~~~~ (subbed version hopefully)

      YOU GET TO WATCH IT BEFORE MEEEE (if you do watch it on TV), cuz you're in Kyoto right now right?
      1. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka
        hmmm... but they're on really late...... like karneval is on at like 2am.....
        Apr 2, 2013
      2. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        OMG save me Chie! I can't bear to watch it aaahhhh!!! might kill someone again :P oh god I wish I was back in kyoto but nope im back in the UK so we get to probably watch it at the same time besides even if I watch it on television (like what i did with tamako market) then probably i will get lost and just spazz when the characters have a sexual contact or some sort! Wahoo! let us prepare ourselves!
        Apr 2, 2013
      3. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka
        Ohhhh ok then! Lets watch it together and spaz on here~~ gotta finishy homework then!! *fired up*
        Apr 3, 2013
    6. Chie Satonaka
      Chie Satonaka
      Heeeyyyyyyy have u watched the last episode of ZetsuTem??? I totally ship yoshino and hakaze. Bet mahiro might end up with that girl he saved. Lol
      1. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        YES OMG so busy I can't go on skype sorry ;-; but yes! I ship them no, yep I kinda like yoshino now, romantic *******! :P but i also secretly ship yoshino and mahiro together, wonder who was that girl he saved! kept looking at the previous episodes to find her. also i felt sooooooooo damn happy for hanemura! such an adorable boy, who would dump him, stupid *****!
        Apr 1, 2013
      2. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka

        ikr~~~~~ hanemura-kun is sooooo kawaiiiiiii. i always feel like patting his head everytime i see him.... (nade nade). i'm glad his girlfriend reconsidered~
        Apr 2, 2013
      3. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        i actually hate his girlfriend, btich came back after he got popular and saved the world ... hope money was not involved in this one to.but yes! let's pat him together!!!! D'''': OMG I LOVE THE PAIRING, YUM!
        Apr 2, 2013
    7. Chie Satonaka
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka
        Btw u still need to accept my request...
        Mar 27, 2013
      3. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        I dont go on skype anymore cuz I use google+ but I will come on to accept ya in awhile. wow omg so excited I will definitely watch karneval (yaoi onegai!) didnt watch UtaPrince season 1 wait is this season 2 or something? and spazzzzzzzzz
        Mar 27, 2013
      4. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka
        It's season 2 this time. S1 was about the main character going to the music school. S2 is probably gonna be on the group's debut cuz their senpai show up.
        Mar 28, 2013
    8. Chie Satonaka
      Chie Satonaka
      O__O Have you watched this week's episode of zetsuen no Tempest??!! there was a "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" point in it.....
      1. T A F F Y シ likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka
        Hopefully, they'll do a second season based off the next game. There's a third game coming out soon too.

        But there is a line up of Diabolik Lovers and this other otome (don't remember the name...) I will look for the anime site and tell you later.
        Mar 27, 2013
      4. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        This is gonna be interesting to see.. please more screen time for SHIN ... that boy is adorably beastly.
        Mar 27, 2013
      5. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka
        Ukyo is my favourite, as well as Ikki (cuz Kishou-sama voices him). Then it's the yandere-ish Touma... Like I find that weird, but I'm ok with it (cuz he's 2D. 3D I will beat the guys butt and get the hell outta there) lol
        Mar 27, 2013
    9. Chie Satonaka
      1. T A F F Y シ likes this.
      2. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        Commented ;]
        Mar 21, 2013
      3. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka
        Mar 26, 2013
    10. strfruit
      Your quick sketch of Judal is AH! AMAZING!! :3
      Makes quite the excellent avatar for you.

      It is definitely nice to have a fellow Magi fan!
      So much love for the manga and anime!

      ( in very late reply to your thread. My apologies.)
      1. Chie Satonaka and T A F F Y シ like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. strfruit
        Ahh! So behind in this convo! ;___; Have been unable to get on. My apologies!

        So many amazing voice actors you two are talking about <3!!! My goodness! Love them all! I sadly have not seen InuBoku or KuroBasu. Recommend?

        Ahh! The new Magi episode....what! They totally messed up the plot. Very upsetting. If there is only one episode left, they have A LOT to fix up in 25 mins. -sigh- Alibaba-kun.......;^; Nuuuuu!
        Mar 28, 2013
      4. Chie Satonaka
        Chie Satonaka
        Strfruit, U HAVE TO WATCH KUROBASU!!!!! (≧∇≦)it's soooooo good!!!!!!
        Mar 31, 2013
      5. strfruit
        Hahaha! I will have to now! :D
        Apr 4, 2013
    11. Llave
      Taff ilu bby hope you're doing great and stay super~
      1. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        Hey Llave! <3 Hope your great as well cuz I am. Just being a bit more busy then usual xD Thank you for your message =^^=
        Feb 9, 2013
      2. Llave
        (y i no reply D: )
        Aww well I hope you're still doing great~
        Feb 21, 2013
    12. Plums
      1. View previous comments...
      2. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        I did and I am still having a bit in my last days in japan. I'm going for my last manga and anime shopping today v-v How about you plums? How have you been doing?
        Jan 29, 2013
      3. Plums
        Mar 2, 2013
      4. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        MR.PLUMS *feeds you plums* <3
        Mar 2, 2013
    13. TheOnlyChuJelly
      Hey! :). I just started a Kingdom Hearts LP on my channel and I was wondering if you could check it out. I won't force you to, but if you do and like what you see by all means subscribe. Again I won't force you to do anything. Just thought you'd like a channel with some Kingdom Hearts :)

    14. Llave
      1. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        awwwwwww thank you! <3 it put a smile on my face :'D i thought you were leaving kh-vids after reading that :O
        Nov 19, 2012
      2. Llave
        Ah wasn't me who posted that. If you don't know already, the postbox is that of a "game" in which members PM me messages and I post them there and inform the recipient about it. An anonymous way to either have fun, cheer someone up, or whatever else people feel like doing.
        Nov 19, 2012
      3. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        well it definitely cheered me up buddy. thank you ^^/
        Nov 23, 2012
    15. Doc
      Sorry I haven't been on Taffy! Lord two mid terms and a term essay going to be the death of me! How are you doing? Made any interesting art lately?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        yaay! i missed you v-v please come on skype sometime :D I'm doing fine and you? ahhh thank you! <33 i can show you how to use them ^^/
        Nov 17, 2012
      3. Doc
        What time do you usually come on? I know our time lines are just a bit off but if I'm on late at night will it be convenient for you? XD And Yay! Schools almost over it's time to be artsy! Teach me the ways of copic!
        Nov 29, 2012
      4. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        Where do you live babe? I never see you on much .. I'm in Japan btw so the time zone might be a big difference. yes yes i will teach you glady <3!
        Dec 1, 2012
    16. Llave

      How u gurl? :'D
      1. View previous comments...
      2. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        Ah really! Congratulations haha i know exactly how this feels cuz i got mine this summer hehe and it was amazing! Wow so you gonna start driving everywhere now?
        Oct 11, 2012
      3. Llave
        I'm gonna have to, well to work and school at least. But yush I will be able to get some food when I need it... WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT :'D
        Oct 11, 2012
      4. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        luckky :'[ I hope I still remember how to use the car, haven't been riding it much hehe. OMG FOOD! SO MUCH FOOD YOU CAN BUY AND PUT IT IN THE CAR INSTEAD OF CARRYING IT HOME YES! but then you'll get fat :[ damn.
        Oct 12, 2012
    17. Doc
      From today on lets be friends yes? ^__^ Put that frown upside down!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        haha that is actually the origin of my name! I love taffy I used to eat it every single day until my teeth went all bad so I had to fix them haha :P

        oh we should definitely show our drawings to each other! Ah okay then i will wait for you add buddy! :3
        Oct 9, 2012
      3. Doc
        Is it really? So cool! My names boring and you get naked after candy. You lucky girl. =D
        I can't wait to see your amazing talent! I'm adding you today promise! I had midterms.....
        Oct 10, 2012
      4. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        its alright! i hope the mid terms went well for you dear.
        ahahaha omg candy is like a drug xD especially taffy ;]
        ahhh i can't wait to start chatting with yooouu and share out works!
        Oct 11, 2012
    18. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      Don't really know what to do anymore on KHV.
    19. Plums
      omg that person in your avatar looks really familiar

      I feel like I know what thing they're from but asdfghjkl; :C
      1. View previous comments...
      2. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        ah i hope you feel better by now Mr.plums! no worries sir! spelling mistakes are only an illusion.

        It's didn't come in the end .. yay! :D
        Oct 1, 2012
      3. Plums
        I STARTED TO. Thank ye Madam Taffy. :D

        And woop woop! I say you celebrate with a mighty feast. A feast meant for a HURRICANE QUEEN. alsooo alsplums24@hotmail.com add on msn qurl
        Oct 5, 2012
      4. T A F F Y シ
        T A F F Y シ
        I actually am feeling sick now haha.

        MR PLUMS giving me your msn is indeed a great thing to happen but sadly I don't use msn .. skpye would be the one. taffyvib is my skype its a black and white picture of me and my sisters .. also my location is the same. :3
        Oct 6, 2012
    20. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      Not really.
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  • About

    Aug 29, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Home Page:
    France, Marseille
    A sheep in human disguise.


    l Deviantart l A rt T umblr l T witter l P ixiv l

    Done by the Jayn.

    Officially owns Moshi's bewbs !
    Married on 11/11/12.
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